Salt Concentration Dependence of Swelling States for Poly

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Salt Concentration Dependence of Swelling States for Poly(sulfobetaine) Brush at Aqueous Solution Interface Yuki Terayama,1 Moriya Kikuchi,2 Koji Mitamura,2 Motoyasu Kobayashi,2 Norifumi L. Yamada,4 and Atsushi Takahara1,2,3,* 1Graduate

School of Engineering, 2JST, ERATO, 3Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan 4Neutron Science Laboratory, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 *[email protected]

Swelling states of poly(3-(N-2-methacryloyloxyethyl-N,Ndimethyl) ammonatopropanesulfonate) (MAPS) brush in aqueous solutions were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and neutron reflectivity measurement. The thickness of swollen poly(MAPS) brush evaluated by AFM was increased from 61 to 87 nm with an increase in NaCl concentration from 0 to 0.05 M, and was dramatically increased up to 153 nm at 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution. At low salt concentration, poly(MAPS) brush chains formed shrunk structure due to the inter- and intrachain attractive electrostatic interactions, while the brush chains stretched up with increasing salt concentration due to the screening effect by hydrated salt ions.

Introduction Polysulfobetaine, such as poly(3-(N-2-methacryloyloxyethyl-N,N-dimethyl) ammonatopropanesulfonate) (MAPS), is one of the zwitterionic polymers, and has attracted much attention due to its unique solution properties (1–3). For instance, poly(MAPS) is insoluble in pure water due to strong inter- or intramolecular attractive electrostatic interaction between ammonium cations and © 2011 American Chemical Society In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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sulfonate anions, while the poly(MAPS) is soluble in a salt aqueous solution because the attractive electrostatic interactions among side chains are screened by hydrated salt ions. Consequently, the chain dimension of poly(MAPS) expands with increasing with salt concentration in aqueous solution (4). In the case of surface-tethered poly(MAPS), these solution properties affect the swollen thickness and the internal structure of the poly(MAPS), which would give various useful functionalities such as superhydrophilic- (5), protein antifouling- (6), and water lubrication surfaces of polysulfobetaine. The solution properties of surface-tethered poly(MAPS) in aqueous solution have been investigated. Kato et al. estimated the thickness L of physically adsorbed layer of poly(MAPS) (weight-average molecular weight (Mw) = 1.5 × 106) on silica surface in NaCl aqueous solution by ellipsometry (7). The L linearly increased from 8.4 nm to 202 nm by increasing salt concentration from 0.06 M to 1.0 M, which indicated that the conformation change of adsorbed poly(MAPS) occurred among collapsed-, normal-, and elongated states depend on the salt concentration due to the polymeric osmotic pressure and deformation pressure of adsorbed layer. Ducker et al. have also investigated the swollen structure and the diffuse electric double layer of the adsorbed poly(MAPS) on the silica surface by neutron reflectivity (NR) measurement, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and zeta potential measurement (8). The diffuse electric double layer of adsorbed poly(MAPS) with 3.7 nm thickness was decreased from 1.35 nm to 0.43 nm with increasing salt concentration from 0.05 M to 0.5 M imposing that the salt ions screened the attractive electrostatic interaction among sulfobetaine group, which affects the colloidal suspension of the silica particle adsorbed poly(MAPS) in aqueous solution. However, these reports investigated only physically adsorbed poly(MAPS), of which grafting density must be changed by salt concentration. In order to investigate the solution properties of surface-tethered poly(MAPS) on the substrate systematically, the chain ends of poly(MAPS) were necessary to be immobilized by covalent bonds. Polymerization from an initiator immobilized with a solid surface by covalent bond is useful way to prepare the surface-tethered polymer on the substrate because the swollen thickness and graft density of the tethered polymers can be controlled precisely by the molecular weight of the polymer and the graft density of surface-initiator, respectively. In this study, we prepared the poly(MAPS) brush by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and investigated the swollen thickness and the internal structure of the poly(MAPS) brush in aqueous solution with various salt concentration by AFM and NR measurement. Compared with a previous report (7), the dependency of the swollen structure change of the surface-tethered poly(MAPS) on the salt concentration can be observed more clearly to investigate the poly(MAPS) brush with the precise architecture.

136 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.


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Materials Copper(I) bromide (CuBr, Wako Pure Chemicals) was purified by successive washing with acetic acid and ethanol and was dried under vacuum. Ethyl 2bromoisobutylate (EB, Tokyo Chemical Inc.) was distilled from calcium hydride before use. 2,2′-Dipyridyl (bpy, Wako pure chemicals) and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE, Tokyo Chemical Inc.) were used as received. Surface-initiator, (2-bromo2-methyl)propionyloxyhexyltriethoxysilane (BHE) (9, 10), and MAPS monomer (11) were synthesized using previous reported procedures, respectively. Silicon wafer (10 × 10 × 0.5 mm3) and quartz substrate (65 × 65 × 10 mm3) were washed with piranha solution at 428 K for 1 h and subsequently exposed to the vacuum ultraviolet-ray (λ = 172 nm) for 10 min under 30 Pa. The BHE monolayer was immobilized on the substrates using the chemical vapor adsorption (CVA) method (12). Deionized water was prepared with arium 611UV (Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH, resistivity = 18.2 MΩ cm, 298 K).

