Room-Temperature Giant Charge-to-Spin Conversion at the SrTiO3

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUSNNI, National University of Singapore, 117576 Singapore. ‡ Department of Physics, National Uni...
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Room-Temperature Giant Charge-to-Spin Conversion at the SrTiO3− LaAlO3 Oxide Interface Yi Wang,†,§ Rajagopalan Ramaswamy,†,§ Mallikarjuna Motapothula,† Kulothungasagaran Narayanapillai,† Dapeng Zhu,† Jiawei Yu,† Thirumalai Venkatesan,†,‡ and Hyunsoo Yang*,† †

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUSNNI, National University of Singapore, 117576 Singapore Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 117542 Singapore

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed at the interface between SrTiO3 (STO) and LaAlO3 (LAO) insulating layer is supposed to possess strong Rashba spin−orbit coupling. To date, the inverse Edelstein effect (i.e., spin-tocharge conversion) in the 2DEG layer is reported. However, the direct effect of charge-to-spin conversion, an essential ingredient for spintronic devices in a current-induced spin−orbit torque scheme, has not been demonstrated yet. Here we show, for the first time, a highly efficient spin generation with the efficiency of ∼6.3 in the STO/LAO/CoFeB structure at room temperature by using spin torque ferromagnetic resonance. In addition, we suggest that the spin transmission through the LAO layer at a high temperature range is attributed to the inelastic tunneling via localized states in the LAO band gap. Our findings may lead to potential applications in the oxide insulator based spintronic devices. KEYWORDS: STO−LAO interface, oxide spintronics, charge-to-spin conversion, ST-FMR, localized states


as spin channel, which is promising to advance the realization of long sought spin transistors. However, the direct charge-to-spin conversion at the STO−LAO interface has not been demonstrated yet. Moreover, the identification of highly efficient spin current generation is an essential step for the modern magnetic memory in a spin−orbit torque (SOT) driven magnetization switching scheme, as reported in heavy metals, such as Pt, Ta, and W, recently.14−17 In this study, we experimentally show a giant room temperature charge-to-spin conversion efficiency (i.e., SOT efficiency) in the STO/LAO/Co15Fe60B25 structure by the spin torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) technique. The SOT efficiency (θ∥) is evaluated to be ∼6.3 at room temperature, which is almost 2 orders of magnitude larger than the spin Hall angles in heavy metals, such as Pt and Ta.15,18,19 From the temperature-dependent ST-FMR measurements, we have clarified that the mechanism of inelastic tunneling via localized states (LS) in the LAO band gap

rTiO3 (STO) and LaAlO3 (LAO) are two wide-band gap insulators; however, when both are interfaced to each other, a conductive two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is formed at their interface.1 This 2DEG possesses exotic properties, such as superconductivity and ferromagnetism,2−4 that make the STO/LAO heterostructure a unique system. Recently, a strong Rashba spin−orbit coupling (SOC) has been theoretically reported in the d bands of the 2DEG at the STO− LAO interface,5−7 leading to the orbital and spin degrees of freedom to be strongly coupled with each other. Therefore, the STO/LAO heterostructure can enable potential spintronic innovations and now is attracting rising research interests.8−13 Experimentally, Narayanapillai et al.8 have reported an extremely strong charge current induced Rashba field in the 2DEG layer, which verifies the presence of strong Rashba SOC predicted at the STO−LAO interface. Most recently, the inverse Edelstein effect at the STO−LAO interface has been demonstrated by using the spin-pumping technique,10−12 which shows a notable spin-to-charge conversion. Additionally, a long spin diffusion length over 300 nm in the 2DEG channel has also been reported.9,13 These observations suggest that the STO/LAO heterostructure can be a good spin detector as well © 2017 American Chemical Society

Received: August 29, 2017 Revised: October 28, 2017 Published: November 7, 2017 7659

DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03714 Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 7659−7664


Nano Letters

Figure 1. (a) RHEED oscillations during the growth of the 8 uc LAO film and RHEED diffraction patterns of STO substrate before (left inset) and after LAO layer growth (right inset). (b) The temperature-dependent sheet resistance RS of STO/LAO (8 uc) heterostructures by 4-probe measurements.

