Review - Pharmaceuticals and Natural Drugs - Analytical Chemistry

Review - Pharmaceuticals and Natural Drugs. Max Marsh, and Wayne Hilty. Anal. Chem. , 1955, 27 (4), pp 636–653. DOI: 10.1021/ac60100a608. Publicatio...
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A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY Organisation of European Econonlic Cooperation, Paris, France, “Fertilizers. Methods of Analysis Used in OEEC Countries,” 1952. Otting, IT., Angew. Chem., 64, 670-9 (1952). Pasovskaya, G. B., and Udovenko, V. I-.,Trudy Xomissii Anal. Khim., Akad. aVauk S . S . S. R., Otdel. Khim. AYa‘az~k, 4 ( 7 ) . 19G204 (1952).

Perrin, C. H., ~ x . 4CHmr., ~ . 21, 981-6 (1949). Ihid., 25, 968-71 (1953). Polheim, P. von, Z . anal. Chem., 137, 8-15 (1952). J . S.African Chem. Inst.. Press, R. E., and Murray, K. -I., 6, 17-21 (1953). Pribil, R., and Blazek, -I., Chem. L i s f y , 45, 430-2, (1951). Pribil, R., and Fiala, L., Ibid., 45, 331-7 (1951). Pribil, R., and Jelinkova, V.,Ibzd., 46, 400-3 (1952). Pribil, R., Jenik, J., and Kobrova, A I . , Ihid., 46, 603-7 (19521. Pribil, R., and Vicenovi, E., Ihid., 45, 535-9 (1961). Z . anal. Chem., 133,241-8 (1951). Raff, P., and Brotz, W., Rancke-Madsen, E., and Kjaergard, T., Acta Chem. Scand., 7, 735-40 (1953). Randle, S.‘B., J . Assoc. Oflc.Agr. Chemists, 36, 617-22 (1953). Ibid., 37, 318-28 (1954). Rangier, ll.,and Krebs, XI., Compt. rend., 235, 984-6 (1952). Ray, H. N., Analyst, 78, 217-19 (1953). Remy-Gennete, P., Silicates ind., 18, 151 (1953). Rosickv. W.J.. Chemist Analvst. 41. 72 (1952). Rudorff, W., and Zannier, H.: 2.anal. &em.: 137, 1-5 (1952). Ibid., 140, 241-3 (1953). Schall, E. D., and Hagelberg, R. R., J . Assoc Oflc. Agr. Chemists, 35, 757-64 (1952). Scheel, Kurt, Angew. Chem. 66, 102-6 (1954). Scheffer, F., and Pajenkamp, H., 2. anal. Chem., 138, 266-8 (1953). Schutz, E., Mitt. Lebensm. Hug., 44, 213-27 (1953). Servigne, hI., Compt. rend. acad. agr. France, 40, 195-6 (1954).

(127) Shapiro, L., Am. Mineralogist, 37, 341-2 (1952). (128) Shibata, S., and Tsukiyama, S., Japan Analyst, 1, 197-8 (1952). (129) Shinkai, S..J . Ceram. Assoc. Japan, 61, 479-80 (1953) (130) Singh, K. P., Science and Culture ( I n d i a ) ,18, 194-6 (1952) (131) Sniith, J. 13.. J . Assoc. Oflc.Agr. Chemists. 37, 331-3 (1954). (132) Smith, J. B., and Olney, C. E., Ihid., 35, 663-6 (1952). (133) Ihid., 36, 628-32 (1953). (134) Stephens, R. L., J . Pharm. and Phurmacol., 5, 709-14 (1953). (135) Strafford, K., Analyst, 78, 733-4 (1953). (136) Takahashi, Y., Medicine and Biol.,26, 235-7 (1953). (137) Tanimoto, S., and llorita, K . , Chem. Analysis and Reagent, 2, 157-62, (1950). (138) Teague. R. T., Jr., J . Assoc. Ofic.Agr. Chemists, 36, 880-4

(1953). (139) Thampy, R. T., J . Sci. Ind. Research ( I n d i a ) ,12B, 118 (1953). (140) Udovenko, T, V,, and Pasovskaya, G. B., Zhur. Anal. Khim., 7, 158-60 (1952). (141) Ibid., pp. 161-2. (142) Wehrmann, O., Landwirtsch. Forsch., Sonderh. KO.4, 120-3 (1953). (143) Weiner, R.. and Koller, L., 2.anal. C h e m , 136, 246-54 (1952). (144) Will Fritz 111, and Yoe, J. H., AFAL.CHEM?., 25, 1363-6 (1953). (145) Will Fritz 111, and Yoe, J. H., Anal. Chim. Acta, 8 , 546-57 (1 953). (146) Williams, lf.B., and Xloser, J. H., ANAL. CHmr., 25, 1414-17 (1953). (147) Wise, W. A I . , and Brandt, TV. W., Ibid., 26, 693-7 (1954). (148) Yasumori, P., Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 24, 107-10 (1951). (149) Yokosuga, S.,Japan Analyst, 2, 319-22 (1953). (150) Yuen, S. H., and Pollard, A. G., J . Sci. Food Agr., 3, 441-7 (1952). (151) Zan’ko, A. A,, and Panteleeva, L. I., Trudy Komissii And. Khim.. Akad. ,\-auk S.S.S.R., Otdel. Khim.hTauk,4 (7), 13640 (1952). (152) Zlotowski, I., Przemysl Chem., 31 ( S ) , 439-43 (1952).

Pharmaceuticals and Natural Drugs



Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind.


HREE years have elapsed since publication of the latest in this series of reviews of analytical methods used in the analysis of pharmaceuticals and natural drugs (245). The intervening time has been filled with an annually increasing number of articles pertaining t o this field. The present review covers the period to 1954. Much of the changing emphasis in methodology will be reflected in the 15th revision of the Gnited States Pharmacopoeia and in the tenth revision of the Sational Formulary; both of these compendia are scheduled for publication in 1955. Both will incorporate many more of the newer instrumental techniques among the official methods of analysis. As in the past, considerable selectivity has been exercised in reporting methods of assay for various products. The reasons for this selection remain strictly a matter of opinion on the part of the authors; in many cases, laboratory experience with the methods described has provided a background for more critical discussion of the principles and techniques involved; in other cases, an opportunity t o use the methods described has not presented itself and comment is necessarily limited t o theoretical considerations. It is obvious that all the many thousands of pertinent papers which have appeared in the literature since 1951 cannot be mentioned in this or any other review which endeavors t o remain current in its coverage and hopes t o retain sufficient continuity to be-albeit laboriously-readable. The authors again wish t o insist that the exclusion of published articles from this review is not an indication of a lack of value of the methods described.

It is unquestionably true that in this as well as in other scientific domains, there is much in the way of published information which is unnecessary and of doubtful value t o other workers. Wherever possible, these reports of highly restricted applications or of minor modifications made to fit a very specific set of circumstances have been avoided. The w i t e r s feel that the previous classifications of chemical, physiochemical, and physical methods are no longer of particular Eignificance, since most pharmaceutical laboratories are now equipped to utilize instrumental methods of analysis; consequently, the present review is concerned with classification solely along the lines of the types of substances t o be assayed. T h e substance classification has been extended somen-hat to facilitate locating methods for specific compounds. ALKALOIDS

Analytical methods for the analysis of alkaloidal constituents, both in crude drugs and in pharmaceutical conibinations are one of the most important groups in the field of pharmaceutical analysie. Concentration levels in rav? materials are generally low, as are the amounts which are therapeutically active; thus, procedures for assay are generally devised for the micro or semimicro range. The isolation of alkaloids from natural sources usually involves separation from closely related substances which may have markedly different activities. One is concerned, then, with as great specificity as possible as well as with separation

V O L U M E 27, N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 procedures I\ hich will yield relatively uncontaminated products for mensurernent or Identification. Partition chromatography involving incorpolatlon of the sample into a stationary phase in a Celite support has been used by Banes ( 16 ) for the separation of several alkaloids including strychnine, quinine, and caffeine. Sem. continuous extraction methods for the Isolation of organic haws such a9 ephedrine, codeine, and papnvcrine have been reported; extiactors for use with aqueous qolutions and organic solvents both lighter than and heavier Than \vater are described in detail ( S Z 4 ) . Alkalo~ds have been titrated as bases in an acetic acid medium with perchloric acid (138) An interesting general method for the determination of alkaloids involves an application of Valser’s reagent. Under proper conditions, the insoluble iodomercuriates of organic hayes form suspensions, the apparent absorption of which can be related to concentration. d blank turbidimetric reading is obtained hy addition of excess potassium iodide which dissolves the suqpension ( 3 1 1 ) . Data sufficient for the identification and differentiation of 5-allylnorn1orphine and morphine are available from the infrared mull spectra. Quantitative evaluation of .\7-n11.i-1noimorphine is possible by ultraviolet absorption measurement? a t 285 nip or by polarography (half-n-ave potential, - 1 6 volts us. S C.E. in 2-M lithium chloride) ( 3 3 3 ) . After preliminary extraction of atropine sulfate or scopolamine hydrobromide, carbon tetrachloride solutions have been used for quantitative infrared analysis of these compounds in ointment preparations (395). A relatively specific spectrophotometric method for the determination of atropine in crude belladonna drug is reported by Worrell and Booth (412). I n this procedure, atropine base reacts with copper sulfate and naphthenic acid in benzene t o give a stable complex with an absorption maximum near ‘TOO mp. It has been observed that caffeine precipitates quantitatively from aqueous solution with phosphomolybdic acid. The precipitate is soluble in acetone, and its color can be measured in this solution a t 4-10 mp. The method has been applied to ,IPC mixtures; there are some interferences from other antipj retics and alkaloids ( 9 1 ) . The murexide test for caffeine and theobromine has been applied to a very large number of compounds; the characteristic color given by caffeine and theobromine was duplicated only by theophylline and uric acid. A pink color m s reported for xanthine, alloxanthine, and a fen, other compounds. Very few interferences were noted ( 1 0 0 ) Caffeine has been separated from aspirin and phenacetin by partition chroniatography, using m-vzter as stationary phwe in a silicic acid support. The eluting phase for caffeine is chloroform ( 1 8 1 ) . Chromatographic methods have been applied to the deterniination of codeine in opium and other complex mixtures; fractionation occurs on elution from an alumina column with isopropyl alcohol-chloroform-benzene. The eluate fractions are titrated and ultraviolet absorption ratios used to establish a potency of various fractions. Llorphine is extracted from the original benzene solution with saturated sodium acetate solution. I t would appear that ultraviolet absorption measurements could also be used for quantitative evaluation of the fractions in place of the titration procedure described ( 2 3 7 ) Countercurrent distribution data for the separation of colchicine, isocolchicine, and eolchiceine ethyl ether have been reported for the system ethyl acetate-water ( 1 1 ) . A colorimetric method for the assay of ephedrine requires reaction of the alkaloid in benzene solution with picryl chloride. The color developed when the reaction mixture is heated is measured a t 400 mp. The reaction is not complete, requiring carefully controlled conditions ( 7 7 ) . A modification of the conventional fluorescence reaction of epinephrine and norepinephrine with ethylenediamine permits the differentiation of these tlyo substances. The addition of sodium hydrosulfite just before condensation Kith ethylenediamine reduces the fluorescence of norepinephrine to 22% of its original

