Research Watch: Uncertainty determinations - Environmental Science

Sci. Technol. , 1996, 30 (2), pp 65A–65A. DOI: 10.1021/es962076u. Publication Date (Web): June 7, 2011. Cite this:Environ. Sci. Technol. 1996, 30, 2...
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neously on equilateral triangular diagrams to indicate the relative partitioning that can be expected into each of these three media. Partition coefficients also can be calculated that take into account the effects of parameters such as temperature or changes in molecular structure. When plotted on the triangular diagrams, these coefficients will indicate any relative fate and behavioral changes related to the three media. [Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 1995, 74(11), 1839-46]

RISK Arsenic and cancer The association between cancer and inorganic arsenic in drinking water is based primarily on a single Taiwanese epidemiological study. K. G. Brown and C-J. Chen investigated the significance of exposure assessment in analyzing risk from inorganic arsenic in drinking water. To calculate a dose-response curve that could be used to determine risk at low concentrations the authors manipulated the Taiwanese data set. They eliminated outliers to change representative and calculate a smoother dose curve Results showed that extended consumption of high levels of inorganic arsenic in drinking associated with sitrnificant i n c r e a s e s in m o r t a l i t y HUP tr» r p n r p r Trie driQe-rpQnnnse data also s h o w e d n o e v i d e n r e of PXCPSS risk h p l o w a r s e n i c c n n r p n t r a t i n n s of fll mcr/L [Ri\k- AnalvsU 19