RING IN THE NEW! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - 16 of the Most Engaging Topics in Chemistry. ACS Publications regularly produces Virtual Collections of the most important research topi...
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*.. for that means progress. And in progress, it is interesting to note how rings themselves, of every kind, are destined to play an important part. Take, for example, the tire, the ring spinning frame, the ball bearing ring, the "benzene ring" of organic chemistry, and the circular field of the microscope. All closely integrated with progress these — and of particular significance to us at Metasap, since they symbolize vital fields we serve. THE "BENZENE RING", FOR INSTANCE, IS SYMBOLIC OF PLASTICS . . . M E T A S A P CALCIUM AND ZINC STEARATES, added to plastic molding compounds, improve internal lubrication. They assure easy release of preforms and finished products from molds —thus helping to prolong mold life, speed the molding cycle, step up output and minimize rejects. THE TIRE SUGGESTS THE WIDE REALM OF RUBBER... METASAP ZINC STEARATE dusted on uncured rubber stock prevents sticking—lubricates molds effectively. BEARINGS IMPLY LUBRICANTS.. .METASAP ALUMINUM STEARATES provide bases for many types

of greases that a/e moisture-free, have high-temperature resistance, outstanding stability and water-repellency. THE SPINNING BOBBINS PROCLAIM THE WORLD OF FABRICS ... METASAP STEARATES can be used advantageously to help make textiles water-repellent. THE MICROSCOPE FIELD IS AN INFORMATION BUREAU, covering the world at large. But here, at Metasap, we use it for meticulous study of particle size and particle suspension, to be certain that METASAP STEARATES provide exceptionally efficient thickening, suspension and flatting agents for paints, varnishes, and lacquers . · . and perform valuable services in numerous other applications throughout industry. The many uses for Metasap Stéarates are discussed in our free 32-page book: METALLIC SOAPS for RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY. Send for a copy. You'll find it full of interesting information, a handy reference, and source of ideas.

METASAP CHEMICAL COMPANY. DEPARTMENT 10. HARRISON. N. J . BRANCHES: BOSTON · CHICAGO · CEDARTOWN. GA. · RICHMOND, CALIF. Stocks at Cleveland and Akron, Ohio; Los Angeles and San Francisco, Calif.; Louisville, Kentucky


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