Research Scholarships and Fellowships ... - ACS Publications

4 Nov 2010 - The following list of research scholarships and fellowships supported by industrial concerns and associations is a revision of that previ...
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Research Scholarships and Fellowships Supported by Industry C. J. W E S T AND CALLIE


National Research Council, Washington. D . C. The following list of research scholarships and fellowships supported by industrial concerns and associations is a revision of t h a t previously printed. 1 T h e first list was prepared from information printed in Bulletin 72 of t h e National Research Council. The present list, however, has been compiled from data supplied b y t h e organizations supporting t h e scholarships or fellowships, a n d b y the universities a t which t h e fellowships or scholarships are maintained. Information concerning the research associates a t the Bureau of Standards w a s furnished by t h e bureau. The Mellon Institute is not included here because of its policy t h a t names of the organizations supporting research in the institute are n o t made public, a n d also because such information as t h e y desire t o publish has recently appeared. 2 Corrections of, or additions t o , t h i s list should be sent to t h e Research Information Service, N a t i o n a l Research Council, Washington, D . C.


ABBOTT LABORATORIES, North Chicago, III. Fellowship at Northwestern Medical School, for the study of antiseptics. $2500. ACETOL PRODUCTS, INC., 21 Spruce St., N e w York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, for t h e study of the action of various vitamins o n animal life. $2400. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for research in the stimulating in­ fluence of Cel-O-Glass upon animal a n d plant life. $1200. ALUMINUM COMPANY OP AMERICA, Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Fatigue properties of Alclad aluminum.








Morrison, Secretary, American Woolen Co., Andover, Mass. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Textile chemistry. AMERICAN BOTTLERS O F CARBONATED B E V E R A G E S , 7 2 6 Bond Bldg., Wash-

ington, D. C . Fellowship at Iowa S t a t e College, for problems relating to the beverage industry. One, $900; one, $750; expense, $1350. AMERICAN B U R E A U OP WELDING, 3 3 W e s t Thirty-ninth S t . , New York, N. Y., and AMERICAN BRIDGE Co., 71 Broadway, New York, Ν . Υ.

Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Investigations on steel structures. AMERICAN C A N C O . , 120 Broadway, N e w York, Ν. Υ . Three fellowships at Johns Hopkins University, f o r the study of chemistry. $1000 each. AMERICAN C A S T IRON P I P E Co., Birmingham, Ala.

Fellowship at Iowa

State College, for research i n the Engineering Experiment Station. $1000. AMERICAN CREOSOTING Co., 401 West Main St., Louisville, K y . T w o fellowships a t Washington University, St. Louis, for timber research. $1000 each. Fellowship at Cornell University, for research in chemistry. $1200. Fellowship at Yale University, for research in chemistry. $1200. AMERICAN CYANAMID Co., Central Mercantile Bank Bldg., N e w York, N. Y. Fellowship at Iowa S t a t e College, for research in soils. $1000; expenses $500. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for research on nitrogen availability. $450 (six months only). AMERICAN



160 North

LaSalle St.,

Chicago, III.

Fellowships maintained a t Pennsylvania State College University of Minnesota University of Missouri Winthrop College.

York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at Ohio State University, for research in civil engineering. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Fire tests of floors. AMERICAN



York, N. Y. Three fellowships a t Columbia University, for research in the field of perfume. $5000. Re-

search associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Separation, identi­ fication, and determination of the chemical constituents of commercial petroleum fractions. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Thermodynamic properties of petroleum hydrocarbons. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Pipe-line protection—inspection and tests of pipe coatings in actual service. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE; NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE; SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. Research associate

at Bureau of Standards.

Project: Cooperative fuel research.


Md. Glass container research fellowship at Columbia University. $2000. AMERICAN ROLLING M I L L Co., Middletown, Ohio. Fellowship a t Iowa State College, for research in chemistry. $1000. AMERICAN R U B B E R PRODUCERS, INC., Salinas, Calif. MaCallum research fellowship a t Stanford University for chemical research. AMERICAN SEATING C O . ; R. GUASTAVINO Co.; U. S. GYPSUM C O . ; and SEVERAL SMALLER CONTRIBUTORS. Research associate at Bureau of


Project: Acoustic properties of materials.

