Restructuring of Dye Layers in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells

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Restructuring of Dye Layers in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: Cooperative Adsorption of N719 and Chenodeoxycholic Acid on Titania Herri Trilaksana,†,§ Cameron Shearer,† Lars Kloo,‡ and Gunther G. Andersson*,†

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Flinders Institute for NanoScale Science and Technology, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia ‡ Division of Applied Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden § Physics Department, Airlangga University, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The effect of the co-adsorbent chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) up to a concentration of 20 mM on the adsorption of the dye N719 onto titania has been investigated using neutral impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy. It is shown that the co-adsorption of CDCA changes the adsorption mode of N719 from multilayer toward monolayer. FT-IR spectroscopy shows that the adsorption of CDCA increases with increasing CDCA concentration. In contrast, the amount of N719 adsorbed onto titania shows a minimum at 10 mM CDCA, and the relationship between the amount of CDCA and of N719 adsorbed onto titania depends nonmonotonically on the CDCA concentration. The co-adsorption of CDCA and N719 can be described as cooperative. The effect is observed for both low and high N719 concentrations. KEYWORDS: dye sensitized solar cells, co-adsorbent, monolayer, multilayer, concentration depth profiles, neutral impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy

1. INTRODUCTION The most attractive properties of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) in relation to other types of solar cells are their potential low-cost and simple manufacturing processes together with numerous advantageous attributes such as lightweight, environmentally benign materials and excellent performance also in diffuse light conditions.1 DSSCs are based on sensitizing dyes for converting solar energy into electrical energy. Photons absorbed by the dye molecules promote electrons from the occupied to the unoccupied electron energy levels which are then transferred to the titania together forming the photoanode of the DSSCs. The oxidized dye is then regenerated from the cathode via the electrolyte solution. Optimizing dye adsorption onto the titania is therefore of paramount importance. Both dye loading and dye organization on the titania support surface will affect the amount and efficiency by which photoexcited electrons will contribute to the photocurrent. Adding co-adsorbents such as chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), phosphonic acid, and other co-adsorbents2−7 is known to improve the efficiency of DSSCs.8 It is assumed that the reason for the increase in efficiency is the change in conformation, in terms of a reduced tendency to aggregation, of the dye layer due to the presence of the co-adsorbent.9 A crucial structural aspect of the dye layer is whether or not the dye molecules form monolayers or multilayers on the titania electrode surface. While it is unclear how the formation © XXXX American Chemical Society

of dye monolayers or multilayers on titania can be influenced, it is also discussed10 whether or not the dye molecules actually form monolayers or multilayers. In recent studies we have applied the depth profiling method neutral impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (NICISS) with results showing that the Ru based dye molecules N719 and Z907 form multilayer islands while the organic dye L0Br rather is adsorbed in monolayers.10,11 One of the compounds frequently used as co-adsorbent in DSSCs is CDCA, which is a saturated polycyclic molecule with a sterol group separated from the carboxylic acid (anchoring) group by a four-carbon chain12 as shown in Figure 1. CDCA is expected to bind to TiO2 via the carboxylic acid group.13 It is assumed that CDCA is promoting the formation of dye monolayers rather than multilayers by reducing dye aggregation. However, the influence of CDCA on the formation of the Ru based dye layers on titania has not been studied and the role of CDCA in DSSCs is still under discussion. Other suggested roles of CDCA in DSSCs include shifting the TiO2 conduction band edge and shielding the TiO2 Special Issue: New Chemistry to Advance the Quest for Sustainable Solar Fuels Received: October 28, 2018 Accepted: December 7, 2018 Published: December 7, 2018 A

DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01864 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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distribution did not change upon co-adsorption of components forming the sensitizing layer in DSSCs.5 The aim of the present work is to investigate how the presence of CDCA as co-adsorbent in the dye solution for photoelectrode adsorption influences the formation of the Ru based N719 dye layer adsorbed onto titania. In particular, the study is aimed at investigating how the presence of CDCA influences the amount of N719 adsorbed onto the titania and whether or not the adsorption of the CDCA influences the formation of multilayer N719 islands. NICISS has been applied to determine the amount of dye adsorbed in multilayers. It will be shown that in the co-adsorption process of CDCA and N719 both substances strongly influence the mutual adsorption on the titania surface. The co-adsorption process can be characterized as being cooperative. Such cooperative co-adsorption is of general interest and will have impact on the understanding of co-adsorption processes in general.

