RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE Summaries of ... - ACS Publications

RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE Summaries of articles under consideration. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1969, 61 (9), pp 94–96. DOI: 10.1021/ie50717a012. Publication ...
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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . immediateb available All papers listed are being considered for publication in I&EC or one of the I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form, with the requirement that any reference to their content in a publication must have the author’s prior approval. Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt, with shipment b y first class mail. Prices for I&EC subscribers and nonsubscribers are listed with each manuscript. Please include payment with order.

Influence of Surface Roughness on the Velocity of Single Cylindrical Air Bubbles Rising through Liquids Contained in Vertical lubes. Velocities in metal or tubes were 3.4 to 6.0y0 less than those of similar bubbles rising in similar liquids in smooth glass tubes.

R. R. Odemar and G . E. Geiger, University of Pittsburgh

Ms. 69-169

20 pages (1 1 figures, 2 tables) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

A n Equation of State Derived from Compressibility Data, and a Single Constant Vapor Pressure Equation. State equation has universal constant and two others for substance. Reduced equation for internal pressure of gas proposed. Calculated values of thermodynamic properties from V P equation and derivative are in good agreement with observed values. State equation for mercury.

R. W . Gowlland, Laieitta, Via, New Norfold 7450, Tasmania, Australia MS.69-176 3 9 pages ( 9 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $8.00

Nonsubscribers $1 6.00

A Study of the Kinetics of the Oxidative Thermal Decomposition of Starch in a Fluidized Reactor. Decomposition of starch to levoglucosan was studied, and the concept of subreactors with varying reactivity was used in analyzing results. Over the range of variables investigated, the reaction was first-order with respect to oxygen concentration in the fluidizing medium. S. L. Jariwala and H. E. Hoelscher, University of Pittsburgh


33 pages (1 1 figures, 2 tables) l&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $16.00

Electron Radiation Curing of Styrene/Polyester Mixtures. Effect of Backbone Reactivity and Dose Rate. Mechanism of electron radiation curing of styrene-unsaturated polyester coating mixtures inferred from studies in which gel formation and swelling are measured as dose, dose rate, styrene content, backbone composition, and molecular weight are varied.

Nonlinear Programming Applied to Process Design and Optimization. Describes NLP as a mathematical framework for performing process design and optimization studies and offers a new method called Rotational Discrimination for numerically solving NLP problems. Presents a detailed case study of a process design and optimization problem.

A . S. Hoffman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, J . T. Jameson, Harvard Unil;ersity, W . A . Salmon, D. E. Smith, and D. A . Tragesler, High Voltage Engineering Corporation Ms. 69-261 42 pages (15 figures, 6 tables)

John B. Vznturella, International Data $stems Corporatzon, and Victor J . L a w , Tulane University

I&EC Subscribers $1 0.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00

Void Fraction Measurement of Homogeneous Powder Beds by Frequency-Response Method. Pulsating gas flow through a homogeneous powder bed was theoretically investigated to obtain basis of a method for void fraction measurement. T h e basic theory was verified by experiment with small glass spheres.

Yoji Nakajima, Yutaka Ado, Keishi Gotoh, and Taisuo Tanaka, Hokkaido LTniuersity, Saflporo, Jaflan MS.69-275 3 6 pages ( 1 0 flgures, 1 table) K E C Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $1 6.00

Discrete Crystallization Kinetics-Batch Crystallization. Discrete crystallization kinetics are analyzed for various modes of batch crystallization. Exact descriptions of population dynamics are readily obtained.

D. C. T i m m , Lhiuersity of Nebraska

MS.69-284 l&EC Subscribers $6.00

Effect of Calcium Sulfate Additions on the Grindability of Portland Cement Clinker. The effect of water and various forms of C a s 0 4 on grinding efficiency of clinker was investigated. Only 5% C a S 0 4 . 2 H z 0 and 0.2 to 0.5% water greatly increased surface production. The effectiveness of gypsum as a grinding aid diminished on calcination.


Ms. 69-289 28 pages (10 flgurer, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $12.00 Production of 2,2’,6,6’-Biphenyltetracarboxylic Acid and Its Dianhydride. Ozonolysis of technical pyrene, decomposition of the ozonide with pyridine, and oxidation of the intermediates with hydrogen perioxide gives 2,2‘,6,6‘-biphenyltetracarboxylic acid in 91 yo yield. T h e tetraacid forms a mixed-anhydride, which can be sublimed to yield the dianhydride.