637 value n-ithout affecting the fluorescence of epinephrine ( 2 4 2 ) . A semiquantitative test for norepinephrine in epinephrine utilizes paper chromatographic separation in an ascending butanolacetic acid-water system. The component zones are developed with potassium iodate or potassium ferricyanide solution and the zones compared visually with standards (402). 9 great many methods for the separation of the alkaloids of ergot have appeared in the recent literature. Both qualitative and quantitative procedures have been devised. Buffered filter papers employing an organic mobile phase have been satisfactorily used (26, 68, 379). Other techniques involve the use of formamide to impregnate paper (236, 287). A quantitative procedure for determination of ergot alkaloids on paper chromatograms has also been described. I n this method the fluorescent spots are detected by ultraviolet light and cut from the strip. The cutout portions are extracted with dilute tartaric acid solution and color is developed with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde. After filtration, the absorbance of the solution is measured. The author claims substantially 100% recovery from experimental mixtures of alkaloids and claims that the method can be employed for the quantitative separation of most of the ergot alkaloids including ergocryptine, ergocornine, and ergocristine ( 2 8 6 ) . A new color reaction for ergot alkaloids which does not involve the indole group is obtained by spraying paper chromatograms Kith dilute solution of ninhydrin in butanol and heating. The reaction is also observed with lysergic acid (47). I n a study of several extractants for ergot alkaloids, Campo and Gramling ( 7 4 ) consider the azeotrope of chloroform and tetrahydrofuran t o be the best solvent for crude drug eutraction. A fluorometric method for evaluation of hydrastine in hydrastis involves oxidation of the alkaloid to hydrastinine (fluorescent) with nitric acid; canadine and berberine do not interfere ( 5 5 ) . Certain of the tropane alkaloids, including hyoscine and hyoscyamine, have been separated on phosphate-buffered paper: the mobile phase was n-ater-saturated 1-butanol. After the zones of alkaloids have been located on a guide strip with Dragendorf’s reagent, sections are cut out, eluted, and estimated with a modified Vitali-hlorin reaction. Reported recoveries were of the order of 65 t o 7.5yo;a correction factor was used for quantitative evaluation (99). The tropane alkaloids have also been separated using partition chromatography and quantitatively estimated bv titration of eluted fractions Kith standard acid ( 1 1 1 ) . RIorphine has been separated from codeine by means of exchange on a strong anion resin ( 1 6 1 ) . These t v o alkaloids may also he distinguished by observing the characteristic shift of the ultraviolet absorption maximum of morphine t o longer wave lengths in alltaline solution. A two-component ultraviolet analytical method is suggested ( 8 1 ) . The iodic acid-ammonium carbonate-nickel salt reaction has been adapted for the routine spectrophotometric assay of morphine. The method has been used for the rapid determination of morphine in opium; only pseudomorphine interferes vieakly among coexistent bases. Variables in the method vere carefully studied (296). The characterization of the complex formed by reaction of morphine with potassium mercuric iodide has resulted from the work of Levi and Farmilo (228). The ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, specific rotation, x-ray pattern, and solubility behavior of the morphine complex are reported for forensic purposes. The isolation and purification of semimicro quantities of morphine involve modification of conventional extraction procedures to provide maximum yield. Ion exchange procedures mere employed (2). -4 combination extractor-adsorption column has been used in the isolation of morphine in opium. The adsorbent is Florid, which removes impurities ( 2 0 9 ) . Some improvements in the colorimetric assay for pilocarpine and its salts have been described by Webb et al. ( 3 9 9 ) . I n this procedure the formation of the unstable free alkaloid is avoided. Pilocarpine has been assayed in ointment preparations in eom-


638 hinntion with phenacnine 1)y a n ert i.:iction process followed by i1ifr:tred absorption me:tsurements in chloroform solution (398). Quinidine sulfate and strychnine nitrate have been assaj-ed by reaction in aqueous solut>ionwith potassium mercuritetrathiocyanate; a.fter removal of the precipitate of the alkaloid with this subst,ance, the ewes8 reagent solution may be titrated by tiddition of excess silver ion, removal of t,he precipitate, and titration of the remaining silver with thiocyanate ( 2 1 2 ) . Quinine and strychnine have been differentiated quantitat,ively in a simple two-component analytical scheme involving differences in the ultraviolet, absorption spectra of these compounds ( 3 4 ) . The hehavior of quinine on several types of alumina columns has been studied ( 4 3 ) . It was observed that basic aluminum hydroxides adsorb the alkaloid from aqueous solutions; it may lie later elut,ed with water as the free base. Ultraviolet absorption measurements permit t.he determination of st,rychnine in the presence of brucine (33). These two compounds have been separated also by chromatography on alumina from other interfering substances; the alkaloids are not retained 0 1 1 the column in 867, ethanol. Brucine is oxidized v d h potas4 u m persulfate and the ultraviolet absorption of the remaining fitrychnine is measured a t 254 nip ( 1 0 8 ) . Theobromine in 1 to 1 aretic acid-carbon tetrachloride has been titrated with perchloric :wid in glacial acet,ic acid. The indicator (a-naphtholhenzein) rhange is yellow t o green (292). The procedure evades possible interference from acidic tablet exc~ipients. Theobromine mag he differentiated from caffeine hy ultraviolet spectrophotometry in alkaline solution. Acidic solutions of both alkaloids have iniilar maxima, but theobromine shows a considerable increase i n absorption in the 220 to 254 nip range in alkaline solution (26.3). h n ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for the determination of theophylline in pharmbceuticals has been compared with the silver salt procedure (86). The instrumental method compares well xvith the official procedure and avoids ~ o m errors. e The recent, enhanced interest in i,eserpine and related alkaloids znd also the veratrum alkaloids h w not as yet produced much information concerning specific. separation and measurement procedures for these substances. Some techniques for total alkaloid estimation in R. serpentina have involved extraction methods in H more or less conventional pattern (186, 187). A colorimet,ric assay for yohimbine involves reaction with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and hydrogen peroside (213). Infrared spectra of several veratrum alkaloids have heen reported ( 2 7 1 ) , and t,he intensity of the infrared band due t o carbonyl absorption from the ester group was found t'o parallel the hypotensive activity in drugs. It cannot be expected, however, that the respective hypotensive activity of pure ester alkaloids is simply a function of their degree of esterification. -4 paper chromatographic procedure for separat.ion of certain of the veratrum alkaloids has been reported recently (162). This same report discusses titrimetric methods, infrared ahsorption procedures, nonaqueous titration, and ultraviolet absorption of the alkaloids: it descaribes in detail a quantitative paper chromatographic method for the wtimation of protoveratrine ri and protoveratrine B.


-4lthough the ultimate appraisal of antibiotic potency may only he made in terms of in vitro or in vivo action against a paitirular organism, chemical method. of relatively high specificity have been extremely useful as control procedures. A fluorometric assay of aureomycin utilizing concentrations as low as 5 y per nil. has been described (520). Separation of the antibiotic is accomplished by means of butanol extraction or adsorption on fuller's earth. Several ant,ibiotic salts including those of Aureoinycin, erythromycin, Llagnaniycin, and Terramycin have been titrated in nonaqueous medin. The hllide salt9 require prclim-

inwy :dditioii of nicrc~ui~ic: awt;ttv l~et'ot~c titration of the z:dt with pew-hlorir acid in dioxane ( 3 3 7 ) . .Sureomyein and Termmyrin have been identified on paper chroni:itogr:mis ti? spraying with a dilute solution of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde under the conditions described. Aureomyciii produces a dirty yellow spot and Terramycin gives a blue-green caolor. Five micrograms of the antibiotics per square criitirncter may he detected (349). sensitive color reaction for rh1or:mphenicol involves solution of the ant,ihiotic in purified pyridine, addition of potassium hydroside, u i d heating with a,git:ttion for 5 minutes ut 100" C. O n cooling, a rose to red color drvelops in the pyridine layer. Sensit,ivit,yi.q 10 y of the antibiotic ( 3 7 8 ) . Higuchi arid coworkers ( 1 8 0 ) report the partition chroniatography of chloramphenicol. The stationary phase is water in a silicic acid support, while the eluting solvent is 10yo ethyl acetate in cahloroforni: the eluate fractions are examined spectrophotoiiiet,rii.alIy at, 2 i 8 nip. .kcid hydrolyzates of iiureomycin, Carhomyrin, erythromycin, and Terramycin all react with arsenoniolybat~eto produce blue conipleses; only Terramycin will reduce the reagent prior to hydrolyColorimetric assays are devised covering the range 2 to ICi0 -,, depending on the antibiotic ( 2 7 7 ) . The reaction of the erJ-t,hroniycin in the presence of strong sulfuric acid to produce an intense yellow color has heen nxtde the basis for a colorimetric procedure. Degradation product s of erythromycin interfere. The proredure is reproducible to ivithin about 1 3 % when applied t o ferment'ation beers and about i i % on aqueous solutions of purified materials ( 1 2 2 ) . Quantitative infrared measurement of erythromycin involves determination of absorbancy in the 10.5-micron region (397). An ultraviolet absorption method involving prrliniinarv treatment of erythromycin xvith alkali has been adapted to the determination of this antibiotic in various pharmaceutical preparations (220). .-1 colorimetric method for the evaluation of Framycetin has been reported by Penau et a!. ( 2 7 6 ) . Several phj-sical and chemical properties of Magnamycin, including iiielt,ing point, specific i'ot:ttion, and ultraviolet absorption spectrum, h a r e heen repoi,ted ( 3 6 8 ) . The observation that ethanol solut,ions of micrococcin yield a purple fluorescence in ultraviolet light has provided R method of assay for this antibiotic ( 1 7 5 ) . A method of aFsay for neomycin is based on the ohservation that neomycins B and C when heated in strong mineral acid yield furfural as one of the decomposition products. Quantitative evaluation is acconiplished by measuring the ahsorhance of the solution a t 280 nip (103). A rapid method of determining penicillin in culture fluids or in crude preparations involves preliminary extraction of penicillin from an aqueous phase with amyl acetate solution followed hy re-extraction into a known volume of phosphate buffer a t p H 7 . T h e penicillin is then assayed by the iodometric titration method. A correction factor is introduced for substances in the cult'ure fluid that are est,racted and that take up iodine under these conditions ( 2 5 ) . In the presence of small amounts of mercwir chloride a t room temperature, penicilloic acid quantitatively reduces arsenomolyhdic arid; when penicilloic acid is heated in dilute mineral acid in a boiling water bath, however, the reducing power is lost'. T h e w ohsrrvations have been made the basis for the determination of this substance and of penicillin in fermentation samples ( 8 6 8 ) . Pan and Perlman ( 2 6 s ) have modified the Kapeller-Adler method for nitration of phenylacetic acid to provide nitration a t a lower teniprrature. This technique yields only one nitration prodwt instead of the several products obtained previously :is shown by paper chromatography. The method is useful in determining phenylacetic acid and phenylacetamides in samples from fernieiitations. Penicillin labeled with sulfur45 has been prepared b y fermentation in a medium containing S3jOa-- in yields u p t o 30% on the basis of labeled sulfate. An isotope dilution procedure utilizing the labeled compound thus produced is described (1.50). The procednre

V O L U M E 27, NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 cannot compete with chemical and biological methods on a cost basis, but it more nearly approaches an absolute measure of the penicillin content,; 95% corifidence limits for a single sample in duplicate are 3 ~ 5 . 9 %of the mean. 1 method for the estimation of penicillin G in penicillin 0 involves oxidation, e x t r a d o n of the benzoic acid produced from other ultraviolet-absorbing impurities, and measurement a t 224 mp. Recovery is 86 j~4% (199). It has been found that S,S'-dibenzylet,hylenediamine-penicillin may be dissolved directly in alkaline solution for assay and allowed to stand 15 minutes after making to volume, and an aliquot iodinated in the usual iodometric procedure for penicillin assay. A blank value is obt,ained by treating an aqueous suspension of the insoluble drug with iodine; on dilution, the total reaction volume becomes sufficient to dissolve the salt (672). The utilization of ethylene oxide in sterilizing bulk penicillin has required development of a method for determining ethylene glycol (from hydrolysis of ethylene oxide) in procaine penicillin. The procedure is based on t,he periodate oxidation of ethylene glycol to formaldehyde and colorimetric determination of the formaldehyde with chromotropic acid (50). Dihydrostreptomycin yields 1.02 moles of formaldehyde per mole and streptomycin 0.20 mole per mole when treated with periodic acid. A method for dihydrostreptomycin is based on the evaluation of the formaldehyde content of an oxidized sample with chroniotropic acid. -4correction is made for streptomycin interference when present in excess of 2%; the procedure requires careful control of variables (381). Monaster0 (256) hap reported the colorimetric determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin which involves a reaction of the streptidine moiety of the molecule; the color reaction is an extension of a test for guanidine. The T-oges-Proskauer reaction has also been adapted to the quantit,ative determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin (366). The streptomycins, etreptothricins, and neomycins have been separated by paper chromatography (193). Methanolysis of mannosidostreptomycin or dihydromaiinosidostreptomycin yields methyl mannoside, streptidine, and methyl streptobiosaminide dimethj-1 acetal or it's dihydro analog, respectively; the basic products may be removed by passage over a cation exchanger. The mannose present in the effluent as niethyl mannoside may be converted to the dinitrophenylosazone, which forms a purple color in alkaline solution; the color intensity may be directly related to the mannosidostreptomycin or dihydromannosidostreptomycin content of the sample (229). CHEMOTHER4PEbTIC &GENTS

Several sympathomimetic amine salts have been converted to the free bases by passage over carbonate-regenerated iiniherlite IR-45 ion exchange columns. The bases may be washed out of the column with 75% ethanol and titrated (387). Paper chromatographic separation and identification of sympathomimetic amines have also been reported ( 4 0 7 ) . The separation of maminophenol, present in trace amounts in p-aminosalicylic acid, has been accomplished by paper electrophoresis; a similar procedure affords the separation of trace amounts of p-aminohenzoic acid in novocaine (391). Trace amounts of m-aminophenol in the presence of p-aminobenzoic acid have also been determined polarographically after diazotization and reaction v,-ith potassium carbonate (202),and by a colorimetric procedure (334). p-Aminobenzoic acid and its sodium salt have been estimated by titration in glacial acetic acid using perchloric acid as titrant; in this titration it is necessary to add chloroform to the solution after about 90% neutralization to precipitate the reaction products and to sharpen the end point (67). Sodium p-aniinosalicylate in a water-ethylene glycol-isopropyl alcohol mixture has been titrated with perchloric acid, potentiometrically (369). A comparative study of several methods for the determination of p-

