Richard Willstatter - American Chemical Society

The informal photograph reproduced above was taken last summer in the study of Professor Willrtatter's Hunich resi- dence 6y Dr. C. W. Foulk of The Oh...
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RICHARD WILLSTATTER Professor Richard WilLrfaffer, Nobel Prize Laureate i n Cl~emisfry i n 1925 and 1933 W i l l a r d Gihh.r medalid, w i l l be one of the disiingui.rhed foreign guests of the American Chemical Society at Chicago. He has contributed significant scienf;fic data to thefollowingfields: alkaloids; quinones and quinoid,r; cyclic hydrocarbons; chlorophyll, plant pigmenfs; and enzymes. The informal photograph reproduced above was taken last summer i n the study of Professor Willrtatter's H u n i c h residence 6y Dr. C. W. Foulk of The Ohio Slate University, who har kindly furnished us with a prinf.