Figure 1. (left) N719 and (right) chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) molecular structures.

surface retarding electron recombination loss reactions with the oxidized species in redox electrolyte.14 Interesting studies employing N719 and CDCA as co-adsorbent have been carried out by Cisneros et al.,15 Salvatori et al.,13 Yum et al.,16 and Wang et al.17 However, they only analyzed the change of the total light absorption of the photosensitized electrode in the presence of CDCA. Cisneros et al. found a decrease in total light absorption and conversion of the dye, giving evidence for a competition between CDCA and dye for adsorption onto the substrate surface. This observation was associated with the crucial factor of the cell performance improvement, such as the photocurrent conversion efficiency (PCE) and retardation of the recombination rate between photoinjected electrons and the oxidized mediator (shield effect). From FT-IR analyses they found that the CDCA could also possibly be creating a bulky insulating network, such as a strong shield effect, on the TiO2 surface.13,18 It was shown that the CDCA had a stronger effect than bis(4-methoxyphenyl)phosphinic acid on reducing the interaction between two neighboring sensitizer (dye) molecules attached to the surface of titania (an anti-π-stacking effect).15 The authors also made computational modeling of CDCA on titania and found that the agglomeration of dye molecules on the titania is energetically favorable. Co-adsorption as such is also of more general interest because in complex systems close to reality co-adsorption onto surfaces and interfaces never involves adsorption of a single substance.19 Such systems are normally confined to model systems for systematic laboratory studies. In this sense, DSSCs can be considered as a system closer to real systems in terms of adsorption complexity. Domain formation is typically observed at liquid surfaces of binary surfactant systems forming islands when differences in surface energy are large. It has been found that 1-palmitoyl-2oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and cholesterol mutually influence the adsorption of each other at surfaces of polar liquids.20 Levy and Briggman have found that cholesterol and phospholipids form domains in biological membranes, and it is assumed that the weak interaction with the substrate plays a role in the domain formation.21 Miao et al. have shown that, in the adsorption of self-assembled monolayers onto solid substrates, both molecule−substrate interaction and solvent effects play a role in the formation of bimolecular layers.22 Woodruff came to a similar conclusion in his review covering, among other themes, co-adsorption onto surfaces published in 2002.23 Ootani et al. investigated co-adsorption in DSSCs and concluded that the energy levels and the molecular orbital

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Material. CDCA was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and was used without further purification. Titania DSL18NR-T paste was purchased from Dyesol (Australia). N719 dye powder was purchased from Dyesol. The molecular structures of N719 and CDCA are shown in Figure 1. 2.2. Sample Preparation and NICISS measurement. The titania DSL18NR-T paste contains 19.4% TiO2 with an average particle size of 20 nm. Nanoporous titania films were made by a standard doctor blade and sintering procedure.10,24 The TiO2 films were sintered at 450 °C for 30 min to burn the organic filler. Indium doped tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slides were used as the substrate, obtained from Kintec (Hong Kong, China) with 1.1 mm thickness and sheet resistivity of 15 Ω/sq. The nanoporous titania films were immersed into N719/CDCA ethanol solutions for coating the nanoporous titania with N719 and CDCA. N719 solutions were used at two different concentrations (0.1 and 0.005 mM N719). The two dye concentrations were chosen such that the higher concentration (0.1 mM) is close to the standard concentration used in the fabrication of DSSCs. In order to investigate the influence of the dye concentration, a lower concentration (0.005 mM) was investigated as well. For each experiment freshly made solutions were used. The CDCA in 1:1 volume ratio concentration was of 0−20 mM in steps of 5 mM. Initially, two solutions of N719 and CDCA with the same volume were prepared. Subsequently, both solutions were mixed and thus the volume of the solution doubled. The concentrations of the initial solutions were chosen such that the above listed concentrations of the final solutions were achieved, i.e., 0.1 and 0.005 mM N719 and 0−20 mM CDCA in 5 mM steps. Then, the titania films were immersed into the N719/CDCA solutions for 24 h. Finally, the dye coated sample was rinsed with ethanol to remove excess dye weakly bound to the surface. Subsequent to fabrication, samples were investigated with NICISS. A plain titania sample was used as reference sample for the NICISS measurements. 2.3. NICISS. NICISS usually uses He ions (He+) as a projectile and is described in detail in25 and will be described here briefly. In the present work He+ with a primary energy of 3 keV have been used to bombard the sample. The time-of-flight (TOF) of backscattered projectiles is measured to determine their energy. During the backscattering process, the projectiles undergoe energy loss processes and the energy transfer from the ion to the target depends on the mass of the target atom. This first type of energy loss is used to identify the element from which a projectile is backscattered. Projectiles backscattered from deeper layers also experience a continuous energy loss when they pass through the bulk because of small angle scattering and electronic excitations when passing by the atoms forming the target. This second type of energy loss is called stopping power and is used to determine the depth of the atom from which the projectile is backscattered. Combining both types of energy B

DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01864 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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ACS Applied Energy Materials loss, the concentration depth profile of the elements in the sample can be determined. NICISS has also been used before to investigate liquid samples,26 polymer surfaces, and thin organic layers.27 Generally, a NICISS spectrum consists of energy loss spectra for each element in the sample. The shape of the spectrum of each element is determined by its concentration depth profile in the sample. The depth resolution of NICISS spectra is mainly influenced by small angle scattering of the projectile while on its trajectory through the bulk, which increases with trajectory length. Therefore, in the top several angstroms of the surface this effect is minimal, leading to a depth resolution of only a few angstroms. The spectra are also influenced by the distribution of inelastic energy losses during the backscattering process, and the straggling of the energy loss caused by low-angle scattering and electronic excitations25 related to charge exchange mechanisms leading to the neutralization of the projectile, such as the auger neutralization and de-excitation processes, and more likely excitations to bound states with subsequent radiative decay are possible. For a NICISS measurement, the dyed titania sample is placed on a rotating sample holder in the NICISS apparatus to prevent surface damage due to the helium on bombardment. The dose for the measurements was kept below a dose of 5 × 1013 ions/cm2. The TOF spectrum for each sample is measured. The contribution of each element to the spectra are isolated from the spectra and converted into concentration depth profiles as described in detail in refs 10 and 28.

3. RESULTS Figure 2 shows the concentration depth profiles of samples prepared from exposure of the titania to solutions with 0.005 and 0.1 mM N719 and with CDCA concentrations from 0 to 20 mM. In Figure 2, the Ru NICIS spectra are shown as energy loss spectra and not as concentration depth profiles. The reason is that the changes of the spectra with the change of the CDCA concentration can be demonstrated more directly using energy loss spectra rather than the concentration depth profiles, because the former is more related to the path length of the projectile. The titania surface onto which the N719 molecules have been deposited is not flat. Therefore, determining the correct concentration depth profiles requires a deconvolution procedure as demonstrated in ref 29. In order to allow for an orientation, we also show a depth scale at the top of the figures. The zero mark of the depth scale has been calculated from the kinetics of the experiment but is lacking the information about the inelastic energy loss during backscattering as can be applied in NICISS.30 Further, due to the shape of the titania particles there is no one to one correspondence between depth scale and energy loss scale in the measurements shown here. In this sense the depth scale shown only provides a rough estimation of the true depth scale. Figure 2 also shows an energy loss of 0 eV corresponding to the surface of the dye layer, which has been established in previous publications.29 Increasing energy loss means increasing depth. The energy loss spectra in Figure 2 show that the region between 10 and 30 Å decrease in intensity indicating that the dye is forming a layer of limited thickness. In Figure 2c Ru NICIS spectra of surfaces exposed to 0.1 mM N719 with 0 and 20 mM CDCA are shown, as well as the difference between the spectra. The difference shows that, in the spectrum from a pure N719 solution, the Ru is found at greater depths as compared with the spectrum from a surface exposed to the solution also containing 20 mM CDCA. This observation means that N719 multilayers are formed to a lesser degree when CDCA is added to the solution. The decrease in multilayer formation is also demonstrated through the

