Responsible environmental management and pollution control?

Technology can,help you! ES&T brings you the new technology. These are the techniques to avoid contamination of air, water, and land. Environmental Sc...
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Responsible environmental management and pollution control? Here's how Environmental Science^antf Technology caruhelpyou! ES&T brings you the new technology. These are the techniques to avoid contamination of air, water, and land. A n d it brings you up-to-the-minute information of the economics, laws, and feasibility of many of these new techniques. Utilizing the A m e r i c a n Chemical Society's w o r l d - w i d e contacts, ES&T includes each m o n t h : Π Current g o v e r n m e n t pollution legislation and guidelines. Π More efficient engineering techniques. Π Important fundamental research. • First w o r d of more productive e q u i p m e n t c o m i n g on the market. Π Case history studies of how others are o v e r c o m i n g the same p r o b l e m s as yours. Complete the f o r m and mail it back today. You can start benefiting f r o m ES&T's coverage immediately!

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