Saturated Pressure Measurements of trans-1-Chloro-3,3,3

Feb 15, 2017 - Within the HCFO family, trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (R1233zd(E)) is a compound with a relatively high normal boiling point te...
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Saturated Pressure Measurements of trans-1-Chloro-3,3,3trifluoroprop-1-ene (R1233zd(E)) Giovanni Di Nicola,† Laura Fedele,‡ J. Steven Brown,*,§ Sergio Bobbo,‡ and Gianluca Coccia† †

Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Marche Polytechnic University (UnivPM), Ancona, Italy Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy § Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20064, United States ‡

ABSTRACT: Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) and hydrochlorofluoroolefins (HCFOs) are two of the most promising families of low-GWP fluids being investigated as alternatives for HFCs in HVAC&R applications. Within the HCFO family, trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene (R1233zd(E)) is a compound with a relatively high normal boiling point temperature (∼291.1 K) and was developed primarily as a blowing agent for polymer foams, a low-pressure refrigerant for chiller applications, and a working fluid for lowtemperature ORC applications. This article presents 81 vapor pressure data points measured over the temperature range from (234.15 to 375.15) K in two different laboratories. The data are fitted to Wagner-type and Antoinetype equations and compared to existing correlations and other published data.

data,4,5 (2) one set of (p, ρ, T) data in both the vapor and liquid phases,4 (3) one set of speed of sound data,4 and (4) one set of surface tension data.6 In this article, we wish to contribute to the existing database by presenting 81 vapor pressure data points for the temperature range from (234 to 375) K from two different laboratories: (1) Thermodynamic Properties Laboratory of the Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ITC-CNR) and (2) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche of the Università Politecnica delle Marche (UnivPM). The data are fitted to Wagner-type and Antoine-type equations and compared to existing correlations and other published data. A new estimate for the NBP temperature based on the experimentally reported data near atmospheric pressure is 291.1 K.

1. INTRODUCTION Worldwide concerns regarding climate change and, more specifically, concerns regarding global warming are driving the heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry to seek and develop low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants as potential alternatives to and substitutes for currently used hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) working fluids, which often possess high GWP values. One family of lowGWP alternative working fluids being pursued by industry is the family of halogenated propene isomers. Within this pursuit, two subfamilies have emerged as being particularly interesting: (1) hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), which are unsaturated hydrofluorocarbons containing one carbon−carbon double bond, and (2) hydrochlorofluoroolefins (HCFOs), which are unsaturated hydrochlorofluorocarbons containing one carbon−carbon double bond. Among the latter subfamily, one of the most promising compounds is trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1ene (R1233zd(E)). It is a nonflammable, nontoxic (ASHRAE class A1)1 refrigerant with a reported high normal boiling point (NBP) temperature (291.41 K).2 Although its environmental characteristics have not been definitively agreed upon, recent measurements of its OH reaction rate constant3 would suggest its atmospheric lifetime to be (30 to 40) days,3 its ozone depletion potential to be 0.0005,3 and its GWP upper limit to be 14.3 Because of its high NBP temperature, R1233zd(E) is being considered as a working fluid in chiller applications, hightemperature heat pumps, and organic Rankine cycles (ORC). In addition, it is also being considered as a potential aerosol, blowing agent, and solvent. A limited amount of thermophysical property data for R1233zd(E) is available in the publicly available literature, namely, (1) two sets of vapor pressure © 2017 American Chemical Society

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Materials. Table 1 describes the R1233zd(E) (trans-1chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, (E)-CF3−CHCHCl, CAS number 102687-65-0) sample with a declared purity of higher than 0.995 in mass fraction that was provided by Central Glass Ltd. To eliminate the presence of any remaining noncondensable gases, the refrigerant was subjected to several cycles of freezing, evacuation, melting, and ultrasonic agitation. The same sample was used in both laboratories. Special Issue: Memorial Issue in Honor of Ken Marsh Received: October 31, 2016 Accepted: February 2, 2017 Published: February 15, 2017 2496

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00916 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2496−2500

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 1. R1233zd(E) Sample Description chemical name


R1233zd(E)a a

initial mass fraction purity

Central Glass, Ltd.