Figure 2. Concentration depth profiles for (a) low dye solution concentration (0.005 mM) and (b) high dye solution concentration (0.1 mM). The lower x-axis shows the energy loss and the upper xaxis the corresponding depth. (c) Profiles the dye layer formed at no CDCA and at 20 mM and their difference. The difference is an indication of the changes in the dye layer structure. In all panels the depth scale is shown as well to give an indication of the approximate depth. It should be noted that the spectra are noisy due to the low concentration of Ru. The features in the measured spectra and their differences which are significant are the positions of the maxima and minima. As an example, in panel c the shift of the position of the maximum when adding CDCA is significant. Also the minimum in the difference around −30 eV, the maximum at around 90 eV, and the shift to negative values at energy loss > 180 eV are significant. Other variations on a shorter energy loss scale have to be considered as not significant.

difference in the spectra, shown as red series. The difference is positive between an energy loss of 30 and 170 eV (approximately 5−25 Å in depth) upon addition of the coadsorbent, while the difference is negative in the energy loss C

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as monolayers. As we can note, the concentration depth profile decreases significantly in the region >30 Å for the surfaces exposed to a dye bath containing 20 mM CDCA. If we compare this result with our previous work,10 the concentration depth profile of the dye layer formed from a solution of N719 with no CDCA added in this study, there are some differences. In ref 10, the adsorption of N719 on titania was investigated, which corresponds to the samples in the present work with no CDCA. There is a larger contribution of dye multilayers in this study as compared to our previous work. The measurements in this work were reproducible, as well as the measurements in our previous work. Thus, it is not clear which parameter is causing the difference in concentration depth profiles of the dye. However, the main results from the present and past work are not affected by this difference. The main finding is that the thickness of the multilayer decreases upon addition of CDCA in the dye solution used. It should also be noted that the dye multilayer region of the surface exposed to a solution containing 20 mM CDCA is smaller in thickness than in our previous work.10 Concentration depth profiles of Ru as constituent of the N719 layer on titania have been determined with NICISS. In total, 10 combinations of N719 and CDCA concentrations were investigated. Data from each combination were recorded twice. Tables 1 and 2 show the N719 coverage of titania for the samples with low (0.005 mM) and high (0.1 mM) dye concentrations, respectively. As there are two samples for each CDCA concentration, we also provide the mean coverage and its uncertainty in the last columns in Tables 1 and 2. The dye coverage is defined as the amount of dye molecules on the titania surface per square centimeter as given by the integration of a concentration depth profile, while the dye loading is a quantity to measure the amount of dye molecule on the titania per unit volume. By integrating the concentration depth profiles, the total amount of Ru on the surface can be determined. Figure 4 depicts the molecular coverage of N719 on the titania as a function of CDCA in the dye solution. It can be seen that the coverage of titania with N719 decreases with increasing CDCA concentration from 0 to 10 mM and then increases when increasing the CDCA concentration from 10 to 20 mM. A minimum coverage of N719 is found when using dye solutions of 10 mM CDCA. This phenomenon is found for both high and low N719 dye solution concentration. NICISS is not suitable for determining the CDCA coverage of the titania surface. The reason is that NICISS is sensitive to the mass of the elements and not primarily to their chemical nature. CDCA consists only of the light elements O, C, and H, and the O-to-C ratio is similar to the one in N719. Thus NICISS cannot be used to uniquely identify the amount of CDCA on the titania surface. In order to determine the amount of adsorbed CDCA, FT-IR measurements on the exposed photoelectrode surfaces were applied instead. The FTIR spectra in Figure 5a change with changes in the CDCA dye bath concentration. The FT-IR absorbance spectra show three main peaks at 2876, 2924, and 2961 cm−1. The peak around 2876 cm−1 has also been found in other studies using CDCA and has been attributed to the -CH stretch vibrational modes.31 The absorption in N719 around 2876 cm−1 is at a minimum in the spectrum of an electrode exposed to a pure N719 solution, and it is stronger in the spectrum of an electrode exposed to a pure CDCA solution (blue dashed line, Figure 5a). This observation shows that the

region larger than 170 eV (approximately 25 Å in depth) and less than 30 eV (approximately 5 Å in depth). This difference in the energy loss profiles and concentration depth profiles, respectively, highlights a decrease in the formation of multilayers upon addition of CDCA and the formation of a more compact layer; i.e., the Ru is distributed over a smaller range in depth. Overall, the amount of dye adsorbed to the titania is unchanged. The profiles shown on Figure 3 are the concentration depth profile of the dye after taking into account the spherical shape

