Regis Chemical Company

and E. Ovalbumin. How Supplied. REXCHROM columnspacked with 3- or 5-micron 300-A materials are available with. €4, C8, and C18 bondings. Write For. ...
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For Fast Protein HPLC

NEW PRODUCTS Electrophoresis. Brochure describes electrophoresis products, including in­ strumentation, power supplies, re­ agents, blotting and hybridization apparatus, and hybridization mem­ branes. 13 pp. Fisher Scientific 425


Prep LC newsletter. ScaleUp con­ tains information on rapid desalting of hydrophobic peptides, prep HPLC in­ strumentation, and theory of prep HPLC scale-up. 4 pp. Separations Technology 426

In less than 90 seconds, the amazing REXCHROM 1-cm 3-micron 300-A ODS column gives a baseline separation of standard proteins. In 15 minutes, with slower gradient and lower load, the same column can yield excellent resolution.


Escalab 200-X is a selected-area XPS system that features high-precision electron optics capable of transferring electrons from the sample to the analyz­ er with an image resolution of 25 μιτι. VG Instruments 402

Fast Resolution Mode Mode Each figure showsfivepeaks: A. Ribonuclease; B. Insulin; C. Lysozyme; D. Myoglobin; and E. Ovalbumin. How Supplied REXCHROM columns packed with 3- or 5-micron 300-A materials are available with C4, C8, and C18 bondings. Write For • Full details on REXCHROM line of superior bonded spherical silicas • Regis new Chromatography catalog

ReGIS Regis Chemical Company 8210 Austin Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 312/967-6000

Sample preparation. Bibliography contains more than 500 published ref­ erences on solid-phase extraction. Pharmaceutical, biomedical, clinical, environmental, industrial, and food analysis applications are included. Analytichem International 427 Newsletter. The Supelco Reporter, Vol. VII, No. 2, contains articles on the monitoring of toxic airborne com­ pounds, ion-exchange separation of simple carbohydrates, and a high-reso­ lution capillary column for complex hydrocarbon mixtures. 12 pp. Supelco 421

Stable isotopes. Catalog features deuterated compounds and NMR solvents. 13 C-labeled compounds for NMR and biochemical tracer studies, including a selection of 13C amino acids and inter­ mediates, are also listed. Chemical Dy­ namics. 430 Chromatography. Catalog features analytical, semiprep, and prep col­ umns; products for chiral separations; ion-pairing reagents and buffers; and GC and HPLC derivatization reagents. Procedures and applications are dis­ cussed. 128 pp. Regis Chemical 429 Scientific equipment. Catalog in­ cludes balances, bottles, pH meters, cells, desiccators, dissolved oxygen an­ alyzers, electrodes, plasticware, safety equipment, and thermometers. 55 pp. Markson Science 431 Biotechnology. Catalog lists approxi­ mately 3000 products for chromatogra­ phy, electrophoresis, oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis, amino acid analysis, spectrophotometry, and mo­ lecular biology. Pharmacia LKB Bio­ technology 432

Chromatography. Brochure discusses the theory and applications of the cen­ trifugal partition chromatograph, which can be used to separate and puri­ fy pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, pet­ rochemicals, and a variety of other sub­ stances. 4 pp. Sanki Laboratories 422

Stable isotopes. Catalog includes heli­ um, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon stable isotopes. 13C-, 1 6 0-, 1 7 0-, 1 8 0-, and 15 N- labeled compounds are also listed. 60 pp. Isotec 433

Safety. Wall chart is a reference guide for preparing and understanding mate­ rial safety data sheets. Step-by-step explanations of each MSDS section and a glossary of commonly used terms are included. Lab Safety Supply 423

Chromatography. Catalog features high-resolution chromatography prod­ ucts, including columns, gas traps, moisture traps, flow meters, pressure gauges, Soxhlet extractors, syringes, and valves. 141 pp. J&W Scientific 434

Polymers. Application notes discuss polymer identification, including anal­ ysis of polyolefins by pyrolysis GC, thermal degradation of polymers in air, and capillary GC of polyolefin pyrolysates. Chemical Data Systems 424

Scientific products. Catalog features chromatography media, columns, and instruments; disposables for liquid handling; and products for electropho­ resis, blotting, sample preparation, and immunology. 184 pp. Bio-Rad 435


1, 1988