639 aminosalicylic acid has been made by Rao (300),who proposes a method based on both decarboxylation and diazotization. A rather specific color reaction for p-aniinosalicylic acid is observed on heating with a reagent composed of 1 to 1 concentrated hydrochloric acid-formalin. Seither salic)-lie acid nor p-aminobenzoic acid interferes (319). The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of phenylacetone, an intermediate in the synthesis of amphetamine, has been used to determine the amount of the intermediate present in the drug (128). A general method for the tit'ration of antihistamine hasee and their salts is described h y Kleckner and Os01 (208); methods discussed include titration x i t h aqueous standard acid or dissolution in excess standard acid and back-titration vith alkali, arid titration with perchloric acid in dioxane of a solution in glacial acetic acid. ],idole has been determined in oil of chenopodiuni and in castor oil solutions of Chenopodium by a polarographic procedure; the electrolyte is lithium acetate-lithium chlorideacetic acid in aqueou! alcohol ( 2 2 ) . Comparative ultraviolet absorption spectra of acetylsalicylic acid and of salicylic acid have been reported and a method for evaluation of binary mixtures of the two compounds has been developed (316). The separation of caffeine in the presence of phenacetin and aspirin has been accomplished by precipitation of caffeine periodide, thus providing a chemical procedure for the complete evaluation of .WC mixtures (409). Higuchi and Patel (181) have also Feparated the components of h P C conihinations by a partition chromatographic procedure. 4 method has been described for the quantitative determination of atrolactainide (2-phenyl-3-hydroxypropionaniide). The procedure is hased on the convereion of this drug to iodoform and measurement of the absorbancy of a chloroform extract containing the iodoform isolated from the sample (336). A new colorimetric procedure for the deterniination of Benadryl (P-dimethylaniinoethylbenzh~-drylether hydrochloride) has been described by von Horn (388). Direct titration of barbiturate or sulfonamide tablets has heell accomplished by Fritz and Z'espe, who dissolved the samples iii diniethylformamide and employed sodium methoxide in benzenemethanol as titrant (386). Barbital, allobarbital, pentobarbital, and-hy adjustment of p H with borate buffer-phenobarbital, may be precisely assayed argentimetrically (78). Ribley et a!. have utilized the infrared spectra of closely related barbituric avid derivatives for differentiating these compounds in mixtures (301). Considerable information has appeared recently 011 more specific methods of identification of barbiturates based primarily on paper chromatographic separations. .imong those systems recommended are 1-butanol-5S ammonia (4)and chloroform-buffer, v i t h the paper impregnated with buffer solution (413). Methods of identification of barbiturates on paper chromatograms have been investigated by Grieg (154) and Wiclietrom et a!. (406). The estimation of several barbiturates in biological materials has involved differences observed in the ultraviolet ahsorption spectra of solutions a t p H 10.5 and in stronger ctlkali. Quantities as small as 0.1 mg. per 100 ml. of blood or 0.3 mg. per 100 grams of tissue niay he determined (145). The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of phenobarbital in p H 9.5 borate buffer has been utilized to assay this compound in offirial preparations (248). Stearate interference in phenobarbital tablets has been eliminated by precipitating barium stearate from alcoholic eolution with saturated barium hydroxide solution (270). .4 colorimetric procedure for the evaluation of certain anthracene derivatives has been utilized to evaluate Cascara sagrada and some of its preparations ( 1 1 7 ) . -4 system for the paper chromatography of chlorophylls incorporates filter paper strips impregnated Kith sugars and run in an ascending solvent consisting of 0.5% n-propyl alcohol in n-hexane (353). A method for the e:t,imation of Dormison (methylparafynol) in biological

640 material involves formation of an insoluble silver derivative; the complex is collected and decomposed and the silver content determined colorimetrically (278); the procedure was subsequently modified to include an aeration train to transfer the active substance from the sample to an alkaline silver reagent (279). Some difficulties in the accumulation of carbonate in the alkaline silver reagent-extracted from the air used in the aeration step-could possibly have been avoided by sweeping the sample with nitrogen. Gentisic acid has been assayed in serum by preliminary acetone-alcohol extraction, oxidation by ferric ion, and colorimetric determination of the resulting ferrous ion; escess ferric ion is complesed with fluoride (232). .4 spectrophotometric study of gentisic acid has included observation of the formation of a green color x-ith niolybdophosphotungstate solution as well as characteristic ultraviolet absorption maxima of gentisic acid itself (267). Xumerous methods for the evaluation of isonicotinic acid hydrazide have been reported, probably out of proportion t o the difficulties involved in its determination. Those procedures which appear to be most satisfactory include nonaqueous titration ( 5 ) , reaction with iodine followed by backtitration of excess iodine ( 7 1 ) , a similar bromimetric procedure which avoids lactose interference (170), and a colorimetric procedure based on the reduction of ferricyanide with subsequent formation of Turnbull’s blue on heating ( 1 9 4 ) . For qualitative and quantitative purposes, the infrared mull Ppectrum and the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of isonicotinic acid hydrazide have been reported as TTell as some information on the polarography of this substance (261). T h e quantitative differentiation of mixtures of certain ethyl mercuric and phenyl mercuric derivatives has been accomplished b y observing their relative stability in strong hydrochloric acid solution (289). A paper chromatographic system for the separation of octamethylpyrophosphoramide utilizes propylene glycol-impregnated paper with a mobile phase consisting of 1: 1: 1 a,a,a-trichlorotoluene-carbontetrachloride-toluene (243). Phenolphthalein-chocolate preparations have been estimated by nonaqueous titration; the sample is dissolved in 15% ethylene~liamine-857~pyridine. T h e titrant is sodium dissolved in ethanolamine and diluted with pyridine. T h e indicator is thymol blue (97). Procaine and p-aminobenzoic acid are coupled after diazotization with 1-naphthylamine; after the dye formation is completed, the derivatives are separated on the basis of their solubility in acids (procaine) and bases (p-aminobenzoic acid) (266). T h e ultraviolet absorption maximum of procaine hydrochloride a t 290 mp has also been used t o determine the amount of this compound in aqueous solution (36). A technique for the titration of reineckate salts in n-hich reaction Kith the thiocyanate group is utilized offers a convenient method for the evaluation of certain organic bases (161). Isotope dilution techniques have been applied to the assay of certain sulfonamide preparations utilizing sulfur-35-labeled sulfonamides. Ion exchange separations with selection of the peak fractions of the eluates for assay have provided suitable methods for determination of sulfanilamide and sulfadiazine in mixtures (191). Sulfonaniides have been titrated in pyridine solution with sodium methoxide; tablet excipients interfere (116). Identification of sulfonamides has been accomplished by paper chromatography (310, 394) and by paper ionophoresis ( 3 9 0 ) . Tetracaine is separated from its hydrolytic products by extraction above pH 8 with an organic solvent; its concentration may be measured by ultraviolet absorption techniques (106); the authors have described in the same paper a colorimetric assay for phenylephrine. cl volumetric determination of thiouracil and certain of its alkyl homologs has been developed by Abbott ( 1 ) ; the titrant is mercuric acetate and the indicator is diphenylcarbazone. Interferences from tablet excipients are few and can be avoided. A specific color reaction for compounds

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY of the thiouracil type has been described, and a method of determination of propylthiouracil is given (234, 235); the reaction involves condensation with 2,B-dichloroquinonechloroimidein a suitable buffered solution. -1yellox pigment formed is extractable into chloroform. Systems for the paper chromatographic separation and identification of thiouracil and of methylthiouracil and propylthiouracil are butyl alcohol-water and am: 1 alcoholTmter; zones a l e developed n i t h iodine or by reaction rvith 2,6dichloroquinonechlorimide (225). GLYCOSIDES

Certain plant glyco.ides have been identified by means of paper chromatography. Location of the glycoside zones v a s achieved through enzymatic hydrolysis to produce a reducing sugar, which was then identified b y splaying the strip with aniline hydrogen phthalate solution and heating. The glycosidases were applied t o the chromatograms in a “strip transfer” technique. Such naturally occurring glyroqides a. nrnvgdnlin. arbutin, and salicin were identified (40). Considerable information concerning the identification and determination of the digitalis glycosides has appeared in the recent literature. Several of the primary glycosides of digitalis have been separated and identified by paper chi omatography in an ethyl acetnte-ethanol-benzene-iTater system; fluorescent zones were formed by spraying the chromatograms n ith trichloroacetic acid and heating. The system is not satisfactory for the separation of desglucoglycosides such as gitoxin and digoxin (938). A colorimetric method for the estimation of digitoxin utilizes reaction of the glycoside viith 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid in the presence of henzyltrimethylammonium h>droxide to produce a measurable color. T h e absorption maximum of the chromophore is 550 m p . The method has the advantage of a very low reagent blank, but the color produced is fleeting. Digoxin and gitoxigenin also react a t a slightly different rate (293). An investigation of the alkaline picrate method for digitoxin determination has indicated an effect attributed t o the presence of ethanol in the system. The same article describes a process for decolorizing digitalis tinctures prior to color development ( 3 1 4 ) Hassall and Lippman (167) have utilized a reaction of digitalis n-ith m-dinitrobenzene a t p H 11 to 13 to produce a red color. The colored product is said to be more stable than the transient blue colors obtained with stronger alkali. T h e procedure has a rather low sensitivity for digitoxin. A fluorometric procedure for determination of the aglycone of digitoxin has been reported by Jensen (197). T h e sample, dissolved in 8.411hydrochloric acid, is oxidized with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide; digitoxigenm forms a compound exhibiting blue-green fluorescence. Further reaction is prevented by the addition of ascorbic acid. Gitoxigenin, gitoxin, and purpurea glycoside B have only weak fluorescence; digitoxin in the range of 2 to 20 y in 10 ml. may be determined with an Chromatographic separation of digitoxin accuracy of +5%. and digitoxigenin has been achieved on alumina columns. T h e aglycone is eluted with chloroform while 3 t o 1 chloroformethanol elutes digitoxin (201). Paper chromatographic separation of digitalis glycosides has been investigated by several n-orkers. The most satisfactory systems appear to be those utilizing formamide-impregnated paper with an organic mobile phase consisting of chloroform or benzene or mixtures of these (198, 323). Other systems described include butanol-amyl alcohol-water (157) and chloroform-ethyl acetate-benzene-water (359); the latter system is suitable only for very small quantities (1 t o 5 y). An interesting study of “new” and “aged” solutions of trichloroacetic acid in chloroform and their effect on the development of fluorescence with digitalis glycosides has been made ( 3 3 9 ) ; these workers observe that a freshly prepared reagent gives no fluorescence rrith digitoxin, gitoxin, and digoxin. T h e

V O L U M E 27, NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 Carr-Price reagent has been suggested also as a color reagent for identifj-ing digitalis glycosides on paper chromatograms. The colors produced are reported to be permanent and dist'inctive (323). Digitoxin tablets have been analyzed by partition chromat,ography in which the stationary- phase is Celite impregnated with formamide-xater. The mobile phase is chloroformbenzene. Digitoxigenin is eluted first from the column, followed by digitoxin; gitoxin stays on the column ( 1 7 ) . These authors point out that the U.S.P. XII- monograph for digitoxin permits acceptance of material Lyhich could contain as little as 70% of the glycoside. The presence of appreciable amounts of gitoxin in commercial samples of C.S.P. digitoxin was demonstrated. The possible use of ion exchange resins to isolate glycosides as borate complexes n'as investigated by Chambers et al. ( 7 6 ) . It was found t h a t the glycosides Tvere not retained on strong anion exchangers; however, it may be possible to remove contaminating sugars by this technique. Extensive studies on the chromatographic, ult,raviolet absorption, and color-forming properties of digitoxin have resulted in the conclusion by DeMoen and Janssen (93) that the true physical and chemical properties of digitoxin are still largely unknonm. RIuch of the discrepancy observed between the U.S.P. XI11 pigeon assay and the U.S.P. X I C colorimetric assay for digitoxin has been attributed to the high gitoxin content of commercial digitoxin ( 4 7 ) . T h e C.S.P. XIV colorimetric method for determination of digoxin has been modified by Banes (15). T h e modification involves the use of weaker alkali (1% tetramethylammonium hydroxide). T h e result is slower development of color with absorption maximum a t 615 mp. Gitoxin develops a feeble red-violet color, which fades rapidly and does not interfere when the gitoxin content is less than 8% of the total glycoside present. Gitoxigenin has been determined fluorometrically by dissolving the sample in 1 to 1 concentrated hydrochloric acid-glycerol. After 20 minutes, the fluorescence developed may be used to evaluate the gitoxigenin content quantitatively. Digitoxin, digitoxigenin, and purpurea glycoside A do not form fluorescent compounds under these conditions. T h e procedure is sensitive to 1 to 10 y in 10 ml. (195). +4colorimetric estimation of gitoxigenin in the presence of digitoxigenin ( 3 7 1 ) involves reaction of the aglycone with ferric chloride in a sulfuric acid-phosphoric acid mixture. T h e paper chromatographic separation of gitoxin, gitoxigenin, and purpurea glycoside B has been observed in a chloroform-methanol-water system. T h e conditions of separation are very highly temperature-dependent (196). A colorimetric determination of strophanthidin involves reaction of this glycoside with sulfuric acid. T h e minimal range of concentration is 0.5 t o 1 y per ml. (147'). T h e aglycones of the strophanthus glycosides have been separated and identified by paper chromatography, using an ascending benzene-60% methanol system ( 7 0 ) . HORMONES, RELATED STEROIDS, AND STEROLS

