RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . immediatelg


All papers listed are being considered for publication in I&EC or one of the I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form, with the requirement that any reference to their content in a publication must have the author's prior approval. Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt, with shipment by first class mail, Prices for I&EC subscribers and nonsubscribers are listed with each manuscript, Please include payment with order. ~



Development of a Process for the Production of Levoglucosan by Pyrolysis of Carbohydrates. Evaluatcs known processcs. Presents experimental rcsults relating to optimum operating concli tions for pyrolysis process, emphasizing optimum methods for heating raw material and removing gaseous products from reaction zone. Reports effect of particle size, temperature, and pretreatments on raw material. C. M. Lnlrsliniaiian, B. Gal-Or, a n d H . E. Hoelschei-, Liiiii,e~.sily of 36 pages (4 flgures, 7 tables)

Ms. 68-550

Nonsubscribers $16.00

ILEC Subscribers $8.00

On the Equations of Holland in the Solution of Problems in Multicomponent Distillation. Shows for thc first time that a solution to thc Holland equations exists at each iteration performed to obtain the answer to a distillation problciii, provided the total withdrawal rate of cadi pioduct strc;ini is specified. I). S.

Iji//iitgs/ey, I B J l Corporation

Ms. 68-551

32 pages (6 flgures)

ILEC Subscribers $8.00

Nonsubscribers $16.00

Desorption of n-Parafflns from Molecular Slave 5A. Initial desorption raws incrcasc with incrcasetl loading and desorption pressure, and slightly with increased temperature and molecular length. A simplc picture of molecular motion through a molecular sieve crystal is suggested for the incchanism of desorption.

Eplirainr h'eliat and Michael Heineman, Technion-Israel Institute of Teclinology Mr. 68-555

29 pages (7 flgures, 2 tables)

ILEC Subscribers $6.00

V a l e r i t ~1'. Jiiiescu, Polytechnic Institute, BucliaRoninnia


24 pages (4 figures)

IBEC subscribers $6.00

The Effectiveness of a Fluidized Bed in Removing Submicron Particulate from a n Air Stream. A fluidized bctl, by maintaining mov. iiig clcnicnts in proper position with respect to c:i