R . H. Callighan and P. X . Masicantonio, United States Steel Corporation, and M . J . Grubber and M . S. Morgan, Carnegie-.Mellon University MS.69-290 9 pages I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00


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Ms. 69-256 1 7 pages (5 figures, 2 tables) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $ 8 J O 94

L . J . Anastasia, P. G . Alfredson, and M . J . Steindler, Argonne National Laboratory

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Research Center, Cairo, U.A.R. MS.69-228 11 pages (2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

B. S . Miller and J . J . Salamone, Kewark College of Engineering

Reaction Model for the Fluorination of Uranium and Plutonium Compounds in Fluidized-Bed Reactors. In several fluidized-bed systems of 2and 3-in. diameter, the fluorination of UO, with fluorine, U 3 0 8 with fluorine, and BrFs, and PuF4 with concentrated fluorine appears to follow a simplified reaction model.

RESEARCH RESULTS SERVICE, I&EC 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036


K . M . Hanna and S. A . El-Hemal), National

Milling of Non-Newtonian Fluids. Correlation developed for prediction of power-fluid flow behavior in ball mills. Model used to approximate rheological behavior of milled fluid. Dimensional analysis technique utilized to correlate data on dispersions, resulting in dimensionless groups describing power-fluid flow relationship.

23 pages (3 figures) Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

MS.69-285 38 pages ( 1 figure, 9 tables) I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $1 6.00



0 0

Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Isopropanol to Acetone. T h e copper on silica gel catalyst reaction follows forward first-order and reverse second-order kinetics. Single-site surface reaction and adsorption of alcohol are rate controlling steps for pure and technical isopropanol. Static and fluidized bed data are compared.

S. S. Lokras, P . K. Deshpande, and N . R. Kuloor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore- 72, India Ms. 69-292 20 pages ( 1 figure, 7 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00 l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Thin Organic Polymer Coatings Deposited from a Gas Discharge. Uniform thicknesses in a 0.2to 4-micron range are continuously deposited a t low pressure on shaped electrodes or moving strips of metal, paper, textiles, and plastic films. Organic monomer vapors included tetrafluoroethylene, yield 10 g/kw hr. Coatings are pinhole-free, corrosion resistant, water-repellent.

Arthur Bradley, Radiation Research Corporation MS.69-293 7 pages (2 tables) Nonsubscribers $4.00 I&EC Subscribers $2.00 A Multibranched-Pore Model in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Presents model and proposes generalized Thiele modulus for irreversible nthorder isothermal catalyzed reactions. Simple equations are deduced, relating apparent kinetics for nth order and selectivity for firstorder reactions to branching degree of porous structure in strong pore diffusion regimes.

Roberto Tartarelli, University of Pisa, Italy MS.69-294 9 pages Nonsubscribers $4.00 l&EC Subscribers $2.00 An Investigation of the Viscosity of Dry Air at Elevated Pressures and Temperotures Using o Steady-Flow Capillary Viscometer. Pressure 35 to 150 atmospheres; temperature 150' to 430OC. End effects eliminated by extrapolation procedure; deviations from isothermality accommodated by modified Hagen-Poiseuille equation. Results show 470 viscosity increase over cited pressure range at 150°C, less than 1% a t 430°C.

G. E. Goring and D . P. Fagan, Trinity University MS.69-297 35 pages (7 figures, 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 6.00 Coal and Char Transformation in Hydrogasification-lignite to low-Volatile Bituminous Coal. Yield of bituminous coal from pretreatment increased with rank. Structure and anisotropy of residues indicated that fluidity in interior of particles increased with rank. This caused difficulty i n processing of low-volatile bituminous coals.

David M . Mason, Institute of Gas Technology MS.69-298 17 pages ( 9 figures, 3 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00 I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Interaction of l o w Frequency Sound with the Turbulent Flow Regime in Air in a Tube. Sound attenuation coefficient in air in a 0.75-in. tube was measured in the turbulent flow region a t frequencies below 900 Hz. Results were in agreement with the Kirchhoff formula, except a t low frequencies and high Reynolds numbers.

