REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - REPUBLIC STEEL CORPORATION. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (9), pp 114A–115A. DOI: 10.1021/i651400a788. Publication Date: September ...
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The metal that reduces maintenance and "These E N D U R O Stainless Steel dye kettles could last a lifetime." So says the superintendent of a prominent worsted mill. T h e battery of dye k e t t l e s , s h o w n a b o v e , possesses a remarkable performance record for resistance to rust and c o r r o s i o n . They were fabricated from Republic E N D U R O Stainless Steel and have been in almost continuous use for 15 years. During this span, the kettles have been subjected to constant contact with dyeing solutions and high-pressure steam —to repeated flushings and washings. Yet, there has been no deterioration, n o maintenance, no replacements. T h e dye works superintendent sees no reason why they shouldn't last a lifetime.

A bonus benefit has been ENDURO's noncontaminating characteristic. E N D U R O will not absorb color, thereby eliminating the problem of dye carryover and contamination caused by other materials of construction. It permits true colors. A water rinse quickly restores E N D U R O ' s smooth, hard surface to sparkling cleanliness and permits fast color changeovers. Here is proof that E N D U R O Stainless Steel is the metal that reduces maintenance and replacement costs, cuts down-time for cleaning, extends equipment life. Your supplier will give you more advantages of ENDURO-made textile equipment. Or if you require confidential, obligation-free metallurgical service, just mail the coupon.


114 A

World's Widest Range of Standard Steels


FREE-MACHINING ENDURO STAINLES5 STEEL BARS EXTEND OPERATING LIFE of precision textile instruments exposed to corrosive atmospheres. Record­ ing pens a n d interior parts, such as cams, pawls, levers and segments, a r e made from ENDURO. ENDURO Bars elimi­ nate a costly plating operation and help control machining costs. Republic will help you apply the high physical properties and corrosion-resistance of ENDURO to your textile machine parts.

replacement costs-

ENDURO Stainless Steel

STEEL and Steel Products

REPUBLIC DEKORON-COATED E.M.T. REDUCES REPLACEMENT COSTS on elec­ trical raceways by resisting the corrosive action of fumes, steam and gases. This easily installed electrical raceway gives you the double protection of a polyethylene coating over a galvanized finish. Moisture-tight, corrosionprotected joints are made by wrapping the fhreadless connectors and couplings with plastic t a p e . Dekoron-Coated Electrical Metallic Tubing costs less because it lasts longer. Send for Booklet DEK-1.

REPUBLIC ENDURO STAINLESS STEEL PIPE REDUCES MAINTENANCE and r e ­ placement costs by providing a corrosion-resistant piping system. Here it Is used to transport dyeing solution from stainless steel storage tanks to a pressure dye, boil-off, and bleach machine. ENDURO Stainless Steel Pipe stubbornly resists the corrosive action of most alkalies and acids. Any slightly higher initial cost is offset by definite savings in maintenance.

REPUBLIC STEEL C O R P O R A T I O N Dept. C - 1 9 5 7 3 1 7 4 East 4 5 t h S t r e e t · Cleveland 2 7 , Ohio Π Have a metallurgist call Send more information on: D ENDURO® Stainless Steel α Dekoron®-Coated E.M.T. D ENDURO Stainless Steel Pipe D Free-Machining ENDURO Bars .Title-

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For further information, circle numbers 115 A - 1 , 115 A-2, 115 A-3, 115 A-4 on Readers' Service Card, page 139 A

VOL. 48, NO. 9