Surface-Initiated ATRP of MAPS (13) Silicon substrate (or quartz plate) and MAPS monomer diluted with TFE were placed into a glass vessel with stopcock connecting to vacuum and argon lines, and degassed by repeated freeze-pump-thaw cycles to remove oxygen. A mixture of CuBr, bpy, and EB in TFE solution was also degassed by a freeze-pump-thaw process and was quickly transferred into monomer solution by a syringe. After the reaction mixture was degassed again by repeated freeze-pump-thaw cycles to remove oxygen, the polymerization was carried out at 333 K for 18 h to generate a poly(MAPS) brush from the silicon wafer (Scheme 1) and a free poly(MAPS) from EB. The reaction mixture was diluted with TFE and poured into methanol to precipitate the free polymer. The silicon wafer was washed with TFE using a Soxhlet apparatus for 12 h to remove the free polymer adsorbed on their surface, and was dried under reduced pressure at 323 K for 6 h. Measurements Size exclusion chromatography of the free soluble poly(MAPS) was applied to determine number average molecular weight (Mn), Mw, z-average mean-square radius of gyration, and molecular weight distribution (MWD) using a Shimadzu HPLC system connected to three polymethacrylate-based TSKgel columns (Tosoh Bioscience): G6000PWXL (pore size > 100 nm, bead size 20 µm) + G5000WXL (pore size 100 nm, bead size 10 µm) + G3000WXL (pore size 20 nm, bead size 7 µm) and equipped with a multiangle light scattering detector (MALS; Wyatt Technology DAWN-EOS, 30 mW GaAs linearly polarized laser, wavelength: λ = 690 nm) and refractive index detector (Shimadzu RID-10A, tungseten lamp (wavelength 470 – 950 nm), 40 °C) using 200 mM NaCl aqueous solution as an eleuent at a rate of 0.8 mL min-1. The Rayleigh ratio at a scattering angle of 90° was based on that of pure toluene at a wavelength of 632.8 nm at 25 137 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Scheme 1. Chemical structure of poly(MAPS) brush. °C. The sensitivities of 17 detectors at angles other than 90° and the dead volume for each detector were determined by the scattering intensities of 0.30 wt% aqueous solution of poly(ethylene oxide) standard with 2.22 × 104 g mol-1 and Mw/Mn = 1.08. The specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) of poly(MAPS) in 200 mM NaCl aqueous solution was determined as 0.120 mL g-1 by differential refractometer (Otsuka Electronics DRM-3000, wavelength λ = 632.8 nm). The thickness of the brush was determined by spectroscopic ellipsometer (Five Lab Co. MASS-102) with an Xenon arc lamp (wavelength 380-890 nm) at a fixed incident angle of 70°. The assumed refractive index and density values were 1.50 (14) and 1.34 g cm-3 (8), respectively, as referenced from literatures. Graft density of the poly(MAPS) brush σ was calculated using the equation followed as σ = d L NA × 10-21 / Mn, where d, L, and NA are bulk density of the polymer, the dry thickness of the polymer brush, and Avogadoro number, respectively. Swollen thickness of the polymer brush was evaluated by AFM (Agilent Technologies Inc., Agilent5000). The radius of a SiO2 tip of a cantilever (Nanoworld, Sphere Tips) was 1000 nm. The bending spring constant of the cantilever tip was 0.2 N m-1. The cantilever surface was covered with n-propyltriethoxysilane (Sigma Aldrich Co.) monolayer by CVA method. A liquid cell was used for the measurement in deionized water and 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, 1, 5 M NaCl aqueous solutions at 298 K. NR measurement was performed on an ARISA II reflectometer using white neutrons with wavelengths of 0.20 – 0.88 nm in MLF at J-PARC pulsed-neutron source. The neutron beam was irradiated from quartz glass to the interface between D2O with different concentration of NaCl and the immobilized poly(MAPS) brush. Incident angles were fixed at 0.30°, 0.75°, and 1.2° which covered a qz range of 0.07–0.33, 0.19–0.82 and 0.30-1.31 nm-1, respectively. The incident slits were adjusted to keep a 55 mm footprint size on the sample surface as well as the angular resolution, Δθ/θ, at 5%. The NR profiles were analyzed by fitting calculated reflectivities from model scattering length density profiles to the data, using Parratt32 software (15).

