Relationship of pH and Floc Formation Kinetics to Granular Media

Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado ..... Amirtharaja, A.; Tambo, N. In Mixing in Coagulation and Flocc...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, 1398-1403

Relationship of pH and Floc Formation Kinetics to Granular Media Filtration Performance

these findings to filtration. It is hoped that the combination of laboratory and pilot-scale results to be presented will further the knowledge of the impact of coagulation chemical sequencing on filtration.

DEAN GREGORY* AND KENNETH CARLSON Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1320

Role of Aluminum Species. The subject of alum coagulation has been extensively researched and discussed in the literature. In the pH range of 6.0-7.5, the two Al species that appear to control coagulation processes are the short-lived highly positively charged polymeric intermediates and the poorly water-soluble aluminum hydroxide sols that are formed within a few seconds after alum addition (2, 3). Although the existence of the former has been shown (4), their actual contribution to coagulation processes appears to be minor (5). A majority of the evidence suggests that, under water treatment conditions, the positively charged, insoluble aluminum hydroxide sols are the most realistic species responsible for particle destabilization during coagulation by adsorbing to the surface of the oppositely charged, much larger natural colloids and entering into an electrical bond (2, 6-8). At higher pH levels (e.g., 7.5) and coagulant doses, this interaction between voluminous aluminum hydroxide precipitates and natural colloids is known as sweep coagulation (3, 9). In this mode, particles are destabilized by adsorption of aluminum hydroxide sols and are enmeshed in sol aggregates, promoting the formation of relatively large, settleable floc. At pH 6.0, particles are also destabilized primarily by aluminum hydroxide sols, which are more positively charged (compared to pH 7.5). However, at lower pH levels and thus lower alum doses, the physical enmeshment mechanism is less significant and smaller, lighter flocs develop. It should be noted that large aluminum hydroxide aggregates (formed after approximately 60 s, for example) are by themselves ineffective for destabilizing natural colloids and removing turbidity (6). The adsorption of newly formed, positively charged Al(OH)3(s) to colloid surfaces is critical at both pH levels. Impact of Coagulation pH. In terms of the sedimentation process, upon which a majority of research has focused, results have shown that particle removal improves significantly as coagulation pH increases and is generally optimized in the range of 7.2-7.6 (10-12). Matsui et al. (13), using a photometric dispersion analyzer (PDA), also reported that the time required for particle destabilization and the onset of floc formation decreased as pH and alum dose increased. It is less clear whether the benefits of higher coagulation pH observed for the settling process extend to filtration. Use of ζ-Potential for Process Optimization. Several excellent studies have demonstrated, under idealized laboratory conditions, the relative impact of various physical and chemical variables on particle attachment in packed beds (14-17). These studies emphasized the importance of optimizing particle ζ-potential (or electrophoretic mobility)s not necessarily pHsto produce favorable conditions for particle removal. Elimelech and O’Melia (15), for example, clearly showed that the removal efficiency of 0.75-µm particles increased as ζ-potential decreased (i.e., approached zero). Because it is an indicator of the effective surface charge and therefore the degree of destabilization of a particle, which are perhaps the most dominant variables affecting attachment to filter media (18-20), a number of studies have used ζ-potential (or electrophoretic mobility) for coagulation process control (2). The ζ-potential range of properly destabilized particles is usually reported to be in the range

In drinking water treatment, destabilization of suspended particles through effective coagulation processes is critical for optimizing filtration performance. This study examined the impact of coagulation pH (6.0-7.4), ζ-potential, and floc formation kinetics on particle removal during settling and filtration. Increasing pH improved turbidity removal in the settling process and significantly increased the ζ-potential range in which filtration performance was optimized. Although it was possible to optimize filtration (i.e., attain total particles < 10/mL) at each of the three pH levels examined, the ζ-potential range in which this was possible was approximately +2 to +4 at pH 6.0 and -4 to +4 at pH 7.4. Overall, these results indicate that the use of a higher coagulation pHsand thus higher alum dosess may be particularly advantageous during periods of rapidly changing water quality conditions, such as highNOM runoff events. Results from PDA experiments indicated that the rate of floc formation (measured immediately following coagulant addition) was indicative of overall process performance.

