Sampling of airborne aromatic amines - ACS Publications - American

B.C. Research, 3650 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6S 2L2. Sampling ... were obtained with silica gel and XAD-2 had a poor load...
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Anal. Chem. 1987, 59,58-62


Sampling of Airborne Aromatic Amines Rein Otson* Environmental Health Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada, Room B19, E.H.C., Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OL2 John M. Leach and Lambert T. K. Chung

B.C. Research, 3650 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouuer, British Columbia, Canada V6S 2L2

Sampling tralns conslstlng of glass flber and silver membrane filters and wpport pad ageernblleo followed by different commercially available sorbent tubes were evaluated for the simultaneous determination of alrborne quinollne, Indole, 2amlnoblphenyl, and carbazole by means of a speclaiiy constructed vapor generation apparatus. Tenax was the sorbent of choke slnce relatlvely poor and inconsktent recoverles were obtalned wlth silica gel and XAO-2 had a poor load capaclty for the amines. For 500-L alr samples collected at 17-22 *C and 45-60% relative humMlty over 4 h, the load capaclty of the 100 mg Tenax front sectlon was ca. 70 pg (140 pg/m3) and the capacity of the whole sampling train exceeded 160 pg (320 pg/m3) If equal amounts of the four amines were present. Overall recoverles of >90% and sampllng preclslon of