m&& a& CHEMICAL EDUCATION A - w S Report of the Analytical Chemistry Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee The analytical chemistry subcommittee has addressed itself to a number of important matters. I n answer to the question, "What are the unique contributions of analytical instruction in the chemistry curriculum?," the following responses are representative of those made by committee members It is in analytical chemistry courses that students are exposed to critical comparisons of the techniques, limitations, and principles of experimental chemical measurements. To instill in students t,he necessity of and approaches to total prob lem salving. This requires a broad, basic and somewhat applied curriculum. Thus, in red-life malyses one needs to consider complex mixtures, optimization of measurements so as to minimize the time required, pros and cans of different standardization techniques, and sampling problems (loss and contamination) e e peeidly a t low levels of concentration.
I n the committee's consideration of the unique contributions of analytical instruction, the vital importance of presenting the total problem concept, in approaching a chemical question, rather than teaching just isolated parts, has been emphasized. I t is most important that chemistry curricula devote atatention to critical comparisons of various techniques and procedures which ostensibly yield the same chemical information. The chemist can best use analytical principles to solve an immediate problem when he has the ability to define and critically evaluate the total chemical problem in light of the available resources and required information. Just as the current problems and interests of society continuously change, so do the new areas of analytical concern. Today we think of clinical, environmental, and lunar analytical chemistry as areas on the frontier. Although we do not know what analyses will he required tomorrow, we do know that the chemist who visualizes the overall problem should he better able to use analytical principles to solve them. The committee feels that some consideration must be devoted to qualitative analysis in any chemistry curriculum. If qualitative analysis is defined as the identification, classification, and confirmation of constituents in a material, then it is part of the total chemical problem, and it definitely has a place in the curriculum. The justification for teaching qualitative analytical processes (such as separations, equilibria, kinetics, and competitions between solution equilibria) must he considered in terms of their value to real (i.e., current) analytical problems. Presentation of the principles of qualitative analysis should include hoth inorganic and organic materials, and should demonstrate how hoth are involved in current chemical problems. I n every case an understanding of how chemical and/or physical properties can be used for identification, especially in complex mixtures, deserves more than passing mention. It is not so important where the "qual" is taught as that it is taught-in one course or in several courses. 188
Journol o f Chemicol Educofion
Members of the Analylical Subcommittee A. T. Sherren, Chairman. North Central College C. H. Bryce. Seattle Community College J. M. Fitrgerald, University of Houston W. B. Guenther. The University of the South M. W. Hanson, Centenary College L. G. Hargis. Louisiana State University in New Orleans R. F. Hirsoh, Seton Hail University D. C. Jaokman. PfeiEer College B. E. Jones, Moomouth College J. P. Martin, Davis and Elkins College W. E. Ohnesorge, Lehigh Univeraity R. J. Palma, Eisenhower College J. M. P w ~ e n h n g e n ,Kenyon College L. B. Rogers. Purdue University F . C. Strong, 111. Universidhd de El Salvador E. L. Wehry, university of Tenneasea
Our subcommittee (like all of the rest) prepared an outline of the specific topics considered to be important, in order to define the areas of competence which a bachelor's dcgree chemist should exhibit. It is recognized that, in various institutions, the courses in which any specific topic is introduced, and the depth with which it is covered may differ widely. However, it is strongly felt that these topics should be presented in a manner and at a time which is compatible with each department's curriculum. A condensation of the analytical chemistry topical outline is given below. I n this condensation of the outline, Part I (Conceptual Approach to Analysis), is given in more detail (but is still a condensation) because the committee believes that this segment emphasizes the total problem concept. Analytical Chemistry: Theory and Practice of Characterization, Separations, and Measurements of Chemical Systems I. Conoeptusl Approach t o Analysis A. Definition of t h e s n a l y t i d problem 1. Formulation of the anslytioal problem 2. Properties of systems to be studied-observations and messurementa to he made 3. Required sensitivity (detection limits), soouraoy, and precislun 4. Resources available B. Selection of a method t o solve the problem-including optimiration of seleotion based on the following additional factors 1. Number of samg1es to be analyzed 2. Time required (elapsed and operator) 3. Sample limitations (aize, destruotive versus nondes.. physical P'OP.~
C. Implementation of the method 1. Chemioal iaotars
2. Instrumental factors &. Type8 of measurements b. Typesof 0"t""t o. Types of msthematieal treatments and transformhtions of data D. Results 1. Evaluation of present d a t a 2. Comparison with ~reviouslyavailable data 3. Overall interpretation of dat* 4. Communication of results 11. Competitive Equilibria and Relative Rates in Analysis A. Equivalence points and end pointa B. Sephrhtion systems C. Reaotion rates for mixtures 111. Separstions A. Types of methods (e.g., heterogeneous equil., rates, meohanlosll B. Types of prooesers (as..single step or multiple step)
IV. MeasurementsThaory and Practice A. Maas and/or volume B. Radiant energy-apeao.copy C. Eleotrochemistrv D. Nuclear properties and changes E. Thermal properties
The ultimate goal of the curriculum committee is to delineate the skills (or other attributes) which should he exhibited by a bachelor's degree chemist. Such "behavorial objectives" should eventually prove extremely useful in constructing undergraduate curricula. For example, a student who has mastered the concept of "Selection of a method to solve a chemical problem" (Item I B in the topical outline presented above) should exhibit the ability to (a) compare and contrast
methods of analysis in order to seiect the optimum method for the analytical problem a t hand, (b) identify the step or steps which limit the accuracy and/or precision of the result, and (c) describe what properties of the sample system make it amenable to analysis for the desired component. By designing a curriculum around hehavorial objectives, the always difficult task of deciding whether or not a given topic is "essential" should he made easier. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the complete topical outline, or who wishes to offer comments or suggestions, should contact Dr. A. T. Sherren, North Central College, Naperville, 111.60540.
Volume 49, Number
3, March 1972