reeve angel

98% of all particles 2 microns and above... without the need for additional filter aids. Made of borosillcate glass microfibers, bonded with a resin, ...
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TUBES A major innovation in laboratory filtration Whatman Laboratory Filter Tubes are unlike any other filtering device you have ever used. They provide fast, efficient clarification of liquids such as organic solvents, acids, and bulk solutions found in your laboratory. With them, you can remove 98% of all particles 2 microns and above... without the need for additional filter aids. Made of borosilicate glass microfibers, bonded with a resin, complete with a polypropylene end plug and connector... resistant to chemical attack, with an upper temperature limit of 150°C . . . can be used with most acids, alkalis, and organic solvents . . . combine high filtration efficiency with fast flow rate. Filter Tubes offer many other advantages: • require no operator attention during filtration process • reduce fire and health hazards • avoid spillage risks • keep ancillary filtration equipment to a minimum

...for immediate delivery . . . direct and V-belt drive

FUME HOOD BLOWERS! L O W C O S T Kewaunee fume hood exhaustand auxiliary-air blowers in most desirable volumes and pressures are immediately available from stock. An eight-page detailed folder illustrates and lists the entire line, plus motor star+ers. Please let us send the 8-page folder.



4 0 4 3 Logan St.

For further information, write for our free Laboratory Filter Tube leaflet.


reeve angel

9 Bridewell Place, Clifton, New Jersey 07014 14 New Bridge Street, London, E.C.4.



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