purification method several cycles of freezing, evacuation, melting, and ultrasonic agitation

final mass fraction purity

analysis method



pressure measurements for five HFO refrigerants: R1234yf,9 R1234ze(E),10 R1243zf,11 R1234ze(Z),12 and R1225ye(Z).13 2.4. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure: UnivPM. The constant-volume apparatus and test procedure have been described in detail elsewhere,14,15 so only their main features will be summarized here. The apparatus consists of a constantvolume [273.5 cm3 at 298 K] stainless steel sphere into which the fluid sample was charged. The expanded uncertainty with a 95% level of confidence for the volume measurements is 0.3 cm3. The test cell and pressure transducer were immersed in one of two thermostatic baths to achieve operating temperatures from approximately (210 to 290) K and (290 to 360) K, respectively. A PID controller maintained the set temperature with a stability of ±1 mK. The temperature was measured with a calibrated 25 Ω platinum resistance thermometer (Hart Scientific 5680). The expanded uncertainty with a 95% level of confidence for the temperature measurement is 0.03 K. The pressure was measured with a Ruska 7000 transducer. The expanded uncertainty with a 95% level of confidence for the pressure measurement is 1 kPa. The test cell, tubing, and connections were thoroughly evacuated prior to charging the sample. Then the test cell and pressure transducer were immersed in the appropriate thermostatic bath, depending on the desired set temperature. After the set temperature was reached, a mixing pump was activated for approximately 15 min, after which the test sample was allowed to stabilize for approximately 20 min. After a measurement had been recorded, the thermostatic bath temperature was adjusted to the next desired value, and the process was repeated until all data had been recorded. To verify the accuracy of the apparatus and test procedure, six R134a vapor pressure data points were measured from (273.15 to 373.15) K. Percent deviations of the experimental data from values calculated by the high-accuracy equation of state8 implemented in REFPROP 9.12 were calculated. The resulting AAD in pressure is 0.6 kPa, with a maximum value of 0.96 kPa at 273.15 K. The AAD% is 0.09%. These results demonstrate the capability and accuracy of the apparatus and test methodology to measure vapor pressure data of refrigerants. In fact, among other fluids, the apparatus has been used to report vapor pressure measurements for five HFO refrigerants: R1234yf,16 R1234ze(E),10 R1243zf,11 R1234ze(Z),12 and R1225ye(Z).13

2.2. Experimental Apparatuses. The measurements were made in two laboratories: (1) CNR-ITC using a static vapor− liquid equilibrium (VLE) apparatus and (2) UnivPM using a constant-volume apparatus. A brief descriptive summary of the apparatuses and procedures is provided below. 2.3. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure: CNR-ITC. The VLE apparatus and test procedure have been described in detail elsewhere,7 so only their main features will be summarized here. A 50 cm3 stainless steel cell containing a glass window for visual inspection of the meniscus was charged with the test sample. The test cell was maintained as isothermal with a temperature stability of ±1 mK by means of an approximately 100 L thermostatic water bath. The test cell was completely immersed in the thermostatic bath. The temperature was measured using a 100 Ω platinum resistance thermometer (Isotech 909/100). The expanded uncertainty with a 95% level of confidence for the temperature measurement is 0.03 K. The pressure was measured using a Ruska 6000 transducer coupled to a diaphragm (Ruska 2413), placed between the pressure gauge and the test cell. The expanded uncertainty with a 95% level of confidence for the pressure measurement is 1 kPa. After placing the entire measuring system under vacuum for 24 h, we charged the test cell with the sample. The sample was brought to the desired test temperature by the thermostatic bath. To ensure that the pressure had stabilized, the test data were recorded at least 1 h after temperature stabilization had occurred. After a measurement had been recorded, the thermostatic bath temperature was adjusted to the next desired value, and the process was repeated until all data had been recorded. To verify the accuracy of the apparatus and test procedure, ten 1,1,1,2tetrafluoroethane (R134a) vapor pressure data points were measured from (293.15 to 353.15) K immediately after the measurements with R1233zd(E). Percent deviations of the experimental data from values calculated by the high-accuracy equation of state8 implemented in REFPROP 9.12 were calculated. The resulting average absolute deviation (AAD) in pressure is 0.69 kPa, with a maximum value of 1.5 kPa at 353.15 K. The percentage average absolute deviation (AAD%) is 0.07%. Note that n