AMERICAN SMELTING A N D REFINING C O . , Equitable Bldg., N e w York, Ν . Υ.

Fellowship a t Stanford University.



Pa. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Standardi­ zation and study of methods and apparatus used in testing cement. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, 29 West Thirty-ninth St.,

New York, N. Υ . Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Proj­ ect: Research on lubrication. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Physical properties of steam. ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND

C O . , Minneapolis,

Minn., and


GOODRICH C O . , Milwaukee, Wis. Seven fellowships a t Lehigh Uni­ versity, for work on drying oils. $1200 each. A s n GROVE LIME AND PORTLAND CEMENT CO., Grand Ave., Temple, Kansas

City, Mο. Fellowship a t Kansas State Agricultural College, for research in cement and concrete. $750. York, Ν . Υ . Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Characteristics of felts and asphalts for preparation of bituminous roofing:.

Ave., New York, Ν . Υ. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Efficiency of gears. AMERICAN F A C E BRICK ASSOCIATION, 1 3 0 N o r t h Wells S t . , Chicago, Til.

Project: Moisture pene-


Research associate at Bureau of Standards. metals during casting.


ASPHALT S H I N G L E AND ROOFING INSTITUTE, 2 West Forty-fifth S t . , New


Research associate at Bureau of Standards. tration through brick walls.

Fellowship at American Gas Association Testing Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio, for study in burning gas with pre-heated air. Fellowship at American Gas Association Testing Laboratory, Cleveland. Ohio, for research i n characteristics of burner noises. Fellowship at American Gas Association Testing Laboratory, Cleveland. Ohio, for research in mixed gases. Fellowship at American Institute of Baking, Chicago, III., for study in the application of heat to bread baking. Fellowship at t h e University of Oklahoma, for research in natural gas. Fellowship at West Virginia University, for research in natural giis.


Shrinkage of

AMERICAN G A S ASSOCIATION, 420 Lexington Ave., N e w York, Ν . Υ.


Utica, Ν . Υ . Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Knit underwear. ASSOCIATION OF OPERATIVE MILLERS, 203 Postal Telegraph Bldg., Kansas City, M o . Fellowship a t Kansas State Agricultural College, for research in the milling industry. S540. ATLAS LUMNITE C E M E N T C O . , 25 Broadway, N e w York, Ν . Υ.


associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Investigation physical properties of high alumina cement concretes.

of the


search associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Pipe line protection —field and laboratory tests of samples of protective coatings. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Utilization of gas. Fellowship a t University of Michigan, for the study of the application of heat t o forging. Fellowship at University of Michigan, for study in decarburization. Fellowship a t University of Michigan, for study in t h e application of heat to core baking. Fellowship a t Rutgers University, for study i n the application of heat in ceramic firing. Fellowship a t American Gas Association Testing Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio, for pipe-joint research. 1 N E W S EDITION, 7, 2 (July 2 0 , 1929) and 7 , 7 (October 10, 1929). • Ibid., 8, 1 (April 10, 1930).

BABCOCK A N D WILCOX, 85 Liberty St., New York, Ν . Υ. Fellowships at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for research o n refractories, heat transmission, and creep of steel. J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL CO., Phillipsburg, N . J. Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, for research in analytical chemistry. $1000. Fellowship at University of Illinois, for research in analytical chemistry. $1000. Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, for study in chemical education. $1000. BARRETT A N D C O . , 49 Vesey St., Newark, N . J. Fellowship at Lehigh University, for research in the technology of leather. $1100. BARRETT C O . , 4 0 Rector St., New York, Ν. Υ . Fellowship at Rutgers University, for study of horticultural crops. $3500. Fellowship at Ohio State University, for research in soils.