Figure 2. (a) Schematic of the ST-FMR measurement setup and illustration of the ST-FMR device with the SOT-induced magnetization dynamics. (b) Resonance frequency f against the resonant field H0 for a STO/LAO (8 uc)/CFB (7 nm) device with a fit. (c) A representative ST-FMR signal (open symbols) from a STO/LAO (8 uc)/CFB (7 nm) device at 6 GHz and 300 K with fits of whole signal (red lines), the symmetric Lorentzian (VSFS) component (blue lines), and the antisymmetric Lorentzian (VAFA) components (green lines). The inset shows only the symmetric component VSFS from a control device with a single CFB layer.

properties of the 2DEG layer are consistent with previous reports.20,21 ST-FMR measurement is an effective technique with which to evaluate the SOT efficiency, as shown in previous work.18,22 Figure 2a shows the schematic diagram of ST-FMR measurement setup and the structure of ST-FMR device, which has the structure of STO substrate (001)/LAO (8 uc, ∼3.1 nm)/ Co15Fe60B25 (CFB, 7 nm)/MgO (2 nm)/SiO2 (4 nm). In the ST-FMR device, a 7 nm thick CFB film with MgO/SiO2 capping is grown by magnetron sputtering at room temperature. The ST-FMR device fabrication process is described in the Supporting Information S1. The left panel of Figure 2a illustrates the current induced SOTs and the SOT driven magnetization dynamics in STO/LAO/CFB structures. As an in-plane radio frequency (rf) current (IRF) is applied in the STO/LAO 2DEG layer, nonequilibrium spins are generated due to the Rashba−Edelstein effect.10−12,23,24 Subsequently, these spins are absorbed by the CFB layer and exert oscillating damping-like torque (τDL), a field-like torque (τFL), or both on the CFB local magnetization. In addition, the rf current induces

accounts for the spin transmission through the LAO layer. Our demonstration provides a new platform for the innovations of SOT-based spintronic applications utilizing oxide interfaces. A layer of 8 unit cells (uc) LAO (1 uc ≈ 0.39 nm) is grown on a TiO2 terminated atomically smooth single crystalline STO (001) substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at 750 °C in an oxygen partial pressure of 1 mTorr, which was pretreated with buffered oxide etch and air-annealed at 950 °C for 1.5 h. The growth is monitored by in−situ reflective high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). As shown in Figure 1a, the RHEED oscillations indicate that the LAO growth proceeds layer by layer. A standard Hall bar is fabricated for four-probe electrical measurements (Supporting Information S1). As shown in Figure 1b, the sheet resistance RS decreases drastically as the temperature decreases and then almost saturates at ∼10 K. This temperature dependence implies a typical metallic behavior1,10 of the 2DEG at the STO−LAO interface (denoted in the inset of Figure 1b). The sheet carrier concentration n2D is estimated to be ∼1.17 × 1014/cm2 at room temperature. The 7660

DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03714 Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 7659−7664


Nano Letters

thin with a thickness of ∼2 nm.27−30 However, the LAO layer in our device is relatively thicker, at ∼3.1 nm, leading to a lesser overlap of the electron wave functions from the two sides of LAO layer, and thus, a low direct elastic tunneling amplitude. Therefore, we expect that the spin-dependent direct elastic tunneling in the LAO layer is not the main mechanism for the spin transmission in our samples, which is confirmed by our temperature-dependent ST-FMR measurements, as discussed later. The second possible mechanism is the inelastic tunneling (IET) process, which can be predominant when the tunneling barrier becomes thicker.31−33 It is known that the defects, such as the oxygen vacancies (VO), can be present in the LAO layer during film growth and form localized states (LS) in the LAO band gap.34−37 Hence, the IET process via these LS31−33,38−40 might account for the spin transmission in our devices. The schematic of the IET process is depicted in the inset of Figure 3a, where the spin-polarized electrons (denoted by the blue

