Removal of Trace Organic Micropollutants by Drinking Water

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Removal of Trace Organic Micropollutants by Drinking Water Biological Filters Thomas L. Zearley* and R. Scott Summers Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, UCB 428, Boulder, Colorado 80309, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The long-term removal of 34 trace organic micropollutants (90 92 ± 7.4d 68 ± 9.3

7 7 5 4 7 3 4e 7 4 3 3e 7 6 3 4 7 3 4 6 4 6 3 7 3 3 6 5 3 7 7 5 2 4e 5

increase steady state recalcitrant increase recalcitrant increase steady state to decrease recalcitrant recalcitrant steady state increase steady state recalcitrant steady state increase recalcitrant decrease recalcitrant steady state steady state recalcitrant steady state recalcitrant recalcitrant steady state steady state increase recalcitrant recalcitrant recalcitrant steady state steady state steady state to decrease steady state

Avg. ± 1 sample SD (n). bRemoval not at steady state, reported average of all samples. cAt least one influent sample below MDL and not used to calculate average. dPercent removal limited by MDL in at least one sample. eNonsteady state removals not used to calculate average. − Unable to determine value. a

sampling of the Ohio River water has shown occurrence of a range of trace organic compounds.23 Once received, the viable biomass concentration was measured in quadruplicate as phospholipid biomass24 and yielded a concentration of 51 ± 4 nmol PO4 (g sand)−1. The media was uniformly placed into laboratory glass columns with 11 mm inner diameter (ACE Glass 5820-12) yielding a biomass bed density of 84 ± 7 nmol PO4 (mL bed)−1, as the packed bed density of sand filters was 1.63 g sand (mL bed)−1. Biofilter 1 consisted of two columns, each with 32 cm of sand and 8 cm of support media (2 mm glass beads), which operated in series at a target hydraulic loading rate of 2.4 m hr−1 (1 gal/ ft2·min) to achieve target EBCTs of 7.5 min in both the top (Biofilter 1a) and bottom (Biofilter 1b) columns. While this loading rate is on the low end of filter operation rates, it facilitated the operation as it decreased the required volume of water. The Damköhler number was calculated to be 0.06, thus external mass transfer was thought not to be limiting and DOM and micropollutant removals would not be affected at this loading rate. Sampling ports allowed for the top (Biofilter 1a) and the bottom (Biofilter 1b) of the biofilter to be monitored.

carbamazepine, ibuprofen, and naproxen removal have been studied.18 The objective of this study was to evaluate and model the long-term performance of sand media biofilters for the removal of 34 organic micropollutants under representative and controlled conditions. A pseudo-first-order rate equation with a rate constant and EBCT was used to model the removal and was verified with data from other biofilters operated at different EBCTs and influent conditions.


Biofilter Design and Operation. Biologically active sand media from a full-scale filter, which was in operation for over seven years in the Miller Plant at Greater Cincinnati Water Works, was sampled in late April 2010 and shipped to our lab. The sand media had an effective size of 0.45 mm and an approximate uniformity coefficient of 1.3. The source water, the Ohio River, was impacted by upstream anthropogenic activity including municipal and industrial wastewater treatment discharges, as well as agricultural and urban runoff. Previous 9413 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9412−9419

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Table 1, included pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, some of which are EDCs and represent a wide range of uses, chemical structures, adsorbabilities, and biodegradabilities.26,27 The target micropollutant influent concentrations were based on median environmental occurrence concentrations1,2 and analytical detection limits. Of these 34 compounds, results of only 19 compounds have previously been reported for drinking water biofilters without adsorptive media. Biofilter Sampling. Influent and effluent samples were collected from sampling ports immediately before and after each biofilter (SI Figure 1). The day prior to sampling, the flow was measured and, if required, adjusted to the target hydraulic loading rate. The flow was rechecked, and adjusted as needed, prior to sampling. If adjusted, a minimum of 10 bed volumes were always allowed to pass before samples were taken. The average EBCTs for the sampling events are reported in Table 2.