Introduction In raw water supplies lacking sufficient buffering capacity, particularly runoff from snowmelt or thunderstorms and those waters associated with reduced or low-pH environments, the use of alum during treatment requires alkalinity addition for pH control. Because runoff waters often contain relatively high concentrations of NOM, the alum demand in these waters is proportionally high, further emphasizing the need for pH control. The target coagulation pH (for nonsoftening plants) is usually between 6.0 and 7.5. Within this range, it is possible to minimize the concentration of soluble aluminum in finished water and effectively remove organic and particulate matter, as demonstrated by previous authors (1, 2). However, within this pH range the overall effectiveness of the treatment process, particularly filtration performance, can differ significantly. Research Objectives The primary objective of this research was to understand the impact of coagulation pH and ζ-potential on floc formation kinetics and granular media filtration performance. The secondary goal was to determine effective coagulation processes for treating challenging (i.e., runoff-type) raw waters. The intent of this paper is not to develop a theoretical model of filtration but rather to understand some important chemical factors that influence coagulation and to extend * Corresponding author e-mail:; phone: (970)491-8488; fax: (970)491-8671. 1398



Literature Review

10.1021/es025801b CCC: $25.00

 2003 American Chemical Society Published on Web 02/13/2003

of -4 to +3 mV (9). For these reasons, in the research presented here, optimum alum doses, at least initially, were considered to be those that achieved a ζ-potential of approximately 0.0 ( 2 mV. Influence of Coagulation pH on NOM Removal. A few general conclusions can be drawn from previous research that has examined NOM removal during alum coagulation: (i) there is a sorbable fraction of NOM, generally characterized by higher molecular weight and hydrophobic tendencies, that is amenable to removal through coagulation and a nonsorbable fraction that cannot be removed through practical methods (21-23); and (ii) the dominant removal mechanism in the pH range of 5.5-8.0 is by adsorption to aluminum hydroxide surfaces (21, 24). Therefore, over the pH range of interest to this study (6.0-7.5), it seems reasonable to assume that NOM removal should be similar if optimized alum doses are used, as shown previously (1, 25).

Materials and Methods The general experimental approach was to first characterize the relationship between coagulation pH and settling performance (turbidity/DOC removal) for optimized alum doses and to correlate these results with PDA experiments in which floc formation rates were measured vs time. These experiments were performed at bench scale using a synthetic water in order to precisely control water quality variables. In the second phase, the impact of pH (for both optimized and nonoptimized alum doses, in terms of ζ-potential) on granular media filtration performance was examined in pilotscale experiments using two natural surface water sources. In the third and final phase, PDA experiments were conducted with the two surface waters in an attempt to correlate the filtration results with floc formation kinetics. Water Quality. The synthetic water was made with DOC concentrations of 3.3 and 8.8 mg/L (Suwannee River NOM, from the International Humic Substance Society, was added to deionized water), alkalinity of 20 mg/L as CaCO3, turbidity of 20 NTU (kaolin stock suspension), and a hardness of 25 mg/L as CaCO3. The two natural surface waters were a mountain river during spring runoff, characterized by high TOC/low alkalinity and a reservoir source characterized by low-moderate NOM levels and relatively stable water quality (see water quality data in Figures 4 and 5 of Supporting Information). All bench- and pilot-scale experiments were conducted at 8.0 ( 1.0 °C. Bench-Scale Protocol. To characterize the relationship between pH and settling performance, jar tests were conducted with the synthetic water (Phipps & Bird programmable jar test apparatus). A four-stage mixing process, including rapid mix (15 s at 300 rpm [G ) 300 s-1]), and flocculation (three 15-min stages at 48, 32, and 18 rpm [G ) 48, 32, and 18 s-1]) were followed by a 15-min settling period, after which samples were collected and analyzed for turbidity (Hach 2100), DOC (UV/persulfate oxidation method; Sievers TOC analyzer, model 800). ζ-Potential (Zeta-Meter, model 3.0+) samples were collected approximately 15 s after the rapid mix stage. Prior to the addition of alum, an appropriate dose of acid (2.5 N HCl) or base (2.5 N NaOH), determined by titrations, was added to achieve the target coagulation pH of 5.5, 6.0, 6.7, or 7.5. The only coagulation chemicals added were alum and acid/base for pH control. Optimum doses in these experiments were defined as those that achieved a ζ-potential closest to zero and within the range of 0.0 ( 2.0 mV. Photometric Dispersion Analyzer. One parameter used to evaluate different coagulation scenarios was microfloc formation kinetics, monitored with a photometric dispersion analyzer (PDA). The output from the PDA, or flocculation index (FI), corresponds to particle size and has been shown

