Recent Legislation Relative to Explosives in the ... - ACS Publications

vehicle of any description operated by a common carrier, which vessel or vehicle is carrying passengers for hire: Pro- vided, That it shall be lawful ...
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NOTES A N D CORRESPONDENCE. TABLE V. 80 grams 160 grams 240 grams 320 grams 400 grams

liquid XH3 left after evaporation 0.003 gram. liquid XH: ieft after evaporation 0 . 0 0 3 gram. liquid h-II3 left after evaporation 0.003 gram. liquid XH3 left after evaporation 0.005 gram. liquid NH3 left after evaporation 0.007 gram. Residue froni evaporation 0.00175 per cent. Ammonin by difference 99.99825 per cent. The residue consisted of iron oxide shown b y potassium ferrocyanide, and little lubricating oil.

With ammonia of this purity, the experiments of Lange and Heffter have been repeated. The results I have given in Table 111. I n addition a series of samples containing variable, but known quantities of benzol, pyridine, alcohol, and water have been evaporated in the new apparatus, and the residues left after evaporation have been ascertained as given in Table VI. TABLEVI. % Alcohol, Benzol. Pyridine. %pyridine. Alcohol. Water. Gram. Gram. Gram. Gram. Gram.

Evaporated with liquid NH3






.. ...... . . . ...... . . . .... .. . , .

0.258 0.178 0.077

0.142 0.135 0.084

0.142 0.131 0.117

0.099 0.089 0.077

0.077 0.066 0.061

With 300 cc. 1 grams. .. evaporated per cent.

0.513 97

0.361 55

0.390 40

0.265 39

0.204 30

First 1OOcc. Second 100 cc Third 100 cc..


From this table it is evident that the quantities of the additions which evaporate with the ammonia decrease if less of the addition is present. Table VI1 shows the same results differently TABLEVII. Benzol

Pyridine 3

present. per cent. of ammonia.

evap., per cent of ben201.

1.50 0.65 0.34 0.11

59 49 66 84



Water -



present, evap., present, evap., present, evap., per per per per per per cent. of cent. cent. of cent. cent. of cent. ammoof ammoof ammoof nia. pyridine. nia. alcohol. nia. water. 1.00 0.81 0.64 0.47

24 22 26 22

1.00 0.84 0.72 0.61

17 14 15 16

1.10 0.84 0.75 0.66

11 11 11 11

arranged. I t gives the proportion of the addition evaporated with the ammonia to the total amount of the addition present before the evaporation, and a marked difference is observed between benzol on the one side and pyridine, alcohol, and water on the other. While the percentage evaporated seems to be the same for varying quantities of the addition present in the case of pyridine, alcohol and water, it increases rapidly with a decreasing addition of benzol. The limit of accuracy of this mode of testing has been ascertained in a special series of experiments as follows : For For For For

water to alcohol t o pyridine to benzol to

0.002 0.006 0.009 0.110

gram gram gram gram

in in in in

100 grams 100 grams 100 grams 100 grams

ammonia. ammonia. ammonia. ammonia.


I n other words, IOO cc. samples of liquid ammonia containing these additions, leave, upon evaporation, a visible residue of a t least one milligram. HERFA N D FRERICHS CHEMICAL Co., ST. LOUIS,M O .


NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. RECENT LEGISLATION RELATIVE TO EXPLOSIVES IN THE MAIL AND TRANSPORTATION. The act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States published as (Public-No. 3 5 0 ) and (S. 2982), approved March ;, 1909 and taking effect January I , 1910,provides under offenses against the Postal Service. Sec. 2 1 7 . All kinds of poison, and all articles and compositions containing poison, and all poisonous animals, insects, and reptiles, and explosives of all kinds, and inflammable materials, and infernal machines, and mechanical, chemical, or other devices or compositions which may ignite or explode, and all disease germs or scabs, and all other natural or artificial articles, compositions, or materials of whatever kind which may kill, or in any wise hurt, harm, or injure another, or damage, deface, or otherwise injure the mails or other property, whether sealed as first-class matter or not, are hereby declared to be nonmailable matter, and shall not be conveyed in the mails or delivered from any postoffice or station thereof, nor by any letter carrier; but the Postmaster-General may permit the transmission in the mails, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe as to the preparation and packing, of any articles hereinbefore described which are not outwardly or of their own force dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property: Provided, That all spirituous, vinous, malted, fermented, or other intoxicating liquors of any kind, are hereby declared to be nonmailable and shall not be deposited in or carried through the mails. Whoever shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited for mailing or delivering, or shall knowingly cause to be delivered by mail according to the direction thereon, or at any place at which i t is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, anything declared by this section to be nonmailable, unless in accordance with the rules and regulations hereby authorized to be prescribed by the Postmaster-General, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than two years, or both; and whoever shall knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited for mailing or delivery, or shall knowingly cause to be delivered by mail according to the direction thereon, or at any place to which i t is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, anything declared by this section to be nonmailable, whether transmitted in accordance with the rules and regulations authorized to be prescribed by the Postmaster-General or not, with the design, intent, or purpose to kill, or in anywise hurt, harm, or injure another, or damage, deface, or otherwise injure the mails or other property, shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than ten years or both It provides under the offenses against Foreign and Interstate Commerce.


