Resolution Enhancement with Multiple-Pulsed Techniques in Pulsed

C R C Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 1981 12 (3), 155-231. Perkin-Elmer Corporation. Analytical Chemistry 1979,1474A-1474A. Spin-Echo Fourie...
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Resolution Enhancement with Multiple-Pulsed Techniques in P u l s e d Fourier Transform Nuclear Magnetic R e s o n a n c e Spectroscopy Dallas L. Rabenstein Department of Chemistry University of Alberta Edmonton, Alta., Canada

High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is now usually performed in the pulsed Fourier trans­ form mode (1, 2). A high-power radio frequency pulse of short duration is applied to the sample and causes a transient response, the free induction decay, in the time domain. T h e free induction decay (FID) is sampled and stored in a data acquisition system. Fourier transformation of the free in­ duction decay gives the familiar fre­ quency domain spectrum. T h e experiment as described uses a one-pulse sequence, t h a t is, a single radio frequency pulse is applied, fol­ lowed by the acquisition of the FID. If t h e signal-to-noise ratio is low, sig­ nal averaging is done by repetitive ap­ plication of the one-pulse sequence, with coaddition of the individual FID's. State-of-the-art N M R spec­ trometers also have the capability of doing experiments in which a series of rf pulses is applied to the sample prior to acquisition of the FID, gener­ ally for the purpose of measuring spinlattice (ΤΊ) and spin-spin (T 2 ) relaxa­ tion times. This article describes how these multiple-pulse techniques can also be used to enhance resolution. 0003-2700/78/A350-1265$01.00/0 © 1978 American Chemical Society

Two general approaches will be de­ scribed. One is based on the "sorting" of resonances according to differences in their TVs and/or T2's, and the other is based on spin-spin coupling modu­ lation (J modulation) of resonance in­ tensity in the spin-echo multiple-pulse experiment.

One-Pulse Sequence I t is convenient to begin with the one-pulse sequence. Figure 1A, a rep­ resentation of the one-pulse sequence, shows the pulse followed by the FID. Mt is the magnitude of the signal from the nuclear magnetization at time t. T h e origin and shape of the F I D can be accounted for in terms of the be­ havior of the nuclear magnetization in a rotating 3-axis coordinate system (frame 1 of Figure 2A). T h e spectrom­ eter magnetic field Hç, is applied along the 2 axis, and the x' and y' axes rotate around the ζ axis at the carrier frequency of the spectrometer (which usually is near the Larmor frequency of the nuclei). Because the two possi­ ble orientations of the individual nu­ clear magnetic moments for spin onehalf nuclei are of slightly different en­ ergy and because nuclei in each of these orientations are randomly dis­ tributed around the direction of Ho, the ensemble of nuclei in the sample gives rise to a residual magnetization, MQ, which is colinear with and in the direction of HQ- From this point the

N M R experiment will be discussed in terms of the behavior of this residual magnetization. Magnetization along the y' axis is detected by the spectrometer to give the N M R signal. At equilibrium, this is zero. Application of an rf pulse along x' rotates M0 about the x' axis through an angle a given by Equation 1: a = yHitw


where y is the magnetogyric ratio of the nucleus being investigated, H i the intensity of the rf pulse, and tw the length of the pulse (generally in the range of microseconds). With the ap­ propriate combination of Hi and tw, Mo is rotated through 90° and be­ comes colinear with the y' axis, giving rise to a signal. This is a nonequilibrium condition, and the system returns to equilibrium by two relaxation processes. T h e mag­ netization in the x'y' plane relaxes by spin-spin relaxation according to Mfy' = M o e - t / T *


where t is the time following the 90° pulse, while the magnetization returns to equilibrium along the ζ axis by spin-lattice relaxation according to M(2 = M 0 ( l - e - t / r i )


As the magnetization returns to equi­ librium, the magnitude of the signal


decreases. At the same time the com­ ponent of the magnetization along y' is modulated at a frequency equal to the difference between the Larmor frequency and the spectrometer car­ rier frequency. This gives rise to fre­ quency modulation of the signal as shown in Figure 1. T h e FID's in Fig­ ure 1 are those for a single resonance frequency; the FID for a sample hav­ ing more than one resonance is the sum of the individual FID's. Fourier transformation of the overall F I D gives the frequency domain spectrum. Spin-Echo Sequence



