Report of subcommittee for improving secondary school chemistry

Summarizes the many programs and proposals concerned with the improvement of chemical education in the high schools...
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~~ o& CHEMICAL EDUCATION A - W S Report of Subcommittee for Improving Secondary School Chemistry A task assigned this committee was the preparation of a "summary of the many programs and proposals concerned with the improvement of chemical education in the high schools." The following list enumerates those programs considered by the committee to be significant in scope and impact: Educational Conferewes and Imtitules (1959) NSF I n s l i ~ u ~ ems d C o ~ ~ f w mfw w ~high d ~ . lrwlwrs. d NSF Summer R t , w ; d l i.:~pwitwc:r .\ppuinrmmrs fur high school teachers. Reed College and Wesleyan University Conferences (ACS Division of Chemical Education). R e ~ o r t sof NSTA Conferences at San Jose State College . and ~ v a r t h m o r eCollege. Teaching Aids MCA open-ended chemistry laboratory experiments (available free upon request). ACS-NSTA Tests in High School Chemistry. The results of the experience in teaching ohemistry by TV in Cincinnati, Baltimore, and Rochester. "Chemistry, an Introductory Course," 160 lecture-laboratory ~roducedbv Encvclo~edia sessions on film bv John Baxter.. . . Britannica Films. MCA and other films. Twenty-one filmstrips in chemistry; 12 others in preparation from McGraw-Hill Educational Films. Atomic- and ionic-si~echarts and the expanded chart form of the Periodic Table.

Curriculum Stdies The NSTA committee has studied new developments in science curriculrt. A chemistry course based on bonding is being studied at the present time (information availsble from Prof. L. E. Strong, Earlham Collcge, Richmond, Indiana). This committee suggests also considering other approaches such as:

The periodic arrangement. Major principles. The historical approach (case histories). Qreanie and hiochemistrv. Revision of commercially published high school textbooks by their authors and editors should be considered.


Local Aid-to-Education Programs Radio and TV programs by the several ACS Sections (see C & E N m s for listing). Participation of local sections of ACS, AIC, SM in high school programs (contact local officers). Participation of chemical employees in chemical education through MCA and chemical companies (contact public r e lations department of companies).

Volume 36, Number 10, October 1959