Results and Discussion Swollen Thickness of Poly(MAPS) Brush Evaluated by AFM The swollen thickness of poly(MAPS) brush (Mn = 2.65 × 105 g mol-1, Mw/Mn = 1.80, σ = 0.085 chains nm-1) in aqueous solution was evaluated by AFM (16). Figure 1(a) shows a typical approaching force curves between the tip modified by n-propyltriethoxysilane and bare silicon wafer. The horizontal axis in Figure 1 is relative distance between the tip and brush surface estimated from the piezo displacement distance. The force F was increased linearly as a function of the distance when the tip was attached to the bare silicon wafer. The slope of 138 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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force curve tells us the deflection sensitivity (mV nm-1) of the cantilever based on the deflection voltage (mV) of the refracted beam and relative displacement (nm). Since the deflection sensitivity varies with salt concentration in aqueous solution, we estimated the deflection sensitivity every force curve measurements to normalize the observed force. Figure 1 (b) shows a typical approaching force curve between the modified tip and poly(MAPS) brush. When the tip was approached to the brush, the F was exponentially increased due to the repulsively steric interaction between the swollen poly(MAPS) brush and the tip. The length of the exponential region was defined as L’. When the F was reached at 2 nN, the F was linearly increased with decreasing the distance indicating that the brush was not compressed any more even though the larger F was loaded on the brush surface. The thickness of compressed brush layer at 2 nN was evaluated by contact mode AFM. Figure 2 shows the typical topographic image of the scratched poly(MAPS) brush. The boundary layer between the scratched and the unscratched area was scanned to determine the thickness of the compressed brush in aqueous solution, which was defined as L0. The total value of the height of compressed brush L0 and the exponential region L’ in the force curve was defined as the swollen thickness Le. In dry state, the L’ was not detectable and dry thickness Ld was determined by L0. The thickness of poly(MAPS) brush in the air (relative humidity = 19%) was estimated at 31 nm, which was agreed with the value estimated by ellipsometry. Figure 3 shows the revised approaching force curves of swollen poly(MAPS) brush in pure water and NaCl aqueous solutions at 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, 1, and 5 M. The axis of L in Figure 3 was absolute distance from the silicon wafer based on the values of L’ and L0. The swollen thickness Le was corresponded to the place which the F began to increase exponentially. Actually, the values of Le measured at 0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.5. 1 and 5 M were estimated at 69, 71, 87, 148, 153, and 176 nm, respectively. The Le in pure water was 69 nm, which was larger than that in the dry state (31 nm). With an increase in salt concentration from 0 to 0.05 M, the thickness of the brush was slightly increased from 69 to 87 nm. However, the thickness of poly(MAPS) brush significantly increased to be 153 nm at 0.5 M. The thickness of the polymer brush at 5 M reached to be 179 nm. In particular, a large difference in brush thickness was observed between 0.05 and 0.5 M of NaCl aqueous solution. In the case of lower salt concentration than 0.05 M, the ammonium cation and sulfonate anion in poly(MAPS) brush chains were attractively interacted with each other in the neighboring brush chains. Therefore, the brush chains were shrunk due to the attractive electrostatic interaction between ammonium cation and sulfonate anion. On the other hand, the Le was dramatically increased at 0.5 M because the attractive electrostatic interaction of ionic groups was screened by hydrated salt ions. The brush chains formed relatively extended chain structure. In general, polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution have an unique critical salt concentration at which the polymer chains begin to change its chain dimension drastically, so called θ concentration. Kato et al. evaluated θ salt concentration for isolated free poly(MAPS) to be around 0.060 M (4). Although the evaluation of Le should be carried out in other salt concentrations, the drastic change in thickness of poly(MAPS) brush between 0.05 and 0.5 M might be 139 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 1. Typical approach curves of (a) bare silicon wafer and (b) swollen poly(MAPS) brush in aqueous solution. The gap L’ shows exponential region derived from the swollen brush.

Figure 2. Typical topographic AFM image across the boundary between the scratched and unscratched parts of poly(MAPS) brush. The image was taken under constant force 2 nN between sphere probe and brush surface in aqueous solution.

Figure 3. Force vs L curves of the poly(MAPS) brush in water, 0.01 M, 0.05 M, 0.5 M, 1 M, and 5 M NaCl aqueous solutions. The origin of L corresponds to the substrate surface. 140 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

dominated by θ concentration of poly(MAPS). Actually, the Le estimated in this method cannot describe the true thickness of swollen brush because the electrostatic interaction between the probe head and the outermost polyelectrolyte brush should be considered, especially in the case of a low ionic strength solution. Then, we tried to estimate the swollen thickness of poly(MAPS) brush by NR measurement.