Biofilter 2 was run in parallel and under conditions identical to Biofilter 1, but only one column with a target EBCT of 7.5 min and an ozonated DOM feed solution was used. The biofilter system is presented in Supporting Information (SI) Figure 1. The biofilters were backwashed as needed to reduce pressure build-up (approximately six times over the one year study). The biofilter columns and tubing were covered to minimize photosynthesizing microorganisms from growing in the filter. The biofilters were gravity fed from three polyethylene feed barrels positioned 2−3 m above the biofilters. The residence time in the feed lines was about 40 min and the feed barrels had an average residence time of 2 days. During this time, biodegradation of the DOM and some micropollutants was expected since the feed system was not sterile, leading to the placement of the influent sample ports immediately before the biofilters to capture an accurate influent concentration. This allowed for measurement of removals that were associated only with the biofilter and not with the feed system. Over the course of 12 months, the system was operated at lab temperature (20 ± 2 °C), which is within the range of temperatures that, depending on geographic location, most water plants experience. The flow varied due to biomass and particle buildup within the filter and was measured every 2−3 days and adjusted as needed. The change in hydraulic head due to the water level decreasing in the feed tanks did not cause a measurable change in the biofilter flow rate. The flow was monitored by measuring the amount of water collected in a graduated cylinder in 1 min and the flow was adjusted by a needle valve immediately after the biofilter. The overall average EBCT was 9.1 ± 3.9 min (±1σ) for Biofilters 1a and 1b and 8.8 ± 3.5 min for Biofilter 2. Biofilter Feedwater. The feedwater for both biofilters was dechlorinated City of Boulder, CO tap water supplemented with DOM to a target TOC concentration of 3 mg L−1. The supplemented DOM was concentrated from a very low alkalinity mountain lake in Big Elk Meadows, CO, utilizing a reverse osmosis membrane (DOW FILMTEC LE-4040). For Biofilter 2, the supplemented DOM was first ozonated at a ratio of 1 mg O3 to 1 mg TOC before spiking. The ozonated supplemented DOM was made once a week and stored at 4 °C until use. Both feed waters had an average influent pH of 7.7 and an alkalinity of 40 mg L−1 as CaCO3. Micropollutants in organic solvent-free aqueous stock solutions were added to the two DOM spiked waters and mechanically mixed. The DOM spiked feedwater was added to the feed barrels connected directly to the biofilters. New micropollutant stocks were made every 3−4 months and stored at 4 °C. The micropollutants were divided into five micropollutant stock solutions as outlined in SI Table 1. Because of analytical and laboratory constraints, each of the five micropollutant stocks was started at a different time ranging from a few days to 31 weeks after the start of biofilter operation as shown in SI Table 2. Once a micropollutant was added to the feed it was continued for the remainder of the study. The biofilters were exposed to all of the micropollutants for at least 6 months except for MIB which was only added for 4 months. For this reason, removals are reported in relation to the micropollutant exposure time and not biofilter time. After one year of operation, the micropollutant influent concentrations for Biofilter 1 were increased by a factor of 2 for 8 d and then sampled. Micropollutant Selection. The micropollutants selected were compounds that have been previously detected in surface drinking water sources.1,2 The 34 micropollutants, presented in

Table 2. Average Biofilter EBCTs at Sampling, and TOC Concentrations and Removal biofilter EBCT (min) TOC influent (mg L−1) TOC removal (%) a




7.9 ± 0.8 (8)a 3.1 ± 0.3 (23)

7.9 ± 0.8 (8) 2.7 ± 0.3 (7)

7.6 ± 0.6 (8) 2.6 ± 0.3 (22)

7.2 ± 2.8 (7)

2.6 ± 1.7 (7)

6.5 ± 2.9 (7)

Avg ± SD (n).

The biofilters were sampled for micropollutants approximately every 6 weeks for the first 8 months of operation and then approximately every 10 weeks for a total of 8 sampling events to capture acclimation and steady state removal behavior (SI Table 2). Paired influent and effluent samples were taken at all times. Samples for total organic carbon (TOC) were taken during all but the first micropollutant sampling event. Additional influent TOC samples were collected to monitor TOC influent concentration more closely. Organic Compound Analysis and Micropollutant Removal Calculation. Since the initial feedwater was filtered, the samples were not filtered again for dissolved organic carbon analysis and the results are reported as TOC. TOC samples were analyzed with a Sievers 800 TOC Analyzer with an inorganic carbon removal unit using the ultraviolet irradiation/ persulfate oxidation method in accordance with Standard Method 5310 C.28 Bisphenol A, ethinyl estradiol, MIB, and triclosan were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) at North Carolina State University.29 The remaining micropollutants were analyzed at University of Colorado Center for Environmental Mass Spectroscopy (CEMS) by off-line solid-phase extraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) and a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.30 Influent and effluent samples from Biofilter 1 were also analyzed at CEMS by LC-Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy (LC/TOF-MS) (Agilent 6220) for the presence of biotransformation products. Method detection limits for the micropollutant analyses are reported in SI Table 1. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for all of the micropollutants was less than 11%.29,30 Micropollutant removal is defined herein as the loss of the parent compound through the biofilter and not complete mineralization of the compound. Removals of the GC compounds (bisphenol A, ethinyl estradiol, MIB, and triclosan) 9414 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9412−9419