Figure 3. Concentration depth profile of Ru representing the N719 after correcting for the spherical shape of the titania particles forming the substrate and deconvolution of the concentration depth profiles: (a) for surfaces exposed to solutions containing 0 mM CDCA and (b) for surfaces when exposed to a solution containing 20 mM CDCA. The depth scale after deconvolution and taking the spherical nature of the substrate into account is along the local surface normal at a given position on a spherical particle forming the outer layer of the substrate. The blue and red arrows indicate the division between the monolayer and multilayer regime of the concentration depth profile. The diameter (o.d.) of an N719 molecule can be approximated with about 10 Å. The vertical position of the horizontal line is chosen such that it intersects with the concentration depth profile at about 10 Å. The fraction of the concentration depth profile above the horizontal line to the left of the blue and red arrows indicates the fraction of the monolayer (and is symbolized by the blue arrow). The fraction of the concentration depth profile below the horizontal line indicates the amount of dye forming a multilayer (and is symbolized by the red arrow).

of the titania particles forming the substrate and also after deconvolution for the energy resolution. Figure 3a also clearly shows how the presence of CDCA in the dye bath affects the morphology of dye layer formed on the titania. The vertical line at around 10 Å is a guideline, approximately corresponding to the molecular size of N719, suggesting that at this thickness the dye is adsorbed preferably D

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Table 1. Molecular Loading Resulting from the 0.005 mM N719 Solution on the Nanoporous Titania with CDCA sample 1

sample 2



CDCA concn (mM)

molecular coverage (×10−10 mol·cm−3)

molecular coverage (×10−10 mol·cm−3)

molecular coverage (×10−10 mol·cm−3)

1 2 3 4 5

without CDCA 5 10 15 20

0.69 0.78 0.35 0.68 1.2

0.99 0.71 0.52 1.0 1.2

0.84 ± 0.2 0.74 ± 0.05 0.4 ± 0.12 0.83 ± 0.21 1.18 ± 0.01

Table 2. Molecular Coverage Resulting from the 0.1 mM N719 Solution on the Nanoporous Titania with CDCA sample 1 no.

CDCA concn (mM)

1 2 3 4 5

without CDCA 5 10 15 20

sample 2 −10

molecular coverage (×10


mol·cm )

molecular coverage (×10

2.5 1.4 1.0 1.7 2.6

2.8 1.3 1.1 1.4 2.8

mean −10


mol·cm )

molecular coverage (×10−10 mol·cm−3) 2.6 1.4 1.0 1.5 2.7

± ± ± ± ±

0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1

amount of CDCA adsorbed onto titania in the presence of N719 in the dye solutions. The ratio in absorbance intensity is given in Figure 5b and shows that the ratio between CDCA and N719 increases monotonously with increasing amount of CDCA in the dye solution. It is important to notice that the FT-IR analysis is not a fully quantitative analysis because the absorption intensities at 2876 and 2924 cm−1 cannot be associated to either pure N719 nor pure CDCA. Thus, the analysis of the FT-IR data represents a semiquantitative measure of the amount of CDCA in the adsorbed layer.

