Report From the Member-at-Large - Journal of Chemical Education

Report From the Member-at-Large. Ethel L. Schultz. J. Chem. Educ. , 1983, 60 (2), p 111. DOI: 10.1021/ed060p111. Publication Date: February 1983. Cite...
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zh4&5% a& CHEMICAL EDUCATION A & - &dud Sue&,% Report from the Member-at-Large At the ACS National meeting held in Kansas City in September, 1982, the Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Education instituted a powerful and innovative change in its committee structure. A motion was made, seconded and approved to establish a Membership Committee far the purpose of promoting the recruitment of new members and the retention of existing members. Although these activities have been included in other committee functions and have been vigorously pursued by individuals through the years, they have never heen fully the responsibility of one group. Chairman Glenn Crosby appointed Ethel L. Schultz, Member-At-Large of the Division, as Chairperson. Committee members a t present are Bassam Sh~kashiri,Doris Kolb, Wilbur Hutton, John Moore, and Elizabeth Moore. A budget item was included for the activities of this newly formed committee. Current projects include: (1)the publishing of a membership brochure which will promote the various facets of Divisional activities, (2) the purchase, in conjunction with the JOURNAL OF CHEMICALEDUCATION, o f a large promotional display unit to be used a t national and regionalmeetings of ACS and other science organizations, and (3)several state-wide membership campaigns using rosters of chemical educators from both secondary schools, colleges, and universities. In order to expedite the activities of this most important committee, a close relationship will be maintained with the Committee on Personnel and Nominations, the Hospitality Committee, and the JOURNALOF CHEMICALEDUCATION. All four groups are vitally interested in maintaining, enlarging, and revitalizing the membership of the Division. A second initiative on the part of DivChed was the introduction of apropossl to revise thecurrent by-laws to eliminate sexist laneuaee. and to orevent the inclusion of such lanzuaee in anv future additions or corrections to the hu-laws. It was felt hv some

be sent out to the whole membership for a vote of acceptance. It is the feeling of the Member-At-Large that both of these revisions are l o n overdue ~ and now represent a major step forward in the dynamic life of the Division of Chemical Education. If you would like to start any initiatives in the direction of membership recruitment, please contact me.

Ethel L. Schultz Membershrp Chairman Member-A+Lap Executive Commmttee, DwChed, ACS

Volume 60

Number 2

February 1983