to be a sensitive indicator of the state of aggregation of a particle suspension (schematic diagram of PDA apparatus provided in Figure 1 of Supporting Information). A rapidly increasing FI following alum addition, for example, is indicative of optimum particle destabilization conditions. The method was originally developed by Gregory (26) and has been described in detail by several researchers who used it to monitor microfloc development during coagulation (27, 28). The most practical use of the FI is that it shows a significant increase as particles aggregate, thus allowing a dynamic assessment of coagulation mechanisms (13). Pilot-Scale Experiments. A total of 17 and 27 filtration runs were conducted using the runoff and reservoir sources, respectively. The pilot facility consisted of three parallel, 8 gpm conventional treatment process trains (see facility photo in Figure 3 of Supporting Information). Each train included a rapid mix basin (standard backmix-type reactor, detention time ) 15 s); three-stage, tapered mixing energy flocculation basins (total DT ) 45 min, G values ) 50, 30, and 18 s-1), Lamella plates settling basin (hydraulic loading rate ) 0.34 gpm/ft2), and dual media filters (30 in. anthracite, 10 in. sand). The initial filtration rate used for all experiments was 4.0 gpm/ft2, and filters were operated in a constant head/ declining rate mode. For both water sources, the decline in filtration rate vs time was approximately equal at all three pH levels (see data in Figure 2 of Supporting Information). Performance was evaluated based on filter effluent particle counts (Met One particle counter) and TOC concentration. Each pilot train was equipped with on-line pH meters (Great Lakes Instruments) for raw and post-rapid mix water. The goal in a majority of the filtration experiments was to optimize alum dose at each pH level based on ζ-potential (automated Malverne Instruments Zetasizer 2000). However, runs were also conducted at nonoptimum ζ-potential in an attempt to characterize the optimum operating range for each process, particularly at pH 7.4, which exhibited a relatively wide optimum range. In the majority of experiments in which the alum doses were targeted to produce optimum ζ-potential conditions (doses were not set at a constant value for each pH condition), actual ζ-potential values varied between 0 and +4.5 mV because of fluctuating raw water quality conditions, particularly during spring runoff. ζ-Potential sampling ports were located approximately 45 s downstream from the point of alum addition. For the ionic strength of these coagulated waters (approximately 2.2 × 10-3 M at pH 6.0), the ζ-potential values calculated from electrophoretic mobility data (Henry equation) were considered valid for particles greater than approximately 1.3 µm. The fraction of sub-1.3-µm particles present in the samples was assumed to be very small and not a significant factor in ζ-potential calculations (see Supporting Information for detailed discussions of ζ-potential calculations and related particle size issues). In the runoff experiments, because of the limited duration of these conditions, only two target coagulation pH levels, 6.1 and 7.4 ( 0.1, were used. Alum doses ranged from 26 to 37 and from 70 to 97 mg/L for the low and high pH levels, respectively. For the reservoir water, the target coagulation pH levels were 6.0, 6.7, and 7.4 ( 0.1 (see Figure 3 of Supporting Information for pH control methods used in pilot experiments).

Results and Discussion Bench-Scale Experiments. In the first set of bench-scale experiments using the synthetic waters, alum doses were optimized based on ζ-potential for two TOC concentrations over a pH range of 5.5-7.5 (see Figure 6 of Supporting Information). Settled water turbidity and DOC removal data corresponding to the optimized alum doses are shown in Figure 1. As noted by previous researchers (10-12), turbidity VOL. 37, NO. 7, 2003 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



FIGURE 3. Flocculation index vs time after alum addition (50 mg/L). T ) 10 °C; TOC ) 9.0 mg/L.

FIGURE 1. Bench-scale turbidity and DOC removal for optimized alum doses (synthetic water, ζ-potential ≈ 0 mV). For TOC ) 8.8 mg/L, alum doses were from low to high pH: 33, 51, 80, and 100 mg/L. For TOC ) 3.3 mg/L, alum doses were 10, 22, 45, and 74 mg/L.

FIGURE 2. Flocculation index vs time for optimized alum doses at four pH levels. TOC ) 8.8 mg/L; T ) 9 °C. removal increased directly with pH and alum dose, with a more dramatic impact observed for the high-TOC water. In both cases, particle removal was optimized at pH 7.5. DOC removal was maximized at pH 6.0, but particularly for the high-TOC water, the impact of pH was relatively minor. The rate of floc development vs pH and alum dose for the high-TOC water is illustrated by PDA results in Figure 2. The rate of floc formation clearly increases with pH and optimized alum dose. It should be noted that the rate of FI increase is not solely a function of alum dose. As shown in Figure 3 (using a similar, high-TOC synthetic water), nonoptimum alum doses are reflected by relatively small or slow changes in the FI. In this case the alum dose of 50 mg/L at pH 7.2 was suboptimum (ζ-potential ) -7.2 mV). Filtration ResultssSpring Runoff Water. The first set of pilot-scale filtration experiments were conducted using spring runoff water. In most cases, filter runs were terminated upon particle breakthrough. Although most runs using runoff water were short in terms of typical full-scale treatment, it should 1400