BAUSCH AND LOMB OPTICAL CO., Rochester, Ν. Υ. Fellowship at Cornell University, for research in chemical spectroscopy. $750. BON MARCHE, Seattle, Wash. Industrial fellowship at the University of Washington, for research in textiles. $600. BORDEN Co., 350 Madison Ave., New York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for research on problems of calf feeding. Cost of equip­ ment, etc., $7000. BROWN CO., Berlin, Ν. Η. Two fellowships at Johns Hopkins University. $1000 each. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Quality of purified wood fiber. BUNTING BRASS AND BRONZE Co., 724 Spencer St., Toledo, Ohio. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Bearing bronzes and "white metal" bearing alloys. CALCIUM CHLORIDE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE, New York, Ν . Υ.


a t Ohio State University, for research in mineralogy. CALIFORNIA SPRAY CHEMICAL Co., Watsonville, Calif. Volck Fellowship of the Crop Protection Institute at Kansas State Agricultural College, for research in Volck oil as a means of control for insects and other parasites injurious to domestic animals. $750. CALUMET BAKING POWDER Co., Chicago, III. Fellowship at Cornell University, for research in chemical spectroscopy. Fellowship at Western Reserve University for research in biochemistry. $3000. CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS CORP., 3 0 East Forty-second St., New

York, Ν . Υ . Fellowship a t Johns Hopkins University, for study of chemistry. $1000. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Thermal properties of liquid fuels. CAST IRON P I P E RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, 566 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago.

III. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Soil corrosion—causes of corrosion of cast-iron pipe and correlation with soil characteristics. CELOTEX Co., 645 North Michigan Blvd., Chicago, III. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Heat transfer through insulating boards. CENTURY ELECTRIC Co., 1806 Pine St., S t . Louis, M o . Fellowship at Washington University, for research in electrical engineering. $750. CERRO DE PASCO COPPER CO. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Properties and uses of bismuth. CHENEY BROS., South Manchester, Conn. Fellowship a t Yale University, for the study of the chemistry of silk. $1000. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, S T . P A U L ,


PATHOLOGY SECTION, Canal and Adams St., Chicago, III. Fellowship at lowa State College, for research in non-poisonous weed eradicators. $4500. CLAY PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION, 111 West Washington St., Chicago, III. Fellowship a t University of Illinois, for data on jointing materials for sewer pipe (Civil Engineering Department); flue lining, clay sewer pipe, and similar materials (Ceramic Department). CLAY PRODUCTS CO., Brazil, Ind. Fellowship at Iowa State College, for research at Engineering Experiment Station. $1800. CLINTON CORN SYRUP REFINING CO., Clinton, Iowa. Fellowship at Iowa State College, for research in foods and nutrition. $200. COCA COLA Co., Atlanta, Ga. Fellowship a t Johns Hopkins University, for the study of chemistry. $1000. COLUMBIAN CARBON CO., 40 East Forty-second St., New York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at Lehigh University, for research in the technology of carbon obtained from gaseous flames. $1600. Fellowship at West Virginia University, for research on the manufacture of carbon black. $600 for ten months. COMMON BRICK MANUFACTURERS





Cleveland, Ohio. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Brick work. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Compressive, tensile and transverse strengths of brick and mortar combinations. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Survey of the physical properties of common brick manufacture in the United States. HUGH L. COOPER AND CO., INC. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Clays in concrete. DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, 11 West Forty-second St.,

New York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship a t Rutgers University, for study of New Jersey production, marketing, and consumption of milk. DARDELET THREADLOCK CORP., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y . Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Methods of locking screw threads. DETROIT EDISON Co., 2000 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Fellowship a t University of Michigan, for study of feedwater treatment. $500 for first half of 1930. Fellowship at Cornell University, for investigation of insulating oils and compounds. $5000. E. I. DU PONT D E NEMOURS AND Co., Wilmington, Del. Fellowships are maintained at: Brown University University of California California Institute of Technology Case School of Applied Science University of Chicago Columbia University