T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y . June, 1909

Sec. 232. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or order, or other declaration, or without informing the agent convey any dynamite, gunpowder, or other explosive, of such carrier of the true character thereof, at or before between a place in a foreign country and a place within or the time such delivery or carriage is made. Whoever shall subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, or between knowingly violate, or cause to be violated, any provision of a place in any State, Territory, or District of the United this section, or of the three sections last preceding, or any States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the juris- regulation made by the Interstate Commerce Commission diction thereof, and a place in any other State, Territory, in pursuance thereof, shall be fined not more than two thouor District of the United States, or place noncontiguous sand dollars, or imprisoned not more than eighteen months, to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, on any vessel or or both. vehicle of any description operated by a common carrier, Sec. 236. When the death or bodily injury of any person which vessel or. vehicle is carrying passengers for hire: Prois caused by the explosion of any article named in the four vided, That it shall be lawful to transport on any such vessel sections last preceding, while the same is being placed upon or vehicle small arms ammunition in any quantity, and any vessel or vehicle to be transported in violation thereof, such fuses, torpedoes, rockets, or other signal devices, as or while the same is being so transported, or while the same may be essential to promote safety in operation, and properly is being removed from such vessel or vehicle, the person packed and marked samples of explosives for laboratory knowingly placing, or aiding or permitting the placing, examination, not exceeding a net weight of one-half pound of such articles upon any such vessel or vehicle, to be so each, and not exceeding twenty samples a t one time in a transported, shall be imprisoned not more than ten years. single vessel or vehicle which is intended for the transportaSection 341, under Repealing Provisions, repeals the act tion of passengers for hire: Provided further, That nothing entitled “An Act to promote the safe transportation in interin this section shall be construed to prevent the transportastate commerce of explosives and other dangerous articles, tion of military or naval forces with their accompanying and to provide penalties for its violation,” approved May munitions of war on passenger equipment vessels or vehicles. thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight. CHARLESE. MUNROE. Sec. 233. The Interstate Commerce Commission shall formulate regulations for the safe transportation of exMETHOD OF ANALYSIS FOR MASSECUITES AND plosives, which shall be binding upon all common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce which transport MOLASSES. explosives by land. Said commission, of its own motion, The analysis of massecuites and molasses is one of the or upon application made by any interested party, may most difficult problems in sugar analysis, for with most make changes or modifications in such regulations, made methods, even a moderate speed can be attained only with desirable by new information or altered conditions. Such more or less loss in accuracy. I n the course of analysis regulations shall be in accord with the best known pracof about two thousand samples by the author, several differticable means for securing safety in transit, covering the ent methods were tried and found unsatisfactory, and finally packing, marking, loading, handling while in transit, and the following modification of one of Spencer’s methods’ the precautions necessary to determine whether the material was devised. when offered is in proper condition to transport. Such The use of a refractometer for determining the density, regulations, as well as all changes or modifications thereof, or Brix, of the sample is of course preferable to the method shall take effect ninety days after their formulation and described here, but in laboratories where a refractometer publication by said commission and shall be in effect until is not available, it is hoped this method will be found of use. reversed, set aside, or modified. Weigh out 125 grams of the sample in a n ordinary nickel Sec. 234. It shall be unlawful to transport, carry, or tare, add a little hot water-zo or 25 cc. if the tare will hold convey, liquid nitroglycerin, fulminate in bulk in dry con- that much without danger of slopping over-and stir thordition, or other like explosive, between a place in a foreign oughly with a small pestle, made by heating and flattening country and a place within or subject to the jurisdiction of the end of a heavy glass rod. A molasses will thus be readily the United States, or between a place in one State, Territhinned down so it can be poured into a flask. A massecuite tory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous must be stirred until all lumps are broken up and the molasses t o but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, and a place in .adhering to the sugar crystals is all dissolved. The conany other State, Territory, or District of the ‘IJnited States, tents of the tare can then be poured into a flask and the or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction tare washed out, using a second portion of hot water if necesthereof, on any vessel or vehicle of any description operated sary. The flask should be a 500 cc. one, graduated, with by ’ a common carrier in the transportation of passengers as wide a neck as possible. After the contents of the tare are all washed into the flask, fill the flask half full of water or articles of commerce by land or water. Sec. 235. Every package containing explosives or other and shake till all the contents are dissolved. I n a factory dangerous articles when presented to a common carrier laboratory where several samples are run a t one time, the samples can all be transferred into the flasks and turned for shipment shall have plainly marked on the outside thereof over to the helper to dissolve. the contents thereof; and it shall be unlawful for any person After the sample is completely dissolved, fill the flask to to deliver, or cause to he delivered, to any common carrier the mark with the coldest water available, and shake thorengaged in interstate or foreign commerce by land or water, for interstate or foreign transportation, or to carry upon any oughly. Unless a large amount of hot water has been used vessel or vehicle engaged in interstate or foreign transporta- in dissolving the sample, and transferring i t to the flask, the diluted sample will be ready for analysis without further tion, any explosive, or other dangerous article, under any 1 Spencer’s “Handbook for Sugar Manufacturers.” p. 147. false or deceptive marking, description, invoice, shipping