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Figure 1. Micropollutant removal (a) after 7.5 min of EBCT at the top Biofilter 1a; and (b) after 7.5 (solid symbols) and 15 (hollow symbols) min of EBCT.

biodegradation rates. The feed barrels and lines were cleaned and disinfected approximately every 2 months to minimize the buildup of biofilms acclimated to biodegrading the micropollutants. However, the biofilms redeveloped after cleaning, utilizing the DOM primary substrate. Based on the steady-state removal after 7.9 min of EBCT (Biofilter 1a), the micropollutants were classified as follows: 13 compounds had removals less than 15% and were classified as recalcitrant to biodegradation, 7 compounds had removals between 15 and 50% and were classified as having slow biodegradation rates, 8 compounds had removals between 50 and 85% and were classified as having fast biodegradation rates, and 4 compounds had removals greater than 85% and were classified as having very fast biodegradation rates. While removal of bisphenol A and erythromycin was observed, steady state removal was not achieved during the study, and they were not included in the above classification. As expected, more removal occurred after 15.8 min of EBCT (Biofilter 1) compared to that at 7.9 min (Biofilter 1a) except for iopromide, methomyl, and prometon. These three are classified as recalcitrant and their removals were not statistically significant at a 95% confidence level. Bisphenol A, ibuprofen, and triclosan were removed to below detection limits in the top 7.9 min of EBCT, thus it was not possible to quantify the removal in the bottom 7.9 min of EBCT. When ranking the micropollutants by biodegradability, the rankings were similar to results observed in wastewater biofilters.32−34 Biofilter acclimation behavior followed one of four trends over the one-year study period: steady state removal throughout the study, increasing removal to steady state (acclimation), no removal, or decreasing removal. These are illustrated in Figure 1a for five example compounds. As noted in Table 1, 12 of the micropollutants displayed steady state removal throughout the study; removals did not change by more than 20 percentage points, as illustrated in Figure 1a by ibuprofen and molinate. Many of these compounds have been identified in the Ohio River and others are likely there, but at concentrations below the detection limit, thus the biomass likely had been previously acclimated over the seven years of use at the full-scale,23,35 or these compounds were cometabolized via nonspecific enzymes generated by the primary substrate metabolism.

were calculated using paired influent and effluent concentrations. For the compounds analyzed by LC, the influent concentration was quantified up to three times during the study. The breakthrough of the LC compounds was quantified by dividing the signal intensity of the effluent by the signal intensity of the influent sample for each compound. Removal measurements were made up to seven times over the course of the study. Concentrations or signal intensities less than the detection limit were reported as one-half of the detection limit.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Primary Substrate Utilization. Primary substrate utilization was represented by TOC removal across the filters since biodegradation is the only significant removal mechanism of DOM with nonadsorptive sand media. The average influent TOC concentrations and removals for Biofilters 1 and 2 are shown in Table 2. The TOC removal in Biofilters 1 and 2 were at steady state, as expected because the media had been in fullscale use for several years prior to the laboratory study. The variability in TOC removals can be attributed to small level of removals, EBCT differences, and changing laboratory temperatures over the one-year study. The TOC removal of Biofilters 1a and 2 was not statistically different at a 95% confidence level. A higher TOC removal was expected in Biofilter 2 as it was fed ozonated DOM and ozone increases the biodegradable DOM fraction.31 However, the influent sample was taken at the top of the biofilter and much of the easily biodegraded DOM fraction was likely biodegraded in the feed barrel and feed line which resulted in lower than targeted influent TOC concentration and a similar percentage of the DOM that was biodegradable. Micropollutant Removal. A wide range of biodegradation and acclimation behavior was observed. The micropollutant influent concentrations and steady state removals for Biofilter 1 are reported in Table 1. The micropollutant influent concentrations varied over the course of the study. The micropollutants that had the highest influent concentration coefficient of variance (CV) were micropollutants likely to degrade by hydrolysis in the stock bottles or feed barrels, for example the organophosphate micropollutants (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, dimethoate, malaoxon, and tributyl phosphate). While biodegradation possibly occurred in the stock and feed system, it was most likely not a significant source of variability since there was no relationship between the CV and the 9415 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9412−9419