be noted that the goal was to isolate the relative effects of coagulation pH and ζ-potential on alum processes, without interference from other coagulation chemicals. For experiments conducted at different pH values, a ζ-potential of zero, indicative of destabilized particles, was used as the initial target. However, after several preliminary filtration runs were conducted at different ζ-potential values, it was clear that a positive ζ-potential was optimum for the experimental conditions being used (see Figures 7 and 8 of Supporting Information). The ζ-potential target was therefore adjusted to approximately +2.5 ( 1.5 mV, but runs were also performed at nonoptimum ζ-potential (after all the runoff filtration data had been collected and reviewed, the trends indicated that the actual target coagulation ζ-potential should have been +4.0 to +5.0 mV). Figure 4 presents typical results from filtration runs performed simultaneously on two parallel process trains. The primary goal in these runs was to operate at the same ζ-potential, as close as possible to the target of +2.5 mV. Depending on site-specific water quality goals, these results indicate that the use of a higher coagulation pHsand thus higher alum dosessmay be particularly advantageous during periods of rapidly changing water quality conditions, such as high-NOM runoff events. TOC removal for the two processes was approximately equal. Clearly, however, a highpH process would not be practical in terms of chemical feed costs and solids handling issues for less challenging raw water that is effectively treated by conventional processes. In Figure 5, steady-state (i.e., the relatively constant operating conditions following the filter ripening period) settled turbidity, and filter effluent particle counts from all the runoff experiments are plotted against the corresponding coagulation ζ-potentials from each run. As observed in the bench-scale experiments, turbidity removal in the sedimentation process was consistently greater at higher coagulation pH. Overall, the trends in filtration results showed that excellent filter effluent quality (total particles < 10/mL) was attainable at both pH levels but that higher pH may provide more consistent performance over a wider range of coagulation conditions. At low pH, steady-state particle counts increased rapidly as ζ-potential moved from the optimum range (+2 to +4 mV) and toward zero. At high pH, optimum filtration performance was sustained over a wide range and was clearly less sensitive to ζ-potential. This effect was not due solely to the solids mass loading rate on the filters, as evidenced by the fact that particle counts at low pH (relatively high settled turbidity) were equivalent to those at high pH (low turbidity), but only when coagulation ζ-potential was in the optimum range of approximately 2-4 mV. Filtration ResultssReservoir Water. The second set of pilot-scale filtration experiments was conducted using the

FIGURE 5. Steady-state filter effluent particle counts and settled turbidity vs ζ-potential using spring runoff water. TOC ) 6-8 mg/L.

FIGURE 4. Filtration performance for constant ζ-potential using spring runoff water. Raw water TOC ) 7.5 mg/L. lower-TOC concentration reservoir water at pH 6.0, 6.7, and 7.4 (0.1. As observed for the runoff water, alum dose and ζ-potential changes had a greater effect on filtration performance at lower pH levels (see Figures 9-11 of Supporting Information). In Figure 6, steady-state settled water turbidity and filter effluent particle counts are plotted against the corresponding coagulation ζ-potential for the reservoir runs. The optimum ζ-potential range for filtration was similar at pH 6.0 and 6.7 (+1 to +3 mV). Although identical ζ-potential values were not used for all coagulation conditions, it appears that the optimum range at pH 7.4 (approximately -4 to +3 mV) was significantly wider than at the lower pH levels. The optimum ζ-potential range at pH 6.0 and 7.4 was very similar for the reservoir and runoff sources, indicating that these ranges were not significantly impacted by the significantly different water quality conditions of the reservoir and runoff sources. Raw water turbidity, for example, which varied from 3 to 6 ntu for the runoff water and 15-19 ntu for a majority of the reservoir runs, appeared to exert an insignificant influence on filtration performance as compared to the alum dose and ζ-potential conditions. As was observed in the runoff experiments, filtration performance was not solely a function of solids mass loading rate. As shown in Figure 6, steady-state particle counts equivalent to those attained at pH 7.4 (settled turbidity ≈1 ntu) were possible to attain at pH 6.0 and 6.7 (settled turbidity ) 2-5 ntu) when the ζ-potential was optimized. Settled water quality, although broadly predictive of filtration performance, was not always an accurate predictor of overall process performance.

FIGURE 6. Steady-state filter effluent particle counts and settled turbidity vs ζ-potential for three coagulation pH levels using reservoir water. Raw TOC ) 3.5 mg/L Although steady-state particle counts at pH 7.5 were generally