Pexp − Pref



3. RESULTS 3.1. Experimental Data. ITC-CNR measured 32 saturated pressure data points over the temperature range from (293.15 to 353.15) K, and UnivPM measured 49 saturated pressure data over the temperature range from (234.15 to 375.15) K for a total of 81 values. The data are provided in Table 2 and Figure 1. 3.2. Available Literature Data and Equation of State. There are two publicly available vapor pressure data sets for R1233zd(E). In particular, Mondejar et al.4 present 23 data points over the temperature range from (280.01 to 437.91) K, and Hulse et al.5 present 16 data points over the temperature

and n

AAD% =

∑ 1

1 Pexp − Pref × 100 n Pref

where Pexp is the experimentally measured vapor pressure, Pref is the vapor pressure calculated using REFPROP 9.1, and n is the number of data points. These results demonstrate the capability and accuracy of the apparatus and test methodology for measuring the vapor pressure data of refrigerants. In fact, among other fluids, the apparatus has been used to report vapor 2497

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00916 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2496−2500

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 2. Eighty-one Vapor Pressure Measurements of R1233zd(E) for the Temperature Range from (234.15 to 375.15) Ka ITC-CNR






293.15 295.15 297.15 299.15 301.15 303.15 305.15 307.15 309.15 311.15 313.15 315.15 317.15 319.15 321.15 323.15 323.15 325.15 327.15 329.15 331.15 333.15 335.15 337.15 339.15 341.15 343.15 345.15 347.15 349.15 351.15 353.15

0.1088 0.1172 0.1260 0.1351 0.1449 0.1553 0.1663 0.1778 0.1901 0.2029 0.2161 0.2301 0.2450 0.2607 0.2771 0.2963 0.2943 0.3122 0.3310 0.3505 0.3710 0.3925 0.4139 0.4372 0.4612 0.4863 0.5132 0.5404 0.5685 0.5979 0.6287 0.6604

234.15 237.15 240.15 243.15 246.15 249.15 252.15 255.15 258.15 261.15 264.15 267.15 270.15 273.15 276.15 279.15 282.15 285.15 288.15 291.15 294.15 297.15 297.15 300.15 303.15 306.15 309.15 312.15 315.15 318.15 321.15 324.15 327.15 330.15 333.15 336.15 339.15 342.15 345.15 348.15 351.15 354.15 357.15 360.15 363.15 366.15 369.15 372.15 375.15

0.0072 0.0085 0.0100 0.0117 0.0137 0.0160 0.0186 0.0216 0.0250 0.0288 0.0331 0.0380 0.0434 0.0494 0.0561 0.0636 0.0717 0.0807 0.0906 0.1017 0.1136 0.1266 0.1264 0.1405 0.1559 0.1726 0.1906 0.2100 0.2309 0.2535 0.2777 0.3036 0.3313 0.3610 0.3926 0.4262 0.4619 0.4998 0.5400 0.5827 0.6281 0.6758 0.7263 0.7796 0.8358 0.8948 0.9571 1.0225 1.0913

Figure 1. Vapor pressure measurements of R1233zd(E). ▲, CNRITC; ×, UnivPM; ○, Mondejar et al.;4 and ●, Hulse et al.5

This EoS was compared to the experimental data sets, including the two new ones presented in this paper. Figure 2 shows the percent pressure deviations as a function of temperature.

