Revolutionary! P-K Solids-Processor* adds vacuum drying to liquid

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N o w for the first time y o u can combine vacuum-drying a n d liquid-solids blending in a single p a c k a g e d unit —the new P-K Solids-Processor. This latest P-K ' T w i n - S h e l l " development dry blends solids, disperses liquids, granulates and dries in simple sequence. DRY BLENDING — Solids are tumbled to give gentle precision blending. This may be done under vacuum or atmospheric conditions, in inert or sterilizing gas, with heat in jacket up to 200° F., or with cooling water circulated through jacket. W h e n n e e d e d , intensive blending breaks up agglomerates or gives uniform dispersion of pigments. LIQUID DISPERSION, G R A N U L A T I N G — Minute or large percentages of liquid are uniformly dispersed into solids. Dispersion can be sufficiently intimate to provide lump-free production. O r it can be regulated to produce granulations of controlled size. As in dry blending, these steps can be conducted under vacuum or atmospheric conditions, in inert or sterilizing gas, with heat in jacket up to 200° F., or with cooling water circulated through jacket. D R Y I N G — The new p a c k a g e d system allows vacuum drying of heat sensitive materials with continuous turn-over and re-blending of solids. During d r y i n g , small balls with an insulating crust that inhibits complete drying tend to form. A separately actuated agitator breaks these up, permitting drying t o a finished fine p o w d e r . In final stages of drying, direct hot air or gas can be introduced to reduce liquid content quickly t o a fraction of a percent. All P-K Solids-Processor systems are completely p a c k a g e d . Available in standardized models with charge capacities from one to fifty cu. ft.

Pre-test model available

Revolutionary! Ρ-Κ Solids-Processor adds vacuum drying to liquid-solids blending...

Performs these operations 1. Precision gentle blending 2. intensive blending 3. Liquid dispersion in solids 4. Liquid-solids blending under vacuum 5. Granulation of solids 6. Dry blending under vacuum 7. Vacuum drying or cooling of solids

W e invite y o u to bring or send your mate­ rials to the P-K Pre-test Laboratory in East Stroudsburg. A one cu. ft. model of the new Solids-Processor is available for pre-testing . . . to demonstrate things impossible t o see without pilot study . . . to work out subtle variables in blending, granulating a n d dry­ ing . . . t o indicate accurately scale-up results a n d operational procedures . . . t o p r e d i c t s a v i n g s in m a t e r i a l s , l a b o r a n d equipment investment.

It's best if y o u can come yourself for pre­ testing. You'll work with well-qualified engi­ neers w h o h a v e m a d e t h o u s a n d s o f resultful pre-tests for processors. They often suggest a n d produce unexpected product variations. Your guidance as t o what is best for your product or process will be helpful. All y o u need is enough material for three separate one cu. ft. trial runs. If y o u are unable to attend, send your materials. If possible, include a sample that will indicate optimum results. W e ' l l give you a complete pre-test analysis. W r i t e or phone G e o r g e Sweitzer collect at Stroudsburg, Hamilton 1-7500.


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8. Heat sterilization of solids 9. Coating of solids 10. Chemical reaction under heat and vacuum

Patterson (•·) Kelley Chemical and Process Equipment Division 117 Burson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pa.

11. Direct gas drying

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•patented and patents pending

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