Robust micro-lab sand baths - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

The Comet Individual Egg Poacher can be used instead of crystallizing dishes which break easily in a sand bath. Keywords (Audience):. Second-Year ...
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Robust Micro-Lab Sand Baths Organic micro-lah experiments often call for heating reaction mixtures in a sand bath. The sand is held in a crystallizing dish, whieh has a flat bottom, for efficient heat transfer from the hot plate-stirrer, and is nonferrous, allowing the use of a magnetic stir bar. In our laboratories, however, we have found that many of our students' crystallizing dishes break, and their replacement is expensive. We have found that Mirro produces a very satisfactory, inexpensive, practical substitute, the Comet Individual Egg Poacher [Item number S25401 whieh can he purchased from Mirro Corporation (Attn. Pete Mitchell), P.O. Box 1330, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1330 [I-(800)-558-7740,F.I.D.# 39-01268701 a t a cost of less than $2, with a minimum order of $200, as of this writing.I The unit is made of aluminum and has a relatively flat bottom and short sides2 (as opposed to an evaporating dish or heaker). Aluminum permits the use of a magnetic stirrer and conduds heat better than glass. The egg poacher also has a handle, which, although it gets hot,3 allows easier manipulation than the handleless crystallizing dish. The device includes a cover, which may retard heat loss when pre-heating the sand hath. (A vessel for the egg itself is also included, hut we have not yet thought of a good laboratory use for it.) Since it is aluminum, the egg poacher will be attacked by materials like strong acid or hase and ethylene glycol. Students should he cautioned to exercise extra care when manipulating these materials near the device.

Omermanufacturers may also carry W s e items. This information should not be canstruedasan endorsementof this particular brand. R is offered to preclude unnecessary duplication of effortin obtaining necessary information for ordering these devices. The egg poacher has sides approximately 4.3 cm high and adlameter slightly under 10 cm. Studenb should exercise cautlon. The handlegels too hotto touch wilhthe bare hand. Studentsshouid grip the handle with tongs or wrap paper towels around the handle to move the sand bath.

Ben Ruekberg

of RhDde Island Kingston. Ri 02881

The University

Volume 66

Number 1 January 1989