REYNOLDS ALUMINAS Key to Uniform High Quality in
CERAMIC PRODUCTS Reynolds Calcined Alumina, R-2O02, R-2003, R-2O04
You pay the metallurgical grade price— you get top ceramic quality calcined alumina every time. A process combining the Bayer and Sinter processes assures minimum quantities of impurities such as iron oxides, silica, and titania. Extremely low chemically combined water content reduces shrinkage and dis tortion of finished products. Reynolds Calcined Aluminas provide improved thermal sriock resistance, higher refractoriness, better appearance for such products as glass tank refractories, ceramic tile, abrasives, laboratory wave and heat resistant glassware. Reynolds H y d r a t e d Aluminas, R - 5 0 0 2 , R - 5 0 0 3
Obtain uniform high Quality for sagger wash, mold coatings and dusting of kiln furniture. R-5002 a n d R-5003 assure maximum rate of reactivity when treated with acids or bases. High solubility and purity protects the quality of end prod ucts. Their snow-whi-fce color enhances the appearances of finished products. Product D a t a Sheets on these aluminas are? available. Samples for testing will be provided. Call the nearest Reynolds O f f i c e , listed under "Aluminum" in your classified telephone directory, or write Reynolds Metals Company, P.O. Box 1800-CKt Louisville 7 , Kentucky. See "FRONTIER",
Reynolds excifing dramatic
series, Sundays, NBC-TV
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