SANITARY CHEMISTRY. - Journal of the American Chemical Society

Publication Date: January 1903. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 25, 1, 43-48. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's firs...
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Sanitary Chemistry.


cow’s blood, or the blood of a chicken, there is added a very small quantity of most acids or the acid salts of iron, aluminum, zinc, copper, mercury, tin, silver, gold, uranium, and molybdenum, an immediate agglutination and precipitation of the blood corpuscles takes place. Neutral salts are unable to produce this reaction. The serum plays no part in this reaction, and the reaction is due to an effect of the reagents on the stromata of the corpuscles. T h e constituents of the stromata are lecithin, cholesterin, and a globulin. Neither the lecithin nor the cholesterin are concerned in the reaction, and, therefore, the alkali-globulin must be the cause of the phenomenon. The reagents which precipitate the stromata are also precipitants of alkali-albumin and alkali-globulin. A slight excess of the reagent causes precipitation of the corpuscles, but lakes them very rapidly. More than a slight excess of the reagent prevents agglutination and precipitation of the corpuscles. Leucocytes are strikingly agglutinated and precipitated by the same reagents which act upon red corpuscles. Spermatozoa are agglutinated and precipitated by ferric chloride, although the reaction was not obtained with copper sulphate or hydrochloric acid. Yeast cells show marked agglutination and precipitation, if they are suspended. in saline solution and then treated with a little ferric chloride. A fungus rubbed up in saline solution gave a suspension of mycelia and spores which under the microscope showed practically no clumping. On the addition of ferric chloride, a flocculent precipitate, consisting of agglutinated masses of mycelia and spores, came down. Ciliated epithelium cells from the larynx of a rabbit, suspended in saline solution, are agglutinated and precipitated by ferric chloride. A solution of peptoue in 0.9 per cent. saline was inoculated with a motile bacillus. After several days the bacteria were centrifugalized. The bacilli, suspended in saline, were immediately agglutinated and precipitated by small amounts of either ferric chloride or hydrochloric acid. F. P. UNDERHILL.

SANITARY CHEilISTRY. Black Rain in North Carolina. CHARLESBASKERVILLE AND H. R. WELLER. Science, 15, 1034 (rgoz).-An analysis of the famous black rain ” so-called by the natives, that fell at Louisburg, N. C., on the morning of March 15, 1900, gave the following results : Parts per million, total residue, 88.00 ; loss on ignition, 54.00 ; non-volatile residue, 34.00 ; chlorine, 19.144 ; oxygen consumed in fifteen minutes, 1.93 ; in four hours, 2.64 ; free ammonia, 0.872 ; albuminoid ammonia, 0.04; nitrogen as nitrates, 0.88; nitrogen as nitrites, none. T h e organic matter, about 60 per cent. of the total residue, was largely soot, and the amount of


Review of American Chemical Research.

salt shown by the chlorine figure, is unusually large. No special phenomena were noted preceding or during the heavy downpour, except a darkness necessitating the use of lamps for one-half hour or more. The situation of the place, the amount of fuel burnt, as well as the time of year, preclude accounting for the rain by local contamination, and though sources of contamination may often be traced great distances, no cause for the above phenomenon has been found. LEONARD P. KINR‘ICUTT.

Sewage Disposal Works a t Nuneaton, England. BY J. S. PICKERING. Eng. Record, 46, 1902, pp. 31g-3m-For many years the method of sewage purification at Xuneaton was chemical precipitation and artificial filtration. The results were unsatisfactory and the working expenses were very high and, several years ago, it was decided to make a trial of the bacterial system with septic tanks and contact beds. Although the sewage contained a large amount of trade waste from the works of wool scourers, felt mongers, and hat factories, the trial was so successful that the treatment is now applied to all of the sewage with satisfactory results and a considerable saving in working expenses. The plant consists of three covered tanks, built on the Dortmund principle, 34 feet deep and 24 feet in diameter ; seven first coiitact beds, filled with broken granite, 2’/,-inch guage ; seven coiitact beds filled with screened coke dust, and 6c acres of land upon which the effluent from the second contact beds is distributed. The effluent from the second contact beds passes through 18-inch stoneware pipes, laid below the ground, and rises at intervals of 30-40 yards into chambers, to be distributed over the land. LEONARD P. KISNICVTT.

The Prevention of Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes in Great Britain. BY W. H. HUMPHREE’S.Eng. News,48, 1902, pp. 273-274.-A review of the steps taken to prevent electrolysis of gas and water pipes, and the regulations that have been secured by the British Board of Trade. Sanitary Progress. SIR ALEXANDERA. BINNIE. Eng. Record, 46, 1902, pp. 302-303.-This is an address given by the President of the Section of Engineering and Architecture of the Sanitary Institute at the annual meeting held at Manchester, England. It describes at length, Sewage Treatment, Purification of Water, The Prevention of Fogs, and the Housing of the Poor ; shows the improvement that has been made in the past and what may be hoped for in the future. LEONARD P. KINNICUTT.

