REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1957, 49 (8), pp 21A–21A. DOI: 10.1021/i650572a718. Publication Date: August 1957. Copyright © 1957 ...
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GET FULL-LINE, FULLTIME PROTECTION with Republic Steel Drums When you specify Republic Steel Drums for shipment or storage of your materials, you get two major advantages. First, you get full-line protection, because Republic produces a complete range of types and sizes in both light and heavy gage steel drums. Second, Republic's unexcelled quality gives your materials fulltime protection with the strength of steel, during handling, shipping or storage. Republic's full line includes the following: Light Gage Class I.C.C.—17E, 17H, 17C, 6J. A complete service is available with either Tight End or Full Removable Head. Drums can be supplied with high-bake lacquer linings or hot dip galvanized or hot dip tinned to protect a wide variety of difficult-to-hold products. Bodies and heads can be decorated to order. Heavy Gage Class I.C.C—5, 5A, 5B, 5C, 17F, and certain I.C.C.—6 Series.

PROTECTION AGAINST CONTAMINATION OR LOSS o f numerous chemically active liquids is assured when y o u specify corrosion resistant ENDURO Stainless Steel Pipe o r Tubing f o r handling-systems. Further, the g r e a t strength a n d h e a t resistance o f ELECTRUNITE® ENDURO Pipe a n d Tubing suit it i d e a l l y t o fluid materials processing a t high t e m p e r a t u r e s a n d pressures. For d a t a , m a i l c o u p o n .


In these gage classifications, Republic offers a complete service to the chemical industry. I n addition, Republic can supply containers made of ENDURO® Stainless Steel—the ultimate material for long-lasting, trouble-free corrosion protection. Finally, Republic produces a full line of Steel Packages from 3Vi- to 20-gallon capacities. Gages range from 26 to 20 in plain steel with decoration and special high bake linings as required. Whatever your material problem, specify Republic Steel Drums for full-line, full-time protection. Mail coupon for illustrated catalog.

FULL LINE OF PLASTIC PIPE makes Republic y o u r best choice f o r e v e r y a p p l i c a t i o n . Republic SRK (Semi-Rigid Kralastic) is shown. It offers excellent corrosion resistance t o a w i d e v a r i e t y o f chemically active liquids a n d gases. Exceptional strength plus light w e i g h t make fast, p e r m a n e n t installations e a s y . Cuts w i t h a h a n d saw. Joins w i t h s o l v e n t - w e l d e d fittings. Send f o r facts.