One of the most complex and least well-defined classes of compounds of pharmaceutical interest are those involving the cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus. Many of these compounds such as the bile acids, cardiac glycosides, veratrum alkaloids, and certain of the sex hormones have been well known for some time. Considerable effort has been expended in the development of analytical methods for these materials, few of which are completely satisfactory; the situation is even less encouraging for the newer and more recently investigated steroids. hIuch of the difficulty associated with the determination of specific compounds may be attributed to the marked similarity of associated steroids so far as physical and chemical properties are concerned. Several techniques, however, appear promising for purposes of separation of closely related steroidal materials. Partition chromatography has been used successfully in the

641 separation of the active adrenocortical hormones. T h e stationary phase in the particular system described is water-silicic acid and the mobile phase is petroleum ether with increasing amounts of dichloromethane. Eluted fractions are identified by reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid, and quantitative assay of the fractions is accomplished by a measurement of ultraviolet absorption (176). A quantitative paper chromatographic method for the evaluation of adrenal extracts in which the reducing cortical steroids are identified on the paper chromatogram with arsenomolybdate reagent has been developed by Schwartz (329). The blue zones are eluted from the paper and absorption of the complex is measured photometrically. Steroids m-ith a ketol side chain or an a,p-unsaturated 3-keto structure quantitatively reduce the reagent. Banes (14) has separated corticosteroids in adrenal extracts by a partition chromatographic method; in this case, the stationary phase is formamide in Celite, while the mobile phase is benzene. Infrared measurements are used t o identify individual steroids in the eluate fractions. I n the sulfuric acid-induced fluorescence reactions of corticosteroids, Sweat (363) has made a critical study of the assay conditions. Certain A4-unsaturated-3-ketosteroids including cortisone acetate, progesterone, and testosterone develop strong stable absorption maxima in the near ultraviolet range when heated with dilute organic or inorganic alkalies ( 8 7 ) . rl colorimetric method for determination of cortisone and related ketol steroids is based on the fact t h a t C ~ keto O and CZlprimary-OH have reducing properties similar t o fructose. Alcoholic solutions of these steroids reduce tetrazolium salts in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide to form colored solutions (239). Cortisone has been observed t o react with the anthrone reagent to produce a color measurable a t 480 mp; the optimum concentration range is 0.5 to 2.0 mg. per ml. of cortisone or cortisone acetate ( 1 8 9 ) . B colorimetric method for the determination of diethylstilbestrol and related estrogens is reported by Kelly and James (206). Other methods for determination of diethylstilbestrol include an ultraviolet absorption difference procedure in which the quantitative measurements are made on acid and alkaline solutions of this compound and the difference a t specific wave lengths is associated with changes in the concentration ( 1 4 9 ) . T h e same report includes a new color reaction of diethylstilbestrol, in which the compound in acetic acid solution develops an intense yellow color when exposed t o strong ultraviolet irradiation; if conditions are carefully controlled, the reaction is reproducible and may be applied quantitatively t o the determination of this drug. A detailed investigation of the ultraviolet absorption characteristics of ergosterol and a method for the determination of thie substance in yeast are reported by Shaw and Jefferies (355). .I collaborative study of several extraction and color development procedures for conjugated estrogens has been reported b y Gaunt ( 1 3 7 ) . Antimony trichloride dissolved in nitrobenzene has been reported to give characteristic colors with a large number of steroids. Separation of estriol, estrone, and 01- and &estradiol in a toluene-propylene glycol syEtem on paper chromatogram may be followed utilizing the reagent described to identify the zones (313). Some sources of error have been discovered in the colorimetric determination of estrogens by the Kober reaction. Very extensive studies have been carried out to show the inhibitory effect of certain solvent residues on the color development. Residues from ether evaporation n-ere shown t o inhibit color development by as much as 15 to 40%. -4 modified reaction which is unaffected by solvent residues has been developed (21). A chemical method for the estimation of estrogens is based on the fluorescence developed when these compounds are heated in sulfuric acid ( 3 8 4 ) . A reaction of estrone, estradiol, and estriol noted by Nyc et al. (262) may be of some analytical significance. These vorkers report t h a t the compounds mentioned are destroyed a t a rapid rate when exposed t o visible light


in the presence of ritdlaviIi u r lumichroiuc. Dcstructiori is inhibited by the addition of small amounts of manganous chloride; the photo-oxidation results in a large loss of biological activity. A simple partition chromatographic procedure for separating the estradiols and dihydroequiliii from complex estrogenic mistures has been described (168, 159), while estrone, estradiol, and eJtriol may be separated by partition chromatography also ( 3 7 ) . The estrogens have likewise received much attention in paper chromatographic procedures. Among the systems used for separation are propylene glycol-acetone (46),formamide, benzene, or chloroform or their mistures, methylene chloride, or cyclohexane ( 9 , 418), and chloroform-benzene-ammonia ( 178). A colorimetric assay for pregnandiol involves oxidation at 0" C. with chromate, extraction of the ketosteroid with chloroform, and color development utilizing the Zimmermann reaction (92). The separation and quantitative determination of progesterone and pregnenolone are accomplished by forming the dinitrophenylhydrazones, which are separated on alumina and estimated spectrophotometrically (303). Progesterone has also heen separated paper chromatographically and estimated by elution from paper, ultraviolet absorption measurements being made on the resultant solution (104). Testosterone propionate in veget,able oil solution is separated by quant,itatively precipitating the semicarbazone. The derivative may be weighed directly or dissolved and the concentration determined spectrophotometrically a t 268 mp. Low potency oil solutions require a preliminary extraction from petroleum ether solution with aqueous ethanol (240). Tauber (872) has developed a new color reaction for steroids in which chloroform solutions of the compounds are heated with perchloric acid to develop characteristic colors. hlost of these solutions shoir. int'ense fluorescence in ultraviolet light. The fluorescent reactions of steroids on treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid have been studied; emission peaks and relative peak intensities for 29 steroids are reported (148). The reactions of certain unsaturated steroids with a reagent composed of ferric chloride in glacial acetic acid diluted with concentrated sulfuric acid have been investigated by Zak et al. ( 4 1 7 ) . Solubilit,y analhas been successfully applied to the determination of the purity of steroids. The technique has been extended to the identification of unknown impurities by a procedure somewhat analogous to mixed melting point processes and to t'he preparation of small quantities of pure steroids for use as reference standard' (370). Bromoform and methylene bromide have been found t,o be good solvent,s for certain steroids which are difficultll- soluble in carbon disulfide. Infrared absorption spectra of the compounds in these solvents are superior to those obtained in chloroform or carbon tetrachloride ( 3 6 9 ) . hlumina-impregnatcd paper has been found suitable for adsorption chromatographic separation of steroids using an ascending organic solvent, while a partition system consisting of petroleum ether-aqueous nicthanol has been applied likewise in separating steroid3 on paper (69). A rapid method for total cholwtcrol estimation in serum permits the direct addition of reagents to a small serum sample followed by ahsorptiometq, of the color developed ( 2 7 5 ) . The modification of the Liebermann-Burchard reagent by the addition of 1,i-dioxane reduces the rate of color development SO that the reaction can be run a t room temperahre ( 2 3 3 ) . ,-2 slightly different, color reagent for cholesterol is 10 t o 1 acet>-l chloride -concentrated sulfuric acid ( 3 7 ? ) . h paper chromatographic separation of certain sterols together viith a description of indicator spray solutions or dipping solutions is reported by Keher and Kettstcin ( 2 6 9 ) . It has been observed that sapogenins dissolved in 94% sulfuric acid give characteristic spectra in the 220 to 400-mprange. iZ quantitative scheme based on chromatography, spectra, and melting point, for 13 common sapogenins is described (392). \Tall et ai. ( 3 9 3 ) have developed a procedure for detection and estimation of steroidal sapogenins in plant

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY tiszuvs. -4 positive hemolj-tic test on al(.oholic. phiit extracts ir1dir:iti.s the presence of saponins; samples shoiviug a positive test urt' hydrolyzed and arctylated and a carbon disulfide or chioroforin solution of the estr:wted rcsidue is suhjected to infrato determine the type and :tn1o:int of saponin prcwiit, Aipapei' chromatographic method for the separation of stcJroidnl s;ipogenins and their acetate? has been reported (175). The separated sapogenins are identified l)y spraying ivith trichloroacetic arid or Illood. XIETALLIC lOYS AND SIMPLE A.NIO\IS methods for the drtermination of simple cations and nnionr- such a? metallic substances, halides, and related simple ionic species are as much a part' of the pharmaceutical analyst's field of interest as any group of organic substances. The increasing emphasis on the physiological effects of trace metals and ions is extending the control effort as well as the investigntive effort of the analyst to the microgram range. Consideration muPt he made also of the maiiy opportunities for simplification and improvement in specificity and economy which the more reccnt techniques offer. h particularly useful application to the analysis of insoluble salts of pharmaceutical interest has been described by BrochmannHanssen ( 6 2 ) . The hatch treatment of such substances as calcium mandelate, some of the calcium phosphates, calcium citrate, lead chloride, barium sulfate, bismuth subnitrat,e, and bismuth suhsalicylate, with a cation exchanger in the hydrogen cycle results in the exchange of hydrogen ion for the cation of the insoluble salt. The soluble acid thus produced may be separated from the exchanger and titrated. Qualit,ative information on the infrared spectra of 159 inorganic compounds has been obtained (264). Curves of t,he compounds-principally salts of polyatomic ions-were obt'ained from mulled samples in Kujol or Fluorolube or directly from ponder. I n some solvent extractions an error is introduced by reason of the solubility of certain inorganic compounds in the organic solvents used for estraction; quantitative data on the solubility of several commonlj- occurring inorganic salts in such solvents as methanol, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acet,ate, and alcohol are reported (328). An interesting concept of the interaction of Lewis acids and bases may be of potential pharmaceutical interest. Certain aprotic acids such as stannic chloride, aluminum chloride, and aluminum bromide were successfully titrat,ed in a thionyl chloride medium wit'h pyridine as a titrant (136). Indicators used were crystal violet and malachite green; stannic chloride vag titrated conductometrically with benzophenone. A new separation step in the determination of such substances as phosphorus, vanadium, silicon, and germanium involves extraction of the heteropoly complexes of these elements into organic solvents (389): the ultraviolet absorption curves of the compleses thus isolated from the excess molybdate in the solution may then he utilized for quantitative evaluation. The development of adequate qualitative and semiquantitativr tests for heavy metals in pharmaceuticals continues to receive well-deserved attention. Stewart and Strode ( 3 5 7 )have devised a scheme involving carefully standardized conditions, for comparing sample colors in the heavy metals test through photoelectric measurements. Another approach to the elimination of the visual diffcrentiation of nonstandardized colors utilizes amperometric titrations for the determination of microgram quantities of heavy metals. An accuracy of 0.5 p.p.m. in the range 1.5 to 10 p.p.m. in organic drugs is claimed for such metallic ions as copper, silver, lead, mercury, and cadmium (86). A very sensitive procedure for the colorimetric determination of free ammonia is described by Kruse and Mellon ( 2 1 8 ) . T h r method involves measurement of the purple color formed when the sample is treated first with dilute chloramine-T, followed t>>a pyridine Folution of p h c n ~ - l m ~ t l i ~ ~ l p ~ ~ r a z oThe l o n ecolor .

