Recent advances in the teaching of elementary chemistry center around the following activities: (1) the American Chemical Society, (2) the College Board, (3) new textbooks, (4) new kinds of texts, (5) a study of the art of teaching chemistry, (6) activities of high-school chemistry teachers, and (7) summer courses for teachers of chemistry. The Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society has been actively interested since its inception about five years ago in the three-fold problem of (1) high-school chemistry, (2) college freshman chemistry, and (3) the correlation between the two. The Division's main committee, called the Committee of Chemical Education and composed of high-school chemistry teachers, college chemistry teachers, and technical chemists, has drawn up "A Standard Minimum High-School Course in Chemistry." This Minimum Course was submitted a t the September, 1923, meeting of the Association, adopted tentatively, and printed in School Science and Mathematics and in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. I t was brought before about thirty thousand highschool chemistry teachers throughout the country with requests for criticism. New England teachers turned in some very timely and helpful suggestions. Acting on all these, the Committee revised the List of Topics to put it in accord with the majority opinion of those most concerned, and the revised course was published again in May, 1924. Since then numerous comments have been made that the List of Topics was still too long. Consequently, a t the Philadelphia meeting last September the Committee recommended the deletion of several topics, and the recommendation was adopted. The Committee realized from the first the wide divergence in content of high-school chemistry and has striven to list only the essential topics which are common to all localities so that the teacher may have time to develop those phases of the subject which are of local or seasonal interest. The Committee does not presume to say that the chemistry course should he the same in all high schools, but it does feel that all such courses should accomplish two things: (1) give the student an intelligent grasp of the minimum essentials and fundamental principles underlying the subject, and (2) start the mind to working in a logical and scientific manner. The Committee has all along felt that its best service was to ascertain what few topics from the vast number unfolding to us in our science were considered fundamental and to use what influence it might have to give the teachers the time necessary for developing other topics. This is far from making high-school chemistry a dry, standardized subject. 'Read before the Science Division of the Maine Teachers' Association, Oct. 29,1926.
In those states where the high-school graduate does not step without examination into the state university, the College Entrance Examination Board wields a considerable influence in determining what shall be taught in the high school. The Board tries not to be dogmatic about this. Instead, it adopts as its definition in chemistry, as in other subjects, those topics which a commission, appointed by the Board and consisting of both high-school and college teachers, agrees upon as essential. During the past two years the definition has been undergoing close scrutiny a t the hands of a Revision Committee which considered its main function to be (1) to select those topics which are fundamentally essential, (2) to eliminate time-honored topics on which it was difficult to ask questions, (3) to reduce the amount of ground to be covered by the examination to such an extent that the teacher can develop his course with extra topics suitable to his locality and pupils. In this way it was hoped that the college preparatory student would get the so-called "interesting" parts of chemistry usually included in the course given to the non-college student. At the same time the non-college student was likely to get a knowledge of the fundamental principles. Thus it is hoped that the ninety per cent who do not go to college will get a better idea of the meaning of chemistry and will take with them from their highschool chemistry enough of the subject to enable them to understand and to cope better with the problems they meet in their daily experiences. The new definition is not far different from the American Chemical Society high-school course. High-school chemistry texts have in the past been dominated by the college-entrance requirements. It was also only natural that a t first all of the texts should be written by college teachers who have never taught in the high school. The next step was a high-school text written by high-school teachers to meet the college entrance requirements. Finally we come to the stage where the occasional high-school chemistry teacher stands out above the general run of chemistry teachers and, relieved of having to direct athletics or teach two, three, or four subjects not related to chemistry, is therefore able to study the job of presenting elementary chemistry to his pupils most efficiently. He finds that teaching high-school chemistry is far from teaching the subject out of textbooks, and he gets an insight into the peculiarities of the job that no college teacher could ever hope to get. When such a teacher brings out a chemistry text, it is safe to assume that he is expressing the results of some real research into the problem of teaching high-school chemistry. Several such books have appeared during the past few years, notably one from the Atlantic Coast, another from the Middle West, and a third from the Pacific Coast. These show that the authors clearly realize that teaching highschool chemistry in the best way is far from administering an abbreviated
