Reduction of cyclohexanone with sodium borohydride in aqueous

A beginning organic chemistry experiment that involves the reduction of cyclohexanone with sodium borohydride in aqueous alkaline solution...
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Reduction of Cyclohexanone with Sodium Borohydride in Aqueous Alkaline SolutionA Beginning Organic Chemistry Experiment Sodrum hunrhydridc r e d u r t i m t ~ an t aldehyde ur ketone is a frequently used experiment i n a heginning organic zhrmistry laborstvry.' Hecause students in our lnlmratory ublained very y w r yields of cyclohexamd using a p n r e d u r p invol\,ing thesodium borohydridr rrduction ofryrluhrxanone in inethanol slabili,ed with sodium mcthuxdt., acs