J . M . Beeckmans, B. Dudon, and 0. Tulsian, University of Canada MS.69-299

Western Ontario, London, Ontario,

I&EC Subscribers $4.00

19 pages ( 5 figures) Nonsubscribers $8.00

Multistage Flash Desalination Utilizing Diesel Generator Waste Heat. An experimental 6000 gpd aluminum eight-stage flash evaporator was constructed for desalination of seawater, to operate continuously from a variable waste heat source of diesel generator cooling system without manual control. Experimental data and design criteria are given.

John S. Williams and Allan S. Hodgson, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory MS.69-300 24 pages ( 1 2 figures) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00 Mixing Effects in Chemical Reactors, II. Chain Reactions in Batch and Flow Systems. Effects of radial mixing in flow reactors and mixing in batch reactors are calculated for chain and nonchain reactions, with arbitrary residence time and local reaction rate distributions. Both reactant and chain center mixing almost invariably increase conversion.

R. M . Felder and F . B. Hill, Brookhaven National Laboratory MS.69-303 40 pages ( 1 figure, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscrlbers $1 6.00 Application of a Suboptimal Design Method to a Distributed-Parameter Reactor Problem. A suboptimal method employing lumped and distributed parameter equations was applied to find optimal heat flux profiles for a packed reactor with radial gradients. Results show improvement over one-dimensional analysis but with less computation than usual twodimensional procedures.

J . D . Paynter, J . S. Dranoff, and S. G. Bankoff, Northwestern University MS.69-304 24 pages ( 7 flgures, 3 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $12.00 Pilot Plant Preparation of Poly(styrene) of Very Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution. Instantaneous initiation of very pure styrene under controlled conditions results in poly(styrene) of near-perfect molecular weight distribution in 30-lb quantities. Useful molecular weights from 500 to 1.8 X 106 have been prepared. These materials, carefully characterized, are used as polymeric standards.

Timothy Altares, Jr., and E. L. Clark, Pressure Chemical Company MS.69-305 18 pages (1 figure, 2 tables) Nonsubscribers 88.00 I&EC Subscribers $4.00 light Scattering by Pigmentary Rutile in Polymeric Films. T h e macroscopic scattering cross-section of polydisperse rutile in a medium of 1.5 refractive index was maximum a t diameter 0.27 micron for 0.560 micron wavelength. Maximum for difference in scattering between 0.420 and 0.590 micron occurred a t diameter 0.135 micron.

R. A . Slepetys and M . F. Sullivan, National Lead Company MS.69-307 19 pages (6 figures) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

A Four Parameter Extension of the Theorem of Corresponding States. T h e parachor is used as the fourth parameter (the acentric factor is the third) in a n extended theorem useful for polar and nonpolar substances. Vapor pressures for 242 substances were correlated with a n average deviation of 4.92%.

Eugene A . Harlacher, Continental Oil Company Ms. 69-314 2 9 pages (2 figures, 4 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00 Hyperflltratlon XVII. Application of Woven Fiber Hoses to Hyperflltration of Salts and Cross Flow Filtration of Suspended Solids. Dynamic membranes gave salt rejections as high as 85% with production rates of 95 gpd/ftZ a t 275 psig. Filtration rates of micron-sized particles were several hundred gpd/ftz a t 20 psig.

Joseph A . Dahlhetmer, Davtd G . Thomas, and Kurt A . Kraus, Oak Ridge National Laboratory MS.69-315 1 5 pages (5 figurer, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00 Mixed Ionic Solvents Systems. II. Recovery of Magnesium Chloride from Seawater Cancentrates. Describes a process to recover magnesium chloride from seawater concentrates by extraction with alkylammonium carboxylate solvent extraction systems. Compares application of the process to three-fold and 10-fold concentrated seawater, and bittern (about 40-fold).

Robert R. Grinstead and James C. Davis, The Daw Chemical Company Ms. 69-31 6 28 pages (7 figures, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00 Effect of Data Weighting in Parameter Estimation and Model Discrimination. Shows that if several reasonable, but different, schemes for weighting data are used, different conclusions may result as to choice of kinetic model or parameter values. Also, each differing conclusion appears statistically significant if considered by itself.