V O L U M E 27, NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 formed may be extracted into carbon tetrachloride and the absorbancy measured a t 450 mp. -4s little as 0.025 p.p.m. of ammonia may be detected. T h e method has been extended to the determination of cyanate ion by hydrolysis to ammonia with subsequent color development ($?I?). h n improved method for the volumetric determination of arsenic involves the reduction in solution of arsenic by hypophosphorous acid ( 1 6 6 ) ; the resulting elemental arsenic is titrated iodometrically. The method has been applied to the determination of arsenic in arsenit'e solutions and is applicable in the presence of antimony. Another colorimetric method for arsenic determination involves reaction of arsenic with a pyridine solution of XgSCSTEt2 to produce a red color. Sensitivity is reported to be 0.5 y of arsenic. Stibine develops a different shade of color, while phosphine does not interfere (383). Bricker and Sweetser (51) have utilized ultraviolet absorpt,ion changes in the solution for a photometric determination of the end point in titrating micro quant'ities of arsenic. .imperometric titration of bismuth compounds with 8-quinolinol has been applied to several official bismuth compounds satisfactorily ( 3 9 ) . A method for determining cadmium is based on the nephelometric measurement of a precipitate of the iodocadmiate of brucine a t pH 5 ( 1 1 6 ) . With t,he increased use of highly sensitive photomultiplier tubes as detecting elements for radiation, the direct determination of the alkali met,als by flame photomet,ry has increased in practical applicat,ion. The advantages of the narrow slit TTidths which are possible with such detectors in determining calcium have been described (607). Some additional applications of the disodium dihydrogen ethylenediamine tetraacetate titration for the determination of calcium in several organic medicaments without the necessity of preliminary separation have been reported (227). -1 scheme for the successful separation and absorptiometric determination of copper, manganese, and iron may be applied to 10 to 20 y quantities of each substance (414). -\critical study of equilibria in the dit,hizone-water system for the copper complex of dithizone is described in terms of the analytical significance of the results ( 1 3 9 ) . -1new specific reaction of cuprous (neo-cuproine) has ion with 2,9-dirnethyl-lJl0-phenanthroline been observed by Smith and AIcCurdy ( 3 4 7 ) . T h e complex, soluble in higher alcohols, exhibits an absorption maximum at 454 mp. Ferrous ion does not interfere. A potentially useful separation procedure for the removal of iron in complex mixtures employs an extraction of the thiocyanate complex into an organic solvent. .It p H 2.1, 95% of the iron in a 0.01.11 aqueous sohtion containing excess thiocyanate ion can be removed in a single extraction with l t o l tributyl phosphate-carbon tetrachloride ( 2 4 9 ) . The extracting solvent has the advantage over butyl phosphate alone of being heavier than water. h procedure for the simultaneous det'ermination of lead, bismuth, and thallium as the halide complexes has been devised for concentrations of the order of 10 p.p.m.; ultraviolet absorption curves of the complexes are used for quantitative measurement (251). It has been found possible to titrate lead solutions directly in the presence of added tartrate to prevent hydroxide precipitation; aft,er adjustment to pH 8 to 10 with aqueous ammonia, disodium et,hylenediamine tetraacet a t e is added as the titrant. Zinc, copper, and nickel interferences are eliminated by addition of potassium cyanide; calcium a n d magnesium interfere ( 1 1 9 ) . The slightly dissociated red complex of magnesium with Eriochrome Black T is the basis for a colorimetric determination of magnesium. Interfering calcium ion is removed by precipitation as calcium sulfate from 90% methanol solution ( 1 6 5 ) . 3lercury has been titrated also with disodium ethylenediamine tetraacehte using Eriochrome black T as indicator ( 2 9 5 ) . A critical evaluation of the thiocyanate titration of mercury for several pharmaceutical products has been made by Cumming and Spice (88). -4quantitative paper chromatographic method has been ap-

643 plied in the direct determination of nickel in microgram quantities; after development in an acetone-hydrochloric acid system, the chromatogram is sprayed with rubeanic acid and dried and the total density of the nickel spot read by reflectance measurements in a spectrophotometer. T h e precision is reported to be equal to t h a t of the best colorimetric methods (380). T h e alkali metal sulfates and citrates have likewise been separated on paper chromatograms; sodium, lithium, and potassium sulfates are detected with a spray of barium chloride in 70% ethanol followed by sodium rhodenionate solution. Methanol, ethanol, and acetone mixtures were used as solvents (68). Pifer et al. have demonstrated a significant difference in basicity between potassium and sodium ions in acetic acid-chloroform solution. By potentiometric nonaqueous titration, it is possible to differentiate these ions quantitatively in the presence of each other (284). A rather specific separation technique for the isolation of silver ion involves precipitation as the 1,2,3-benzotriazole complex from ammoniacal Versene solution. The precipitate dissolves in the presence of excess cyanide or thiosulfate (80). A micromethod for the determination of halogens in organic compounds is reported iyhich involves fusion with sodium, ethanol washing, and finally a potentiometric titration ( 2 5 7 ) . Organically bound iodine may be determined in a mixture after digestion with potassium chloride and perchloric acid; the iodine present in the resulting solution as iodate may be estimated volumetrically, spectrophotometrically, or polarographically. The method has been used for the determination of iodine in thyroid extract (416). I n a n analytical method for iodine and iodide ion in tincture of iodine, the free iodine is adsorbed on charcoal and removed by filtration. Iodide in the filtrate is then titrated with silver nitrate, n-hile the free iodine may be titrated with sodium thiosulfate solution (365). A titrimetric niicrodetermination of alkali halides involves illumination of a neutral solution of the halide with a narr0T.v beam of light while it is being titrated with silver nitrate solution; a t the equivalence point, the dimensions of the colloidal particles of silver halide suddenly increase; and the color of the transmitted beam changes sharply from colorless or yellox to red (168). B y utilizing the reaction of chloride ion with silver iodate to release an amount of iodate ion equivalent to the amount of chloride ion present, Belcher and Goulden ( 2 3 ) have increased the apparent titer for chloride ion sixfold; the released iodate ion will requlre six equivalents of sulfite ion as titrant for each chloride ion present. Elemental sulfur may be determined by dissolving the sample in ethanol and measuring the ultraviolet absorption of the resulting solution. Up to 40y0 water in ethanol has no effect on the absorption. Other sulfur compounds and proteins interfere and must be removed ( 1 7 4 ) . A method for the determination of cyanates involves colorimetric measurement of the dicyanatopyridine copper( 11)complex in chloroform solution. The method is applicable to 0.5- to 5-mg. quantities (246). .i procedure for the quantitative determination of nitrates utilizes the principle of enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrite followed by a colorimetric determination of the nitrite ion. The method is applicable for the determination of extremely small quantities of nitrate in body fluids (360). 4 method of separating nitrite from nitrate ion involves reaction t o produce very volatile methyl nitrite. T h e product can be absorbed by a cold aqueous saturated solution of ferrous sulfate in sulfuric acid with formation of a characteristic brown coloration. Nitrate ion will remain behind ( 1 2 7 ) . hlicrogram and smaller quantities of phosphate have been determined spectrophotometrically in capillary cells. The absorbing complex is phosphomolybdic acid, which is extractable from aqueous solution with octyl alcohol ( 3 2 2 ) . A relatively simple gravimetric determination of sulfate without the use of agents for increasing crystal size and without other additives eliminates interference from foreign ions by means of ion exchange resins; smaller amounts of sulfate may be deter-


mined by instrumental methods (129). Sydahl and Gustafsson (263) have found that alkali-washed alumina retains certain anions such as sulfate, bisulfate, and acid phosphate; these may be eluted viith sodium hydroxide solution. h colorimetric method for determination of thiocyanate and cyanide ion involves absorption measurements of a stable complex of the respective ions with copper and pyridine in chloroform (216). PROTEINS, A3IINO ACIDS, AND REL4TED COMPOUNDS

The application of the never separation and measurement techniques to the identification and determination of proteins has received much emphasis in recent J ears. Ultraviolet absorption measurements of the albumin and globulin fractions of serum proteins have indicated reproducible extinction values in the 270- t o 300-mp range (25%). Comparative results betneen ultraviolet absorption measurements a t 275 mp and micro-Kjeldahl analysis show satisfactory agreement in evaluating the saltingout curves of proteins. The spectrophotometric method is especially convenient for Tvork with ammonium sulfate (94). -1 micromethod for evaluation of fibrinogen involves precipitation R-ith sodium chloride; the turbidity is measured nephelometrically (l4O). A gravimetric estimation of proteins precipitated by trichloroacetic acid is reported by Hoch and Vallee (184). Good agreement among neight of crystalline protein, absorption values a t 280 nip, and weight of a properly dried residue from trichloroacetic acid precipitation was obtained. Among the samples tested were pure human and bovine serum albumin, pure bovine insulin, and crude bovine pituitary extract. Molecular weight does not appear to be a determining factor in precipitation by trichloroacetic acid of proteins of !\-eight greater than 12,000. Paper chromatographic techniques again appear to be potentially useful in separation procedures for proteins. The behavior of proteins and peptides in partition chromatography with phenolcontaining solvents has been investigated (153). I n many instances, phenol had an excellent effect on separation or mobility of different proteins. Franklin and Quastel have compared paper chromatograms of normal and pathological plasmas (126). The mode of transport of protein mixtures by ascending techniques has been studied ( 1 6 0 ) . Paper electrophoretic separations of proteins continue to receive attention. A study of variables including the dye-binding capacity of different protein fractions has been made by Hardenicke ( 1 6 % ) . A quantitative accuracy within +6% of the total protein present is claimed. A source of error in the quantitative determination of albumins by filter paper electrophorefis has been demonstrated t o be an adsorption phenomenon which increases with the thickness of the paper employed (250). Variation in degree of adsorption among different types of paper n-as noted. The separation of enzymes and their identification by paper chromatography have been reported (144). Amylases, phosphorylase, and phosphatases have been separated on Khatman S o . 1 filter paper n i t h solvents such as aqueous acetone and dilute fiodium chloride; the positions of zones were noted by plating on agar substrates and incubating. Activity Tvas located by changes in indicators included in the substrate. The paper chromatographic separation of am1 lase in commercial trypsin powder has been achieved in aqueous acetone or sodium chloride systems (143). A turbidimetric method for estimating esterase activity employs blood serum containing aceti lcholine and 0.1% casein a t p H 8 for a substrate. The opalescence developed in the solution, as measured a t 650 mp, is shown to be a function of the amount of acid released by hydrolysis of the ester (290). Porter (291j has investigated the purity of insulin prepared from crude or crystalline material by partition chromatographic methods. Three systems containing water, ethyl and butyl Cellosolvee, and sodium or potassium phosphate were utilized. Recovery from the columns appeared to be nearly quantitative. Ineulin has been separated from protamine by paper chromatog-

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY raphy in a butanol-acetic acid-water system. A dye such as bromocresol green is used for locating the zones. The insulindye complex can be eluted from the paper and compared to standards (309). The separation and evaluation procedures for peptides, nucleic acids, amino acids, and related substances have proceeded along more or less conventional lines. Paper ionophoresis has been employed in the separation and determination of ribonucleotides. Identification and measurement of compounds were acconiplished by a manual scanning procedure using a Beckman spectrophotometer equipped with a high intensity light source (252 nip) (401). The total a-amino nitrogen in a sample containing amino acids can be accurately determined by measuring the carbon dioxide released by ninhydrin. Recoveries of 97 to 102% n-ere obtained with amounts corresponding to about 150 y of a-amino nitrogen ( 3 4 3 ) . -4 ne\v color met,hod for t,he detection of amino acids, pept,ides, and proteins on paper has been developed ( 3 0 5 ) : treatment of the paper with chlorine results in format,ion of chloramine derivatives which in turn react x i t h benzidine to produce stable, intensely blue spots. Of special interest is the proposed optical resolution of certain aromatic amino acids on paper chromatograms, For stereochemical specificity to be realized, specific structural requirements are stipulated. Included in these is a “three-point” attachment to the cellulose surface (90). Various q u a n t i t a h e paper chromatographic methods for the separation and determination of amino acids in mixtures are reported in the recent literahre ( 6 1 , 141, 183, 274, 301, 312, 317). Displacement chromat’ography on ion exchangers has been used also in the separation and determination of amino acids ( 2 7 3 ) . Circular paper chromatography of amino acids has been applied by Saifer and Orespes ( 3 1 6 ) . These authors have applied isatin as a color reagent; 12 of 21 amino acids tested gave distinct color reactions. I n applying fluorodinitrobenzene t,o the quantitative analysis of proteins, Xills (255) has emploj-ed columns of kieselguhr developed with mixtures of methyl ethyl ketone and chloroform saturated rvit,h water to distinguish the dinitrophenyl derivatives of the various amino acid constituents. Several methods for the determination of thyroxine have been investigated with special reference to tablet mixtures. Of several known procedures, a colorimetric method involving t,reatment n-ith nitrous acid and ammonia appeared to be the best ( 3 ) . An interesting observation on the resolution of dl-tryptophan by paper chromatography has been made ( 8 2 ) ; the racemic mixture showed two spots on unhuffered chromatographic paper. These were identified as D- and Ltryptophan, respectively. Results seem to indicate that resolution on filter paper is acconipliehed only with amino acids bearing two or more polar groups. The separation of glycine from gelatin has been accomplished by passing the sample solution over a mixed-bed resin. 1forniol titration performed before and after the ion exchange step permits determination of t,he free amino acid by difference. The procedure could be applied in follon-ing the hydrolysis oi gelatin (321 ). S U G 4 R S A\-D CARBOHYDRATES