San ifa r y Chemistry.


Municipal Sanitation. BY A. PRESCOTT FOLWELL.Eng. Record, 46, 1902, pp. 372. T h e author first takes up the subject of vital statistics, shows the importance of such statistics and the necessity of greater attention being paid to the subject than is done at present. T h e need of this, he states, is illustrated by the statement in the Report of the Wisconsin State Board of Health for 1900, that, practically, our vital statistics, so far as they are made to the different registrars of deeds of the different counties, are absolutely useless, and that in Massachusetts, distinguished for its advance in sanitary matters, I town of more than 5,000 population, 14 between 1.000and 5,000, and 66 of less than I ,000 population, failed to report any vital statistics in e goo." T h e author then takes up and discusses the following subjects : T h e Prevention of the Smoke Nuisance ; Food Inspection; Disposal of the Dead ; Abbatoirs and Markets ; Public Fountains, Baths, and Convenience Stations ; Drainage and Earth Excavations. LEONARD P. KINNICUTT. Residential Septic Tanks. BY BURTONJ. ASHLEY. Eng. Record, 46, 1902, pp. 346-347.-1n this paper the author tells the lesson he learnt from observing the action of a cesspool at his own home, and how, from knowledge thus obtained, he has planned for the sewage disposal of Zion City on Lake Michigan. I n this city no waste from kitchen sinks, water closets, bath-tubs, laboratories, nor wash or waste waters of any description are permitted to enter directly any sewer or drain, without having been first discharged into properly constructed septic tanks, located in a suitable position on the premises. T h e septic tank thus used must be built after plans approved by the board of health. T h e plan of tank adopted, is circular, generally 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet from the under side of the outlet to the bottom of the tank. T h e inlets and outlets to these tanks are placed on opposite sides, are made 4 inches in diameter, placed at the same elevation and enter the tank with a turn-down elbow ; the bottoms of the tanks are made of concrete, the walls of brick ; the interior below the discharge pipe is washed with four coats of pure cement wash ; the capacity of the tanks are varied according to the number of people whose waste passes into them, but for the most part they contain 160 gallons. LEONARD P. KINNICUTT. Residential Septic Tanks. BY BENJAMINH. FLYNN, Engineer State Board of Health of Ohio. Eng. Record, 46, 1902, p. 400.-In a letter to the Engineensmy Record, Mr. Flynn states that he does not agree with the ideas advanced by Mr. Ashley. H e says : As desirable as it is to include the individual septic tank in the scheme of sewage disposal for isolated residences and institu-


Review of Avnericavz Chemical Research.

tions, it is hardly advisable or economical to adopt this system for a city or village, where it is necessary to use a sewer system to carry off the effluent from the various septic tanks. There is also serious objection to the location of a septic tank in every yard, for although-" I t is possible to construct water-tight tanks of brick and concrete, it is difficult, and requires considerable care. T h a t this care will be used in the construction of every tank is extremely doubtful, and so there will ensue the use of leaky tanks in a good many cases, with the resulting pollution of the subsoil, a very undesirable condition." Furthermore. ' ' it seems that it would be cheaper to put it in an ordinary system of sanitary sewers, with the necessary flush tanks, etc., and at the outlet provide works to care for the sewage, according to the system best suited to the locality." LEONARD P. KINSICUTT.

A Dozen Years' Experience in Sewage Purification at Santa Rosa,California. BY J . W. KEEGAN. Ezg. Ne7us, 48, 1902, pp. 2 j4-256.-Santa Rosa has a population of about 7 joo. A public water supply was introduced in 1873) and the first sewers were put into use in 1891, the sewage outfall being into Santa Rosa creek. Lawsuits compelled the city to buy about 18 acres of land and attempt purification by irrigation. This was not successful. Then chemical treatment was tried, but was too costly. Filtration beds were then made and worked well until February, 1902, when high water wrecked the plant. The present plant consists of a septic tank, a settling tank, eight upward filtration beds (8 feet wide, 60 feet long and 6 feet deep, filled with cobble stones with a top layer composed of old brick and furnace clinker), and four sand filters each of I / + acre superficial area. T h e settling tank removes a large amount of suspended matter from the effluent of the septic tank, and thus keeps the filter from becoming clogged. T h e upward filters are used in rotation, each one working for two days in succession and resting fourteen. I,I:OSAKD P. KISNICUTT. Water Pollution Prevention and Sewage Purification in the llersey and Irwell District, England. BY R. A . TATTON. EX&'. News, 48, 1902, p. 261.-This is a review of the Annual Report, 1go1-1go2, of R. A. Tatton, Chief Engineer of the Mersey and Irwell Joint Commission. T h e population of the district aggregates 2,456,723, located in 94 municipalities, seven of which had a combined population of 1,304~314. Of the 94 municipalities 86 had works for the treatment of sewage, in operation, in March, 1902 ; three had works under construction, two had plans under consideration, leaving only three that have thus far taken no action. Pollution by solid matter has been largely prevented, but serious pollution is caused by soluble putrescible organic mat-