David Kauffman and Lee F . Brown, University o j Colorado MS. 69-320 12 pages (2 figures, 3 tables) Nonsubscribers $8.00 I&EC Subscribers $4.00 The Rate of Spread of Jets of Non-Newtonian Fluids. T h e flow in submerged jets of nonNewtonian fluids was examined. Analysis of the measurements shows that these jets spread a t the same rate as do jets of Newtonian fluids in the fully developed regions of the flow.

R . A. Pownal, Union Carbide-Linde Division, and

K. M . Kiser, State University of N e w York at Buffalo


1 8 pages ( 6 figures, 1 table) Nonsubscribers $8.00 I&EC Subscribers $4.00

Steady Symmetric Sink Flows of Incompressible Simple Fluids. Sink flow solutions are of importance in the analysis of convergent flows from a reservoir to a nozzle. T h e simple fluid as well as more specific viscoelastic models are considered. T h e results are compared with those for other elongational flows.

Fitted Power Series Coefficients Using Orthogonal Polynomials. A general procedure is presented for calculating the coefficients in a power series from the coefficients obtained using a particular set of orthogonal polynomials. T h e advantages of simplified computation and high efficiency are retained.

G. Marrucci and R. E. Murch, University of Delaware MS.69-308 9 pages I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Herman R. Osmers, University of Delaware MS.69-324 7 pages Nonsubscribers $4.00 I&EC Subscribers $2.00

VOL 61

NO. 9




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A Dilatometric Technique to Study Nucleation Phenomena in Urea-Solvent Systems. Describes a method used to study the onset of nucleation seeded and unseeded solutions. Variations in cooling rates, saturation temperatures, urea lots, agitation rates, types of seeds, and hystereses effects were considered.

Frost Deposition on Cold Surfaces. Studies made by flowing humid air over liquid-nitrogen cooled plate. Density and thermal conductivities determined; heat and mass fluxes measured. Data were correlated by an analytical model emphasizing internal diffusion. Additional study showed no density gradients within the frost.

E. Lahti, Purdue University

Robert L. Cottrell, Thomas D. Storm, and Leslie

R. C. Reid, P. L. T . Brian, and Y. T . Shah, Massachusetfs Institute of Technology Ms. 6 9 - 3 2 6 2 4 pages ( 1 0 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $6.00

Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Eugene Cerceo, The Boeing Compaly

A N e w Thermodynamic Equation Useful for Testing Consistency of liquid-Vapor Phase

J . D. h70rdstrom and J . E, Hinsch, Ford Motor

Equilibria Data. The equation Zu,

... ...










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1 5 pages ( 3 figures, 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00 A n Experimental Determination of the Diffusivity of Bromine by Photometry. Calculated diffusivities for bromine in air a t 24OC were obtained from photometric bromine concentration gradient measurements. Vertical or near vertical diffusion values agree with literature correlation predictions. Large discrepancies for horizontal flow are ascribed to gravity induced bulk flow.

SALES REPRESENTATIVES Chicago 60603 Laurence 0. Roberts, Joseph C Hoopes William R. Phalen, 10 South La'Salle St.,' (Area Code 312) 7261282 Cleveland 44114 Rodney D. Long, 1717 East 9th St.. (Area Code 216) 771-4011 Dallas 75207 Parker Harris George Thompson i o ; McDonald A'ssociates, Inc., Stemhons Tower West, (Area Code 214) 637.2444 Denver 80203 , Robert H. Heidersbach, Roy McDonald Associates, Inc., 846 Lincoln St., (Area Code 303) 825-3325 Detroit , (Area Code 313) Enterprise 670k Houston 77006 , Frank N. Vickrey Richard Clothier, Roy McDonald A s s h a t e s , Inc., 3130 Southwest Freeway, (Area Code 713) 529-6711 Los Angeles 90045 Clay S. Holden, Lynn Gaskill, 89i9 So. Sepulveda Blvd., (Area Code 213) 776-0552 Philadelphia 19107 , Benjamin W. Jones, 12 South 12th Street, (Area Code 215) 922-0346 San Francisco Clay S. Holden, Lynn Gas. kill, (Area Code 415) 421-8080 Stamford Conn. 06904 Robert N. Sillars Jr., hamuel W. Percy Howard I. Sheil; Jr., Richard W. Bohln, W. T. Cowley: 600 Summer St., (Area Code 203) 348. 7531

Effect of Time on the Infrared Spectra of Epoxy When pyrolyzates from epoxyPyrolyzates. fiber glass composites are exposed to the atmosphere for a prolonged period, infrared spectral changes occur. These changes are attributed to oxidation and loss of lighter molecular weight species, such as cresols and xylols.

