Responsible Care Our Survival Depends On It - C&EN Global

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C η w Si irvTVPi ι This is a fragile planet. As individuals, we all have to act responsibly to safeguard the balance of nature and protect our environment for future generations. That means conserving resources, reducing waste, and recycling used products. It means, in effect, changing our way of life. As manufacturers of essential chemical products, we have an inherent responsibility to preserve the ^.~_ environment, to encourage / . ^ ^ ' ' safety, and to enhance the ''>g^^ ! health and welfare of our ' •& / employees and communities. . / .. v ^ / Recognition of this led the ]' J--:"'" ':_ / Chemical Manufacturers _^ :'-ν·; , ' r" /' Association to develop the 3.^ . J Responsible Care(M) initiative — a new ' _^ /\\/ / and energy v-> $T \// from waste, , . ' helping us make ..-.^v ft valuable contribu[ r^i^^7^'^ if tions to the environiV^^tyfiiVi ment, especially in our '%v'ù^ \ plant communities. . '·','" ^V^Y'V^.';^. .- Our performance in \ TJ\ , ff implementing the ·'. V U * « already approved '•••'" ' ^ r/} N Responsible Care" codes , /?> has been and will continue to be timely, committed * -.. „ and enthusiastic. " Λ Λ ! ' 7 What lies ahead OxyChem has set some y\ pretty tough goals for the next five years. Goals like a 10% annual reduction in hazardous air ^ - emissions. A 5% annual reduction in solid waste. ); , % And a 20% reduction in water pollutants by 1994. ' V ·;.? These are goals that we have every intention of \ '*· 7 meeting. For it is only through a serious commitment ij to both the spirit and the letter of Responsible Care" that we're going to survive - as a company, as an J industry, as a society. A n d it's only by turning in a consci- \ entious environmental record that well all become f) winners — making our world a healthier, cleaner, safer place. Today, tomorrow and over the long haul. For more information, call our Responsible Care" Hotline: (800)729-2002

OxyChem* * The chemical operations of y Occidental Petroleum Corporation