Vol. 8, No. 15

E. I . DU P O N T D E NBMOURS AND C o . , Continued

Cornell University Harvard University University of Illinois Indiana University Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Michigan University of Minnesota Northwestern University University of Notre Dame Oberlin College Ohio State University Pennsylvania State College Princeton University Stanford University University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin Yale University Scholarships a r e maintained at: Case School of Applied Science University o f Delaware Western Reserve University EVAPORATED MILK ASSOCIATION, 203 North Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Fellowship a t Bureau of Home Economics, for a community feeding project in t h e pellagra district of South Carolina. Fellowship at University of California, Medical School, for study in medicine. Fellowship at Children's Hospital, Detroit, Mich., for study of the use of evaporated milk for premature infants. Fellowship at Columbia University, for research o n the antipellagra vitamin content of evaporated milk. Fellowship at University of Kansas, for study in chemistry. Fellowship at Massachusetts Agricultural College, for the study of the use of evaporated milk in the school lunches of rural Massachusetts. Fellowship at Northwestern University Medical School, for research in physiological chemistry. Fellowship at Yale University, for research on the bone-promoting quality of evaporated milk. FERRO ENAMELING Co. OP CLEVELAND, Cleveland, Ohio. Fellowship at Western Reserve University, for study of fundamental reactions involved in manufacture of enamel. $900 to $1500, and free tuition from the university. D. M . F E R R Y CO., 328 Monroe Ave., Detroit, Mich. Fellowship a t Michigan State College, for study of spinach varieties. $1200. FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER Co., Akron, Ohio. Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, for the study of chemistry. $1000. Fellowship at t h e University of Akron, for the study of rubber. $1000. FLEISCHMANN C o .


FRITZSCHE BROS., INC., 78 Beekman St., New York, Ν. Υ . Fellowship at Columbia University, for research in perfume chemistry. $3000. Fellowship at University of Wisconsin, for study of volatile oils and related subjects. $500. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Schenectady, Ν. Υ . Charles A. Coffin Fellowships, which may b e held either in this country or abroad, for research in electricity, physics, and physical chemistry. $5000. GENERAL· MOTORS CORP., Research Laboratories, Detroit, Mich. Fellowship a t Johns Hopkins University, for research i n chemistry. $1000. B. K. GOODRICH CO., Akron, Ohio. Fellowship at t h e University of Akron, for t h e study of rubber. $1000. GRASSELLICHEMICALC o . , Cleveland, Ohio. Fellowships are maintained at the following institutions, for the study of chemistry: Western Reserve University. $500. Oberlin College. $500. Case School of Applied Science. $750. Scholarships a r e maintained a t the following institutions, for the study of chemistry: Indiana University. $750. Case School of Applied Science. $500. HANNIBAL PIIARMACAL Co., 4333 Duncan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Fellowship at Washington University, St. Louis, for research in anatomy. $900. HYPER-HUMUS Co., Newton, N . J. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for research in field-dried and artificially dried forms and improvement of the s o i l s as media for growing turf. $900. ILLINOIS G A S ASSOCIATION, 205 Illinois Mine Workers Bldg., Springaeld, III. Two fellowships at the University of Illinois. INDIANA LIMESTONE C O . , Bedford, Ind. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Investigation of the physical properties of Indiana limestone. INSTITUTE OP AMERICAN M E A T PACKERS, 509 Wab ah Ave., Chicago, III.

Fellowship a t University of Minnesota.



Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Research associate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Register of color plates.

August 10, 1930


J. H. R . PRODUCTS CO., Willoughby, Ohio. Jeavons Graduate Fellowship at Western Reserve University, for research in problems in inorganic chemistry. $1500. JACOBS MUSHROOM CO., West Chester, Pa. Fellowship a t Rutgers Univer­ sity, for research in developing a method of making artificial manure out of straw. $1200. J E N K S , G W Y N N E AND Co., 30 Broad St., New York, Ν . Υ . Fellowship at Rutgers University, for the study of the soil conditions that best suit the growing of ornamentals, lawn grasses, etc. $1000. JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, N e w Brunswick, N . J. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for investigation of the problems in bacteriology and biochemistry related to industry. $2500. KELLOGO Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Fellowship a t Michigan State College, for study of caffeine and caffeine derivatives. $1250. K E W A U N E E M F G . C O . , Kewaunee, Wis. Fellowship a t Johns Hopkins University, for the study of chemistry. $1000. K R A F T - P H E N I X CHEESE CORP., 65 North Moore St., New York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for general research problems at the College of Pharmacy. $2000. R . K. LAROS SILK Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Fellowship at Lehigh University, for study in the technology of silk. $1000. E L I LILLY AND CO., Indianapolis, Ind. Fellowships for the study of chemistry are maintained at: Johns Hopkins University University of Chicago Yale University. Fellowship in bacteriology at Washington University, St. Louis. L O N E STAR CEMENT Co., Dallas, Tex. Fellowship at University of Texas, for graduate study in the College of Engineering and the Bureau of Engineering Research. $600. L O N E STAR PORTLAND CEMENT Co., 343 Madison Ave., New York, Ν . Υ.

