SAFETY FORUM - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - When he was with Picatinny Arsenal (until recently) Dr. Tomlinson investigated a suggestion by Burnard T. Pull of Cumberland, Md., that ...
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SAFETY Phenyldiazosulfide Revealed As A Dangerous Explosive Phenyldiazosulfide is so unstable that it cannot b e kept at room temperature for more than a few minutes without decom­ position, according to W . R. Tomlinson, Jr., of National Fireworks Ordnance Corp. U p o n drying, the compound explodes spontaneously. When h e w a s with Picatinny Arsenal (until recently) Dr. Tomlin­ son investigated a suggestion by Burnard T. Pull of Cumberland, Md., that phenyl­ diazosulfide, which can easily and con­ veniently b e prepared from cheap raw materials, might offer possibilities as a military explosive. T h i s type of chemical compound, in general, is thermodynamically unstable and relatively sensitive and h e n c e m i g h t possibly b e suitable for use as an initiator or friction sensitive primercomponent. Picatinny Arsenal, therefore, prepared a sample of phenyldiazosulfide and the p-nitrophenyl derivative to determine their explosive characteristics. T h e diazonium sulfides were prepared by diazotizing aniline, or nitraniline, neutraliz­ i n g , and passing hydrogen sulfide through t h e diazochloride solution, or adding so­ dium sulfide to it. The following equa­ tions indicate the reactions involved in t h e preparation o f phenyldiazosulfide:



N=N-X M .



T h e reactions were carried out with ice cooling. T h e y can be prepared in either aqueous or nonaqueous media, but due to their unusual sensitivity, they should be handled in solution or in slurry form with a large excess of solvent. N o more than 0 . 5 to 1.0 gram of product was prepared at one time and only minute quantities were dried. The samples of phenyldiazosulfide and p-nitrophenyldiazosulfide displayed t h e extreme instability and sensitivity characteristics of diazonium salts in gen­ eral. T h e phenyl compound is a red solid of extreme sensitivity and low stability, which explodes violently w h e n air dried at room temperature. The w e t solid de­ composes slowly at room temperature and explodes w h e n heated or struck. Even the more stable nitro compound is so sensitive and unstable that it is exceedingly dan­ gerous. It was obtained as a fine yellow crystalline powder, which is difficult to explode w h e n wet and is easily dried with­ o u t change at room temperature. The p-nitrophenyldiazosulfide w a s found to b e exceedingly sensitive w h e n dry and can





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be detonated even by rubbing it on smooth linoleum with a soft object. In the explosion temperature tests con­ ducted, μ-nitrophenyldiazosulfide det­ onated in 5 seconds at 82° C , while at 75° C. it exploded in about three minutes. This 5-second explosion temperature is far lower than tor t h e most sensitive mili­ tary explosives n o w in use. For example, the 5-second explosion temperature for lead azide was 335° C ; for tetryl, 260° C ; and for mercury fulminate, 208° C. In the impact sensitivity test, using the Bureau of Mimes apparatus, the sulfide was detonated hy a 5-centimeter fall of the 500-gram weight, while a fall of 65 centimeters was required to explode com­ mercial lead azide. These tests show the significant difference between the diazosulfides and usable and relatively safe explosives and emphasize t h e care with which they must be handled.

Telescoping Tilting Foam Tower A portable device for discharging firesmothering foam into a burning oil tank has been developed by Pyrene Manufac­ turing Co. This equipment, called a Py­ rene Foam Tower, claims t h e advantages of mobility over rough terrain, ease and speed of erection b y three or four men, and efficient delivery o f large volumes of foam onto tanks u p to 50 feet in height. T h e equipment is assembled in two sec­ tions: a base with u n i q u e screw-tilting gear mechanism and four spikes for use in case of rough ground; and a telescoped 20-foot, three-section tower with manual winch, two swivel-jointed push poles, and stainless steel guy ropes. A β-inch foam column ends i n a heat-resistant stainless steel dis­ charge head. T h e tower is light a n d compact. Made principally of aluminum it weighs only 4 7 5 pounds complete a n d is easily carried manually or on a small truck. It m a y b e quickly and easily assembled, erected, and delivering foam in a f e w minutes. A builtin or a forcing-type foam maker with water capacity of 3 0 0 gallons per minute makes 2000 to 3000 gallons per minute of Pyrene air foam. The tilting mechanism simplifies the application of foam for, with the base i n a stationary position, the dis­ charge head can b e moved forward 3 t o 5 feet over the tank edge to discharge foam against the inner side of the tank. S 1

tions of irritating dust. The hood may b e used either with or without a respirator, by means of easily interchangeable frames and windows. T h e hood itself is o f light­ weight cotton duck, and a close b u t com­ fortable fit is obtained by adjustable neck and under-arm w e b straps. Large win­ dows made of nonflammable acetate sheet­ ing provide ample vision for extra safety. They can be replaced without removing the frame. With the respirator window and frame assembly, the hood will accom­ modate respirators which provide protec­ tion against dusts and low concentrations of common industrial gases and vapors. S 2

Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher A dry chemical fire extinguisher, d e ­ signed for installation o n Diesel and turbo electric locomotives has been developed by Ansul Chemical Co. T h e unit is capable of storing and expelling 150 pounds of dry chemical, the principal ingredient of which is specially treated sodium bicar­ bonate. Dry chemical has been found to be most effective in extinguishing fires of flammable liquids and electrical equip­ ment. The equipment consists of a welded steel container and is pressurized for u s e by opening a nitrogen cylinder valve. T h e nitrogen passes through a pressure regu­ lator into the dry chemical tank. T h e dry chemical is supplied under pressure through the outlet valve and piping to t h e hose. S 3


• Through expanding production facili­ ties, our Chemical Division plans t o manu­ facture more Resorcinol. Distribution of Koppers Resorcinol is now governed by Schedule 6 under N P A Order M-45. Many end products, resulting from t h e reactions of Resorcinol, are essential t o the defense effort. Typical products: ex­ plosives, medicinals, woodworking adhesives, dyestuffs—plus c o m p o u n d s t h a t make rubber adhere better to fabrics and cords. Koppers Resorcinol (meta-dihydroxybenzene) is a water-soluble, crystalline, dihydric phenol. Highly reactive, this com­ pound undergoes typical phenolic reac­ tions such as nitration, alkylation, alde­ h y d e condensation, etherification a n d oxidation. Bulletin C-9-124 gives a detailed de­ scription of the properties, uses and chem­ ical reactions of Resorcinol. Copies are available on request.

Lightweight Dust Hood A lightweight dust h o o d has been an­ nounced b y Willson Products, Inc. The hood will be useful to anyone working i n atmospheres containing heavy concentra­




KOPPERS C O M P A N Y , I N C . Chemical Division, Depl. CEN-12-24 Kopp«r· Blag., Pittsburgh 19, Pa.