The determination of small quantities (17 to 65 mg.) of glycerol has been made possible by modification of the sodium cupriglycerol complex method of colorimetric anal\-sis (351 ). Eytending a method previously used for ethanol determination, Reese and Williams ( 3 0 2 ) have determined glycerol by oxidation with dichromate solution. The reduced chromium( 111j ion thus produced is compleyed x i t h s-diphenylcarbazide to form an intense violet color. The very high dilution afforded by the estimation of the chromium( 111) eliminates interferences from dichromate ion. Simple, rapid methods for glycerol determination, reported by Erskine et al. (110) and Hartman ( 1 6 4 ) , involve periodate oxidation of the compound. A chromatographic

V O L U M E 27, NO, 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 separation for the removal of interferences in determining glycerol in fermentation solutions has been described (362). I n this case an alumina adsorbent is used to hold up interfering sugars while glycerol is eluted and subsequentlv reacted with sodium metaperiodate. The developing solvent is acetone containing 5% water and 0.05% acetic acid. Sodium sulfite and sodium acetate are added to the sample solution. A specific color reaction for sugars has been recently proposed by Tauber ( 3 7 3 ) . The test involves reaction of the sugar solution with a solution of aminoguanidine sulfate, followed by oxidation with potassium dichromate in concentrated sulfuric acid. Ketohexoses give an immediate n-ine-red color, aldohexoees give a deep blue color in 1 minute, and pentoses give a yellow color. A uniquely useful process for the separation of various sugars has been developed by Khym and Zill ($06)) who have produced negatively charged sugar-borate complexes in solution. The anions mag then be exchanged on strong base anion exchangers. Serial elution of the complexes fiom the resin columns is accomplished with dilute sodium borate solutions. T h e recovery of individual sugars was essentially quantitative. Improved methods for the detection of s-Jgars on paper chromatograms include a sodium borate-phenol red reagent for direct spraying of sugars on paper ( 1 8 5 ) . It is also possible to use unneutralized sugar hydrolyzates for paper chromatography, if a spray solution of aniline phosphate or phthalate is used ( 1 3 4 ) . Circular paper chromatography has been emplored in the separation and identification of a large number of sugars in a mixture ( 1 4 2 ) . Fowler has developed a qiantitative paper chromatographie technique for the estimation of sugars. -4 quantitative relationship between zone length and zone content has been shoivn to exist in the range 4 to 150 y and a study of variables is reported (128). The reducing pon-er of fructose and sorbose has been utilized in a reaction with the Folin-Denis reagent and trisodium phosphate. T h e color can be used in determining the amount of sugar in the solution with an accuracy of about 2y0 (163). h very specific method for the determination of glucose involves oxidation of this compound to d-gluconolactone by glucose dehydrogenase; the lactone may be titrated Tvith alkali a t elevated temperature (403). h rapid procedure, reported to require only 5 to 10 minutes, for the determination of glucose or other hexoses in biological fluids involves reaction n-ith o-dinitrobenzene in alkaline alcoholic solution ( 2 8 0 ) . Frampton et al. (124) have adapted a cyanohydrin formation reaction of aldoses with hydrogen cyanide to the quantitative determination of these sugars. The nitrile, formed a t p H 8.5, is hydrolyzed t o release ammonia, which is trapped and determined titrimetrically. The quantitative oxidation of aldoses to aldonic acids by h j poiodous acid is the basis for an analytical procedure for the determination of mannose and other aldoses ( 8 3 ) . Dische ( 9 6 ) has reported qualitative and quantitative techniques for the identification and determination of heptoses. Utilizing differential solubilities, methoxyl determinations, and the colorimetric anthrone method, fairly accurate estimations of the methylcellulose content of mixtures can be achieved ( 3 1 8 ) . Similarly, Black ( 3 8 ) has employed the anthrone reagent in the determination of sodium carboxymethylcellulose. Other carbohydrates and certain polyoxyethylene derivatives of fatty acids and phenols interfeie. The intensitv of color produced with carboxymethylcellulose varies inversely with the degree of substitution of the material. A method of colloid titration applied to the determination of sodium ~~~~~~~~~~~~~lcellulose is described by Terayama (875). Titrations are based on stoichiometric combinations of positive and negative colloid ions. The end point is shown by indicators such as toluidine blue, giving metachromic colors. A rapid ( 2 to 4 hours) method for the determination of sodium carboxymethylcellulose involves the formation of a n insoluble salt with uranium ion. Minimum recovery of 98% has been demonstrated on a variety of samples ( 1 2 5 ) .

645 Gluconic acid, a product of the oxidation of glucose with glucose oxidase and catalase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, can be chromatographed on paper using an aqueous methanol system. Identification is made by spraying the paper with ferric chloride. The acid shows u p as a light yellow zone on a mauve background ( 3 3 1 ) . Formaldehyde produced by periodate oxidation of carbohydrates may be colorimetrically determined with chromotropic acid (264). The method has been applied to monosaccharides, polyhydric alcohols, serine, and S-acetylglucosamine. An excellent coniprehensive report of the physical and chemical properties of clinical dextran has been published by Riddick et al. (308). Analytical methods for the various physical and chemical specifications are described. Satisfactory average molecular weights are determined by light scattering photometry and viscometry. Fractional precipitation with methanol permits the evaluation of the molecular weight distribution. Included is a method for the determination of methanol in dextran. VITAMINS

Water-Soluble. Comliinations of certain vitamins of the B complex have been separated by paper chromatography; thiamine, riboflavin, and p>ridovine after having been chromatographed in the system 1-butanol saturated n-ith water, are eluted from the paper and the solutions evaluated spectrophotometrically. An accuracy within *5% is claimed ( 2 9 9 ) . Using the system 1-butanol-acetic acid-water, Bronn and Marsh ( B O ) have separated vitamins BI, Bn, and Be, and nicotinamide. Quantitative analysis of these mixtures n’as acconiplished by a direct scanning technique applied to the dried chromatograms. Paper chromatographic separations of Bi, Bd, niacin, nicotinamide, and choline have also been reported ( 1 7 9 ) . The reaction of thiamine with ninhydrin is reported to J ield a stable yellow color. The pigment is extractable from saturated sodium chloride solution with higher alcohols ( 3 5 6 ) . The nonaqueous titration of thiamine salts m-ith perchloric acid is based on the relative basicity of the vitamin in glacial acetic acid. Chloride salts require preliminary treatment with mercuric acetate ( 2 8 3 ) . An interesting new reaction of thiamine has been reported by Teeri (374))n-ho has utilized the reaction of B1 in pH 6.6 phosphate buffer with e>-anogenbromide to produce a fluorescent compound which can be measured quantitatively. Thiamine has been separated from intrrfering fluorescent substances by paper ionophoresis (130). A paper chromatographic identification of vitamin B, is possible on the basis of R , values in the system acetic acid-pyridine-ivater. The thiamine is visualized by reaction with dipicrylamine ($41). T h e quantitative separation and determination of thiamine and its phosphate esters have likewise been accomplished by paper chromatography (340). Ultraviolet absorption of solutions from extracted segments of the paper strips provides the necessary quantitative comparisons. I t would appear that the present, highly specific fluorescent methods of determination of riboflavin are adequate. Relatively feJv reports have appeared in the recent literature concerning new or improved methods for the determination of this vitamin. Seagers (332) has reported a simple polarographic procedure which requires little pretreatment of the sample; however, the sensitivity does not compare with that of the fluorometric technique. Periodic acid oxidation of riboflavin has been made the basis for a chemical method of determination. The reaction requires 3 moles of acid per mole of Ba ( 4 0 5 ) . The Oxidation of pyridoxine and pyridoxal with selenium produces a compound which will undergo the Konig reaction with cyanogen bromide and sulfuric acid. Pyridoxamine will undergo this reaction only after treatment with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid followed by oxidation n-ith selenium. Quantitative evaluation of mixtures requires initial removal of the interfer-

646 ences by adsorption on Decalso (364). Separation procedures for the active forms of vitamin Be have also been developed using paper chromatographic techniques (348) and paper electrophorebis (341). T h e continued high interest in vitamin Blz is reflected in the very large number of contributions which have appeared in the analytical literature during the past 3 years. Some of the apparent confusion which exists is undoubtedly due t o the existence of several active forms of the vitamin. Problems associated with the isolation of the minute therapeutically active amounts of the vitamin present in extremely complex mixtures has required extensive developmental Tyork for almost every preparation encountered. The possibility that several inactive pigments can and usually do accompany vitamin BIZ in natural mixtures further complicates the isolation and determination picture. Recent analytical purification schemes for liver extracts have included paper electrophoresis (330)in which B12 remains as a stationary zone a t the point of application while other active compounds migrate toward the electrodes, and chromatography on alumina after the addition of potassium cyanide to the sample ( 2 2 6 ) . The ability of vitamin BI? (cyanocobalamin) to react with a second cyanide ion to produce a purple dicyano complex (410) has been made the basis for a new specific assay for vitamin Biz; thus, Rudkiii and T a l lor (315) have utilized the absorbancy difference betn-een the visible spectra of cyanocobalamin and the dicyano complex formed from the cyanocobalamin in a sample as a quantitative measure of the vitamin. Also incorporated in the procedure is a nearly quantitative extraction of the dicyano form into benzyl alcohol. This preliminary extraction permits the purification of fermentation broths to a point where spectrophotometric measurements can be made. Obviously, analogs of cyanocobalamin which may be present in a sample will Le first converted t o the cyano form, so that the method measures total cobalamins. The dicyano complex has been satisfactorily used for the measurement of vitamin B12 extracted from liver (382). X titrimetric procedure involving the reduction of cyanocobalamin TT ith chromium(I1) ethylenediamine tetraacetate complex has been reported by Boos et al. ( 4 5 ) . The incorporation into vitamin BIZof cobalt-60 by fermentation Kith Streptomyces griseus with a specific activity of 120 pc. per mg. has been reported (546). Using cobalt-60-labeled cyanocobalamin, Bacher et al. (10) have developed radioactive tracer acsays for this and other cobalamins in mixtures. Their paper describes various purification steps, combinations of which may be used in isolating pure material from such preparations as fermentation broths and concentrates. Differential determination of cyano and total cobalamins is possible with this technique; the method can be made highly specific. Some precise studies of the purity of vitamin BIZhave been made by Heathcote ( 1 7 2 ) . Partition coefficients for the systems benzyl alcohol-water and butanol-water have been determined under carefully controlled conditions of temperature and pH. These values are helpful in determining the absence of analogs or associated inactive pigments. Of some anal) tical import are the recommendations of Smith (344) and Smith et al. (345) concerning the classification and stability of the various analogs of vitamin BIZ. Included in these studies is a refutation of the existence of “vitamin B12d.” I n general, when negative ions with strong coordinating affinities are combined with cobalamin, neutral compounds are produced (cyanocobalamin and nitritocobalamin). Of considerable pharmaceutical interest is the problem of stability or lack of stability of cyanocobalamin and its analogs in the presence of ascorbic acid. Relative stability is a function of the coordination of anions with the cobalt present in cobalamin-e.g., sulfite, nitrite, and cyanide protect the vitamin from destruction (132). Some very interesting studies concerning the incorporation of small amounts of metallic ions with cyanocobalamin and ascorbic acid have been