4. DISCUSSION The two main results in this study are that (i) the total coverage of titania with N719 depends on the concentration of CDCA in the dye solution and has a minimum at a concentration of 10 mM CDCA and (ii) the fraction of the titania surface covered by a dye monolayer rather than a dye multilayer depends on the CDCA concentration in the dye solution used. These observations are similar to those found in a previous study, which reported that an addition of CDCA to the solution of organic dyes (e.g., D29 and D35) reduces the dye load on titania surfaces and increases the kcy (IPCE).32 The coverage of titania with N719 is the same for the concentrations of 0 and 20 mM CDCA but goes through a minimum at 10 mM CDCA. Increasing the CDCA concentration also leads to a decrease in the thickness of the N719 layer; i.e., the degree of formation of multilayers decreases with increasing CDCA concentration. At 0 mM CDCA in the dye solution used, a strong contribution of multilayers can be found, while at 20 mM CDCA the formation of a N719 monolayer is dominant. It is plausible to assume that both phenomena have the same origin. A possible explanation for both phenomena is that the CDCA molecules reduce the interdye molecular interaction33 and as a consequence strengthen the molecular interaction between the adsorbents (N719 and CDCA) and titania substrate. The observation that the amount of N719 dye adsorbed onto the titania substrates goes through a minimum as a function of the CDCA concentration shows that a minimum amount of CDCA molecules have to adsorb onto the titania surface to generate this effect. However, it is still unclear why reducing the interaction between the N719 molecules leads to an

Figure 4. Molecular coverage of N719 as a function of CDCA concentration in the dye solution for low (0.005 mM) (a) and high (0.1 mM) (b) dye solution concentrations.

intensity of the peak around 2876 cm−1 is expected to increase with increasing CDCA concentration in a dye solution. The change in absorption in this wavenumber region can therefore be used to determine the amount of CDCA adsorbed onto the titania surface in the presence of N719. In order to determine the CDCA and N719 concentrations, a baseline is drawn between 2823 and 3028 cm−1 (purple line, Figure 5b). The relative heights of absorption intensities, h1 and h2, at 2876 cm−1 (red line) and 2924 cm−1 (green line) were determined, as illustrated in Figure 5b, and the ratio was calculated. The ratio is used as a relative measure for the E

DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01864 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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change of acidity of the N719/CDCA solution in ethanol with changing CDCA concentration could also contribute to the change of the dye layer conformation with changing CDCA concentration. Supporting the formation of dye monolayers rather than dye multilayers is expected to support the electron injection from the dye to the metal oxide electrode because the transfer of the electrons from the excited dye molecule to the electrode becomes more direct. As a consequence the efficiency of the DSSC is expected to increase.34

5. CONCLUSION The investigation of dye−titania interface using NICISS technique has been performed to study the effect of the application of CDCA as co-adsorbent in dye layer formation. In this study, we have now revealed at least one of the reasons that the CDCA reduces the formation of multilayer dye and increases the monolayer dye. The key phenomena to reveal the changes are due to the interdye molecule interaction. CDCA strengthens the molecular interaction between the adsorbents and titania substrate, and a possible explanation could be that the orientation of the N719 molecules also changes and as a result a larger number of N719 molecules adsorb on the surface. The formation of a dye monolayer rather than a dye multilayer might lead to an improvement of the injection of electrons from the dye layer into the titania substrate and thus to an increased efficiency of the DSSC.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01864.

Second set of NICIS spectra and explanation of deconvolution of the concentration depth profiles (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail ORCID

Lars Kloo: 0000-0002-0168-2942 Gunther G. Andersson: 0000-0001-5742-3037 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Figure 5. (a) FT-IR spectra of photoelectrodes exposed to 0.1 mM N719 and the CDCA with varying concentration. (b) Ratios of h1 and h2 showing a change of CDCA and N719 contribution. (c) Ratios of peak contributions between 2876 and 2924 cm−1 on FT-IR spectra (h1 and h2) used as a relative measure for the amount of CDCA adsorbed onto the titania.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS H.T. acknowledges support through a scholarship from the Indonesian Government. The authors acknowledge the expertise, equipment and support provided by the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility (AMMRF) and the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) at the South Australian nodes of the AMMRF and ANFF under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

increase of the amount of dye molecules on the titania surface. A possible explanation could be that the orientation of the N719 molecules also changes when the interaction between N719 and titania becomes more dominant and, as a result, a larger number of N719 molecules adsorb on the surface. It must be noted that the experiments in this study do not give results that allow us to draw conclusions about the orientation of the adsorbed N719 molecules, and thus no evidence for the above hypothesis can be given. Irrespective of the reason for the increase in N719 coverage at CDCA concentrations of 10 mM and higher, it can be noted that N719 and CDCA cooperatively adsorb onto titania. It should be noted that the


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DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01864 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01864 ACS Appl. Energy Mater. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX