Resolution and Synthesis of an Optically Active Fluoro Complex

Resolution and Synthesis of an Optically Active Fluoro Complex. William R. Matoush, and Fred Basolo. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1955, 77 (4), pp 1072–1072...
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We therefore propose that deserpidine and reserpine are derivatives of 3-epi-a-yohimbine. Regarding the stereochemistry of the substituents in ring E of these alkaloids, we feel that the formation of the y-lactone of reserpic acid3 and of deserpidic acid together with other evidence which we have obtained from elimination reactions, point to an all cis configuration. Although we do not believe that the relationship between C-15 and C-16 has been sufficiently established in the case of a-yohimbine4~7to permit a t this time the definite assignment of a complete configuration to deserpidine and reserpine, we do favor the one expressed in formula I.

(111)) [CY]'~D+170. The salts of (I) and (111) were isolated in microcrystalline form, that of (I) being red, and that of (111) being salmon in color. Kinetic studies now in progress on a number of cobalt fluoro complexes indicate that the rates of racemization and aquation are slower than those of the analogous chloro complex. ,4t 35' in 0.1 N H N 0 3 (I) mutarotates t o about one half the original rotation at a moderate rate (half-life, 1 hr.) and then loses its remaining activity over a period of several days. A study of the reactions undergone by the active fluoro complexes with a number of reagents to determine the nature of active products is also being undertaken. H , B , MACPIIILLAMY A more detailed account of this work as well as RESEARCH DEPARTMEXT L. DORFMAN other results will be communicated in the i l e x CIBA PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, Ixc. C. F. HUEBNER future. SUMMIT, NEWJERSEY The authors gratefully acknowledge the support A,E.F.SCHLITTLER ST, ANDRB of grants from the National Science Foundation RECEIVED JANUARY 21, 1955 and the Atomic Energy Commission. They wish also to express thanks to Dr. F. P. Dwyer for his RESOLUTION AND SYNTHESIS OF AN OPTICALLY helpful suggestions and interest in this work. ACTIVE FLUOR0 COMPLEX



The role of fluoride ion in complex formation has been of especial interest in studies on bond type in coordination compounds.'p2 Magnetic evidence has indicated that fluoride is capable of forming THE TOTAL SYNTHESIS OF CEDROL AND C E D m N E bonds with tervalent cobalt of the extreme ionic Sir: type, viz., in [CoFs]', but is also able to enter into Outlined the considerations We have covalent bond formation when present in partially substituted cobalt ammines,3 pcept for the in- which led us to propose structure I for the tricyclic formation inferred from the fact that the latter sesquiterpene cedroll and I1 for the related cedrene. type of complexes are diamagnetic, little is known H3C about the nature of the Co-F bond in these complexes. We have recently succeeded in resolving the complex, cis-[Co enzFZ]+(I) by use of l-dibenzoyltarCHJ taric acid (11) and have prepared (I), as well as CH3 cIra cis-[co en2NH3F]+2(111), in active form through I I1 reactions of the analogous chloro complexes. This is believed to be the first instance in which a Our communications on the subject did not deal complex containing coordinated fluoride has been with the stereochemistry of the five asymmetric resolved. centers present in I, but various considerations The resolution consisted in bringing together have led US to consider 111 the most likely represtoichiometric quantities of cis- [Co ensFz]I,Ag,COy sentation of the stereochemistry of cedrol. and (11)) removing AgI and precipitating the d,'jC [Co en2F2]+salt of (11) with acetone. Purification of the latter was effected by dissolving it in a -. H CH,... '., small quantity of water and chilling sharply, wheret _ - -1. .. CH3 HO& by a crystalline product was obtained having CHI ' . CH3 [(Y]"D +120°. The resolving agent was removed 111 by triturating the diastereomer with acetone containing a little concd. H N 0 3 , yielding thereby w e have now completed an unambiguous, stereospecific total syiithesis of cedrol which confirms the d-[Co enzFz]NOs with [ ( Y ] * ~ D4-220. -4ctive (I) was also prepared by the reaction of stereochemistry illustrated by formula I11 and incidentally provides unambiguous proof that no l-[Co enzClz]C1 ([.'ID +Si()) in 1: 1 ethanol-HF, in which an excess of L4g2C03had been dissolved. rearrangement is involved in the dehydration of For the purified substance, isolated as the nitrate, cedrol t o cedrene: The dextro isomer of (111) was preDiethyl 4,4-dimethyl-5-keto-1,3-cyclopentane di[ a I 2 8f220. ~ pared in like manner by starting with &[Co en2- carboxylate* was alkylated with benzyl a-bromoNH3C1]C12 +140°). For the bromide of propionate, and the resulting triester was hydrogenolyzed over palladium charcoal t o the acid IV, ( 1 ) W. C. Fernelius, Record Chein. PYogress (Kresge-Hooker Sci. Lib,), 2 , 17 (1950). 1n.p. 113-115'. (Found: C, 58.47; H, 7.13). "/-

qE 'i E3 ~~~

( 2 ) 1% Taube, Chem. Rev., 60, 69 (1932). (3) L. Pauling, "The Nature of t h e Chemical Bond," Cornell University Press, Ithaca. N. Y.,1045,pp. 116-117.

(1) G. Stork and R . Breslow, THIS J O U R N A L , 1 6 , 3291 (1953). (2) Cf.C . S. Gibson, K. V. Hariharan and J. I,. Simonsen, J . Chcm. SOL. 8000 (1027).