Relative rates of hydrogen atom (H.cntdot.) transfer from transition

David C. Eisenberg, Christophe J. C. Lawrie, Anne E. Moody, and Jack R. Norton ..... Inga Kuksis, Istvan Kovács, and Michael C. Baird , Keith F. Pres...
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J . Am, Chem. SOC.1991, 113, 4888-4895


Relative Rates of H’Transfer from Transition-Metal Hydrides to Trityl Radicals David C. Eisenberg, Christophe J. C. Lawrie, Anne E. Moody, and Jack R. Norton* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523. Received November 23, 1990

Abstract: The tris@-tert-butylpheny1)methyl radical can be made in quantitative yield by treating a toluene solution of the corresponding bromide with copper powder. This radical abstracts H’ from all the common transition-metal hydrides but does not stick to the resulting metalloradicals,so that the latter form metal-metal-bonded dimers. The rates of these H’ transfer reactions have been measured directly in a stopped-flow apparatus. At 25 OC the H’ transfer rate constants vary from