good one—information that is not purely ephemeral (such as this col- umn!) could be bound andpre- served along with thescientific papers. This is pa...
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L A H L Y T H I S YEAR t h e E d i t o r s a n ­

nounced t h a t a special collection of " A " page reprints for Volume 41 of ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y would

TE C A M * TE1

Underneath there is a n e w regulator mechanism and temperature selector incorporating solid state s w i t c h i n g and other advanced improvements for the w e l l tried Tempette constant 1 temperature bath controller. This portable miniaturised unit combines heater, stirrer, p o w e r f u l p u m p and temperature regulator in one inexpensive u n i t . Write for full details of t h e Tempette and accessories to


m a d e available a t a nominal cost. T h e idea did n o t originate as a flash of genius. F o r several years we have been urged by readers and subscribers, a n d especially b y those who bind their volumes of t h e jour­ nal, to m a k e available a convenient package of editorial m a t t e r in the advertising section, sans advertise­ ments. T h e idea is seemingly a good one—information t h a t is not purely ephemeral (such as this col­ u m n ! ) could be bound and pre­ served along with t h e scientific papers. This is particularly t h e case with t h e " R e p o r t for Analyti­ cal C h e m i s t s " a n d t h e new " I n s t r u ­ mentation" features—which are often educational expositions or "State-of-the-Art" articles—and which should be valuable to retain for future reference. T h e idea should also appeal to librarians who are interested in maintaining a max­ imum a m o u n t of useful printed in­ formation in a minimum of shelf space. Response N e e d e d !

W e a r e somewhat dismayed, t h a t despite t h e arguments t h a t can be mustered in favor of a volume of " A " page reprints, t h e response t o our initial call for orders can only be termed glacial. T h e expense for preparing a paper-bound volume of some 350 pages will a m o u n t to sev­ eral thousand dollars, a n d our cost calculations a r e based on breaking even after selling a few thousand copies. W e obviously would not plan to continue t h e program if t h e first y e a r is unsuccessful, a n d we are obviously n o t motivated b y m o n e t a r y greed—we are only inter-


Techne Incorporated 661 B r u n s w i c k Pike Princeton N e w Jersey 0 8 5 4 0 U S A Telephone ( 6 0 9 ) 4 5 2 - 9 2 7 5 Circle Να. 63 on Readers' Service Card


complete Sage Series 234 Constant Speed Syringe Pumps accept all types of syringes, including convenient disposables. Several models are available, each offering a large number of discrete flow rates —obtained by varying syringe sizes (up to lOcc) and "quick-change" gears. Flow rates range from 0.112 μ,Ι/day to 16.8 ml/min—depending on specific model chosen. Large constant speed pumps (up to lOOcc capacity) and continuously variable speed models are also available. Variable speed pumps feature a linear flow control dial and a five million to one flow rate range. Optional accessories for both types include a double syringe holder for 2 channel pumping. Infusionwithdrawal models also available. Whatever your application, there's a Sage Syringe Pump to provide uniform, accurate, and reproducible infusion at the right rate. Ask your lab-ware dealer for a demonstration, or send today for complete data.

SAGE INSTRUMENTS, INC. S u b s i d i a r y o f O r i o n Research I n c o r p o r a t e d 2 3 0 F e r r i s A v e n u e , W h i t e Plains, N . Y . 1 0 6 0 3 · 9 1 4 - 9 4 9 - 4 1 2 1 Circle No. 55 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 10, A U G U S T 1 9 6 9 ·

71 A