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY made by Stapert et a / . (554). These u-orhers have shown that the inclusion of small amounts of copper ion results in the rapid destruction of cobalamins-even of cyanocobalamin. The addition of cyanide ion or of sodium diethj-ldithiocarbamate reduced the decomposition of vitamin BIZ. The data indicate that vitamin C alone does not readily affect either cvanocobalamin or its analogs, in contrast t o earlier observations of the destructive action of ascorbic acid. It has been shown also that Versene has a stabilizing effect on vitamin Bl? in the pirseiice of ascorbic acid in the liquid vehicles (20). T h e fact that hydroxocobalamin is readily destro! ed in solutions containing ascorbic acid, while cyanocohalamin is relatively stable in such solutions, has been used as the basis of a procedure t o determine hydroxocohalaniin in the presence of cyanocobalamin. I n the event that analogs other than hydroxocobalamin were present in the mixture, their relative rates of decomposition would contribute to the apparent hydroxocobalamin content of the sample (7‘3). Another analytical technique for the deteimination of analogs in the presence of cvanocobalamin utilizes the differences in partition coefficient in the system benzyl alcohol-water. Concentration measurements for the vitamin in each phase are made a t 366 mp (isoabsorptive point) ( 1 7 1 ) . Of particular interest in the analysis of complex natural mixtures for vitamin B1?is the discovery of factors closely related t o the vitamin and microbiologically active ( L . lezchmannzz) but completely inactive in promoting gron th in animals (95, 231). -it least two pseudovitamins BIZ have been characterized. These appear to be similar t o cyanocobalamin, differing only in the replacement of the 6,6-dimeth~-lbenziniidazolemoiety x i t h adenine (282) and 2-methyladenine, reppeetirely (58). That the rernainder of the molecule is identical x i t h cobalamin has been demonstrated by hydrolysis to yield denucleotided cobalamin from cyanocobalamin and from the t n o pseudovitamins as n-ell (135). Similarly, Ford and Holdsa.orth (121) utilized adenine and 2methyladenine as precursors in the production of the tn o pseudovitamins, Tvhile other precursors such as riboflavin, 4,5-dimethylo-phenylenediamine, or 5,6-dimethj lbenzimidazole produce vitamin B12. The nork of Ellis et al. ( 1 0 7 ) offers some analytical possibilities, particularly in connection 111th the formation of certain chlorinated products of vitamin BIZ. One of these derivatives is reported to have an absorption maximum near 615 mp, which would be outside the normal range of interferences encountered in spectrophotometric examinations of complex mixtures. The color developed by the reaction of ascorbic acid Tvith a concentrated uranium nitrate solution has been made the basis of a colorimetric method for the determination of this vitamin (181: the sensitivity of this procedure is relative low. Schmall, Pifer, and Wollish have described a new, specific reaction of ascorbic acid with diazotized 4-methoxy-2-nitroaniline in acid solution followed by alkalinization. T h e pigment produced has an absorption maximum a t 570 mp with A,’& = 430 (325). Subsequent investigation ( 3 2 6 ) has resulted in the isolation and identification of the pigment. The elucidation of this complex reaction represents a considerable contribution to the explanation for the remarkable specificity of the procedure. Dehydroascorbic acid and diketogulonic acid oyidation products of vitamin C do not interfere nor do other vitamins when present in reasonable quantities. Dehydroascorbic acid has been converted to vitamin C, usually by reduction with hydrogen sulfide; a method for determining dehydroascorbic acid in which thioacetamide is employed in lieu of hydrogen sulfide has been described (400). The separation and estimation of ascorbic acid in complex systems have been accomplished by paper chromatographv. Butanolacid-water systems have been employed, the ascorbic acid zone being identified by starch-iodide reagent ( 2 9 7 ) or by ferric ammonium sulfate folloxed by o-phenanthroline ( 4 1 ) . A quantitative paper chromatographic method involves elution from cutout seg-

V O L U M E 2 7 , NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 ments of paper strips folloncd by color development in the extracts (79). Production of a fluorescent product by reaction of dehydroascorbic acid with o-phenylenediamine has been reported (266). Chemical analytical methods for the determination of pantothenic acid and its salts have left much to be desired in ternis of specificity. Among these relatively nonspecific procedures may be included a colorimetric assay based on the conversion of amides to hydroxamic acids by reaction with hydroxylamine (29). A considerable improvement in specificity appears t o be possible with the recently developed procedure of Szalkoxski and Davidson (866). I n this method, hydrolyzed calcium pantothenate reacts with 2,7-naphthalenediol in the presence of sulfuric acid to produce a color complex with maximum absorption a t 465 mp. Interfering vitamins are removed by adsorption on Florisil and/ or by reaction with calcium hydroxide and copper sulfate. Good agreement FT ith microbiological assays is claimed. A sensitive chemical test for choline involves the formation of an insoluble complex salt Jvith sodium tetraphenylboron. Concentrations as low as 1 in 1 X 105 are detectable (244). -4good possibility for an improved method for the determination of choline would appear to be the procedure developed by Xppleton et al. (8) for plasma. I n this technique, use is made of the extractability of choline periodide into ethylene dichloride. The compound has a distinctive ultraviolet spectrum nhich is different from that of iodine. iibsorption maxima appear a t 365 and 295 mp. Low limit of determination is 5 y of the base. Paper chromatographic separation of choline esters has been reported (404), while the separation of choline from betaine, methionine, and inositol has been shown to be possible through reineckate precipitation in alkaline solution (IS). Pharmaceutical analysis continues to suffer from the lack of a satisfactory method for the determination of small amounts of inositol in complex mixtures. For separation and determination of macro quantities of this material, an acetylation, solvent extraction by ethylene dichloride, and gravimetric determination have been employed. Sugars interfere and must be fermented. Polar materials are removed by ion exchange; choline, betaine, and methionine do not interfere ( 1 2 ) . I n the reaction of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide with cyanogen bromide, it has been found possible t o differentiate between these two substances in alkaline solution. Under alkaline conditions, the amide reaction product is fluorescent ( 2 2 4 ) . -4selective adsorbent for rutin and quercetin has been described recently. The material, n hich is bismuth hydroxide, adsorbs these substances from very dilute solutions; after conversion of the adsorbent to bismuth sulfide, rutin can be extracted from the precipitate with alcohol acidified ivith acetic acid ( 4 1 6 ) . Oil-Soluble. Specific solvent effects on the absorption spectrum of vitamin -iand on the spectrum of all-trans vitamin A acetate have been reported (44). Precise spectrophotometric data have been obtained also for chr0:natographically purified vitamin *4*in several solvents. The determination of this material in the presence of vitamin .+I is discussed ( 7 9 ) . Prokhovnik has devised a simple “difference” formula for the Rlorton-Stubbs correction as used in the spectrophotometric determination of vitamin A (298). A very comprehensive comparison of physical and chemical methods with the biological assay of vitamin A has been made (268). The closest correlation with biological values was obtained using the ultraviolet absorption method a i t h the Morton-Stubbs correction. Recent investigations concerning the reaction of vitamin A with certain metal halides has led to the view t h a t the actual color-producing reaction of vitamin h with antimony trichloride is due to antimony pentachloride, Xvhich is present as an impurity in the salt (62, 64, 66). It has been shown in these studies that the characteristic halochrome salt may be readily formed with vitamin -4 and very small quantities of the pure pentachloride. The formation of similar complexes with ferric chloride,

641 aluminum chloride, arsenic trichloride, and arsenic pentachloride is discussed. The reactions of vitamin D and carotene with these same salt,s are also discussed. Separation procedures for vit’amins A, D, and E have received considerable attention in recent years. Most of these techniques involve either adsorption or partition methods. .+I convenient standardization of adsorbent mixtures for use in vitamin A separations is discussed by Wilkie and Jones (408). These authors treat in hatch fashion a quantity of the adsorbent viith a petroleum ether solution of F and D Butter ’I*elloiv N o . 4 dye. Spectrophotometric measurement of the dye remaining in the solvent after contact with the adsorbent is used as a relatiye indication of the adsorptive power of magnesium oxide-Celite mixtures. T h e “adsorption index” so obtained is correlated with the chromatographic performance of the adsorbent for vitamin A. An adsorption technique has also been used for the separation of vitamin 9 alcohol from a-tocopherol. For t,his purpose, partially deactivated alumina columns have been used. The procedure is not satisfactory for the separation of vitamin h from mixed natural t,ocopherols nor is informat’ion concerning the performance of esters of vitamin A in this system given ( 1 1 4 ) . Brown (5Q)has reported the separation and determination of vitamins A and E b y paper chromatograph>-, I n this technique, vitamin A is effectively separated from tocopherols on Pilieone-impregnated paper strips in an acetonitrile-water system. The alcohol, acetate, and palmitate of vitamin A may also be Peparated from each other. Quant,it,ativeresults are obtained by an automatic scanning and recording technique ( 6 0 ) . The fluorescent properties of vitamin .I and its esters continue to receive some attention ( 7 , 153) as the basis for fluorometric procedures for this vitamin. One of the most, perplexing problems facing the pharmaceutical analyst today is that of the determination of small amounts of vitamin D in the presence of relatively large amounts of vitamin -1. The very high therapeutic potency of the various forms of vitamin D necwsarily imposes microchemical restrictions in the t,echniques which are potentially applicable. Official methods for the control of vitamin D in complex mixtures are thus necessarily still confined to the biological procedure. The cost of biological analysis and the time-consuming features of such methods are, of course, undesirable in terms of rout,ine control methods. It would, therefore, seem likely that considerable effort n-ould be ext,ended toward the elucidation of a suitable chemical control procedure; relatively little in the recent Merature, however, points to a potential solution to this problem. I n general, chromatographic methods of separation appear to be most likely t o offer hope in this direction. Talc treated n.ith a chloroformic solution of antimony pentachloride and dried a t 100’ C. has been used as an adsorbent (63). The technique is described and results are tabulated, indicating better than 90% recoveries. Perhaps the closest approach to a suitable analytical method is the work of k i n g et al. ( I l S ) , who utilize a Superfiltrol column to remove vitamin A, carotenoids, pigment,s, and some sterols. A subsequent’passage over an alumina column removes other interfering subst’ances. Vitamin D is ultimately det,ermined in the eluates by measuring t,he ultraviolet absorption of the solutions a t 265 mp. Concentration limits, however, are a minimum of 4000 U.S.P. units of vitamin D and not more than 75,000 units of vitamin h in the sample. The ratio of h to D should not exceed 10 t o 1. A reversed phase system for the paper chromatographic separation of vitamin D and relat,ed sterols has been described by Kodicek and Ashby ( 2 1 1 ) . I n this case, the paper vias impregnated with liquid paraffin. Several satisfactory solvent systems were found. Yitamin D was quantitat,ively estimated by location of the zone on examination in shortn-ave-length ultraviolet light. T h e zone was then cut out of the paper, and extracted with methanol and the ultraviolet absorption of the extract was measured a t 265 mp. Unfort,unately, considerable interference from vitamin A was encountered.


648 An interesting modification of the Cmmeric-Engel method for the determination of tocopherols is reported hy Domart ( 9 8 ) ,who utilizes potassium fluoride to form a colorless complex with the excess ferric ion remaining after reduction by the vitamin E present. This procedure may have advantages in stopping the reduction reaction after a specific time. The nitrogation method for tocopherol assay has been modified to eliminate the production of interfering ethyl nitrite (288). T h e solvent used as an inert medium in this case is 1,2-dimethoxyethane instead of the previously employed ethanol. Paper Chromatography has again played an important part in separation methods for the various tocopherols. -1 reversed phase system has been described by Brown ( 5 6 ) for the separation of mixed tocopherols. K h a t m a n No. 1 filter paper was coated with Vaseline and used in i 5 % ethanol s)-stem. Zones were identified by spraying with 2,2’-bipyridine in ethanol followed by 0.1% ferric chloride in ethanol. Brown has also reported a quantitative refinement of this separation, whereby the separated zones are cut out of the paper and extracted and quantitative measurements are made on the extract ( 5 7 ) . -1similar process is reported by Eggitt and Ward ( 1 0 5 ) . 1 different s>-stem for the identification of as little as 1 y of a-tocopherol is described (156), nherein the paper is impregnated TTith ferric undecylate. The solvent system is acetone-water (4 to 1). Identification is made by spraj-ing the strips with dilute hydrochloric acid followed by potassium ferricyanide. GEYERAL

