REPORT Neuronal biosensors Chemoreceptors are | Analytical

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61(8) 511A-566A/801-928 (1989) ISSN 0003-2700

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Neuronal biosensors. Chemoreceptors are among the newest tools available to the bioanalytical chemist. R. Michael Buch and Garry A. Rechnitz of the University of Delaware describe their work to incorporate blue crab antennules in receptor-based biosensors and examine possible analytical uses


557 A

On the cover. Detecting latent fingerprints. E. Roland Menzel of Texas Tech University describes the evolution of fingerprint detection methods in crime solving and provides an overview of current methods using laser-excited luminescence and time-resolved imaging

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Peter Scott awarded AOAC's Harvey W. Wiley Award. • Two-photon excitation of atomic oxygen produces intense IR signal. • New England sugar maples under attack from pear thrips


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Calendar. • Short courses and workshops. • Call for papers

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Critical reviews. Books on inorganic mass spectrometry, automatic methods of analysis, and the profession of analytical chemistry are reviewed by David W. Koppenaal, Andrew N. Papas, and D. Conrad Grégoire



Gel electrophoresis of DNA. The introduction of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis has dramatically increased the size of DNA molecules that can be separated by electrophoresis. Individual DNA molecules can also be visualized during electrophoretic separation


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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 61, NO. 8, APRIL 15, 1989 · 515 A