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college freshman course in inorganic chemistry to their pupils. The texts show that the authors have studied carefully the best topics to present, have tried out various methods of presenting these, and have developed better teaching devices. New kinds of tests are a direct result of the study of how best to present elementsry chemistry. Numerous kinds have appeared recently: e. g., the plus andminus test, the true and false test, the incomplete sentence test, the "choose one" test, the placement test, the equation test, and probably several others. Some of them go by the names given above and some bear the name of the originator. Many of these are admirable so far as they go, hut unfortunately some of them do not go very far. For occasional use they have their value but they must he used with caution. Too much seems to be claimed for some of them. Some seem to be designed primarily to shorten the time of the teachers used in correcting them. Laying a strip of paper appropriately marked with pluses and minuses alongside of the pluses and minuses placed by the pupil before separate statements in a printed list can hardly give the teacher the same impression of the pupil's knowledge that reading full-sentence statements does. I t seems a doubtful policy to put incorrect statements in print before a student, as it is hard enough to get some students to read a correct statement and then repeat it correctly. Another danger in true and false tests is that sometimes a question may he correctly answered by either of two diametrically opposite answers according to the view of the pupil. Much work must plainly be done on these tests in order to make them thoroughly satisfactory measures of a student's achievements. Certain equation tests are valuable because they embody a careful search of texts in common use to determine what equations are generally found in the texts. One of the best types of short tests that I have heard of consists of short, definite questions, each of which must he answered by one short but complete sentence. A study of the art of teaching chemistry has been touched on under texts by highschool teachers who have studied closely how best to teach chemistry. This art is being studied critically--on the one hand by investigating professors in certain teachers' colleges, and on the other hand by those high-school teachers who are fortunate enough to work under principals and superintendents who are awake to the possibilities of science teaching in high schools. In certain teachers' colleges, investigating professors are doing valuable work in studying the problem The work of S. R. Powers, a t Teachers' College, New York City, should be mentioned in particular. That this sort of testing must he most carefully done is shown by the fact
that even Powers slipped a little in some of his investigations. He sought to ascertain how successfully high-school chemistry was being taught by selecting a limited number of schools in a few states and testing the scholars by means of questions which :wed to test the memory in many cases rather than the ability to think chemically. The danger here is that any conclusions drawn may easily be thought by some to apply to the whole field more accurately than they warrant. Powers has investigated very carefully the technical terms used in elementary science and finds some startling results: (1) Of 1900 unusual terms found in two very widely used chemistry texts, nearly 30% were used less than three times, and only 12% were used in both books. (2) Next to biology, chemistry uses the largest number of uncommon words. (3) More than half the uncommon technical words used in high-school science texts could be eliminated without loss to teacher or pupil. Lists of words and periodical articles reveal much more work done along this line by Powers. In line with this the Committee on Chemical Nomenclature of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society is working on terms which might be stricken out of high-school chemistry. I t is also advocating more accurate definitions for the terms actually used. Dr. A. P. Sy, University of Bnffalo, is eager to get opinions of teachers on this point. Visual Education is entering the field of high-school chemistry. The Division of Chemical Education has a committee working on this and their reports may be expected before long. A very helpful device for the teacher is to take the chemistry class through local industrial plants and to explain the chemistry involved in order (1) to make chemistry more real to the students, (2) to arouse their interest, and (3) to show the vital relation of the subject to national prosperity. As to content implied in better teaching these items might be mentioned. Teach general principles so far as possible and let each new experiment or reaction illustrate some general principle. H. F. Davison says that lecture experiments should "drive home general methods and general principles as far as possible" instead of being merely spectacular. Further, teaching too many isolated facts leads to confusion. Therefore, group the facts as much as possible. Use the Periodic System if you love this tool. Some think the electromotive series or displacement series a better aid in that it teaches or classifies among other things (1) the occurrence of metals as free or combined, (2) general methods of metallurgy, and (3) the reactions between a metal and acids.