Oersted field (HRF) torque (τOe). All of these torques make the CFB magnetization into precession with the same frequency as IRF. Consequently, the product of the oscillation of the anisotropic magnetoresistance (ΔR) and the IRF produce a mixing voltage, Vmix (i.e., ST-FMR signal) across the device18,19,22,25 that is detected by a lock-in amplifier. An inplane external magnetic field (H) is applied at a fixed angle (θH) of 38° with respect to IRF. The measurements are performed with a nominal rf power of 15 dBm at room temperature. Figure 2b shows the resonance f as a function of resonance magnetic field H0 for a typical ST-FMR device, which can be fitted with the Kittel formula f = (γ/2π)[H0(H0 + 4πMeff)]1/2, where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. From fitting, the effective magnetization (4πMeff) for the CFB layer is determined to be ∼1.18 T. Figure 2c shows one representative ST-FMR signal Vmix (open symbols) at 6 GHz, which is fitted by Vmix = VSFS + VAFA, where FS and FA are the symmetric and antisymmetric Lorentzian functions, respectively. The amplitudes of symmetric (VS) and antisymmetric (VA) components are correlated with τDL and (τFL + τOe), respectively.18,22 A large symmetric component VSFS is observed, suggesting a large inplane spin polarization and, thus, τDL. Moreover, as shown in the inset of Figure 2c, the symmetric component VSFS is negligible in a control ST-FMR device, having the structure of Si/SiO2 sub/CFB (7 nm)/MgO (2 nm)/SiO2 (4 nm) with a same dimension as the device in Figure 2c. This verifies that the main contribution of the in-plane spin polarization and the induced τDL to the CFB magnetization dynamics is from the STO−LAO interface. Furthermore, we also find that the magnetization precession of our device under the rf power of 15 dBm is in the linear regime (Supporting Information S2 and Figure S1). The SOT efficiency θ∥ (= JS/JC) in the STO/LAO/CFB systems can be evaluated from only the fitted VS by utilizing the established method22,25 (also see Supporting Information S3 and S4, Figure S2, and Table S1), where JS represents the spin current density flowing into the CFB layer, and JC (A/cm2) is the uniform charge current density in the STO/LAO 2DEG layer. Subsequently, we obtain a large θ∥ ∼ 6.3 ± 1 at room temperature arising from the interface between the STO and LAO layer. This value is 1 or 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of the heavy metals, such as Pt, Ta, and W, having a spin Hall angle of ∼0.06−0.3.15,16,18,19 Moreover, the performance of spin current generation in the STO/LAO heterostructure is similar to or even better than the emerging topological insulator Bi2Se3 with a SOT efficiency of ∼0.43−3.5.22,25,26 Our observation further confirms the previous report, which showed a strong current induced Rashba effective field HR with the value of ∼1.76 T for a charge current density of JC = 105 A/ cm2.8 In our STO/LAO/CFB device, there is a ∼3.1 nm thin LAO insulating layer separating the STO/LAO spin source and the CFB magnetic layer, which is different from previous cases with a direct contact of the heavy metal (or topological insulator) with a ferromagnetic layer. However, our observation of a large SOT efficiency at room temperature indicates that a large amount of spins can transmit through the LAO insulating layer and are absorbed by the CFB magnetization. There are two possible mechanisms that can account for this spin transmission. The first mechanism is the spin-dependent direct elastic tunneling observed in extensively studied magnetic tunnel junctions. For this scenario, the barrier is typically very

Figure 3. (a) SOT efficiency, θ∥, as a function of temperature and the fit (red curve). Each θ∥ represents the averaged value from three measurement frequencies (6−8 GHz), and the error bars are the standard deviation. The inset is the schematic of the spin-polarized electron inelastic tunneling process via the LS, such as oxygen vacancies, VO. (b) The conduction weighted contributions of the respective direct elastic tunneling and 1-LS, 2-LS, and 3-LS chains.

dots) in the 2DEG layer inelastically tunnel into the CFB layer via the LS (the oxygen vacancies VO are denoted by the short red lines) in the LAO band gap with the assistance of phonon or electrical field. If the IET via LS is the main mechanism of the spin transmission through the LAO layer, the SOT efficiency is expected to exhibit a very strong temperature dependence, as indicated by the Glazman−Matveev (GM) theory,31,33,38,41 which describes the IET with a power-law dependence on temperature. To confirm the above speculation and understand the underlying mechanism, we have performed the ST-FMR measurements at different temperatures. Figure 3a shows θ∥ as a function of temperature. We find that θ∥ exhibits the largest value (∼6.3) at room temperature and then decreases rapidly as the temperature decreases to ∼150 K. Finally, θ∥ becomes negligible around 50 K within our measurement resolution. 7661

DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03714 Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 7659−7664


Nano Letters

(nm−1), to be ∼0.63 nm−1 at room temperature (Supporting Information S6). This value is similar to the recently reported interface SOT efficiency from a topological insulator (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3.45 Figure 4 shows the sheet carrier concentration n2D of the 2DEG layer at different temperatures. We find that n2D

