4 tke N e w England Association of Chem
Official Business Appointments and Elertions
For the first time, tho elections conducted by mail ballot in the spring of 1968 offered a choice of candidates. As a result of these elections, the officers of the Association far the year 1968-69 are as follows. President: Louise 0 . C. Swensan, Masconomet Regional High School, Topsfield, Mass. (conbinuing). Immediate Past President: Rev. Joseph A. Martus, S.J., College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. President-Elect: Dr. Russell Meinhold, Rhade Island College, Providence. R . I. lcontinuinei. -, Pinancia1 Secretary: Rose M. Paternostro, Weaver High School, Hartford, Conn. (elected 1968). Recording Secretary: Rachel I