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All papers listed are being considered for publication in I&EC or one of the I&EC Quarterlies. They are available in manuscript form, with the requirement that any reference to their content in a publication must have the author’s prior approval. Orders are processed within 24 hours of receipt, with shipment by first class mail. Prices for I&EC subscribers and nonsubscribers are listed with each manuscript. Please include payment with order.

Size of the Probe for Concentration Measurement of Dispersed Systems. Equations directly

applicable in determining size of the probe in connection with the size of the tested matter and/or process equipment are derived. T h e problem of particle size distribution analysis is discussed.

Keishi Gotoh, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan MS.7 0 - 4 4 10 pages ( 2 figures) I&EC Subscribers $2.00



On-line Computer Confrolled Chromatograph for Analysis of Catalytic Reformer Streams.

Describes system installed in refinery. Essentially complete analyses were made. Parameters, including octane, specific gravity, and distillation were calculated. Parallel columns in multiple temperature zones cover Ca-Clz range.

Raymond D. McCoy, Louis B. Roof, and Buell 0. Ayers, Applied Automation, Inc. Ms. 70-10 3 28 pages (9figures, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00

Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Scale-up of Agitated Vessels-Mass Transfer from Suspended Solute Particles. Reviews and

evaluates the various design procedures recommended in the literature. Determination of the appropriate mechanism-forced convection, free convection, or radial diffusion-is discussed. Improved correlations are developed based on new data and information available from earlier published studies.

Heat Transfer to Bingham Plastic Slurries in Agitafed Vessels. Correlations were developed for heat transfer to Bingham plastic slurries in jacketed, agitated vessels, based on the use of an effective viscosity, as proposed by previous investigators in correlating power consumption data for non-Newtonian fluid agitation.

J . 8 . Martone and 0 . C. Sandall, University of

Californta, Santa Barbara Ms. 70-1 1 2 28 pages (6 figures, 3 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $12.00

Thermodynamic Properties of liquid Mixtures: Aromatic-Saturated Hydrocarbon Systems. Excess Gibbs energies are given for 23 binary

systems a t several temperatures. Result9 a r e correlated using an extended form of the Scatchard-Hildebrand equation. Brief attention i s given to enthalpies of mixing.

E. W . Funk and J . M. Prausnitz, llniversit~, of Calzfornta at Berkeley Ms. 70-1 4 4 3 2 pages (5 figures, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers

$8.00 Nonsubscribers $1 6.00

Study of the Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide ai Elevated Pressure. The adsorption of COz from

nitrogen was studied a t pressures u p to 135 psig on type 5A molecular sieve. Pore diffusion was the rate determining step, and a satisfactory model was found to describe the data.

R. Parker Dawkins and Henry M . Gehrhardt, University of N e w Hampshire MS.70-1 27 14 pages (5 figures) I&EC Subscribers $4.00



Design Theory and Separations on a Preparative-Scale Continuous-Flow Annular-Bed ElecParameter plots and trophoretic Apparatus.

experimental results are given for binary separation, illustrated by ionic dyes and amino acid mixtures, with effects of transverse spreading, temperature rise, and voltage distribution. T h e method appears advantageous for separating heat-sensitive high-value biochemical materials.

D . N . Miller, E. I. D u Pant de Nemours &’ Go. Ms. 70-1 05 46 pages (8figures, 3 tables)

Theodore Vermaulen, Louie Nady, John M . Krochta, Edo Ravoo, and Darryl Howery, University of California at Berkeley

I&EC Subscribers $1 0.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00

Ms. 70-1 4 0

48 pages (17 figures)

I&EC Subscribers $1 0.00 Nonsubscribers $20.00

Energetics of liquid Flow and Viscosity of Hydrocarbons. An equation for calculation of

most higher molecular weight liquid hydrocarbon viscosities over their entire liquid range to within & l o % or less is described, cmploying EVap,M , V , T , and the nonalkane-to-total carbon atom ratio.

R. J.Moore, Shell Chemical Co. 3 6 pages (1 1 figures, 3 tables)

Ms. 7 0 - 1 4 5

I&EC Subscribers $8.00 Nonsubscribers $1 6.00

Fluidization in a Recfangular Fluidized Red Containing Horizontal Tubes. Observations in-

dicate that fluidization in the bed and temperature distributions around the horizontal tubes can be inhibited by stagnant caps on the tubes, defluidized regions between tubes and the wall, and defluidized regions in the corners of the bed.

D . L. Keairns, Westinghouse Resparch Laboratories MS.7 0 - 1 4 6 2 0 pages ( 6 figures, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00

Simple Method for Esfimating fhe Effect of Axial Backmixing on Countercurrent Column Performance. Column efficiency (height of a plug

flow column/height cf a backmixed column) is given as a simple function of design parameters. The proposed equation is compared with exact solutions over a wide range of conditions.

J . S. Walson and H. D . Cochran, Jr., Oak Ridge National Laboratory MS.70-1 06 l&EC Subscribers $2.00

10 pages ( 2 figures) Nonsubscribers $4.00

Surface-Catalyzed Reactions in Turbulent Pipe Flows. Changes in the wall and radial con-

centrations as a function of rate constants and reaction orders are shown. T h e effect of the diffusional radial velocity is substantial; particular attention is devoted to the entry region phenomenon.

