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Micro and Macro NMR Spectroscopy: Polymers to Man Chaired by F. A. Bovey, AT&T Bell Laboratories 9:00 C-13 and N-15 NMR Analy­ sis of Molecular Motion in Solid Poly­ mers and Proteins. J. F. Shaefer, Monsanto Co. 9:40 Two-Dimensional NMR Analysis of Polymer Microstructures and Conformation. P. Mirau, AT&T Bell Laboratories 10:40 Microscopic and Spectro­ scopic NMR Imaging. P. C. Lauterbur, State U of New York 11:20 Magic-Angle Spinning NMR in the Study of Surfaces. G. E. Maciel, Colorado State U

J. A. Knopp and I. S. Longmuir, North Carolina State U 2:30 Fluorescence Immunoassay with a Photodissociative Label. S. G. Schulman, J. S. O'Neal, and T. Teague, U of Florida 3:00 Bacterial Fingerprinting Us­ ing Multiparameter Fluorescence Techniques. I. M. Warner, T. M. Ros­ si, C. Pau, and G. Patonay, Emory U 3:50 Applications of Fluorescence Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry. M. Geacintov, New York U 4:20 Fluorometric Study of the R to Τ Transition in Hemoglobin. K. Korkidis, Spex Industries New Horizons in Gas and Liquid Chromatographic Separations Chaired by I. S. KruU, Northeastern U

Advances In Separation Techniques Chaired by H. J. Issaq, PRI-NCI/Frederick Cancer Research Facility 9:00 Separation of Dipeptides Using a |8-Cyclodextrin Bonded Col­ umn. H. J. Issaq, PRI-NCI/FCRF 9:15 Preparative LC with Full Gradients and the RI Detector at the Iso-RI-Temperature. V. Berry and P. Salinas, Salem State College 9:50 Micro-HPLC: New Develop­ ments in Fused-Silica Packed Col­ umns and Flame-Based Detectors. F. J. Yang, Varian Instrument Group 10:45 Liquid Chromatography of Geometric Isomers of Substituted Nonatetraenoates—Structure-Reten­ tion Relationships. P. Kucera and R. Ashley, Hoffmann-La Roche. 11:20 Separation of Water-Soluble Macromolecules by Field-Flow Frac­ tionation. J. J. Kirkland and W. W. Yau, Du Pont

2:00 High-Performance Polymer­ ic Reversed-Phase Column. J. R. Benson and D. MacBlane, Interaction Chemicals Inc. 2:20 Routine System for Direct Reductive Mode, Gradient Elution LCEC. G. Koski, W. A. Jacobs, and

R. E. Shoup, Bioanalytical Systems 2:40 Microbore HPLC/Capillary GC: A Novel Approach to Complex Separations. T.V. Raglione, S. D. Fa­ zio, H. S. Hsu, T. R. Floyd, and R. A. Hartwick, Rutgers U 3:00 Programmed Cryofocusing for Analysis of Food and Pharmaceu­ tical Volatiles by Splitless Capillary GC. T. P. Wampler and E. J. Levy, Chemical Data Systems 3:40 Capillary Supercritical Fluid Chromatographic Analysis of Poly­ mers. C. M. White, C. P. Wagner, R. M. Ravey, and R. K. Houck, Suprex Corp. 4:00 Chromatographic and Spec­ tral Properties of Polydimethylsiloxanes Cross-linked by Gamma Radia­ tion. W. A. George and E. F. Barry, U of Lowell 4:20 GC/MS Confirmatory Meth­ od for Albendazole in Cattle Liver. T. I. Wishousky and R. Y. Wang, SmithKline Animal Health Products 4:40 Quantitative Analysis of Vol­ atiles in Polymers Using Dynamic Headspace and Capillary GC/MS Techniques. K. R. Elmendorf, AT&T Technology Systems

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Poster Session Instrumentation, General Electrochemistry, and Bioanalysis

Thursday Afternoon Biomedical Luminescence Analysis Chaired by M. L. Grayeski, Seton Hall U 2:00 Quantitative Fluorescence Video Microscopy of Biological Sam­ ples: In Vivo Oxygen Measurements. CIRCLE 216 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 57, NO. 11, SEPTEMBER 1985 ·

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