Figure 2. Relative deviations ΔP/P = (Pexp − PRefp)/PRefp of experimental data (Pexp) from REFPROP 9.1 (PRefp). ▲, CNR-ITC; ×, UnivPM; ○, Mondejar et al.;4 and ●, Hulse et al.5

The data of Mondejar et al.4 clearly show the lowest deviations relative to REFPROP 9.1, with good behavior over the entire experimental temperature range. (Slightly higher deviations are observed only at low temperatures.) This is to be expected, particularly considering that these data were used to regress the coefficients of the EoS. It is worth noting that one data point results in a pressure value below atmospheric (normal boiling temperature), whereas the maximum temperature is very close to the critical temperature (Tmax/Tc = 0.996). The AAD and AAD% of the data of Mondejar et al.4 are 0.40 kPa and 0.09%, respectively, and the maximum absolute deviation and maximum absolute percent deviation are 1.2 kPa and 0.9%, respectively. Over the entire temperature range, the absolute deviations are generally less than 1 kPa, and for T > 310 K, the percent deviations are less than 0.05%. On the other hand, the data of Hulse et al.5 are much more scattered and exhibit much higher deviations: the AAD and AAD% are 5 kPa and 2.7%, respectively, and the maximum

a Expanded uncertainties at the 95% confidence level are U(T) = 0.03 K and U(P) = 1 kPa.

range from (263.09 to 352.84) K, for a total of 39 data points. Mondejar et al.4 fitted their vapor pressure data, together with (p, ρ, T) and speed of sound data, to a 15-term equation of state (EoS) explicit in the Helmholtz energy as implemented in the REFPROP 9.1 database.2 2498

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00916 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2496−2500

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 3. Constants for Equations 1 and 2 Derived from the Data of Table 2 and Mondejar et al.4 eq 1 eq 2







−7.8785 46.2250

3.0825 −2152.6422

−5.2071 −4.5000

−7.0062 −102.5259



4. DISCUSSION The correlations reported in eqs 1 and 2 best predict the combined data sets of CNR-ITC, UnivPM, and Mondejar et al.4 primarily because the data set of UnivPM includes 19 data points below the NBP temperature, some of which are significantly below (up to 58 K) the NBP temperature, whereas the data set of Mondejar et al.4 has only two data points below the normal boiling point temperature (being only approximately 11 K below the NBP temperature.) In fact, the EoS in REFPROP,2 which is based on the data set of Mondejar et al.,4 deviates by 0.9% at their lowest temperature value. Figures 3

absolute deviation and maximum absolute percent deviation are 11.3 kPa and 6.7%, respectively. For this reason, in the next section they will not be used in the development of Wagnertype and extended Antoine-type correlations. The CNR-ITC data show low absolute deviations ( 325.15 K, the absolute deviations are greater than 2 kPa with a maximum of 2.8 kPa at T = 353.15 K. The deviations show a tendency to increase with increasing temperature. The AAD and AAD% are 1.1 kPa and 0.36%, respectively, and the maximum percentage deviation is 0.70% at T = 295.15 K. The UnivPM data cover a wider temperature range, with 19 data points below atmospheric pressure (temperatures less than the normal boiling temperature.) The data show almost constant deviations, slightly above 1 kPa, from (234.15 to 318.15) K, and then tend to display deviations that increase with increasing temperature up to a maximum value of 3 kPa at T = 375.15 K. The AAD and AAD% are 1.5 kPa and 2.79%, whereas the maximum percent deviation is 18.2% at T = 234.15 K. The large percent deviation is due to the fact that the pressure is very low in the low-temperature range, with a minimum pressure of 7.2 kPa at T = 234.15 K. Thus, even if the absolute deviations are always low (e.g., 1.1 kPa at T = 234.15 K), the percent deviations are large at temperatures below the normal boiling-point temperature. Therefore, restricting the analysis to data above atmospheric pressure, the AAD and AAD % are 1.71 kPa and 0.53%, respectively. The experimental data of Mondejar et al.,4 CNR-ITC and UnivPM, are in good agreement (within the experimental uncertainty) over the temperature range from (280 to 323) K, whereas the deviations in the CNR-ITC and UnivPM data both tend to increase at higher temperatures, with each data set showing similar behavior. Because the tests performed with R134a and other HFO refrigerants have demonstrated the reliability of the measurements of both laboratories and because both laboratories used the same sample of R1233zd(E), possible deviations of the current data from the data of Mondejar et al.4 could be due to the presence of different impurities and/or noncondensable gases in the samples used or the fact that a different chemical manufacturer provided the test sample to Mondejar et al.4 3.3. New Vapor Pressure Correlations. The data sets of CNR-ITR, UnivPM, and Mondejar et al.4 were regressed to develop a Wagner-type correlation [eq 1] and an extended Antoine correlation [eq 2]. The data of Hulse et al.5 were excluded from the regression based on the discussion in the previous section. Tr ln(Pr) = A1τ + A 2 τ1.5 + A3τ 2.5 + A4 τ 5 ln(Pr) = A1 +