Fellowship at Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for the study of the use of Portland cement. $600. MCCORMICK AND Co., 400 Light St., Baltimore, Md. Fellowship at Rut= gers University, for pyrethrum research—investigating and improving spray materials. $1500. M A L T B I E CHEMICAL Co., 246 High St., Newark. N . J. Fellowships for the study of creosote are maintained a t : Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Princeton University MARINS






sociate a t Bureau of Standards. Project: Spontaneous combustion of jute. M E R C K AND Co., 64 Park Place, New York, Ν . Υ . Fellowship at Rutgers University, for pharmaceutical problems of a fundamental nature. $3000. Fellowship at Princeton University in analytical chemistry. $1000. WILLIAM S. M E R R E L L CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fellowship at University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, for research in biochemistry. $1500. MICHIGAN G A S ASSOCIATION, Grand Rapids, Mich. Fellowship at University of Michigan, for research in gas engineering. $1250 ($750 to holder, $500 for expenses). MIDVALE STEEL CO., research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Effect of high temperature on the tensile properties of steels. MINNESOTA CANNERS ASSOCIATION, L e Sueur, Minn. Two fellowships at University of Minnesota, for study of pea and corn diseases. NATIONAL ALUMINATE CORP., 6216 West Sixty-sixth Pl., Chicago, III. Fellowship at Rutgers University, for study of the effect of coagulants in sewage and waste treatment. $900. N A T I O N A L ASSOCIATION OF HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR


334 Fourth Ave., New York, Ν . Υ. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Hosiery. N A T I O N A L C A N N E R S ASSOCIATION, 1739 H St., N . W., Washington, D . C.

Fellowship at University of California for the study of the nutritive value of food. $12,000. Fellowship at t h e University of Chicago, for the study of the nutritive value of food. $8000. Fellowship a t Columbia University, for the study of the nutritive value of food. $4000. Fellowship at University of Minnesota, for testing recipes for the in­ stitutional use of canned food. $800. NATIONAL








Dallas, Tex. Two fellowships at Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for study of cottonseed oil mill problems. $600 each. N A T I O N A L ELECTRIC LIGHT ASSOCIATION, K A N S A S SECTION, Kansas City,

Mo. Fellowship at Kansas State Agricultural College, in farm refrigeration. $750 for nine months. NATIONAL FERTILIZER ASSOCIATION, 616 Investment Bldg., Washington, D . C. Fellowship a t Mississippi Agricultural College, for investigation ou t h e effect of potash on wilt and rust of cotton when used in varying amounts in complete fertilizers. $1500. N A T I O N A L L I V E STOCK AND M E A T BOARD, R. C. Pollack, 407 North Dear-

born St., Chicago, III. Fellowship at Iowa State College, for study of dietary factors influencing lactation in albino rats. $500. Fellowship at Pennsylvania State College, for study of the utilization of iron in meats compared with other protein foods. $3000.



Fellowship at University of Rochester, for study of the influence of meat and meat products in lactation. $3000. NATIONAL MILLING CO., Toledo, Ohio. Fellowship a t Michigan State College, for a study to determine the influence of various environmental factors on the quality of various soft wheat varieties and strains and to develop a more satisfactory measurement for t h e quality of soft wheat. $1200. NATIONAL TERRA COTTA SOCIETY, 19 West Forty-fourth St., N e w York,

