Regular ing of the American Chemical Society - October, 3, 1890

Regular ing of the American Chemical Society - October, 3, 1890. Chas. F. McKenna. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1890, 12 (7), pp 367–368. DOI: 10.1021/ja0212...
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REGULARMEETIXG, OCTOBEE3, 1890. Vice-President Breneman in the chair : T h e minutes of t h e previous meeting were read and accepted. T h e following gentlemen were unanimously elected t o membership : Stcplien H. Emrnens, Emmensite Explosive Co., Emmens, Pa. E’. E. Tliompson, Headmaster Rogers High School, S e w port, 1:. I. n r . Geo. Archbold, Chemist U. S. Xavp, Washington, 1). C. G. C. Cnldwell, Ph.D., Professor of Agricultnritl Chemistry, Corne11 University, Ithacu, N. 1‘. C‘has. E. Colby, Pli.D., Professor of Organic Chemistry, School of Milles, K.1’. IT. H. Seaman, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Missouri School of Nines, llolla, Mo. Chas. E. Pellew, Assistant in Cbemistry, School of Mines, N. Y. H u g h tlaniiltoo, M.D., Harrisburg, Pa. Edward Gudeman, Honorary Assistant in Chemistry, School of Mines, K. 1’. Dr. Alfred Springer, President Springer Torsion Balance Co., 46-50 E. 2d street, Cincinnati, 0. Dr. €3. J. Wheeler, Chemist Agricultiiral Experiment Station, Kingston, It. I. Dr. Edward S. Wood, Professor of Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass. Dr. S. A . Lattimore, Professor of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Chas. E. Brewer, Professor of Chemistry, Wake Forest University, Wake Forest, N. C. R. W.Jones, Professor of Chemistry, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. Peter ‘1’.Austen, Professor of Chemistry, Kutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Harry Snyder, Instructor in Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, A-. Y.

Dr. (‘has. G. (‘tirtman, :%TISS . 9th street. St. Louis, Mo. 13. 1%.Goldsmith, Ph.B., Chemist American Lead Pencil CO., 19 E. 74th street. F. A , Owen, S.B.. Chemist Burlington Woolen Co., Unrlington, jTt.

T h e nominee for associate menibersliip, S. \-. Y. Huntington, Manager Edw. Smith & Go.. 158 William street, K,P., was unan1m o II sly el ec t e d . T h e following were proposed as members : James E, Talmadge, D.S.D., Ph.D., Principal Latter Day Saints College. Salt Lake City, Vtali. J. A. Burns, Pli.D., Vice-I’res. and Geiieral hlanagor Tallapoosa Furnace (‘o., Tallapoosa. Ga. S. G. Valentine, Colebrook Farnace. Lebanon, Pa. H. F. C’arpenter. hssnyei-, ctc.. 29 Page street, Providcnce, R. 1. \V,(’. h’erguson, I’h.B., C’hemist Laurel Hi11 Chemical Works, 1% Wilson street, Rrooklyn, F.Y. Wal t w M. Saunders, I-Iughesdale, R. I. Dr. J. 13. W-Vashburn, Kingston, H. I. Harry Alullikin, Newport. It. 1. Dr. Edward 1’. IIa& Tkpt. of Chemistry, Amherst College, Amlicrst, Mass. 11. S . l’atterson, 121 Pleasant street. Worcester, Mass. 1 Iic p p e r of E. F. TJadd on “Investigation upon Maize” was reat1 by title. ljr, 1:ricdbnrg read a second portion of his “Stndies on Resins. .’ Iii the order of miscellaneous business it was moved t h a t a General Meeting be held i n Philadelphia during t h e holidays, a n d t h a t :i committee be appointed to make arrangements for this meeting. Carried. Nessrs. Hnpp, Woodman and Sabin were appointed a nominating committee, to present names of officers to be balloted for a t the annual meeting in December. ‘L‘lie meeting was then adjourned. CHAS. F. MCKENNA, Recording Secretary. r 7