Results and Discussion

In order to tbsploit thih lead, :i number of :~ii:~log. of 2a. 1i:tb.e been pwpard arid their :ictirit\ a. 01 i7tio de-. ' inhibitor. ha. br.c.11 itut...
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I kmethylation Studies. VII.

A Unique Ett'ec-t of' the N-Cyclopropyl Group in a New Series of Inhibitors of Oxidative Ylicrosomal Demethylation


R = Me b. R = cyclopropyl c. R = H


111 the\? studies it was found that while 2a wab demethylated much more SIOIV~J than the corresponding tertiary amine,h2a appeared to ha ,.e higher dfiriit\ tor t h r rnz! mc aiid to ha\.e : ~ i iinhibitory effect. In order to t b s p l o i t thih lead, :i number of :~ii:~log.of 2a 1i:tb.e been p w p a r d arid their : i c t i r i t \ a. 01 i7tio de' inhibitor. ha. br.c.11 itutlied. Theye itudiri. I\ hich : t r ~devmbt4 brlon , lrd to tht. d i ~ c o w r \ ot i~ rivw i i i z w h microwimil inhibitor, t h c .Y-cycloprop~I :triulog 2b, nhich \va- mort. potent than a i i i ot thc 111hibitor5 ho far r e p o r t d . Experimental Section Compounds.--The c.onipourids \\-ere prepai,ed hy staiidard iahoratory pi.oc.edrirel and purified h y re tallizatioii of the EIC'I .-:iltii. h l l of them gave a single spot w chromatographed I :I> the free baqe) on d i m gel i r i a system of CaHa ( 4 parts) and I800; 0 = inactive at any dose. Activity [E. J. Cragoe, Jr., 0. W. Woltersdorf, Jr., J. E. Baer, and J. M.Sprague, J. Med. C h e m , 5 , 896 (1962)l is based upon increase in urinary electrolyte and volume over controlvalues referred to standards: $3 = activity of 100 mg/kg hydrochlorothiazide; + 2 = activity of 100mg/kgof chlorothiazide, 0 = controls. Compounds with activities betweeii chlorothiazide and controls are scored +1 or +. e J. B. Bicking, C. XI. Robb, S. F. Kwong, and E. J. Cragoe, Jr., J . W e d . Chem., 10,598 (1967). See ref 1. 0 K. L. Shepard, J. W. Mason, 0. W. Woltersdorf, Jr., J. H. Jones, and E. J. Cragoe, Jr., J . Mcd. Chem., 12, 280 (1969). (1


The basis for the effect of cyclopropyl substitution in the two series of microsomal inhibitors remains obscure. The effect is not simply the effect of branching on the a-C since the i-Pr compound is no more active than n-Pr. The electron-attracting properties of cyclopropyl would be expected to lower the pK, of the amine. However, this effect alone cannot explain the unique effect of cyclopropyl since other electron-withdrawing groups such as benzyl, allyl, and dimethylpropargy18 have a very minimal effect. A number of other workersg (8)R. E. McMahon and K. R. Easton, J . M e d . Pharm. Chem., 4, 437 (1961). (9) A. Burger, R. T. Standridge, and E. J. Ariens, ibid., 6 , 221 (1963); J. Mills, R . Tiattail, I. H. Slater, and R .W.FtilIer,