Save up to 45% ON MATERIAL COSTS with JESSOP Silver Ply

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November 25, 1941

E D I T 10 Ν


Once. 2/W—ΑΙωοΑμ No.488




the Beit

IPdta/ffa, Sestuiae. OMTL &titi4 on material costs as compared to solid stain­ less, yet it is fully as resistant to corrosion on the stainless-clad side. The new price list includes, in addition to the regular base price and standard extras, base prices on varying percentages of cladding. Also there are given tables of weights, tolerance limits on width, length, thickness and camber, as well as infor­ mation on flanged and dished heads. Copies of the new Price l i s t of SILVER-PLY sheets and plates are available, without cost or obli­ gation, upon request to the Jessop Steel Company, Washington, Pa. Write for your copy today.

CONSERVE STAINLESS ALLOYS with JESSOP S I L V E R - P L Y . . The average sheet or plate of SILVER-PLY is made with a 20% stainless cladding, therefore uses only Ye as much nickel and chro­ mium as solid stainless. Help con­ serve vital materials for National Defense!

• . · for all kinds o f chemical e q u i p m e n t ex· p o s e d t o h i g h temperature, h i g h pressure or high vacuum. The Republic method is comparable t o A.S.M.E. Class 2 welding. At all times we maintain accurate control of adhesion, density and purity—your as­ surance of loafing protection· Its superiority is § roved by tests conducted at Case School of Applied cience, showing Brinnell H 9.5 va. 4.0 for typical cast lead, Purity 99.97% va. 99.93%, Melting Point 640 e F. va. 621 e F. Illustrated booklet will be mailed on request. We invite you t o send us your specifications.

REPUBLIC LEAD EQUIPMENT CO. L. R. SCHLUNDT 7932 Jones Rd. Manager Cleveland, Ohio

See our exhibit at Booths 451 and 452 a t the 18th Exposition of Chemical Industries


General Offices and W o r k *

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W A S H I N G T O N , .PENNA. U«S»A2^

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