SAVE $20,000 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - SAVE $20,000. Chem. Eng. News , 1973, 51 (3), pp 14–15. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v051n003.p014. Publication Date: January 15, 1973. Copyright ...
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SAVE Emery Azelaic Acid will match $20,0OOn $20,000> If you're using sebacic ibacic acid I or one of its derivatives, atives, y o u / could be p a y i n g a $12,00(f p r e m i u m per c a r l o a d a n d getting nothing extra in return. The reasoning is simple. Superior Performance Emerox® Azelaic Acid equals or outperforms sebacic acid in virtually all derivative forms. E m e r y ' s azelaic a c i d is a 9-carbon, straight chain, satu­ rated, dibasic acid. Sebacic acid has 10 carbon atoms. The net result is you're paying approximately ]§f^ more per pound for that extra atom you don't even need. A n d , on a 40,000-pound carload, that's a 14

C & E N J a n . 1 5 , 1973

premium of ^12,0gg. Equivalent in nylon One example of azelaic acid performance is the use of 6/9 nylons (based on Emerox 1144) for applications formerly re­ quiring 6/10 nylons. The 6/9 nylons are equivalent to 6/10 in these areas: flexibility and toughness; tensile strength; elongation and flexural modu­ lus properties; and, resistance to hydrolysis and moisture pickup. Moreover, 6/9 nylons exhibit superior low-tempera­ ture properties and color. Equivalent in polyester adhesives Polyester adhesives prepared

from azelaic acid are equiva­ lent to sebacic acid derived adhesives in both heat and hydrolytic stability. A n d , by finishing the azelate polyester at a slightly higher tempera­ ture the same degree of crystallinity can be achieved. Better in plasticizers The same cost/performance relationship applies to other derivatives of Emerox Azelaic Acid and sebacic acid. For ex­ ample, di-2-ethylhexyl azelate (DOZ) and di-octyl sebacate (DOS) are both excellent lowtemperature plasticizers and give equivalent overall per-

sebacic acid in everything but price. formance. The difference is the azelate is priced DO 301 less per pound. 25-35$ Improves food films Comparing food film plasticizers is another case in point. Di-n-hexyl azelate ( D N H Z ) and di-butyl sebacate (DBS) perform well in this applica­ tion—although D N H Z gives better overall performance. Again, the azelate costs 00 00^ less per pound. 25-35* Quality/Economy When you consider the quality and performance similarities between azelaic and sebacic

$20,000 acids, think about that $10»000 premium for one extra carbon atom. D o you really need it? Other castor oil replacements Emery produces a wide variety of products which can replace castor oil and castor oil derivatives—such as esters for metalworking, textile and leather treatment applications, industrial greases, and pig­ ment and dye solubilization. Y o u can begin saving sub­ stantial sums on your dibasic acid requirements, or in other areas where castor oil or deriva­ tive products are now being u s e d . C a l l us t o d a y a t 513/762-6199. Or, simply check

and mail the coupon for litera­ ture and/or evaluation samples. 1

INDUSTRIES, INC. Organic Chemicals Division Dept. 513, Carew Tower Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Western: Santa Fe Springs, California Canada: Emery industries (Canada) Ltd. Toronto, Ontario Europe: Unilever-Emery N.V., Gouda, The Netherlands Please send: • Sample of Emerox 1144 (polymer grade) Azelaic Acid • "Emerox Azelaic Acids and Polymer In­ termediates" brochure • "Abstracts of Azelaic Acid Use - Patents and Journal References" Name Title


Please check and sign coupon, clip and i attach to your company letterhead and mail, j -J Jan. 15, 1973 C & E N