Rubber has more stretch when it' formulated with Neville C-I Resin Test after test on the Instron has clearly shown the superiority of quality rubber formulations using Neville Coumarone-Indene Resins in place of competing products. Compounds with Neville C-I Resin repeatedly showed better elongation and tensile strength characteristics both before and after aging. But stretch and strength are not the only advantages gained through the use of these resins. Their unique ability to impart plasticity brings many processing benefits. Mixing, milling, calendering and tubing will be
faster and smoother, and cures will be more uniform. You'll obtain improved mold flow, better knitting and a thinner flash line. Also, these resins are economically priced and will effectively lower pound volume cost in highly loaded stocks while still retaining good physicals. They are available in flaked, solid or liquid form and in a wide range of colors from YL to 16 Neville. Softening points are from 10°C. to 155°C. Write for further information.
Neville Chemical Company, Pittsburgh 25, Pa.
Neville Products Resins—Coumarone-Indene, Hydrocarbon (Thermoplastic and Heat Reactive), Hydroxy • Oils—Plasticizing, Neutral, Rubber Reclaiming, Shingle Stain • SolventsAromatic (Refined and Crude), Semi-Aromatic (Refined and Crude). * Antioxidants—Non Staining Rubber • High Purity Indene • Indene Derivatives • Crude Naphthalene.