Ν. Υ . Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Study of physical properties of architectural terra cotta. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Tests of terra cotta faced masonry walls. N E W JERSEY ZINC Co., 160 Front St., New York. Ν. Υ . Scholarship at Lehigh University. Total endowment, $15,000. S. S. Palmer Scholarship at Stevens Institute of Technology. Total endowment, $15.000. NEWPORT CHEMICAL WORKS, East Milwaukee, Wis. Fellowship a t Michigan State College, for the study of hydroquinone. $800. NIAGARA SPRAYER Co., Middleport, Ν. Υ . Fellowship a t University of Minnesota, for research in the prevention of cereal rusts b y dusting. $1500 plus $300 for expenses. NON-FERROUS INGOT METAL INSTITUTE, 30S West Washington S t . , Chicago,

III. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Copperbase ingot metals. NORTHWEST PAPER Co., Cloquet, Minn. Cloquet Wood Products Fellowship at the University of Minnesota. $3000. NORTHWEST PAPER CO. and CLOQUET LUMBER CO., Cloquet, Minn.


Wood Fiber Fellowship at the University of Minnesota, for the study of fundamental chemistry of paper manufacture. $1200. OHIO CHEMICAL AND MANUFACTURING Co., Cleveland, Ohio. T w o graduate fellowships a t Western Reserve University, for pure science research in anesthetic gases. $900, plus free tuition and remission of fees. OHIO STATE FLORISTS ASSOCIATION, Columbus, Ohio. Fellowship at Ohio State University, for research in horticulture. PACIFIC COAST G A S ASSOCIATION. 447 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. Fellowship a t University of California, for study of gas engineering. $1000. PENICK AND FORD, 420 Lexington Ave., N e w York, Ν . Υ . Fellowship at Iowa State College, for research in chemistry and bacteriology. $1200; expenses, $500. PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS C O . , Milwaukee, Wis. Fellowship at Iowa State College, for research in plant pathology. $1000. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION, 33 West Grand Ave., Chicago, III. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Constitution of Portland cement. QUAKER OATS CO., SO East Jackson St., Chicago, III. Fellowship at Uni­ versity of Chicago, for research in physiological chemistry. Fellowship at Iowa State College, for the study of chemistry. Fellowship at University of Iowa. Two fellowships at University of Wisconsin, one in the field of nutrition, and one in animal husbandry. SHELL DEVELOPMENT CO., Fifty-third St., Emeryville, Calif. Fellowships for research in chemistry, with stipends of $900 each are maintained at: University of California; Stanford University. SKAGIT VALLEY GOLDENSEAL FARM, Fellowship at University of Washington,

for research i n pharmacy. $500. SOUTHLAND COTTON OIL CO., Paris, Tex. Fellowship a t Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for cottonseed oil mill problems. $600. E. R. SQUIBB AND SONS, 80 Beekman St., New York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at University of California, for the study of oral hygiene. Fellowship at University of Minnesota, for the study of arsenicals. Fellowship at University of Wisconsin, for the study of nutritional problems. Fellowship at Yale University, for the study of organic syntheses. Research associate at Bureau of Standards. Project: Properties of gaseous mixtures. STANDARD BRANDS, INC., 595 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y . Fleischmann Fellowship at Columbia University, for the study of the chemistry of vitamin B . $900. Fleischmann Fellowship at University of Graz, for study of peristalsis. $1500. Fleischmann Fellowship at University of Illinois, for studies o n the fate of yeast in t h e gastro-intestinal tract. $1750. Fleischmann Fellowship at University of Illinois, for study of the factors affecting the antiseptic action of the skin. $1000. Fleischmann Company Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, for the study of chemistry. $1000. Fleischmann Fellowship at University of Minnesota, for the study of the biochemistry of bread production. $800. Fleischmann Fellowship at University of Oregon, for investigation of yeast bios. $900. Fleischmann Fellowship at Yale University. Fleischmann Fellowship at Physiologisches Institut, Berlin, f o r chemical studies of yeast. $5500.



