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CIRCLE 185 ON READER SERVICE CARD. News. Per Flodin ... the Royal Institute of Technology in. Stockholm ... Medical Schooland at the Canadian. Medical...
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How sample injectors affect LC accuracy. Free report tells how t o improve precision b y choice of injection technique. This 8-page Rheodyne technical note reports the results of experiments using different sample loading techniques — and discusses the distinctive characteristics of eight popular injectors. Among the questions answered are: • What analytical precision can be expected in HPLC? • Which injection techniques provide the highest reproducibility? • What role is played by variations in flow rate, solvent composition and temperature? • How can volumetric errors of injectors be avoided? The report covers sample injectors from various manufacturers. It contains practical advice on the use of injectors for the novice — as well as for the experienced chromatographer

Send for Tech Note # 1 To get your free copy promptly, contact Rheodyne, Inc., 2809 Tenth St.. Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Phone (415) 548-5374.

Per Flodin

Jerker Olof Porath

degree in 1953. Between 1954 and 1962, he was a research scientist at the pharmaceutical company Pharmacia AB, in Uppsala. In 1962, he was appointed research director of Perstorp AB, a chemicals and plastics manufacturing company. In 1972, he was appointed docent (associate professor) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and in 1977, professor of polymer technology at Chalmers University of Technology in Goteborg. Flodin is the author and coauthor of a number of scientific publications and patents. In 1962, his book on "Dextran Gels and Their Application to Gel Filtration" was published by Pharmacia. He is vice-president of the Swedish Chemical Society and a committee member of the Swedish Board for Technical Development. He was actively engaged in tbe foundation of the Swedish Plastics and Rubber Institute and is now a member of its Board. He is a recipient of the Arrhenius medal of the Swedish Chemical Society (1963) and of the gold medal of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (1968). Flodin's major activities in chromatography started in 1956, when he and Professor J. Porath made the fundamental observations leading to the gel filtration method. Flodin developed the Sephadex range of dextran gels, the Sephadex ion exchangers, and various other derivatives of dextran gels. In methodological studies, he developed experimental techniques and gel types for various applications, such as the separation of small molecules from macromolecules, fractionation of water-soluble oligomers and polymers, and preparative separation of proteins. A qualitative theory of gel filtration and the development of a method

for industrial gel filtration are among his achievements. He also has made major contributions to biochemistry and polymer technology. Jerker Olof Porath was born in 1921 in Sala, Sweden. He entered the University of Uppsala in 1942, passed his "filosofie kandidatexamen" (BS) in 1946, and after studies at Stockholm's Hôgskola, the "filosofie magisterexamen" (MS). He obtained the licentiate degree (PhD) at the University of Uppsala in 1950. He also studied at the Institut fur Krebsforschung in Heidelberg (1950), and at the Hormone Research Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley (1951-52). In 1957, he received the Swedish doctor's degree (D.Sc). Porath was appointed assistant professor at Uppsala University in 1957, a research fellow at the Swedish Natural Science Research Council in 1960, and obtained a personal professorship in 1964. He succeeded Arne Tiselius as Jacobsonian Professor in Biochemistry in 1968. Professor Porath is the author of a large number of papers in biochemistry and chromatography. He has been visiting professor at San Francisco Medical School and at the Canadian Medical Research Council in Montreal. He is a member of a number of academies and scientific societies, among them the Royal Swedish Society of Science and the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Professor Porath was awarded the Sixten Heyman's Prize, the Arrhenius Plaquette (together with P. Flodin), the Gold Medal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, the Honorary Plaquette of the French Society of Biochemistry, the Bjôrken's Prize and the 1978 Prize Biochemical Analysis of