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Six of the micropollutants displayed at least a 20 percentage point increase in removal, defined as acclimation, across Biofilter 1a (EBCT 7.9 min) from the first sample to steady state removal (Table 1). This behavior is illustrated in Figure 1a by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and for all four compounds at an EBCT of 7.9 min in Figure 1b. Removals for 2,4-D, aldicarb, clofibric acid, dimethoate, and naproxen plateaued at steady state within 3 months of micropollutant exposure. Bisphenol A displayed increasing removal throughout the study with >80% removal after 180 days. The long-term behavior after 15.8 min of EBCT, for 4 of these 6 micropollutants, was found to be at steady state as opposed to increasing removal as was found in the top 7.9 min of EBCT. This is illustrated in Figure 1b by steady state removal of aldicarb, dimethoate, and naproxen. For clofibric acid and bisphenol A (not shown), acclimation was observed at both EBCTs. An acclimation period of 60 days was observed by Halle18 for naproxen in a drinking water biofilter at 5 min of EBCT compared to 90 days in this study. Microorganism acclimation to 2,4-D in soil and sequencing batch reactors has been observed,36,37 as has acclimation to aldicarb in soil.38 The increasing removal with time found with these 6 compounds is an indication of secondary substrate utilization, or the growth of microorganisms not originally present that are capable of biodegrading these micropollutants through cometabolism. The growth of microorganisms not originally present in the biofilter could be attributed to the different primary substrate character and influent microorganisms present in the feedwater, relative to the Ohio River water. The steady-state behavior of 4 of these 6 compounds in the bottom of the filter may be associated with the lower level of primary substrate and the likely difference in community structure at this depth.39 Thirteen of the micropollutants were labeled as recalcitrant, with 50%) during the first 150 days of exposure and appeared to be at steady state as shown in Figure 2. Note the data in Figure 2 is reported in biofilter time and not micropollutant exposure time. These removals are similar to those reported in the literature.23,34 This was followed by a steady decline in removal to 0.248 min−1). These classified biodegradation rates were compared to the predictive model for aerobic biodegradation developed by Howard et al.25 This predictive model is the first two models of Biodegradation Probability Program for Windows (BIOWIN) in the EPA Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite v4.10. This probability model uses fragment constants and multiple linear and nonlinear regression analysis to predict if a compound will biodegrade fast or slow as defined by Howard et al.25 The BIOWIN model has an output of either fast or slow; the very fast and fast biodegradation rates of this study were considered fast, and slow and recalcitrant were considered slow for comparison to the BIOWIN model. The nonlinear model

Figure 4. Modeled and observed micropollutant removals for Biofilter 1 at a doubling of the influent concentration and Biofilter 2. A 1:1 ratio (solid line) and ±10% of 1:1 ratio (dashed line) are given for reference.

Also shown in Figure 4 is a comparison of predicted and average steady state observed removals from Biofilter 2. Biofilter 2 was fed ozonated DOM, but it yielded the same average TOC removal as Biofilter 1a (Table 2), indicating the two different waters had the same amount of easily biodegradable DOM that could be biodegraded in 7.9 min of EBCT. The RMSE of the modeled data to the measured data was 12%, and 72% of the predicted data fell within 10% of the observed values, indicating a good prediction of the bioremoval of the 32 compounds. The pseudo-first-order micropollutant removal model requires the biofilter to be acclimated and operating at steady state. This constraint withstanding, drinking water biofiltration has the potential to be an effective process for the control of 9417 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 9412−9419

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many trace organic contaminants and a pseudo-first-order model can serve as a good method for estimating performance.


S Supporting Information *

Figure 1, biofilter and feeds system setup; Table 1, analytical methods with detection limit and total exposure time; Table 2, micropollutant sampling schedule for biofilters; feed water preparation; sample handling and analysis. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T.L.Z. was partially funded by a National Water Research Institute Fellowship, the Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Fellowship, and an EPA Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship (9173000). A portion of the research was funded by the Solano County Water Agency, California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Public Health through the state of California Proposition 50, and MWH, Inc. We thank the Greater Cincinnati Water Works and Debbie Metz and Jeff Vogt for providing the sand media and data, Imma Ferrer and Michael Thurman at the University of Colorado’s Center for Environmental Mass Spectroscopy for providing the LC/MS-MS analysis, and Angela Mastropole and Bilgen Yuncu at North Carolina State University for providing the GC analysis.


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