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NR Study of Swollen Poly(MAPS) Brush in Aqueous Solution The poly(MAPS) brush prepared by quartz substrate (Mn =1.20 × 105 g mol-1, Mw/Mn = 1.55, Thickness in the dry state = 19.0 nm, σ = 0.072 chains nm-1) was measured by NR measurement. D2O was used as a solvent to enhance the contrast of scattering length density (SLD) between the polymer and the solvent. Figure 4 shows the NR curves of poly(MAPS) brush in D2O, 0.05, 1, and 5 M NaCl/D2O and their corresponding fitting curves calculated by assumed SLD profiles consisting of quartz layer (3.40×10-4 nm-2), initiator layer (1.90×10-4 nm-2), gradient layer of swollen poly(MAPS) in D2O, and D2O layer (6.28×10-4 nm-2). Figure 4 (right) shows the SLD profiles of poly(MAPS) brush in D2O, 0.05, 1, and 5 M NaCl/D2O. The gradient increase of SLD with increasing the distance from the quartz substrate was observed indicating that the brush chains were extended to D2O interface against the perpendicular direction from the quartz substrate. The SLD of poly(MAPS) brush in D2O was dramatically increased from 4.44 × 10-4 to 6.28 × 10-4 nm-2 at 88 nm along with the distance from the substrate. Similar SLD profile was observed in 0.05 M solution. With increasing salt concentration to 1 M, the SLD was considerably extended in 234 nm region from the substrate. The SLD profile of poly(MAPS) brush at 5 M NaCl/D2O increased from 5.11 × 10-4 to 6.11 × 10-4 nm-2 at 240 nm from the substrate. In D2O or 0.05 M NaCl/D2O, the chain ends of the brush were reached to be 88 or 96 nm, respectively, which were larger than the dry thickness (19 nm) estimated by ellipsometry. However the brush chains were shrunk due to the attractive electrostatic interaction of sulfobetaine groups. D2O could not be entered to inside shrunk brush chains. On the other hand, the brush chains were further extended from the quartz surface at 1 and 5 M. The brush chains were swollen and formed extended structure due to the screening effect by both positive and negative ions in aqueous solution. The drastic change from the shrunk- to the extended structure was observed between 0.05 and 1 M. Consequently, the θ concentration for poly(MAPS) would be between 0.05 and 1 M of NaCl solution. These values are well corresponding to the critical transition concentration in brush thickness observed by AFM. Both AFM and NR analysis showed that interesting change from shrunkto extended structure of poly(MAPS) brush depend on the salt concentration. This dependency of salt concentration on swollen structure of poly(MAPS) brush contracted with poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (MPC) brush, which is also zwitterionic polymer. NR of swollen poly(MPC) brush revealed that the extended chain structure formed in pure water as well as in aqueous NaCl solution with 1 M due to its unique weak interaction of phosphorylcholine with water molecules (17, 18). Hydrated poly(MPC) brush showed negligible 141 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 4. Experimental NR curves (open circle) of poly(MAPS) brush in (a) D2O, (b) 0.05 M, (c) 1 M, and (d) 5M NaCl/D2O and their corresponding fits (solid line). SLD profiles along with a distance from the quartz surface were shown in the right side. dependency on salt concentration, which is significantly different from the dependency of salt concentration on poly(MAPS) brush probably because of the strong attractive electrostatic interaction between ammonium and sulfonate units.

Conclusion The swollen poly(MAPS) brush structure in aqueous solution with different salt concentrations was investigated by AFM and NR measurement. The swollen thickness Le of poly(MAPS) brush in aqueous solution was evaluated by AFM. The Le was slightly increased from 69 to 87 nm with an increase of salt concentration from 0 to 0.05 M. At 0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution, the Le was dramatically increased to 153 nm. Drastic change in brush thickness was observed between 0.05 and 0.5 M of NaCl aqueous solution. The similar change was also observed between 0.05 and 1 M by NR measurement. At lower salt concentration than 0.05 M, the brush chains are collapsed state due to the inter- and intrachain attractive electrostatic interaction between ammonium cations and sulfonate anions. On the other hand, the brush chains were swollen due to the screening effect of sodium and chloride ions at higher salt concentration than 0.5 M. This interesting thickness change was dominated by θ concentration. In particular, the high density polymer brush chains were attractively interacted with neighboring brush chains to form shrunk structure at lower than θ concentration. At higher than θ concentration, the brush chains were extended to the perpendicular direction from the substrate due to high osmotic pressure of the densely grafted brush chains. 142 In Amphiphiles: Molecular Assembly and Applications; Nagarajan, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

Acknowledgments The present work is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for the Global COE Program, “Science for Future Molecular Systems”, and partially supported by JST, ERATO, Project “Takahara Soft Interfaces”. Y.T. acknowledges the financial support of a Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows.

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