Registration Form, 20th Annual Summer Symposium - Analytical

May 22, 2012 - Registration Form, 20th Annual Summer Symposium. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (4), pp 42A–42A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60248a743. Publication Date: ...
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PROGRAM Wednesday Morning, June 2 1 SPECIFIC ION ELECTRODES Joseph Jordan, Presiding

9:00 Introductory Remarks and An­ nouncements 9:15 Analytical Potentiometry with Ion-Selective Electrodes. G. A. Rechnitz, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, Ν. Υ. 10:15 Intermission 10:45 Theory and Practical Applications of Anion Selective Rubber Membrane Electrodes. E. Pungor, University of Chemical Industries, Veszprem, Hun­ gary Joseph Β. Piatt Campus Center, Harvey Mudd College, Clare­ mont, Calif., will be the focus of the social part of the sym­ posium program

Wednesday Afternoon, June 2 1 SPECIFIC ION ELECTRODES Richard Buck, Presiding

Registration Form, 20th Annual Summer Symposium Division of Analytical Chemistry and ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Pomona and Harvey Mudd Colleges, Claremont, California 91711 June 2 1 , 22, 23, 1967 Date_ Mr. Name (please print) Mrs._ Miss Professional Affiliation Mailing Address Registration Fee:


Accommodations at Harvey Mudd College Residence Halls: Room Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights; breakfast and lunch, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Total charge, double room, $18.00 per person; single room, $22.50 per person; children 11 years and under, $12.00. For meals only, charge $9.00 per person. Room Friday night, double room, $3.00 per person; single room, $4.50 per person. Please check appropriate items: I prefer a single room (if available). I would like to share a double room with

Thursday Morning, June 22 (give name)

J will share a double room with someone you will assign. J would like accommodations for myself and wife (or husband) and the following members of my family (give names and, if children, their ages)..

I will arrange my own accommodations. I expect to attend the barbecue, Wednesday, June 21 ($2.00 per person) I expect to attend the symposium banquet, Thursday, June 22 ($5.00 per person). I would like to receive vacation information on Southern California. Please make reservations for the ladies' tours to the L. A. County Art Mu­ seum and the Farmers Market. Please make reservations for the ladies' tours to the Huntington Library and Pasadena. I plan to travel by train plane , or auto . ^(approximate time) and depart June_ 1 plan to arrive on June at_ This form should be returned before June 1, 1967, together with a $10.00 registration deposit to Dr. Alvin L. Beilby, Department of Chemistry, Pomona College, Claremont, California 91711. Please make checks or money orders payable to ACS Analytical Summer Symposium.

42 A



1:30 The Versatility and Limitations of Glass as a Primary Electrochemical Sensor. N. C. Hébert, Research and Development Laboratories, Technical Staffs Division, Corning Glass Works, Corning, Ν. Υ. 2:30 Similarities and Differences be­ tween Liquid and Solid Ion Ex­ changers and their Usefulness as Ion Specific Electrodes. G. Eisenman, University of Chicago, Chicago, III. 3:30 Intermission 4:00 Round Table Discussion Panelists: R. P. Buck, Beckman Instruments, Inc. G. Eisenman, University of Chicago N. C. Hébert, Corning Glass Works T. S. Light, The Foxboro Co. E. Pungor, University of Chemical Industries, Veszprem, Hungary G. A. Rechnitz, State University of New York at Buffalo Moderator: J. Jordan, Pennsylvania State University

Gordon Ewing, Presiding

9:00 Cryoscopic Titrations. S. Bruckenstein, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 10:00 Enthalpimetric Titrations of Solutions with Metals. J. C. Wasilewski and K. J. Radimer, Chemical Research and Development Center, FMC Corporation, Princeton, N. J.

11:00 Intermission

11:30 Pressure Transducers in Chemical Titrations. D. J. Curran, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. Thursday Afternoon, June 2 2 E. C. Dunlop, Presiding

2:00 Coulometric Titrations. J. K. Taylor, G. Marinenko, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 3:00 Organometallic Titrants for Anions. M. D. Morris, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 4:00 Intermission 4:30 Null-Point Potentiometric Titrations. R. A. Durst, Microchemical Analysis Section, Analytical Chemistry Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.