Sample Injection Valve for Gas Chromatography

then shorted by depressing button S3, and the bias. Ri, is adjusted to full scale deflection. ... matographic analysis (2). Liquid sam- ples are usual...
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1) and allowed t o warm up foi about 10 minutes. T h e disconnect button, S2,is depressed, isolating t h e electrodeb and t h e temperature control knoll, RB, used t o zero t h e needle. Drift is minimized by this readjustment after each titration. The electrodes are then shorted by depressing button Sa, and the bias. R1, is adjusted to full scale deflection. The mixture is titrated as described (1). For Karl Fischer or other titrations in which an exccss of halogen is present a t the end point, an unchanging maximum generally above 90 pa. is taken as the point of inflection.

Greater sensitivitj ir c11)tainc.dby the use of a transistor. -4current :miplification of 10 to 20 time!, i- thus available. Onlv :t