Pifer, Kollish, and Schmall have reviewed the possibilities of application of nonaqueous titration methods to substances listed in the Sational Formulary IX and U. S.Pharmacopoeia 911-together with some U. S.P . XI7admissions. T h e list of compounds includes those which have been or might be titratable in nonaqueous solvents but are not other!?-ise suitable for volumetric determinations (285). Methods for the characterization and determination of alcohols, particularly aliphatic alcohols, have not been completely satisfactory in the past; as a result, considerable effort is still being expended in the improvement of existing procedures or in the development of neJv and more specific methods for alcohol determination. As a characterization technique, the formation of urea complexes of long-chain alcohols, fatty acids, and esters offers new derivatives, termed inclusion compounds, for identification purposes. The dissociation temperatures (temperature a t which opacity first occurs when a transparent crystal of a urea complex is sloivly heated) of several compounds have been sho1v-n to be reproducible; the complexes are easily prepared and the organic compound can be recovered readily after identification (210). 4 colorimetric method for the determination of aliphatic alcohols involves reaction v i t h ceric ammonium nitrate to form an unstable red color. The reaction conditions must be carefully controlled in order to obtain reproducible values. Sulfate ion interferes. T h e molecular arrangement of the alcohols investigated appears to influence the extinction values of the individual compounds (304). T h e reaction of primary alcohols and amines with W-halosuccinimides has been used to differentiate primary alcohols and some position isomers ( 1 9 , 219). Alcohol has been determined in diethyl ether simply by measuring the infrared absorption a t 2.83 microns. .I correction for interference from water is made after the water content is determined by Karl Fischer titration (84). Benzyl alcohol has been determined turbidimetrically by formation of what is believed to be a condensation polymer resulting from the action of concentrated sulfuric acid on an aqueous solution of the compound ( 2 0 4 ) . The condensation of phenol with benzyl alcohol 3 ields one mole of water per mole of bis(hydroxypheny1)-methane formed as a reaction product. T h e amount of water produced may be measured by distillation and trapping and the water content related to the

originnl concentration of benzyl alcohol ( 2 4 7 ) . The Conway diffusion apparatus has been successfully adapted t o the determination of ethanol in biological fluids; the center cell contains acid dichromate solution, while the ethanol diffuses from the sample in the outer cell in approximately 20 minutes. The method would appear to be usable for materials other than biological fluids, provided no other volatile reducing constituents were present ( 3 6 2 ) . Some general contributions to the 2,&dinitrophenylhydrazone method for determination of aldehydes, ketones, and similar carbonyl compounds include studies on the absorption properties of the base forms of these derivatives vihich produce quinoidal ions ( 2 2 1 ) . It has also been observed that 2,ldinitrophenylhydrazine dissolves readily in 30y0perchloric acid to produce a solution miscible with ethanol and Cellosolve. Conditions for differences in color of the phenylhydrazones formed are noted (260). A volumetric method for the estimation of formaldehyde involves reaction n-ith a measured amount of potassium cyanide, combination of excess cyanide ion with bromine to form cyanogen bromide, reaction of the cyanogen bromide with potassium iodide t o release iodine, and titration of the iodine with standard thiocyanate solution (214). Jones and Riddick (200) have reported a specific reaction of propionaldehj-de in the presence of several other aldehydes, \-,-herein the reaction product of propionaldehyde and ninhydrin in concentrated sulfuric acid develops a reddish blue color with an absorption maximum a t 595 m l . An aeration system for separation of the aldehyde from the sample is discussed; sensitivity of the method is 1 to 3 y . T h e adaptation of l-fluoro-2,1-dinitrobenzene as a quantitative reagent for primary and secondary amines has been reported by NcIntyre et al. (238); separation is accomplished by conversion of excess reagent t o dinitrophenol, extraction, and ultraviolet absorption measurement of the residual dinitrophenylamine derivative (rmax325 to 360 mp). As an aid in the identification of amines, the R , values on filter paper chromatograms of a large number of these compounds in various solvents have been determined ( 4 9 ) . Quaternary ammonium compounds and certain tertiary amines have been titrated with surface-active compounds such as sodium lauryl sulfate or dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate in the presence of dilute sulfuric acid and chloroform. The indicator used was dimethylaminoazobenzene. The postulated reaction involves formation of a stable complex betm-een the quaternary compound and the titrant; the first excess of titrant is extracted into chloroform as lauryl acid eulfate, where it reacts n-ith the indicator to form a chloroform-soluble complex. Acids other than sulfuric, highly ionized surface-active agents, and Tvater-soluble solvents generally make the method inoperative ( 7 5 ) . A colorimetric micromethod for quaternary ammonium compounds involving complexation with bromocresol purple has been investigated (120); adsorption effects on glass surfaces v i t h which the solutions were in contact TTere observed to be profound. Corrective measures, including a coating technique for glassware, v.-ere discussed. Quaternary ammonium bases and related compounds have been separated by paper chromatography in an ethanol-ammonia system and in butanol-acetic acid-ryater. Zones were detected x i t h phosphomolybdate-stannous chloride or with Dragendorf’s reagent (48). Considerable improvement in specificity of analytical methods for bile acids and pigments has been observed. -4 small amount of cholic acid salt, when heated with concentrated sulfuric acid, develops a blue fluorescence; after cooling and dilution x i t h butanol, the fluorescence may be measured quantitatively. Desoxycholic acid, several cholanic acids, 7-hydroxycholesterol, and several cholestane derivatives do not interfere ( 2 8 1 ) . Salicylaldehyde has been shown to be a more specific reagent for desoxycholic acid than furfural (36‘7). P r a t t and Corbitt ( 2 9 4 )have employed vanillin in 85% sulfuric acid to react n-ith desosycholic acid

V O L U M E 2 7 , NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 5 to produce a chromophore viith maximum absorption a t 545 mp; cholic acid and apocholic acid reaction products have absorption maxima a t 465 mp. Short-chain alcohols, acids of loiv molecular weight, and water inhibit the color formation. A method of separation and identification of bile acids includes chromatography on silica gel 15 ith solvent mixtures of pentane, hexane, ether, and acetone. Infrared curves of eluate residues (methyl esters of the bile acids) in carbon disulfide are reported (411). Paper chromatography has been used also to separate taurocholic, glycocholic, desoxycholic, dehydrocholic, and cholic acids. T h e zones were identified by spraying x i t h cold alcoholic iodine solution or by treating with phosphoric acid and observing the papergrams in ultraviolet light (32). Other systems for separation are propanol-ammonia-!niter or propanol-ethanolamine-water (216) and isopropyl alcohol-n-heptane (342). T h e latter system has been employed with paper previously impregnated n i t h strong acetic acid solution, which probably results in some acetylation of the paper. Reversed phase chromatographic separation of bile acids has been performed satisfactorily on a column of Hyflo Supercel saturated Ivith chloroform-heptane, with 58% aqueous methanol as the mobile phase ( 3 0 ) . The R f values for five bile pigments in four different solvent systems are given by Stich et al. (358). These are sufficient for the differentiation and identification of the pigments. Extracts of Cannabzs satzva shox an ultraviolet absorption maximum a t 280 i 10 m p , The E,’%. value is approximately 225; the resin may be detected in tobacco ( 3 6 ) . Small quantities of carbon disulfide and acetone may be determined by ultraviolet absorption measurement in carbon tetrachloride solution (6). The quantitative separation and estimation of several organic acids by paper chromatography are the subject of a report by Isherivood and Hanes (192). Citric acid has been asssayed by forming pentabromoacetone b y conventional procedures and measuring the compound polarographicall>-; the precision is within about &3% (109). An alkali isomerization method requiring only 1 to 10 mg. of fat has been found satisfactory for the determination of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The use of a high concentration of alkali provides greater extinction values for trienoic, tetrienoic, and pentaenoic sj-stems than have been reported previously ( 1 7 7 ) . Nicrogram quantities of fatty acids have been determined by potentiometric titration of 0.005- to 0 025-microequivalent quantities; minimum solution volume IS 75 pl. (155). Duncan and Porteus have separated and identified the lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper chromatography in a butanolammonia-n-ater system. Quantitative application of the method is discussed (102). Semimicro quantities of formic acid have been estimated by reaction of the sodium salt of the acid 15-ithmercuric chloride to produce mercurous chloride; the mercurous chloride then reacts viith iodine and the amount of excess iodine is estimated by thiosulfate titration (188). Microgram quantities of lactic acid have been determined by a reaction with copper sulfate and p-hydrosybiphenyl in strong sulfuric acid; the method is applicable within a range of 2 to 10 y per ml. in the presence of 10 to 60 y per ml. of pyruvic acid (190). +4 reaction of histamine with tetraphenj-lboron produces a crystalline insoluble salt suitable for the gravimetric estimation of this substance (419). Another gravimetric procedure for histamine involves precipitate as the nitranilate; glycine and histidine interfere ( 3 2 7 ) . Histamine in streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin has been estimated by formation of a Schiff base which is extracted v.-ith a benzene-butanol mixture. Ion exchange chromatography of the mixture is performed on a column of cotton acid succinate; histamine is eluted with dilute sulfuric acid and then coupled with diazotized p-nitroaniline. This product is extracted with methyl isobutyl ketone and the absorbance of the solution is read a t 516 mp (803). It has been found possible to titrate certain aromatic nitro compounds such as mdinitrobenzene in nonaqueous systems; nitrobenzene, ho\vever,


displays no titratable acidity. Indicators used were picric acid and 2,4,6-trinitro-m-cresol ( 5 5 ) . Golden (146) has modified the qualitative ferrous thiocyanate peroxide test to provide a quantitative estimation of the peroxide content of vegetable oils. The microdetermination of the critical mixing temperature of ethereal oils with ethylene glycol permits the quantitative determination of the main constituent in genuine ethereal oils (118). Several essential oils have been separated into individual constituents on “chromatoplates” coated with silicic acid in a starch binder. T h e solvent system used \vas 10 to 15% ethyl acetate in hexane; ketones and aldehydes were identified as the dinitrophenylhydrazones (306). Improved methods for the estimation of sesamin, sesamolin, and sesamol have been reported recently (31, 361); these include chromatographic separations as Tvell as specific color tests for individual constituents. An interesting technique for evaluating olefinic unsaturation involves the use of ozone as a titrimetric agent; a dye indicator is used to determine the end point of the titration ( 4 2 ) . The studies of Fritz and Keen (131) indicate t h a t most phenols Tl-ith negative substituents are sufficiently acidic t o permit their titration in a dimethylformamide medium with azo violet indicator. Phenol itself and alkyl substituted phenols are R-eaker, requiring ethylenediamine as a solvent with o-nitroaniline as an indicator. The titrant is potassium methovide in benzene-methanol, -4 paper chromatographic system for the separation of phenols, phenolic acids, and their derivatives is butanol saturated with aquoeus sodium bicarbonate solution; the filter paper used is buffered a t p H 8 (102). The ferric chloride test for phenols has been greatly improved by using organic solvents with pyridine as a neutralizing agent; a table lists the colors given by 78 phenols and some enols, oximes, and thiols (350). An ultraviolet spectrophotometric study of mixtures of eugenol and isoeugenol indicates that the two compounds may be estimated quantitatively in the presence of each other with a simple two-component procedure involving measurements of absorption ratios a t 282 and 254 my (386). Columns of silicic acid impregnated Ivith methanol-water as a stationary phase h a r e been used to separate mixtures of p-h> droxyhenzoate esters. T h e mobile phase is varied from 60-10 Skellysolve C-carbon tetrachloride through carbon tetrachloride to 1070 chloroform in carbon tetrachloride to pure chloroform. The order of elution of the esters from the column is butyl first, followed b y propyl, then ethyl, and finally methyl. The eluates may be examined quantitatively by ultraviolet absorption methods or by gravimetry (182). Methods for the evaluation of polyvinylpyrrolidine preparations have been developed by Levy et al. (330). RIethods for estimating monomer content, molecular weight range, and viscosity are included. -4 method for the estimation of 8-quinolinol is based on the reaction of this compound r i t h diazobenzenesulfonic acid in buffer solutions a t p H 9 to 9.5. T h e resulting orange to red-orange pigment is measured spectrophotometrically ( 6 6 ) . Tetrachlorohydroquinone has been determined colorimetrically by reaction with benzoyl peroxide and triethylamine; phenols and chlorinated phenols do not interfere (89). -4 scheme for the identification of stabilizing agents and thickners has been developed by Eviart and Chapman (112); these authors utilize reactions with calcium chloride, sodium hydroxide, barium hydroxide, and lead acetate to differentiate such materials as pectin, algin, starch, agar, various gums, cellulose modifications, and other materials. It has been observed that iodine forms complexes with aliphatic sulfides in hydrocarbon solvents; the complexes have fairly high extinctions in the 300- to 310-mp range. This property may be used to determine the sulfide content of mixtures ( 1 6 9 ) . X spectrophotometric method for the determination of urea utilizes a reaction with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a pigment having an absorption maximum a t about 420 niw; hydrazine and


650 semicarbazide interfere, but methods for their removal are given (598). Difficulties in determining water by the Karl Fischer titration when ferric salts are present have been overcome by preliminary complexation of the ferric ion with 8-quinolinol in absolute methanol (286). A reagent slightly different from the Karl Fischer reagent consists of a solution of sulfur dioxide and bromine in chloroform; a visual end point in the titration of samples for water content has been found satisfactory with this reagent; however, alcohols interfere in the titration (@). The Karl Fischer method for moisture determination has been applied to several pharmaceutical products; the reagent was modified slightly to utilize methyl Cellosolve in place of methanol to produce a more stable reagent (64). The authors wish to state again that the omission of many published articles in t,his part'icular field in no way reflects a lack of value of these reports. Rather, it indicates the inability of any one or two analyst's to keep abreast of the literature reports of all the spectacular advances being made from year to year in this and in other scientific fields. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Abbott, C. F., J . Pharm. Pharmacol., 5,53-9 (1953). (2) ilchor, L. B., and Gelling, E. AI. K., ANAL.CHEM.,26, 1061-2

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