Just write or give us a call. fe e G e: a r; e: h g r e" c i a l r I f g. 200 SOUTH GARRARD BLVD. Circle No. 81 on Readers' Service Card. RICHMOND, CA...
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Require practical programming and high temperature operation?

Want to perform two quick "screening" runs without shut-down time?

Need quantitative response to all compounds?


Dual columns minimize baseline drift.

Four-wire tungsten filament detector does the job.

Use either column for analysis.

D RSCo's MODEL 6 0 - 3 1 DUAL COLUMN GAS CHROMATOGRAPH is designed to give you lowcost, high-performance operation. It's a rugged benchtop unit with plenty of versatility, especially when used with our Multilinear Temperature Programmer accessory. The dual column operation minimizes baseline drift and either column may be used for analysis without shutting down to change columns. Additional applications versatility is provided by the Model 60-31's preparative capability and precise temperature control to 500°C. • Our 60 Series of Compact Gas Chromatographs also includes the new Model 62, with single or dual flame ionization detector operation at an amazingly low cost. And for continuing research in a variety of applications, our 600 Series Modular Gas Chromatograph offers unlimited capability for adapting to new techniques S P E C I A L T I E S CO. as soon as they are developed. D We'll be glad to send you further details. Just write or give us a call. 200 SOUTH GARRARD BLVD. RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA


Circle No. 81 on Readers' Service Card

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