If you teach much on metals, group the metallurgy around the four general methods of extraction, instead of letting the student get the idea that each metal has a method of extraction all its own very different from that of other metals. Here are some items which the wide-awake teacher will probably hear in mind: (1) laboratory work to accompany the textbook for, unfortunately, there still exist schools where chemistry is taught without laboratory work, (2) the proper order of laboratory and textbook work, (3) the proper proportion of time devoted to each, (4) the most appropriate and efficient selection of experiments to avoid play in the lahoratory and to form the proper underpinning for a body of chemical knowledge, (5) inclusion of the right amount of quantitative experiments, (6) more educative guidance by the teacher in the laboratory, (7) sufficient time for the teacher to prepare for the laboratory work, (8) development of scientific methods of thinking or reasoning rather than allowing the laboratory period to be a period of mechanical test-tubing, (9) giving full clock-hour credit to both student and teacher for the laboratory period, because an hour honestly and faithfully spent in laboratory work and properly supervised, guided, and quizzed is worth an hour to both teacher and pupil, (10) a fair inspection of the notebook, and (11) the recognition that solid chemical knowledge is gained from personal contact with chemicals and their reactions followed by proper digestion of the facts thus obtained. Teachers of elementary chemistry are associating themselves more than ever with organizations of chemistry teachers, are investigating methods and devices with a more critical mind, and are taking an active part in crystallizing their findings into working procedure. Chemistry teachers' organizations are now usually well developed. Nearly every state in the Union has such an organization. formed sometimes in connection with the state teachers' association, sometimes associated with the local sections of the American Chemical Society, or as in New England, as regional divisions of some parent society such as the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers. The help gained by the exchange of ideas in such an organization cannot be estimated. These ideas may well deal with some of the topics just mentioned under the art of teaching. Summer courses for chemistry teachers have undergone radical changes from the former intensified r&sum&sof inorganic chemistry to (1) a consideration of methods, devices, and procedures, which have actually been tried and found to work in the hands of the high-school teacher, (2) a comparison and sifting of these, and (3) a step toward making the teaching of elementary chemistry a profession by itself. Some of the topics considered in recent summer-school courses on how
to teach chemistry are: (1) desirability of drawing information out of the student instead of telling him, (2) use of questioning in connection with lecture experiments, (3) emphasis on general principles rather than on isolated cases, (4) energy and the rAle it plays in chemical reactions, (5) grouping data around the electromotive series, (6) use of comparison in studying certain substances: e. g., oxygen and sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus, (7) selecting quantitative experiments with reference t o the ability of students to get worthwhile results, (8) use of brief, simple, essential questions, (9) avoidance of long, vague, trivial questions, and those requiring yes or no answers, (10) qualities that make for effective teaching: e.'g., not too close dependence on the text, knowing more than you are to teach, carrying on experimental work of your own of which the students have knowledge, exercise of fairness, patience, and leadership, (11) better definitions of chemical terms, (12) teaching the preparation of such acids as hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, nitric, and hydrogen sulfide as one topic, (13) general methods of the preparation of soluble salts, (14) general methods of the preparation of insoluble salts, (15) advantages and disadvantages of starting with tangible or intangible substances: e. g., with the metals or with the gases, (16) familiarity with good points in laboratory planning, laboratory equipment, and laboratory appliances, (17) books for the teacher, (18) books for the scholars,. and (.19) preparation of the teacher for the job of teaching high-school chemistry. In conclusion, let me suggest that the most marked advances in the future will probably be due to the activities of the high-school teachers themselves coupled with a critical and broad examination of the methods in use and the results of the teaching as manifested in the kind of chemical information and scientific methods of thought carried out by the highschool students as they leave high school either to enter college or to take their places immediately in the non-college l i e of the community.