Acrylic Copolymers for Radiation Cured Coatings. Acrylic copolymers containing pendant epoxy groups are reacted with unsaturated acids to produce polymers which crosslink when exposed to electron irradiation. The effects of unsaturation concentration and copolymer composition upon film properties are reported.

E. A . Noga and D . Barham, Lhiversity of Toronfo MS.6 9 - 3 3 3 10 pages ( 2 figures, 3 tables) I&EC Subscribers $2.00 Nonsubscribers $4.00

Clay S . Holden W e s t e r n Regional Manager

Ms. 6 9 - 3 3 9 2 7 pages ( 6 flgures, 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00

Application of the Complex Method of Optimization Problems in Function Space. Method developed by Box was successfully applied. Extensive use gives approximate solutions for optimization problems. As an illustration, the method is applied to solve problems in finding optimum temperature profile in a tubular reactor.

Tomio Umeda, Chiyoda Chemical Engineering @ Construction Company, and Atsunobu Ichikawa, Tokyo Institute o j Technology, Japan Ms. 69-334 2 9 pages (1 1 figures, 3 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00 Nonlinear Estimation Theory. A problem of fundamental importance to the chemical engineer is the analysis of system or plant operating data for the purpose of process modeling. T h e estimation of process states and parameters from actual output data is reviewed.

John H. Seinjeld, California Institute of Technology MS.69-335 4 7 pages I&EC Subscribers $10.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00 Combination of Conventional Power Plant and Preliminary Seawater Desalination Plant. evaluation indicates that a proper combination of conventional fossil power production with seawater desalination may bring mutual solutions to many costly problems involved in each separately; including air pollution control, scale free desalination, and possible recovery of valuable minerals.

B. T . Kown, Rutgers University Ms. 6 9 - 3 3 6 17 pages (2 figures, 1 table) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00


is derived.



u i = mole fraction of the

component in the charging feed, VT = total volume, n = total number of moles and fi = fugacity of the zth component, with liquid and vapor in equilibrium. tfh

Robert E. Barieau, Bureau of Mines, Amarillo, Texas

MS.69-341 l&EC Subscribers $2.00

5 pages Nonsubscribers $4.00

Preparation and Preliminary Evaluation of N,N-Disubstituted Fatty Acid Amides. Over 200 N,N-disubstituted long chain fatty acid amides are referenced. Industrial potential as plasticizers, antistatic agents, specialty solvents, antimicrobial agents is discussed. Plasticizing characteristics of 17 are given in detail. Pilot plant preparation and economics of production of i\',iV-dibutyloleamide are reported.

L. W. Marzeno, Jr., F. C . Magne, R. R. Mod, E. L. Skau, and G. Sumrell, Southern Regional Research Laboratory, A R S , L T D A Ms. 69-344 20 pages ( 3 figures, 2 tables) l&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

The Effect of Additive Functionality in Radiation Crosslinking of Polymers: A Simple Mathematical Model. T h e effect of additive functionality on gel formation in irradiated polymeric systems is discussed from a theoretical point of view. Utilization of a simplified mathematical model results in a quantitative treatment of the effect of functionality, consistent with intuitive approaches.

Larry D. Nichols and George R . Berbeco, Moieculon Research Corporafion

MS.69-345 l&EC Subscribers $2.00

8 pages (1 table) Nonsubscribers $4.00

Pressure Drop Reduction Across a Ball Valve Using a Foam-Damped Flexible Tube. Pressure drops in the flexible system are reduced by as much as 40% over rigid systems for ball valves. Valves of the pressure drops in rigid systems around the ball valve at varying Reynolds numbers are presented.

G. E. Klinzing, University o j Piftsburgh

MS.6 9 - 3 4 7 I&EC Subscribers $2.00

6 pages ( 2 figures) Nonsubscribers $4.00