A2 + A4 Tr + A5Tr 2 + A 6 ln(Tr) A3 + Tr

Figure 3. Relative deviations ΔP/P = (Pcalc − Pexp)/Pcalc of the experimental values (Pexp) from eq 1 (Pcalc) for ▲, CNR-ITC; ×, UnivPM; and ○, Mondejar et al.4

and 4 show the deviations of the data sets of CNR-ITC, UnivPM, and Mondejar et al.4 relative to eqs 1 and 2. Table 4 reports the percentage of data from each data set falling within



with the constants specified in Table 3 and where the reduced temperature is Tr = T/Tc and the reduced pressure is Pr = P/Pc, with τ = 1 − Tr. The values of Tc = 439.6 K and Pc = 3623.7 kPa were taken from REFPROP.2

Figure 4. Relative deviations ΔP/P = (Pcalc − Pexp)/Pcalc of experimental values (Pexp) from eq 2 (Pcalc) for ▲, CNR-ITC; ×, UnivPM; and ○, Mondejar et al.4 2499

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00916 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2496−2500

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data

Table 4. Percentage of Measured Data within Specified Bounds and AAD% eq 1

eq 2



±0.025 ±0.10 ±0.25 ±0.50 AAD%

12.5 36.5 62.5 94.2 0.20

14.4 41.3 71.2 95.2 0.18

11.5 19.2 25.0 65.4 1.46

14.6 24.1 31.3 80.7 0.35


Entire data set of 104 values from CNR-ITC (32 values), UnivPM (49 values), and Modejar et al.4 (23 values). bData for temperatures above the normal boiling-point temperature (total of 83 values) from CNR-ITC (32 values), UnivPM (30 values), and Modejar et al.4 (21 values).

the specified deviation bounds when compared to the correlations of eqs 1 and 2 and REFPROP.2 As an example, for the bounds, ±0.25%, 62.5%, 71.2%, 25.0%, and 31.3% of the data are captured by eqs 1 and 2, REFPROP, and REFPROP. The difference between the two REFPROP results is that the first comparison includes all 104 data points and the second comparison excludes the 21 data points for temperatures below the NBP temperature. The AAD% values of eqs 1 and 2 relative to all 104 data are 0.20% and 0.18%, respectively. Although there is not a considerable difference between the predictive capabilities of eqs 1 and 2, the extended Antoine correlation [eq 2] performs marginally better than eq 1. Finally, the correlations of eqs 1 and 2 provide an estimate of the NBP temperature to be 291.1 K (versus 291.4 K for REFPROP.2)

5. CONCLUSIONS This article reports 81 vapor pressure data points of R1233zd(E) (trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-triluoroprop-1-ene) from two different laboratories for temperatures from (234.15 to 375.15) K (reduced temperatures from 0.533 to 0.853). The data of CNR-ITC and UnivPM are consistent with one another and are within the estimated experimental uncertainties. However, there is some small disagreement between these two data sets and the data of Mondejar et al.,4 particularly at temperatures higher than 323 K, probably because of the different amounts of impurities present in the samples and/or the fact that the samples were provided by two different chemical manufacturers. These data were used to fit Wagner and extended Antoine vapor pressure correlations. The AAD% values of the Wagner and Antoine correlations relative to the measured data are 0.20% and 0.18%, respectively. The normal boiling temperature of R1233zd(E) is estimated to be 291.2 K.


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model bounds/%



Corresponding Author

*Tel: +001 202 3194738. Fax: +001 202 3194499. E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

J. Steven Brown: 0000-0003-4914-7778 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Mauro Scattolini for his assistance and Central Glass Ltd. for providing the sample. 2500

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00916 J. Chem. Eng. Data 2017, 62, 2496−2500