STANDARD BRANDS, I N C . , Continued

Fleischmann Fellowship at University of Vienna, for study of the action of yeast oxi the intestinal tract. $2400. FREDBRICK STEARNS A N D C O . , Detroit, Mich. Fellowship at University of Michigan, for research in pharmacy. $500. SWIFT AND C O . , Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III. Fellowship a t Rutgers University, for the study of the use of blood meal as a substitute for milk in calf feeding. $1200. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION OP THE P U L P AND PAPER


18 East

Forty-first St., N e w York, Ν . Υ. Fellowship at Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis., for research on the relation of sheet properties to fiber properties through sheet structure. $1000. T E X A S COTTON

SBBD CRUSHERS ASSOCIATION, 915 Santa F e Bldg., Dallas,

Vol. 8, No. 15

is coming on t h e market as a solvent and also as a 75 per cent ingredient of certain antifreeze solutions. At the present t i m e 40 t o 45 million gallons of antifreeze solution are used per annum in this country. State legislation and factory codes prohibiting t h e public from using methyl alcohol were no doubt applicable and protective at the time promulgated but, on account of certain rapid changes i n conditions in this country, such laws and regulations are not sufficiently comprehensive t o be applicable t o the new conditions.

Commissioner Doran asked Surgeon General Hugh Cummings to make a study of the problem, as it seemed t o be one primarily of public health, and stated that he would give all the cooperation possible from his bureau and felt that the other government bureaus would do likewise.

Tex. T w o fellowships a t Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for study o f cottonseed oil mill problems. $600 each. TEXAS OIL C O . , 019 St. Charios St., New Orleans. La. Fellowship at Yale University. T E X A S POWER

AND LIGHT C o . , Dallas, Tex.

Fellowship at Agricultural

and Mechanical College of Texas, for study and research in electrical or mechanical engineering. $6O0. T E X A S ROCK ASPIIALT CO., S a n Antonio, Tex.

Fellowship at Agricultural

and Mechanical College of Texas, for study of the use of Texas rock asphalt. $600. TOBACCO BY-PRODUCTS AND CHEMICAL CORP., Columbia Bldg., Louisville,

Ky. Fellowship a t Rutgers University, for the study of the effect of nicotine i n the control of injurious insects. $2000. TRINITY PORTLAND CEMENT Co., Dallas, Tex.

Fellowship at Agricultural

and Mechanical College of Texas, for study of the use of a Portland cement. $600. UPIOIIN Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Scholarship a t Kalamazoo College, for research i n chemistry. $750. Scholarship a t University of Michigan, for research in pharmacology. $1000. Scholarship a t University o f Michigan, for research in pharmacy. $750. U . S. INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL Co., 1 1 0 East Forty-second St., N e w York, N. Y . Fellowship a t Johns Hopkins University, for study of chemistry. $1000. UTILITIES RESEARCH


Chicago, III.

Research associate


Bureau o f Standards. Project: Insulating materials—fundamental properties of liquid electrical insulating materials. WALKER GORDON CO., 501 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. Fellowship at Rutgers University, f o r study of methods of producing composted manure. $1200. WILLIAM R. WARNER AND C O . , INC., 113 West Eighteenth St., New York, Ν. Υ. Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, for study of chemistry. $1000. J O H N WILEY A N D SONS, INC., 440 Fourth Ave., New York, Ν. Υ.

ship at Johns Hopkins University, for the study of chemistry. WISCONSIN UTILITIES ASSOCIATION, GAS SECTION, Madison, Wis.


$1000. Fellow-

ship at University of Wisconsin, for study of chemical engineering as applied t o gas. $1000.

Interdepartmental Conference on Methyl Alcohol An interdepartmental conference on methyl alcohol was held in the Prohibition Bureau on June 20, with Prohibition Com­ missioner Doran presiding. Doctor Doran g a v e a brief historical sketch of the dangers of methyl alcohol i n the past, citing certain specific cases, and stated his apprehension of t h e possibility of increased dangers from methyl alcohol in the future because of certain rapidly changing conditions. A brief résumé o f his remarks follows: There is no federal l a w t h a t governs in any way the manufacture, distribution, and use of methyl alcohol as such. The only jurisdiction that the U. S. Treasury Department has over methyl alcohol is as a n ingredient of denatured alcohol as provided under t h e denatured alcohol a c t of June 7 , 1006. Prior t o 1906 there were several outbreaks of methyl alcohol poisoning, a n d there were recurrences of the same between 1906 and the enactment of the National Prohibition A c t of October 28, 1919, and again even after t h e enactment of said act. Because of confusion i n the minds of some people as t o the term, "alcohol" a s applied to both ethyl alcohol a n d methyl alcohol, the name "methyl alcohol" was changed to "methanol." It is a n actual fact t h a t , i n some cases, in spite of all the warnings given b y the denaturants themselves and the labels of the containers, denatured alcohol containing as high as 10 per cent of methyl alcohol is consumed by some of the public; t h a t it i s very difficult to make any estimation of the amount consumed in t i n s w a y or o f the number of consumers; that, according t o Reid Hunt, the symptoms of death from alcoholic poisoning all indicate the source of t h e trouble a s ethyl alcohol until the mixture reaches 3 0 or 35 per c e n t of methyl alcohol. Doctor Doran and has assistants are apprehensive of further outbreaks of poisoning a n d deaths by methyl alcohol because synthetic methyl alcohol

