pump, one of several built for DuPont, handles molten unfiltered sulfur. Discharge line is steam jacketed. There is no stuffing box. Bearing in contac...
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Zirconium. Fact file on zirconium applications and available forms. Technical data compiled by manufac­ turers and fabricators of this unique metal. Dept. IEC, Zirconium Assn., 2130 Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15. Ohio. 91

NAGLE RUMP handles molten sulfur efficiently a n d economically

INSTRUMENTS Air-Meters. New Catalog No. 170 covers various models of the Hastings Air-Meters, for precision measurement of air velocity. Dept. IEC, HastingsRaydist, Inc., Hampton, Va. 92 Precision Resistance Bulb. New data file, "Engelhard Platinum Resistance Bulb," describes resistance bulb for high precision temperature measure­ ments. Dept. IEC, Engelhard Indus­ tries, Inc., Instruments and Systems Div., 850 Passaic Ave., East Newark. N. J. 93 Flowmeters. Condensed Bulletin M-l pictures and briefly describes line of precision instruments for measuring, indicating, recording, and controlling rate of flow of all types of fluids. Dept. IEC, Schutte & Koerting Co., Instru­ ment Div., Cornwells Heights, Bucks Co., Pa. 94 Welding Pad Gages. Data Unit No. 362 gives features and specifications on welding pad gages which can be welded directly onto tanks, stills, or other liquid-containing structures. Dept. IEC, Jerguson Valve & Gage Co., 80 Adams St., Burlington, Mass. 95 Automatic


This Nagle Vk" t y p e Y W S - C S centrifugal p u m p , one of several built for DuPont, handles molten unfiltered sulfur. Discharge line is steam jacketed. T h e r e is n o stuffing box. Bearing in contact w i t h t h e h o t material is s u p ­ ported in a split yoke which can be removed and replaced without major shop disassembly. Impeller a n d casing a r e of special alloy t o resist heat, a n d abrasion. Built to do a specific j o b for a long period of time. P u m p is shown before installation of motor. T h e r e a r e m a n y types of Nagle P u m p s — both horizontal a n d vertical shaft units — every o n e designed a n d constructed for u s e w h e r e o r d i n a r y p u m p s give trouble. If y o u r s is a tough application Tough /obi call for you're doubtless m o r e t h a n paying (in service a n d r e p l a c e ­ m e n t parts) for a Nagle P u m p — so w h y n o t h a v e it? Send for literature. Nagle P u m p s , Inc., 1238 Center Ave., FOR A B U S I V E Chicago Heights, 111. APPLICATIONS EXCLUSIVELY

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Automatic monitoring of gamma and beta radiation is discussed. Back­ ground may be monitored in low-level counting rooms and in numerous other applications. Dept. IEC, BJ Elec­ tronics, Borg-Warner Corp., Santa Ana. Calif. 96 Rotameters

f o r Corrosive


Fundamental principles of rotameter construction materials are discussed. Several models of rotameters and their services are described. Bulletin 150. Dept. IEC, Brooks Rotameter Co.. Hatfield, Pa. 97 Rotameter Selector. Functional Bul­ letin No. 110 shows full integrated line of Brooks rotameters, stating advan­ tages and displaying various types and applications. Dept. IEC, Brooks Rotameter Co., Hatfield, Pa. 98

A sensitive dead weight pressure balance for use as a primary pressure standard. Repeatability in excess of 0 . 0 1 % . Ranges to 12,000 psi or 860 kg/cm 2 , w i t h subdivisions as small as 0.1 psi or 0.01 kg/cm 2 . Ask f o r latest literature.

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VOL. 52, NO. 4 ·

APRIL 1960

105 A