The significant temperature dependence of θ∥ suggests that the conduction of spin-polarized electrons through the LAO layer decreases drastically as temperature decreases to a low temperature range. This confirms that the mechanism of spin-dependent direct elastic tunneling in the LAO layer can not account for the spin transmission in our samples, which is supposed to show a weak temperature dependence.33 Rather, the observation of the strong temperature-dependent θ∥ is in line with the IET via LS in the LAO layer, which is the alternative possible mechanism discussed above. It is to be noted that the current shunting in the STO/LAO 2DEG layer cannot explain the temperature-dependent behavior in our STFMR measurements shown in Figure 3a because the anisotropic magnetoresistance only slightly decreases by ∼20% as temperature decreases from 300 to 18 K (see Figure S3). Further, we can write the measured SOT efficiency as θ∥ = JS/JC = JS‑intriη/JC, where JS‑intri is the spins generated in the STO/LAO 2DEG layer, JS‑intri/JC is the intrinsic SOT efficiency (θ∥‑intri) in this 2DEG layer and η denotes the inelastic tunneling efficiency of spin-polarized electrons. The η is proportional to G/G0, where G is the electron conductance through the LAO layer at different temperature and, G0 is the ideal conductance without the LAO barrier layer and is assumed to be constant. On the basis of GM model,31,33,38,41 the temperature-dependent G is given N by G = c1 + ∑N ≥ 2 cN T N − 2/(N + 1), where N is the number of LS in the conduction chains in the LAO layer (referred as N-LS chains), T is the temperature, and the constant c1 and cN represent the conduction contribution from direct elastic tunneling and 1-LS chains, and N-LS chains (N ≥ 2), respectively. Consequently, the SOT efficiency can be rewritten N as θ∥ = C1 + ∑N ≥ 2 CN T N − 2/(N + 1), where CN (= cNθ∥‑intri/G0) are the free parameters for fitting. As shown in Figure 3a, we find that the temperature-dependent θ∥ can be well-fitted with the LS number N up to three (red curve). It is noted that we take the upper bound and assume that the spins are conserved during the IET process of the spin-polarized electrons in the 2DEG layer following the recent reports.31,42 We believe that this fitting can well capture the core mechanism of our results, even though the spin flip might happen during the IET process. Furthermore, the respective contributions of direct elastic tunneling and 1, 2, and 3-LS chains are also obtained from fitting, as shown in Figure 3a. From the fit, the conduction weight of respective conduction chains can be obtained by normalizing its conductance to the whole conductance at each temperature. The results are shown in Figure 3b. We find that at low temperatures, the conductance is dominantly governed by direct elastic tunneling and 1-LS chains; however, the total amount of spin transmission is negligible, leading to a very small θ∥ as shown in Figure 3a (black curve). This is expected because fewer phonons and LS are available at low temperatures. As temperature increases, the chains with increasing numbers of LS come into play and the IET via 3-LS chains dominates the conductance. Therefore, we attribute that the IET of spin-polarized electrons through LAO via the LS is the main mechanism for our observation at room temperature. Our above analysis may provide clues for the spin transmission mechanism in the most recently reported spin pumping measurements in the STO/LAO/NiFe systems.10,12 Additionally, by taking the 2DEG thickness of 10 nm,43 we can estimate the corresponding interface SOT efficiency,44,45 λ

Figure 4. Temperature-dependent sheet-carrier concentration, n2D, of the 2DEG layer at the STO−LAO interface. The Lifshitz point is denoted around the carrier concentration of ∼1.8 × 1013/cm2. The green shaded area represents the temperature range of our ST-FMR measurements. The inset shows the sketch of the relationship between the strength of SOC and the Fermi energy adapted from ref 6.

decreases from ∼11.7× 1013 to 1.14 × 1013/cm2 as temperature decreases from 300 to 10 K. Especially, as the temperature decreases to the range of ∼20−30 K, n2D becomes ∼1.8 × 1013/ cm2, which indicates that the Fermi energy is around the Lifshitz point and the SOC strength in the 2DEG is maximum.6 The inset of Figure 4 shows the sketch of the relationship between the strength of SOC and the Fermi energy adapted from ref 6. This indicates that the spins can be effectively generated with a higher θ∥‑intri in the 2DEG layer at low temperatures. However, our ST-FMR measurements show that θ∥ becomes negligible at a low temperature range, as shown in Figure 3a. Because the measured θ∥ is determined by the spin− orbit coupling in the 2DEG (i.e., θ∥‑intri) as well as the spin transmission through the LAO layer, the above-mentioned discrepancy is ascribed to the lesser spin transmission through the LAO layer at low temperatures. However, close to room temperature, the spin transmission increases significantly. This further corroborates our conjecture, the IET of spin-polarized electrons via LS governs the amount of spins injected into CFB and thus the SOTs exerted on the CFB magnetization. Lastly, it is worth noting that, during this spin transmission through the LAO layer, the amount of spins that actually reach the CFB is reduced due to the transmission coefficient (