S. S. Randhava, Imtitute of Gas Technology, and D. T. Wasan, Department of Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology MS.70-107 3 2 pages (11 figures) l&EC Subscribers

Nonsubscribers $8.00

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RESULTS Heat Transfer Around a Horizontal Tube i n a Fluidized Bed. Heat and mass transfer experiments produced heat-transfer coefficients on top of a horizontal tube 7-12 times smaller than coefficients a t the bottom. Coefficients calculated from simplified models were consistent with experimental results.

D . L. Keairns, Westinghouse Research Laboratories Ms. 7 0 - 1 4 7 2 5 pages ( 3 figures, 7 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

containing hydroxy, ether, multicarboxy, and long-chain alkyl groups. T h e effect of these groups on hygroscopicity, low-temperature viscosity, rubber compatibility, and boiling point was studied.

Allan R . Brause, Samuel P. Tucker, and Daaid W'.

Lipfi, U S A A R D C Coating and Chemical Laborator)., Aberdeen Proving Ground MS.7 0 - 1 5 6 1 2 pages ( 4 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00 Nonsubscribers $8.00

Tubular Membranes. Measured permeation rates through cellulose acetate membranes agree with rates from polarization theories within 4'% for IiaC1 solutions and dilute solutions (0.1 M ) of lactose or sucrose. Measured rates are lower than predicted for more concentrated sugar solutions (0.3 M ) .

V. X. Das, J . M . Smith, and R. L. Merson, University of California at Davis Ms. 70-163 1 9 pages (5 figures, 2 tables) l&EC Subscribers $4.00

Hydrocracking Rate of a Dimethylpyridine. Reaction order of 2,6-lutidine \+itli a nickel tungsten catalyst is obtained in a high-pressure batch reactor unit. Rate constants and the activation energy are presented for a temperature range of 400' to 750'F.

Karl A . McKinstry and James H . Gary, Colorado Sciiool of Mines Ms. 7 0 - 1 4 9 1 9 pages (5 figures, 5 tables) I&EC Subscribers $4.00

Nonsubscribers $8.00

Hold-Up and Mass Transfer in a Highly Expanded Gas-liquid Sparged Reactor. Presents d a t a on the hydraulics and transfer rates determined in 3-in and 10.5-in diameter columns for the following systems: air-water and airsulfite solutions (ivith and without additive). Example included shmcs application of results in a sparged reactor design.

J. Blanco, L . Scotti, and J. C. Yorze, The M. JV. Kellogg Co. Ms. 70-151

2 4 pages (5 figures, 3 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00 Isentropic Compression of a Nonideal Gas. Equations were derived for van der Waals, BettieBridgeman, and Benedict-\\'ebb-Rubin equations of state, and illustrated with ammonia and methane. Ideal gas shaft work was greater than the corresponding nonideal value, which was often common for the three models.

John R. T4'asilik and James .M. Pommersheim, Bucknell L'nizerszty MS.7 0 - 1 5 2 24 pages (8 figures) I&EC Subscribers $6.00

Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Pressure Drop in Archimedean Spiral Tubes. Generalized pressure drop and critical Reynolds number correlations, including effect of all geometrical parameters, are presented for Archimedean spiral tubes under steady isothermal flow conditions.

C. TI. Seshadri and Shaukat dli, Indian Institute of Technolog), India Ms. 7 0 - 15 3 13 pages (3 figures, 1 table) I&EC Subscribers $4.00

Nonsubscribers $8.00

Alkylation of Benzene w i t h Dodecene-1 Catalyzed by Supported Silicotungstic Acid. Supported silicotungstic acid is an advantageous catalyst for alkylating benzene \Yith dodecene-1 . Silica gel is the preferred support. Rate d a t a are correlated by second-order kinetics. T h e sulfonated alkylate is equivalent to other linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in detergency and biodegradability.

R . T . Sebulsky and A . .M. I-lenke, C u r Research Dewlopment Co. Ms. 70-1 55 3 0 pages (5 figures, 5 tables) l&EC Subscribers $6.00

Nonsubscribers $ 1 2.00

Effects of Functional Groups on Some Chemical a n d Physical Properties of Brake Fluids. More than 100 organic esters \rere sprhesized


Development of a Model for the Kinetics of Olefin Codimerization. Techniques for developing a kinetic model of the catalyzed codimerization of propylene with butene are demonstrated. Selectivity relationships and statistical arguments are used to simplify the modeling task. Experimental d a t a a r e adequately described by the proposed eight-parameter model.

J. D.Paytiler arid Rejning Co. MS.70-1 5 7

M'. L . Schuctte, Humble Oil and

I&EC Subscribers $6.00

2 8 pages (10 figures) Nanrubscribers $1 2.00

Kinetics of the Isothermal Sorption of Ethane o n 4 A Molecular Sieve Pellets. Experimental diffusivities of ethane in 4.4 sieve pellets are much lo\\er than in pure crystals. T h e difference results from high temperature steaming of the pellets during preparation. Experimental values predict fixed-bed performance quite well.

Edward F. Kondts and Joshua S. Dranoff, ~Vorthwestern Vnii~ersity Ms. 7 0 - 1 5 8 2 6 pages (7 figures, 2 tables) I&EC Subscribers $6.00 Nonsubscribers $1 2.00

Model for Nonequilibrium-Stage Multicomponent Distillation. Simultaneous linear algebraic equations for steady-state behavior are derived. Murphree vapor efficiencies describe individual tray performance. Equations for liquid mole fraction profile yield a roughly upper triangular coefficient matrix. A numerical example is given.

James M . Eakman and John Q . Kirkman, Uniuersitq of