A N e w Nitrate Front Some time ago a movement was begun t o form a merger of all Chilean nitrate interests, including those o f t h e Chilean Government. T h e plan called for a $375,000,000 merger i n which t h e Chilean Government would be a 50 per c e n t partner, eventually relying upon the returns from this stock a n d a 6 per cent income tax t o take the place of returns from the e x p o r t tax, which for so long has been an important factor in t h e Chilean nitrate trade. Following negotiations between the companies, t h e necessary bills were prepared for ratification b y t h e Chilean Government, and recent announcements indicate that the plan has now b a d official approval. The Chile Nitrate Co. (Compania de Salitre d e Chile) will h a v e two stock issues: Series A, 15,000,000 ordinary shares of a par value of 100 pesos, which will be issued t o t h e Chilean Government; not t o exceed 5,000,000 shares of Series Β may be 7 per cent cumulative preferred stock, with t h e remainder ordinary shares of equal rank, so far as dividends a r e concerned, with those owned by t h e Government. T h e Series Β shares will be utilized to acquire existing nitrate companies, which will enter the n e w combine on the basis of their respective values. The new government-owned nitrate plants in Chile become available to the new company and the Government eliminates, i n favor of the company and its subsidiaries, the export tax on nitrate a n d iodine amounting t o about $30,000,000 a year. I n return, t h e Government is to receive a guaranteed minimum return of $22,500,000 i n 1931, $20,000,000 in 1932, and $17,500,000 in 1933, after which i t is to rely upon its dividends and t h e income tax. An interesting announcement is that a l l other extraction processes are t o be abandoned in favor of that originated by the G u g genheim interests and known a s the Guggenheim process. "The Guggenheim interests now control about 3 5 per cent of the nitrate properties i n Chile, a n d consequently will be a dominant factor in the new organization. I n the official announcement i t is stated that from results obtained at the Maria Elena plant of the Anglo-Chilean Co., it has been demonstrated that, with the Guggenheim process, ore containing as little a s 8 per cent nitrate can be treated at a unit cost production 40 per cent less than those attained i n the plants using t h e Shanks process and treating ore of 15 to 16 per cent nitrate. I t is believed t h a t the substitution of these large unit plants, utilizing the Guggenheim process, will practically double the extraction from t h e nitrate reserves a n d at the same time reduce, b y about 40 per cent, the cost of manufacturing the finished product. The Chilean Government h a s announced t h a t 28 companies, representing more than 91 per cent of the industry, have already signified their approval of the plan, and i t is believed that as soon as the legal details c a n be arranged virtually all t h e producing companies will be included in t h e new consolidation.

Abstracts of Cincinnati Papers The A . C. S. N e w s Service, 706 Mills Building, Washington, D . C., is i n a position to supply a limited number of sets of the abstracts of papers presented a t the Cincinnati meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY a t

$1.00 per set. T h e abstracts will be as furnished b y t h e authors of papers and will b e mailed very soon after t h e meeting. Although we cannot guarantee these sets t o be complete, they will contain all abstracts obtainable from division secretaries u p t o the t i m e of the meeting of the SOCIETY.

T h e low price of $1.00 has been maintained

in spite of the increase in t h e number o f papers. In order to save unnecessary correspondence and t h e keeping of records, those desiring s e t s of abstracts are requested t o remit $1.00 with their order. Disappointment will be avoided if orders are placed at once with the A . C. S. News Service.