S a n ifary Chemisfry .


ter. As regards the treatment of sewage, Mr. Tatton states : Half measures for the purification of sewage are of little or no use-in fact, a partially treated sewage, which has been held up for some hours in tanks, and in which decomposition has advanced to some considerable extent, will cause more nuisance in the upper reaches of the stream into which it is discharged, even than raw sewage in which the advanced stages of decomposition will not be reached until it has been diluted and brought in contact with the larger volume of the main rivers,” and as to biological filters he says : i ‘ This method of treatment is being adopted more and more every day, and although it may never take the place of first-rate land freatment as far as efficiency is concerned, it is of great value where suitable land cannot be obtained, or where for other reasons it is undesirable to have a large expanse of land under sewage treatment.’, Liquid trade wastes are one of the most serious troubles with which the committee has to contend. On the river Mersey alone there are 445 manufactories for which separate purification works are necessary, beside 250 which drain into the public sewers. Of these 445 manufacturing plants, 294 now have efficient, and 139 have inefficient, purification works ; j have works under consideration, and 7 have adopted no treatment whatever. Of the manufacturing establishments, 2 j 0 are bleach, print and dye works ; j 8 are woollen works ; 27 are engaged in making of paper, and 14 in the production of chemicals. Figures are given in detail regarding the various manufacturing establishments. LEONARD P. KINNICUTT. ‘ I

The Sanitary Analysis of Some Deep Well Waters. BY J. B. WEEMS. PYOC. I o w a Academy of Sn’ence, 1902, pp. 63-70. -The paper gives the analyses of the waters of 23 deep wells, ranging in depth from 381 feet to 2224 feet. I n commenting on these analyses, the author states the amount of free ammonia at once attracts attention, 17 of the samples containing over 0.008 parts in IOO,OOO, and g containing 0.1 part. The albuminoid ammonia, except in the case of one well, which is to be further studied, is not especially high. Nitrogen as nitrates is very low, and in only two cases is there any nitrogen as nitrites, but in these two cases it is excessive 0.016 and 0.025. T h e oxygen absorbed, determined by the English five minutes and four hours permanganate of potassium method, gives less than 0.25 part in IOO,OOO, except in two cases, one of these giving 0.9, the other 2.69 parts of o y g e n consumed in four hours in IOO,OOO. T h e chlorine and total solids are much higher than in surface waters, but not as high as in many mineral waters. T h e author also gives the various standards that have been proposed to classify surface and ground waters, and shows that the application of any


Review of Americau Chtwzical R e s c a d .

of these standards to the sanitary analysis of deep well waters is unsatisfactory and misleading. The excessive amount of free ammonia is accounted for by reduction of nitrates and nitrites by sulphide of iron or organic matter. LF:O?\TAKD P.KIXKICVTT. Sauitary analyses of Massachusetts deep well waters have been made by T. M . Drown (Report of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1894, p . 421), and b y W. T. Sedgwick (Ibid.,p. 435). Many of these waters contain excessive amounts of nitrogen as LEONARD P. KINNICUTT. nitrites.

INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY. Lead vs. Nickel Storage Batteries. BE-HUGHRODMAN.Elm. trical World a i d Ezgixecr, September 2 7 , 1g02.-Froni the requirements of practice, Mr. Rodman considers that the list of available anodes and electrolytes is limited to lead in sulphuric acid and nickel in an alkali hydroxide. This does not mean, however, that the active material must iiecessarily contain nickel or lead but simply that the grid must be one or the other of these metals in its appropriate solution. H e considers the Edison nickel-iron cell as the most promising member of new types of storage batteries and compares it with the lead cell with respect to grid, active material and electrolyte. T h e alkali battery possesses a great advantage in making its support plates of a stiff easily worked metal. This stiffness ensures absence of buckling and allows of a high degree of mechanical perfection in the working. Concerning the electrolyte, he says that while the possibility of using a sinal1 ainoutit of electrolyte is one of the important factors in making the alkali battery light and small this advantage adds to the trouble of refilling. T h e voltage of the alkali cell is only about one-half that of the lead cell, therefore for the same energy output, we must double either the current or the nuniber of cells and so multiply useless dissociation by two. There are other disadvantages. While acid does not creep, alkali both creeps and turns to carbonate. H e believes that for central station work, the position of the lead cell seems secure because of its low first cost, low internal resistance, high voltage and efficiency. For lighter service, particularly for electric wagons where Watt efficiency and cost are to some extent subordiuate to convenience, the choice will S. P. SADTLER. depend largely on capacity and reliability. Chemical Industries at Sault Ste. Marie. Eug. a d Mining Jouinal, October 18, 1go2.--The Consolidated Lake Superior Co., which is developing the water power of the St. Mary's river on a