Reynolds Metals Company

Company, P. O. Box 2346-CD, Richmond 18, Virginia. REYNOLDS ALUMINUM FOR CHEMICAL PROCESSING. Strong, Lightweight. Structurais. Clean, Low- ...
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Build tanks with less metal. . . less weight.. . less welding

R E Y N O L D S T A P E R E D A L U M I N U M PLATE Here's a new development t h a t can—and will—cut tank construction costs: Reynolds tapered aluminum plate. This new plate permits tapered wall construction with no waste aietal, no extra weight, no extra handling and shipping cost. B e f o r e t a p e r e d p l a t e , y o u h a d t o pile course upon course, " s t e p p i n g " the plate t h i c k n e s s e s d o w n for e a c h course. But w i t h R e y n o l d s t a p e r e d aluminum, the e d g e of one plate i s t a p e r e d p r e c i s e l y t o t h e t h i c k n e s s of the plate a b o v e it. Result: important s a v i n g s in m e t a l weight, shipping cost, and w e l d i n g in t a n k construction. Nooter Corp., St. Louis, Mo., recently built three tanks 70 It. in diameter, 48 ft. high, for Chemical Construction Corp. it the Cooperative Farm Chemicals Assn. plant in Lawrence, Kan. Two tanks using conventional aluminum plate weigh L31,200 lbs. each. T h e other, built with Reynolds tapered iluminum plate, weighs 124,000 lbs.—7,200 lbs. less! REYNOLDS

Strong, Lightweight Structurais


Clean, Low-Maintenance Jacketing

This weight savings meant lower shipping costs, lower handling costs in the plant and a t the erection site. Welding costs, too, were lower with Reynolds tapered plate. I t took just three rows, or courses, two of which were tapered plate, to make the 48 ft. height; with all conventional plate, six courses were needed, requiring t h a t much more welding. And welding is faster with tapered plate, because welding speed increases with thinner sections. Reynolds can produce tapered plate in widths u p t o 11 feet, lengths up to 45 feet. I n many tanks this can eliminate all horizontal welds. Before you plan your next t a n k construction, check t h e savings possible with this new development in aluminum plate design, with Reynolds. For details and specifications, call your local Reynolds office, or write Reynolds Metals Company, P. O. Box 2346-CD, Richmond 18, Virginia.



Low-Cost, Rustfree Process Pipe

Circle No. 72 on Readers' Service Card

Watch Reynolds exciting TV programs on NBC: The Dick Powell Reynolds Aluminum Show every other Tuesday; Say When, weekdays; All Star Golf —in living color—every Saturday.