180° I OU -». -4


M ·+«


Figure 1. Representations of (A) one-pulse sequence, (B) spin-echo sequence, (C) inversion-recovery sequence, and (D) inversion-recovery-spin-echo (IRSE) se­ quence

Generally, the major contribution to relaxation in the x'y' plane is loss of phase coherence due to inhomogeneity in H>; thus, the effective T 2 , T\, is a function of the natural T 2 and HQ inhomogeneity. T h e spin-echo ex­ periment was developed by H a h n for purposes of eliminating the effect of Ho inhomogeneity on the measure­ m e n t of T 2 's (3). T h e H a h n spin-echo sequence con­ sists of a 90° pulse, a delay interval of length T 2 , a 180° pulse, and a second delay of length τ 2 . T h e pulse sequence is represented by sequence Β in Figure 1, and the behavior of the nuclear magnetization in the rotating coordi­ nate system by sequence Β in Figure 2. Following the 90° pulse, the mag­ netization in the x'y' plane fans out due to loss of phase coherence from spin-spin relaxation and inhomogene­ ity in Ho. Inhomogeneity in Ho con­ tributes to the fanning out because nuclei in some parts of the sample precess more rapidly than the average while others precess more slowly. Fol­ lowing the 180° pulse, the individual vectors precess at the same rate as be­ fore so t h a t those precessing more rap­ idly now catch up with the average, those precessing more slowly fall back to the average, and an echo results

Figure 2. Behavior of nuclear magnetization during (A) one-pulse sequence, (B) spin-echo sequence, and (C) inversion-recov­ ery sequence 1266 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 50, NO. 13, NOVEMBER 1978

along the y' axis. T h e echo maximum is a t time 2τ 2 after the 90° pulse. W i t h this pulse sequence, effects due to Ho inhomogeneity on TJ are self-elimi­ nating so t h a t the net loss in magneti­ zation at the echo maximum is due only to the natural spin-spin relaxa­ tion. T h e second half of the echo is also a free induction decay and differs from t h a t following the 90° pulse only in amplitude, due to the spin-spin re­ laxation which has occurred during the interval 2r 2 (4). If the spectrum consists of a number of resonances t h a t have different T2's, the decrease in amplitude at the echo maximum will be different for the different reso­ nances with a relative enhancement of signals from those resonances with the longer T 2 's. For example, the mag­ netization a t the echo maximum is 0.819 Mo, 0.368 M 0 , 0.135 M 0 , and 0.018 Mo for T 2 values of 10τ 2 , 2r 2 , τ 2 , and τ 2 /2, respectively. If the T 2 's of the different resonances are sufficient­ ly different and τ 2 is properly chosen, the magnetization in the x'y' plane from the resonances with the shorter TVs will have relaxed to zero at time 2r 2 , so t h a t only those resonances hav­ ing the longer T 2 's will be observed in the spectrum obtained by Fourier transformation of the second half of the echo (5). Resolution enhancement by the H a h n spin-echo sequence is illustrated in Figure 3 by the proton N M R spec­ t r a for a solution containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) and iV-methylglycine. T h e top spectrum was ob­ tained with the one-pulse sequence. T h e broad, rather featureless peaks are due to the protons of the BSA with the iV-methylglycine giving the two singlets superimposed at 2.84 and 3.72 ppm. T h e bottom spectrum was ob­ tained from the second half of the echo in a H a h n spin-echo sequence with τ 2 = 0.060 s. The 7Ys of the pro­ tein resonances are so short t h a t by 0.120 s after the 90° pulse, their mag­ netization has decayed to zero in the x'y' plane, leaving the spectrum for the iV-methylglycine. T h e signal cen­ tered around 4.80 p p m is the residual signal from the HDO solvent, most of which has been eliminated by the presaturation technique (6). Our recent work on h u m a n red blood cells provides another example of an application of t h e H a h n spinecho sequence for resolution enhance­ ment (7). Spectrum A in Figure 4 is the normal one-pulse spectrum and is due mainly to resonances from he­ moglobin. Spectra Β and C are spinecho spectra obtained with r 2 's of 0.020 and 0.060 s, respectively. Be­ cause hemoglobin is a large molecule, the T 2 's of most of its resonances are short. As Figure 4 shows, the hemoglo­ bin signals disappear as r 2 is increased
